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Tip revision: a4818cca780db29741daa700c63a640567d99327 authored by Hadley Wickham on 03 May 2018, 07:55:54 UTC
version 1.0.0
Tip revision: a4818cc
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/build-articles.R
\title{Build articles}
build_articles(pkg = ".", quiet = TRUE, lazy = TRUE, override = list(),
  preview = NA)

build_article(name, pkg = ".", data = list(), lazy = FALSE,
  quiet = TRUE)
\item{pkg}{Path to package.}

\item{quiet}{Set to \code{FALSE} to display output of knitr and
pandoc. This is useful when debugging.}

\item{lazy}{If \code{TRUE}, will only re-build article if input file has been
modified more recently than the output file.}

\item{override}{An optional named list used to temporarily override
values in \code{_pkgdown.yml}}

\item{preview}{If \code{TRUE}, or \code{is.na(preview) && interactive()}, will preview
freshly generated section in browser.}

\item{name}{Name of article to render. This should be either a path
relative to \code{vignettes/} without extension, or \code{index} or \code{README}.}

\item{data}{Additional data to pass on to template.}
Each R Markdown vignette in \code{vignettes/} and its subdirectories is
rendered and saved to \code{articles/}. Vignettes are rendered using a
special document format that reconciles \code{\link[rmarkdown:html_document]{rmarkdown::html_document()}} with
your pkgdown template.
\section{External files}{

pkgdown differs from base R in its handling of external files. When
building vignettes, R assumes that vignettes are self-contained
(a reasonable assumption when most vignettes were PDFs) and only copies
files explicitly listed in \code{.install_extras}. pkgdown takes a different
approach based on \link[rmarkdown:find_external_resources]{rmarkdown::find_external_resources}, and it will also
copy any images that you link to. If for some reason the automatic
detection doesn't work, you will need to add a \code{resource_files} field to
the yaml metadata, .e.g\preformatted{---
title: My Document
 - data/mydata.csv
 - images/figure.png

Note that you can not use the \code{fig.path} to change the output directory
of generated figures as the default is a strong assumption of rmarkdown.

\section{YAML config}{

To tweak the index page, you need a section called \code{articles},
which provides a list of sections containing, a \code{title}, list of
\code{contents}, and optional \code{description}.

For example, this imaginary file describes some of the structure of
the \href{http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/articles.html}{R markdown articles}:\preformatted{articles:
- title: R Markdown
  - starts_with("authoring")
- title: Websites
  - rmarkdown_websites
  - rmarkdown_site_generators

Note that \code{contents} can contain either a list of vignette names
(including subdirectories), or if the functions in a section share a
common prefix or suffix, you can use \code{starts_with("prefix")} and
\code{ends_with("suffix")} to select them all. If you don't care about
position within the string, use \code{contains("word")}. For more complex
naming schemes you can use an aribrary regular expression with

pkgdown will check that all vignettes are included in the index
this page, and will generate a warning if you have missed any.

\section{YAML header}{

By default, pkgdown builds all articles with \code{\link[rmarkdown:html_document]{rmarkdown::html_document()}}
using setting the \code{template} parameter to a custom built template that
matches the site template. You can override this with a \code{pkgdown} field
in your yaml metadata:\preformatted{pkgdown:
  as_is: true

This will tell pkgdown to use the \code{output_format} that you have specified.
This format must accept \code{template}, \code{theme}, and \code{self_contained} in
order to work with pkgdown.

If the output format produces a PDF, you'll also need to specify the
\code{extension} field:\preformatted{pkgdown:
  as_is: true
  extension: pdf

\section{Supressing vignettes}{

If you want articles that are not vignettes, either put them in
subdirectories or list in \code{.Rbuildignore}. An articles link
will be automatically added to the default navbar if the vignettes
directory is present: if you do not want this, you will need to
customise the navbar. See \code{\link[=build_site]{build_site()}} details.


You can control the default rendering of figues by specifying the \code{figures}
field in \code{_pkgdown.yml}. The default settings are equivalent to:\preformatted{figures:
  dev: grDevices::png
  dpi: 96
  dev.args: []
  fig.ext: png
  fig.width: 7.2916667
  fig.height: ~
  fig.retina: 2
  fig.asp: 1.618

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