Name Target Message Date
refs/heads/deploy-theory-matrix d61ce8f 20 December 2017, 14:08:50 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-theory-matrix-ring 74142f2 Merge branch '1.0' into deploy-theory-matrix-ring 10 June 2020, 14:14:07 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-theory-monalg 879d842 ax. for polynomials 03 May 2020, 22:02:33 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-theory-symmetric-group acfd4ea Definition of quotient types w.r.t. a equivalence relation 16 April 2020, 14:56:46 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-tighter-birthday 645a397 tighter Birhtday bound + coarse lemmas 18 December 2019, 14:29:51 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-tighter-rombadcall f938f38 Tighten the ROM bad call results 24 March 2022, 15:55:56 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-transeq e15c19f Merge branch '1.0' into deploy-transeq 10 July 2019, 05:57:29 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-trivial-in-low-api 5e06824 Merge branch '1.0' into deploy-trivial-in-low-api 27 April 2018, 12:07:39 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-tutorial 0c0796c fixing file names priorities in include paths? such luxury! 07 November 2019, 14:40:53 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-unit-ro c44174d eager random oracle for unit domain (single random variable) 08 December 2021, 16:20:51 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-upto a2dcec9 add missing restriction in the case of adversary 17 October 2022, 07:44:02 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-warn-on-noop-change e5f2548 Activate warning "unused unfolds" by default 30 January 2023, 08:24:39 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-weak-dep-types 6590f1e wdep 05 August 2019, 10:06:50 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-wf 17d6394 An axiom-free formalization of well-founded relations, induction and recursion. 29 March 2021, 13:09:27 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-why3-1.4 4a45b36 Why3 1.4: CI 04 April 2021, 06:10:25 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-wp-kw eb414fd Merge branch '1.0' into deploy-wp-kw 15 October 2019, 08:39:00 UTC
refs/heads/deploy-xreal 895e467 cleanup 25 January 2023, 14:28:17 UTC
refs/heads/draft-typeclass 1977833 Make interface uniform 12 August 2020, 20:15:44 UTC
refs/heads/ellora 03fd7f2 compile with up-to-date toolchain 10 October 2017, 09:04:16 UTC
refs/heads/latex-style 800082d EasyCrypt Listing(Latex) 07 December 2022, 08:27:42 UTC
refs/heads/main 6890aca fix small bug in reduction of projection 04 February 2023, 10:56:31 UTC
refs/heads/opsem 69c9c2e add few lemmas on dfun 11 November 2022, 08:06:12 UTC
refs/heads/r2022.04-01 b765395 [nix] force Why3 1.4.1 16 June 2022, 07:41:17 UTC
refs/heads/remove-old-libs 7f5fe74 [chore] Brutally prune all oldlibs Some more work needs done to present a clean theory of prime order groups, and use it properly. We should also ensure that we can eventually support DH over cyclic groups of composite order (operating over prime order subgroups) 14 March 2022, 17:21:04 UTC
refs/heads/theory_finite_field 4a7a9c1 polynomial Euclidean division done for rings 06 January 2023, 17:59:57 UTC
refs/tags/ccs14-sfe a79f9ae Fix bug w.r.t. _tools presence detection. 08 July 2014, 09:43:21 UTC
refs/tags/doc 863066b Ring axioms of the `ring`/`field` tactics agree with the ones of `Ring.ec` [fix #17249] 23 September 2015, 08:28:02 UTC
refs/tags/evoting 955e909 NewList: last_ -> last. 30 July 2015, 08:20:28 UTC
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