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Tip revision: 6c9118fb23c981c28a53dc215c68f2be00c04e3e authored by Jonas Rembser on 12 April 2024, 19:22:15 UTC
[RF] Enable `roofit_multiprocess` on the CI
Tip revision: 6c9118f
         T M V A   ---   Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis with ROOT

TMVA Users Guide    : https://github.com/root-project/root/blob/master/documentation/tmva/UsersGuide/TMVAUsersGuide.pdf
TMVA home page      : https://root.cern/manual/tmva/
TMVA license (BSD)  : see tmva/doc/LICENSE


From release 4.2.1 the integration of TMVA into root has been improved, such that
there is no need for a particular "setup.sh" script, setting of 'macropath' or
copying of 'evaluation macros' necessary anymore !

All the evaluation macros are now part of the TMVA library libTMVA.so

Example scripts of how to run TMVA are available in $ROOTSYS/tutorials/tmva/

After 2013 TMVA was completely integrated into ROOT and is now released as part of it.
The old Web site can still be found at https://tmva.sourceforge.net/old_site

System requirements:

  TMVA has been tested to run on Linux, MAC/OSX and Windows platforms.

Getting Started:
  Example scripts of how to run TMVA are availabe in $ROOTSYS/tutorials/tmva/

  please simply copy one of those scripts to you 'work' directory

  --- For classification:
  ~/myTMVAwork> root -l TMVAClassification.C                       # run all standard classifiers (takes a while)
  ~/myTMVAWork> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"LD,Likelihood\"\)  # run LD and Likelihood classifiers

  --- For regression:
  ~/myTMVAwork> root -l TMVARegression.C                           # run all regression algorithms n(takes a while)
  ~/myTMVAwork> root -l TMVARegression.C\(\"LD,KNN\"\)             # run LD and k-NN regression algorithms

  --> at the end of the jobs, a GUI will pop up: try to click through all the buttons;
      some of the lower buttons are method-specific, and will only work when the
      corresponding classifiers/regression algorithms have been trained/tested before
      (unless they are greyed out)

  How to run the code as an executable:
  Get an example code/makefile from $ROOTSYS/tuturial/tmva
  ~/myTMVAwork> make TMVAClassification
  ~/myTMVAwork> ./TMVAClassification                              # run all standard classifiers
  ~/myTMVAwork> ./TMVAClassification LD Likelihood                # run LD and Likelihood classifiers

  ... and similarly for regression

  ~/myTMVAwork> root -l
  ~/myTMVAwork> TMVA::Tools::Instance()  #setup TMVA (loads the library)
  ~/myTMVAwork> TMVA::TMVAGui()   #starts the Gui on the 'default tmva ouput file' TMVA.root
  ~/myTMVAwork> TMVA::TMVAGui("TheFileCreatedByYourTraining.root"   # start the GUI

  How to apply the TMVA methods:

  --- For classification:
  ~/myTMVAwork> root -l TMVAClassificationApplication.C
  ~/myTMVAwork> root -l TMVAClassificationApplication.C\(\"LD,Likelihood\"\)

  ... and similar for regression.
  ... and similar for executables.


Executive summary:

The Toolkit for Multivariate Analysis (TMVA) provides a machine learning environment
for the processing and parallel evaluation of multivariate classification and regression
algorithms. TMVA is integrated into the data analysis framework ROOT. It is specifically
designed to the needs of high-energy physics (HEP) applications, but should not be
restricted to these. The package includes:

    * Rectangular cut optimisation
    * Projective likelihood estimation (PDE approach)
    * Multi-dimensional likelihood estimation (PDE - range-search, PDE-foam, and k-NN)
    * Linear discriminant analysers (H-Matrix, Fisher Discriminant, and Linear Discr. (same as Fisher))
    * Function discriminant analysis (FDA)
    * Artificial neural networks (three different Multilayer Perceptron implementations)
    * Support Vector Machine (SVM)
    * Boosted/Bagged decision trees
    * Predictive learning via rule ensembles (RuleFit)

TMVA consists of object-oriented implementations in C++ for each of these discrimination
techniques and provides training, testing and performance evaluation algorithms and
visualization scripts. The classifier/regression training and testing is performed with
the use of user-supplied data sets in form of ROOT trees or text files, where each event
can have an individual weight. The true event classification/target value in these data
sets must be known. Preselection requirements and transformations can be applied on this
data. TMVA supports the use of variable combinations and formulas.

TMVA works in transparent factory mode to guarantee an unbiased performance comparison
between the algorithms: all algorithms see the same training and test data, and are
evaluated following the same prescriptions within the same execution job. A Factory
class organises the interaction between the user and the TMVA analysis steps. It performs
preanalysis and preprocessing of the training data to assess basic properties of the
discriminating variables used as input to the algorithms. The linear correlation
coefficients of the input variables are calculated and displayed, and a preliminary
ranking is derived (which is later superseded by method-specific variable rankings).
The variables can be linearly transformed (individually for each algorithm) into a
non-correlated variable space or projected upon their principle components. To compare
the signal-efficiency and background-rejection performance of the algorithms, the
analysis job prints tabulated results for some benchmark values, besides other criteria
such as a measure of the separation and the maximum signal significance. Smooth
efficiency versus background rejection curves are stored in a ROOT output file,
together with other graphical evaluation information. These results can be displayed
using ROOT macros, which are conveniently executed via a graphical user interface that
comes with the TMVA distribution.

The TMVA training job runs alternatively as a ROOT script, as a standalone executable,
where libTMVA.so is linked as a shared library, or as a python script via the PyROOT
interface. Each MVA method trained in one of these applications writes its configuration
and training results in result (``weight'') files, which consists of one text and one
ROOT file.

A light-weight Reader class is provided, which reads and interprets the weight files
(interfaced by the corresponding MVA method), and which can be included in any C++
executable, ROOT macro or python analysis job.

For standalone use of the trained MVA methods, TMVA also generates lightweight C++
response classes (not available for all MVA methods), which contain the encoded
information from the weight files so that these are not required anymore. These classes
do not depend on TMVA or ROOT, neither on any other external library.

We have put emphasis on the clarity and functionality of the Factory and Reader
interfaces to the user applications. All MVA methods run with reasonable default
configurations, so that for standard applications that do not require particular
tuning, the user script for a full TMVA analysis will hardly exceed a few lines
of code. For individual optimisation the user can (and should) customize the
classifiers via configuration strings.

Please report any problems and/or suggestions for improvements to the authors.


Copyright © (2005-2010):

   Andreas Hoecker, Peter Speckmayer, Jörg Stelzer (CERN, Switzerland),
   Jan Therhaag, Eckhard von Toerne (U. Bonn, Germany),
   Helge Voss (MPI-KP Heidelberg, Germany),

Contributed to TMVA (up to 2013) please see: http://tmva.sourceforge.net/old_site/#authors

For contributors after 2013 (when TMVA was fully integrated in ROOT), see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS

Redistribution and use of TMVA in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in the BSD license:
see tmva/doc/LICENSE

@(#)root/tmva $Id: README,v 1.14 2008-03-12 18:10:35 andreas.hoecker Exp $

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