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Tip revision: cfc2f29b448cd92204099264d3b6cf9737a82e85 authored by Paul Hoffman on 23 March 2018, 01:14:16 UTC
Add CRAN comments
Tip revision: cfc2f29
# Internal function for merging two matrices by rowname
# @param mat1 First matrix
# @param mat2 Second matrix
# @return A merged matrix
RowMergeSparseMatrices <- function(mat1, mat2){
  if (inherits(x = mat1, what = "data.frame")) {
    mat1 <- as.matrix(x = mat1)
  if (inherits(x = mat2, what = "data.frame")) {
    mat2 <- as.matrix(x = mat2)
  mat1 <- as(object = mat1, Class = "RsparseMatrix")
  mat2 <- as(object = mat2, Class = "RsparseMatrix")
  mat1.names <- rownames(x = mat1)
  mat2.names <- rownames(x = mat2)
  all.names <- union(x = mat1.names, y = mat2.names)
  new.mat <- RowMergeMatrices(
    mat1 = mat1,
    mat2 = mat2,
    mat1_rownames = mat1.names,
    mat2_rownames = mat2.names,
    all_rownames = all.names
  rownames(x = new.mat) <- make.unique(names = all.names)
  colnames(x = new.mat) <- make.unique(names = c(
    colnames(x = mat1),
    colnames(x = mat2)

# Calculate the percentage of a vector above some threshold
# @param x          Vector of values
# @param threshold  Threshold to use when calculating percentage
# @return           Returns the percentage of `x` values above the given
#                   threshold
PercentAbove <- function(x, threshold){
  return(length(x = x[x > threshold]) / length(x = x))

# Calculate position along a defined reference range for a given vector of
# numerics. Will range from 0 to 1.
# @param x      Vector of numeric type
# @param lower  Lower end of reference range
# @param upper  Upper end of reference range
#' @importFrom stats quantile
# @return       Returns a vector that describes the position of each element in
#               x along the defined reference range

ReferenceRange <- function(x, lower = 0.025, upper = 0.975) {
  return((x - quantile(x = x, probs = lower)) /
           (quantile(x = x, probs = upper) - quantile(x = x, probs = lower)))

# Function to map values in a vector `v` as defined in `from`` to the values
# defined in `to`.
# @param v     vector of values to map
# @param from  vector of original values
# @param to    vector of values to map original values to (should be of equal
#              length as from)
# @return      returns vector of mapped values
MapVals <- function(v, from, to){
  if (length(from) != length(to)) {
    stop("from and to vectors are not the equal length.")
  vals.to.match <- match(v, from)
  vals.to.match.idx  <- !is.na(vals.to.match)
  v[vals.to.match.idx] <- to[vals.to.match[vals.to.match.idx]]

# Fills slot in new object with equivalent slot in old object if it still exists
# @param slot.name   slot to fill
# @param old.object  object to get slot value from
# @param new.slot    object to set slot value in
# @return            returns new object with slot filled
FillSlot <- function(slot.name, old.object, new.object){
  new.slot <- tryCatch(
      slot(object = old.object, name = slot.name)
    error = function(err){
  if(!is.null(x = new.slot)) {
    slot(new.object, slot.name) <- new.slot

# Use Fisher's method (Fisher's combined probability test) to combine p-values
# into single statistic
# @param pvals vector of p-values
# @returns integrated value
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
FisherIntegrate <- function(pvals) {
  return(1 - pchisq(q = -2 * sum(log(x = pvals)), df = 2 * length(x = pvals)))

# Set CalcParam information
# @param object      A Seurat object
# @param calculation The name of the calculation that was done
# @param time store time of calculation as well
# @param ...  Parameters for the calculation
# @return object with the calc.param slot modified to either append this
# calculation or replace the previous instance of calculation with
# a new list of parameters
SetCalcParams <- function(object, calculation, time = TRUE, ...) {
  object@calc.params[calculation] <- list(...)
  object@calc.params[[calculation]]$object <- NULL
  object@calc.params[[calculation]]$object2 <- NULL
  if(time) {
    object@calc.params[[calculation]]$time <- Sys.time()

# Delete CalcParam information
# @param object      A Seurat object
# @param calculation The name of the calculation to remove
# @return object with the calc.param slot modified to remove this
# calculation
RemoveCalcParams <- function(object, calculation){
  object@calc.params[calculation] <- NULL

# Set Single CalcParam information
# @param object      A Seurat object
# @param calculation The name of the calculation that was done
# @param parameter  Parameter for the calculation to set
# @param value  Value of parameter to set
# @return object with the calc.param slot modified to either append this
# calculation or replace the previous instance of calculation with
# a new list of parameters
SetSingleCalcParam <- function(object, calculation, parameter, value) {
  object@calc.params[[calculation]][parameter] <- value

# Get CalcParam information
# @param object      A Seurat object
# @param calculation The name of the calculation that was done
# @param parameter  Parameter for the calculation to pull
# @return parameter value for given calculation
GetCalcParam <- function(object, calculation, parameter){
  if(parameter == "time"){

# Get All CalcParam information for given calculation
# @param object      A Seurat object
# @param calculation The name of the calculation that was done
# @return list of parameter values for given calculation
GetAllCalcParam <- function(object, calculation){

# Has any info been stored for the given calculation?
# @param object A Seurat object
# @param calculation The name of the calculation to look for info about
# @return Returns a boolean - whether or not there is any info about given calc
# stored
CalcInfoExists <- function(object, calculation){

# Return vector of whitespace
# @param n length of whitespace vector to return
# @return vector of whitespace
FillWhiteSpace <- function(n){
  if(n <= 0){
    n <- 1
  return(paste0(rep(" ", n), collapse = ""))

####################### Tree Related Utilities #################################

# Function to get all the descendants on a tree left of a given node
# @param tree  Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node  Internal node in the tree
# @return      Returns all descendants left of the given node
GetLeftDescendants <- function(tree, node) {
  daughters <- tree$edge[which(tree$edge[, 1] == node), 2]
  if (daughters[1] <= (tree$Nnode+1)) {
  daughter.use <- GetDescendants(tree, daughters[1])
  daughter.use <- daughter.use[daughter.use <= (tree$Nnode + 1)]

# Function to get all the descendants on a tree right of a given node
# @param tree  Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node  Internal node in the tree
# @return      Returns all descendants right of the given node
GetRightDescendants <- function(tree, node) {
  daughters <- tree$edge[which(x = tree$edge[, 1] == node), 2]
  if (daughters[2] <= (tree$Nnode + 1)) {
  daughter.use <- GetDescendants(tree = tree, node = daughters[2])
  daughter.use <- daughter.use[daughter.use <= (tree$Nnode + 1)]

# Function to get all the descendants on a tree of a given node
# @param tree  Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node  Internal node in the tree
# @return      Returns all descendants of the given node
GetDescendants <- function(tree, node, curr = NULL) {
  if (is.null(x = curr)) {
    curr <- vector()
  daughters <- tree$edge[which(x = tree$edge[, 1] == node), 2]
  curr <- c(curr, daughters)
  w <- which(x = daughters >= length(x = tree$tip))
  if (length(x = w) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(x = w)) {
      curr <- GetDescendants(tree = tree, node = daughters[w[i]], curr = curr)

# Depth first traversal path of a given tree
# @param tree              Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node              Internal node in the tree
# @param path              Path through the tree (for recursion)
# @param include.children  Include children in the output path
# @param only.children     Only include children in the output path
# @return                  Returns a vector representing the depth first
#                          traversal path
DFT <- function(
  path = NULL,
  include.children = FALSE,
  only.children = FALSE
) {
  if (only.children) {
    include.children = TRUE
  children <- which(x = tree$edge[, 1] == node)
  child1 <- tree$edge[children[1], 2]
  child2 <- tree$edge[children[2], 2]
  if (child1 %in% tree$edge[, 1]) {
    if(! only.children){
      path <- c(path, child1)
    path <- DFT(
      tree = tree,
      node = child1,
      path = path,
      include.children = include.children,
      only.children = only.children
  } else {
    if (include.children) {
      path <-c(path, child1)
  if (child2 %in% tree$edge[, 1]) {
    if (! only.children) {
      path <- c(path, child2)
    path <- DFT(
      tree = tree,
      node = child2,
      path = path,
      include.children = include.children,
      only.children = only.children
  } else {
    if (include.children) {
      path <- c(path, child2)

# Function to check whether a given node in a tree has a child (leaf node)
# @param tree   Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node   Internal node in the tree
# @return       Returns a Boolean of whether the given node is connected to a
#               terminal leaf node

NodeHasChild <- function(tree, node) {
  children <- tree$edge[which(x = tree$edge[, 1] == node), ][, 2]
  return(any(children %in% tree$edge[, 2] && ! children %in% tree$edge[, 1]))

# Function to check whether a given node in a tree has only children(leaf nodes)
# @param tree   Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node   Internal node in the tree
# @return       Returns a Boolean of whether the given node is connected to only
#               terminal leaf nodes

NodeHasOnlyChildren <- function(tree, node) {
  children <- tree$edge[which(x = tree$edge[, 1] == node), ][, 2]
  return(! any(children %in% tree$edge[, 1]))

# Function to return all internal (non-terminal) nodes in a given tree
# @param tree   Tree object (from ape package)
# @return       Returns a vector of all internal nodes for the given tree
GetAllInternalNodes <- function(tree) {
  return(c(tree$edge[1, 1], DFT(tree = tree, node = tree$edge[1, 1])))

# Weighted Euclidean Distance
# @param x Dataset 1
# @param y Dataset 2
# @param w Weights
# @return The Weighted Euclidian Distance (numeric)
WeightedEuclideanDistance <- function(x, y, w) {
  v.dist <- sum(sqrt(x = w * (x - y) ^ 2))

# Set a default value if an object is null
# @param x An object to set if it's null
# @param default The value to provide if x is null
# @return default if x is null, else x
SetIfNull <- function(x, default) {
  if(is.null(x = x)){
  } else {

# return average of all values greater than a threshold
# @param x Values
# @param min Minimum threshold
# @return The mean of x where x > min
MeanGreaterThan <- function(x, min = 0) {
  return(mean(x = x[x > min]))

# return variance of all values greater than a threshold
# @param x Values
# @param min Minimum threshold
# @return The variance of x where x > min
#' @importFrom stats var
VarianceGreaterThan <- function(x, min = 0) {
  return(var(x = x[x > min]))

# calculate the coefficient of variation
# @param x Values to calculate the coefficient of variation
# @return The coefficient of variation of x
#' @importFrom stats sd
CoefVar <- function(x) {
  return(sd(x = x) / mean(x = x))

# return la count of all values greater than a threshold
# @param x Values
# @param min Minimum threshold
# @return The length of x where x > min
CountGreaterThan <- function(x, min = 0) {
  return(sum(x > min))

# add values in log-space
# @param x Values
# @return values added in log space
LogAdd <- function(x) {
  mpi <- max(x)
  return(mpi + log(x = sum(exp(x = x - mpi))))

# Return what was passed
# @param x anything
# @return Returns x
Same <- function(x) {

#' @importFrom stats residuals
NBResiduals <- function(fmla, regression.mat, gene) {
  fit <- 0
    fit <- glm.nb(fmla,
    data = regression.mat),
  if (class(fit)[1] == 'numeric') {
    message(sprintf('glm.nb failed for gene %s; falling back to scale(log(y+1))', gene))
    return(scale(log(regression.mat[, 'GENE']+1))[, 1])
  return(residuals(fit, type='pearson'))

# Documentation
#Internal, not documented for now
lasso.fxn <- function(
  s.use = 20,
  gene.name = NULL,
  do.print = FALSE,
  gram = TRUE
) {
  lasso.model <- lars(
    x = lasso.input,
    y = as.numeric(x = genes.obs),
    type = "lasso",
    max.steps = s.use * 2,
    use.Gram = gram
  lasso.fits <- predict.lars(
    object = lasso.model,
    newx = lasso.input,
    type = "fit",
    s = s.use
  if (do.print) {

# Calculate the biweight midcorrelation (bicor) of two vectors using
# implementation described in Langfelder, J Stat Sotfw. 2012. If MAD of one of
# the two vectors is 0, falls back on robust standardization.
# @author Patrick Roelli
# @param x First vector
# @param y Second vector
# @return returns the biweight midcorrelation of x and y
BiweightMidcor <- function(x, y){
  resx <- BicorPrep(x)
  resy <- BicorPrep(y)
  result <- sum(resx * resy)

# bicor helper function to standardize the two vectors and perform common
# calculations.
# @author Patrick Roelli
# @param x Vector to prep
# @param verbose If TRUE, prints a warning when falling back on robust
# standardization when MAD(x) is 0.
# @return returns the prepped vector
BicorPrep <- function(x, verbose = FALSE){
  if (stats::mad(x) == 0) {
    if (verbose){
      warning('mad == 0, using robust standardization')
    xat <- x - mean(x = x)
    xab <- sqrt(x = sum((x - mean(x = x)) ^ 2))
    result <- xat / xab
    return (result)
  } else {
    ua <- (x - stats::median(x = x)) /
      (9 * stats::mad(x = x) *
         stats::qnorm(p = 0.75))
    i.x <- ifelse(test = ua <= -1 | ua >= 1, yes = 0, no = 1)
    wax <- ((1 - (ua ^ 2)) ^ 2) * i.x
    xat <- (x - stats::median(x = x)) * wax
    xab <- sqrt(x = sum(xat ^ 2))
    result <- xat / xab

# Check the length of components of a list
# @param values A list whose components should be checked
# @param cutoff A minimum value to check for
# @return a vector of logicals
LengthCheck <- function(values, cutoff = 0) {
    X = values,
    FUN = function(x) {
      return(length(x = x) > cutoff)
    FUN.VALUE = logical(1)

# Reverse the vector x and return the value at the Nth index. If N is larger
# than the length of the vector, return the last value in the reversed vector.
# @param x vector of interest
# @param N index in reversed vector
# @return returns element at given index
MaxN <- function(x, N = 2){
  len <- length(x)
  if(N > len) {
    warning('N greater than length(x).  Setting N=length(x)')
    N <- length(x)
  sort(x, partial = len - N + 1)[len - N + 1]
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