Raw File
Tip revision: ebd5b65997c3dff10fc38472a40ddffc26fb982a authored by Danilo Piparo on 31 January 2024, 08:17:06 UTC
"Update ROOT version files to v6.30.04"
Tip revision: ebd5b65
/// \file
/// \ingroup Tutorials
/// This macro shows a control bar to run some of the ROOT tutorials.
/// To execute an item, click with the left mouse button.
/// \macro_code
/// \author Rene Brun

void demos() {

   //Add the tutorials directory to the macro path
   //This is necessary in case this macro is executed from another user directory
   TString dirName = gSystem->UnixPathName(__FILE__);
   const char *current = gROOT->GetMacroPath();

   TControlBar *bar = new TControlBar("vertical", "Demos",10,10);
   bar->AddButton("Help Demos", ".x demoshelp.C",          "Click Here For Help on Running the Demos");
   bar->AddButton("browser",    "new TBrowser;",           "Start the ROOT Browser");
   bar->AddButton("framework",  ".x graphics/framework.C", "An Example of Object Oriented User Interface");
   bar->AddButton("first",      ".x graphics/first.C",     "An Example of Slide with Root");
   bar->AddButton("hsimple",    ".x hsimple.C",            "An Example Creating Histograms/Ntuples on File");
   bar->AddButton("hsum",       ".x hist/hsum.C",          "Filling Histograms and Some Graphics Options");
   bar->AddButton("formula1",   ".x graphics/formula1.C",  "Simple Formula and Functions");
   bar->AddButton("surfaces",   ".x graphs/surfaces.C",    "Surface Drawing Options");
   bar->AddButton("fillrandom", ".x hist/fillrandom.C",    "Histograms with Random Numbers from a Function");
   bar->AddButton("fit1",       ".x fit/fit1.C",           "A Simple Fitting Example");
   bar->AddButton("multifit",   ".x fit/multifit.C",       "Fitting in Subranges of Histograms");
   bar->AddButton("h1ReadAndDraw",     ".x hist/h1ReadAndDraw.C",        "Drawing Options for 1D Histograms");
   bar->AddButton("graph",      ".x graphs/graph.C",       "Example of a Simple Graph");
   bar->AddButton("gerrors",    ".x graphs/gerrors.C",     "Example of a Graph with Error Bars");
   bar->AddButton("tornado",    ".x graphics/tornado.C",   "Examples of 3-D PolyMarkers");
   bar->AddButton("shapes",     ".x geom/shapes.C",        "The Geometry Shapes");
   bar->AddButton("geometry",   ".x geom/geometry.C",      "Creation of the NA49 Geometry File");
   bar->AddButton("na49view",   ".x geom/na49view.C",      "Two Views of the NA49 Detector Geometry");
   bar->AddButton("file",       ".x io/file.C",            "The ROOT File Format");
   bar->AddButton("fildir",     ".x io/fildir.C",          "The ROOT File, Directories and Keys");
   bar->AddButton("tree",       ".x tree/tree.C",          "The Tree Data Structure");
   bar->AddButton("ntuple1",    ".x tree/ntuple1.C",       "Ntuples and Selections");
   bar->AddButton("benchmarks", ".x legacy/benchmarks.C",  "Runs several tests and produces an benchmark report");
   bar->AddButton("rootmarks",  ".x legacy/rootmarks.C",   "Prints an Estimated ROOTMARKS for Your Machine");
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