Raw File
Tip revision: 15fcc7c4e69327014ad25e0951b98d388b1cc083 authored by Alex Arslan on 31 July 2018, 20:29:25 UTC
Set VERSION to 0.7.0-rc1 (#28294)
Tip revision: 15fcc7c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "utf8proc.h"
#undef JL_DLLEXPORT /* avoid conflicting definition */

#include "flisp.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define _equal_wchar_(x, y, ctx) ((x) == (y))
#define _hash_wchar_(x, ctx) inthash((uint32_t) ((uintptr_t) (x)))
#include "htable.inc"
HTIMPL_R(wcharhash, _hash_wchar_, _equal_wchar_)

static int is_uws(uint32_t wc)
    return (wc==9 || wc==10 || wc==11 || wc==12 || wc==13 || wc==32 ||
            wc==133 || wc==160 || wc==5760 || wc==6158 || wc==8192 ||
            wc==8193 || wc==8194 || wc==8195 || wc==8196 || wc==8197 ||
            wc==8198 || wc==8199 || wc==8200 || wc==8201 || wc==8202 ||
            wc==8232 || wc==8233 || wc==8239 || wc==8287 || wc==12288);

static int is_bom(uint32_t wc)
    return wc == 0xFEFF;

value_t fl_skipws(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    argcount(fl_ctx, "skip-ws", nargs, 2);
    ios_t *s = fl_toiostream(fl_ctx, args[0], "skip-ws");
    int newlines = (args[1]!=fl_ctx->F);
    uint32_t wc=0;
    value_t skipped = fl_ctx->F;
    while (1) {
        if (ios_peekutf8(s, &wc) == IOS_EOF) {
            ios_getutf8(s, &wc);  // to set EOF flag if this is a true EOF
            if (!ios_eof(s))
                lerror(fl_ctx, symbol(fl_ctx, "error"), "incomplete character");
            return fl_ctx->FL_EOF;
        if (!ios_eof(s) && (is_uws(wc) || is_bom(wc)) && (newlines || wc!=10)) {
            skipped = fl_ctx->T;
            ios_getutf8(s, &wc);
        else {
    return skipped;

static int is_wc_cat_id_start(uint32_t wc, utf8proc_category_t cat)
    return (cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LU || cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LL ||
            cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LT || cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LM ||
            cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LO || cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_NL ||
            cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_SC ||  // allow currency symbols
            // other symbols, but not arrows
            (cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_SO && !(wc >= 0x2190 && wc <= 0x21FF)) ||

            // math symbol (category Sm) whitelist
            (wc >= 0x2140 && wc <= 0x2a1c &&
             ((wc >= 0x2140 && wc <= 0x2144) || // ⅀, ⅁, ⅂, ⅃, ⅄
              wc == 0x223f || wc == 0x22be || wc == 0x22bf || // ∿, ⊾, ⊿
              wc == 0x22a4 || wc == 0x22a5 ||   // ⊤ ⊥

              (wc >= 0x2202 && wc <= 0x2233 &&
               (wc == 0x2202 || wc == 0x2205 || wc == 0x2206 || // ∂, ∅, ∆
                wc == 0x2207 || wc == 0x220e || wc == 0x220f || // ∇, ∎, ∏
                wc == 0x2210 || wc == 0x2211 || // ∐, ∑
                wc == 0x221e || wc == 0x221f || // ∞, ∟
                wc >= 0x222b)) || // ∫, ∬, ∭, ∮, ∯, ∰, ∱, ∲, ∳

              (wc >= 0x22c0 && wc <= 0x22c3) ||  // N-ary big ops: ⋀, ⋁, ⋂, ⋃
              (wc >= 0x25F8 && wc <= 0x25ff) ||  // ◸, ◹, ◺, ◻, ◼, ◽, ◾, ◿

              (wc >= 0x266f &&
               (wc == 0x266f || wc == 0x27d8 || wc == 0x27d9 || // ♯, ⟘, ⟙
                (wc >= 0x27c0 && wc <= 0x27c1) ||  // ⟀, ⟁
                (wc >= 0x29b0 && wc <= 0x29b4) ||  // ⦰, ⦱, ⦲, ⦳, ⦴
                (wc >= 0x2a00 && wc <= 0x2a06) ||  // ⨀, ⨁, ⨂, ⨃, ⨄, ⨅, ⨆
                (wc >= 0x2a09 && wc <= 0x2a16) ||  // ⨉, ⨊, ⨋, ⨌, ⨍, ⨎, ⨏, ⨐, ⨑, ⨒, ⨓, ⨔, ⨕, ⨖
                wc == 0x2a1b || wc == 0x2a1c)))) || // ⨛, ⨜

            (wc >= 0x1d6c1 && // variants of \nabla and \partial
             (wc == 0x1d6c1 || wc == 0x1d6db ||
              wc == 0x1d6fb || wc == 0x1d715 ||
              wc == 0x1d735 || wc == 0x1d74f ||
              wc == 0x1d76f || wc == 0x1d789 ||
              wc == 0x1d7a9 || wc == 0x1d7c3)) ||

            // super- and subscript +-=()
            (wc >= 0x207a && wc <= 0x207e) ||
            (wc >= 0x208a && wc <= 0x208e) ||

            // angle symbols
            (wc >= 0x2220 && wc <= 0x2222) || // ∠, ∡, ∢
            (wc >= 0x299b && wc <= 0x29af) || // ⦛, ⦜, ⦝, ⦞, ⦟, ⦠, ⦡, ⦢, ⦣, ⦤, ⦥, ⦦, ⦧, ⦨, ⦩, ⦪, ⦫, ⦬, ⦭, ⦮, ⦯

            // Other_ID_Start
            wc == 0x2118 || wc == 0x212E || // ℘, ℮
            (wc >= 0x309B && wc <= 0x309C)); // katakana-hiragana sound marks

JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_id_start_char(uint32_t wc)
    if ((wc >= 'A' && wc <= 'Z') || (wc >= 'a' && wc <= 'z') || wc == '_')
        return 1;
    if (wc < 0xA1 || wc > 0x10ffff)
        return 0;
    return is_wc_cat_id_start(wc, utf8proc_category((utf8proc_int32_t) wc));

JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_id_char(uint32_t wc)
    if ((wc >= 'A' && wc <= 'Z') || (wc >= 'a' && wc <= 'z') || wc == '_' ||
        (wc >= '0' && wc <= '9') || wc == '!')
        return 1;
    if (wc < 0xA1 || wc > 0x10ffff)
        return 0;
    utf8proc_category_t cat = utf8proc_category((utf8proc_int32_t) wc);
    if (is_wc_cat_id_start(wc, cat)) return 1;
    if (cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_MN || cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_MC ||
        cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ND || cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_PC ||
        cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_SK || cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ME ||
        cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_NO ||
        // primes (single, double, triple, their reverses, and quadruple)
        (wc >= 0x2032 && wc <= 0x2037) || (wc == 0x2057))
        return 1;
    return 0;

#include "julia_opsuffs.h"

// chars that can follow an operator (e.g. +) and be parsed as part of the operator
int jl_op_suffix_char(uint32_t wc)
    static htable_t jl_opsuffs;
    if (!jl_opsuffs.size) { // initialize hash table of suffixes
        size_t i, opsuffs_len = sizeof(opsuffs) / (sizeof(uint32_t));
        htable_t *h = htable_new(&jl_opsuffs, opsuffs_len);
        assert(sizeof(uint32_t) <= sizeof(void*));
        for (i = 0; i < opsuffs_len; ++i)
            wcharhash_put_r(h, (void*)((uintptr_t)opsuffs[i]), NULL, NULL);
    if (wc < 0xA1 || wc > 0x10ffff) return 0;
    utf8proc_category_t cat = utf8proc_category((utf8proc_int32_t) wc);
    if (cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_MN || cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_MC ||
        cat == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ME)
        return 1;
    // use hash table of other allowed characters: primes and sub/superscripts
    return HT_NOTFOUND != wcharhash_get_r(&jl_opsuffs, (void*)((uintptr_t)wc), NULL);

// chars that we will never allow to be part of a valid non-operator identifier
static int never_id_char(uint32_t wc)
     utf8proc_category_t cat = utf8proc_category((utf8proc_int32_t) wc);
     return (
          // spaces and control characters:
          (cat >= UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ZS && cat <= UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CS) ||

          // ASCII and Latin1 non-connector punctuation
          (wc < 0xff &&
           cat >= UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_PD && cat <= UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_PO) ||

          wc == '`');

value_t fl_julia_identifier_char(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    argcount(fl_ctx, "identifier-char?", nargs, 1);
    if (!iscprim(args[0]) || ((cprim_t*)ptr(args[0]))->type != fl_ctx->wchartype)
        type_error(fl_ctx, "identifier-char?", "wchar", args[0]);
    uint32_t wc = *(uint32_t*)cp_data((cprim_t*)ptr(args[0]));
    return jl_id_char(wc) ? fl_ctx->T : fl_ctx->F;

value_t fl_julia_identifier_start_char(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    argcount(fl_ctx, "identifier-start-char?", nargs, 1);
    if (!iscprim(args[0]) || ((cprim_t*)ptr(args[0]))->type != fl_ctx->wchartype)
        type_error(fl_ctx, "identifier-start-char?", "wchar", args[0]);
    uint32_t wc = *(uint32_t*)cp_data((cprim_t*)ptr(args[0]));
    return jl_id_start_char(wc) ? fl_ctx->T : fl_ctx->F;

value_t fl_julia_never_identifier_char(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    argcount(fl_ctx, "never-identifier-char?", nargs, 1);
    if (!iscprim(args[0]) || ((cprim_t*)ptr(args[0]))->type != fl_ctx->wchartype)
        type_error(fl_ctx, "never-identifier-char?", "wchar", args[0]);
    uint32_t wc = *(uint32_t*)cp_data((cprim_t*)ptr(args[0]));
    return never_id_char(wc) ? fl_ctx->T : fl_ctx->F;

value_t fl_julia_op_suffix_char(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    argcount(fl_ctx, "op-suffix-char?", nargs, 1);
    if (!iscprim(args[0]) || ((cprim_t*)ptr(args[0]))->type != fl_ctx->wchartype)
        type_error(fl_ctx, "op-suffix-char?", "wchar", args[0]);
    uint32_t wc = *(uint32_t*)cp_data((cprim_t*)ptr(args[0]));
    return jl_op_suffix_char(wc) ? fl_ctx->T : fl_ctx->F;

value_t fl_julia_strip_op_suffix(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    argcount(fl_ctx, "strip-op-suffix", nargs, 1);
    if (!issymbol(args[0]))
        type_error(fl_ctx, "strip-op-suffix", "symbol", args[0]);
    char *op = symbol_name(fl_ctx, args[0]);
    size_t i = 0;
    while (op[i]) {
        size_t j = i;
        if (jl_op_suffix_char(u8_nextchar(op, &j)))
        i = j;
    if (!op[i]) return args[0]; // no suffix to strip
    if (!i) return args[0]; // only suffix chars --- might still be a valid identifier
    char *opnew = strncpy((char*)malloc(i+1), op, i);
    opnew[i] = 0;
    value_t opnew_symbol = symbol(fl_ctx, opnew);
    return opnew_symbol;

/* check whether arg is a symbol that consists solely of underscores. */
value_t fl_julia_underscore_symbolp(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    argcount(fl_ctx, "underscore-symbol?", nargs, 1);
    if (!issymbol(args[0])) return fl_ctx->F;
    char *op = symbol_name(fl_ctx, args[0]);
    while (*op == '_') ++op;
    return *op ? fl_ctx->F : fl_ctx->T;

#include "julia_charmap.h"

utf8proc_int32_t jl_charmap_map(utf8proc_int32_t c, void *ctx)
    static htable_t jl_charmap;
    if (!jl_charmap.size) { // initialize hash table
        size_t i, charmap_len = sizeof(charmap) / (2*sizeof(uint32_t));
        htable_t *h = htable_new(&jl_charmap, charmap_len);
        assert(sizeof(uint32_t) <= sizeof(void*));
        for (i = 0; i < charmap_len; ++i) {
            /* Store charmap in a hash table.  Typecasting codepoints
               directly to pointer keys works because pointers are at
               least 32 bits on all Julia-supported systems, and because
               we never map anything to U+0001 (since HT_NOTFOUND is (void*)1). */
            assert((void*)(uintptr_t)charmap[i][1] != HT_NOTFOUND);
            wcharhash_put_r(h, (void*)((uintptr_t)charmap[i][0]),
                               (void*)((uintptr_t)charmap[i][1]), NULL);
    void *v = wcharhash_get_r(&jl_charmap, (void*)((uintptr_t)c), NULL);
    return v == HT_NOTFOUND ? c : (utf8proc_int32_t) ((uintptr_t) v);

// return NFC-normalized UTF8-encoded version of s, with
// additional custom normalizations defined by jl_charmap above.
static char *normalize(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, char *s)
    // options equivalent to utf8proc_NFC:
    ssize_t result;
    size_t newlen;
    result = utf8proc_decompose_custom((uint8_t*) s, 0, NULL, 0, (utf8proc_option_t)options,
                                       jl_charmap_map, NULL);
    if (result < 0) goto error;
    newlen = result * sizeof(int32_t) + 1;
    if (newlen > fl_ctx->jlbuflen) {
        fl_ctx->jlbuflen = newlen * 2;
        fl_ctx->jlbuf = realloc(fl_ctx->jlbuf, fl_ctx->jlbuflen);
        if (!fl_ctx->jlbuf) lerror(fl_ctx, fl_ctx->OutOfMemoryError, "error allocating UTF8 buffer");
    result = utf8proc_decompose_custom((uint8_t*)s,0, (int32_t*)fl_ctx->jlbuf,result, (utf8proc_option_t)options,
                                       jl_charmap_map, NULL);
    if (result < 0) goto error;
    result = utf8proc_reencode((int32_t*)fl_ctx->jlbuf,result, (utf8proc_option_t)options);
    if (result < 0) goto error;
    return (char*) fl_ctx->jlbuf;
    lerrorf(fl_ctx, symbol(fl_ctx, "error"), "error normalizing identifier %s: %s", s,

value_t fl_accum_julia_symbol(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    argcount(fl_ctx, "accum-julia-symbol", nargs, 2);
    ios_t *s = fl_toiostream(fl_ctx, args[1], "accum-julia-symbol");
    if (!iscprim(args[0]) || ((cprim_t*)ptr(args[0]))->type != fl_ctx->wchartype)
        type_error(fl_ctx, "accum-julia-symbol", "wchar", args[0]);
    uint32_t wc = *(uint32_t*)cp_data((cprim_t*)ptr(args[0]));
    ios_t str;
    int allascii=1;
    ios_mem(&str, 0);
    do {
        allascii &= (wc <= 0x7f);
        ios_getutf8(s, &wc);
        if (wc == '!') {
            uint32_t nwc;
            ios_peekutf8(s, &nwc);
            // make sure != is always an operator
            if (nwc == '=') {
                ios_ungetc('!', s);
        ios_pututf8(&str, wc);
        if (ios_peekutf8(s, &wc) == IOS_EOF)
    } while (jl_id_char(wc));
    ios_pututf8(&str, 0);
    return symbol(fl_ctx, allascii ? str.buf : normalize(fl_ctx, str.buf));

static const builtinspec_t julia_flisp_func_info[] = {
    { "skip-ws", fl_skipws },
    { "accum-julia-symbol", fl_accum_julia_symbol },
    { "identifier-char?", fl_julia_identifier_char },
    { "identifier-start-char?", fl_julia_identifier_start_char },
    { "never-identifier-char?", fl_julia_never_identifier_char },
    { "op-suffix-char?", fl_julia_op_suffix_char },
    { "strip-op-suffix", fl_julia_strip_op_suffix },
    { "underscore-symbol?", fl_julia_underscore_symbolp },
    { NULL, NULL }

void fl_init_julia_extensions(fl_context_t *fl_ctx)
    assign_global_builtins(fl_ctx, julia_flisp_func_info);

#ifdef __cplusplus
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