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Tip revision: e588e3a10bf22cb7dff4a49a848baac63d743c3f authored by Leopoldo Catania on 04 February 2022, 09:30:12 UTC
version 0.3.4
Tip revision: e588e3a
\title{Class for Multivariate GAS Simulation}
Class for multivariate GAS model simulation.
\section{Objects from the Class}{A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.}
    \item{\code{ModelInfo}:}{Object of class \code{list}. Contains information about the multivariate GAS specification:
\item iT: \code{numeric} Time length of simulated observations.
\item iN: \code{numeric} Cross sectional dimension.
\item iK : \code{numeric} number of (possibly) time--varying parameters implied by the distributional assumption.
\item vKappa \code{numeric} vector of unconditional level for the reparametrized vector of parameters.
\item mA \code{matrix} of coefficients of dimension iK x iK that premultiply the conditional score in the GAS updating recursion.
\item mB \code{matrix} of autoregressive coefficients of dimension iK x iK.
\item Dist \code{character} label of the conditional distribution, see \link{DistInfo}
\item ScalingType \code{character} representing the scaling mechanism for the conditional score, see \link{DistInfo}
\item{\code{GASDyn}:}{Object of class \code{list}. Contains: the series of simulated 
parameters (\code{GASDyn$mTheta}), the series of scaled scores (\code{GASDyn$mInnovation}), 
the series of unrestricted simulated parameters (\code{GASDyn$mTheta_tilde}), the 
series of log densities (\code{GASDyn$vLLK}), the log likelihood evaluated at its optimum value (\code{GASDyn$dLLK})}
\item{\code{Data}:}{Object of class \code{matrix}. Matrix of dimension iN x iT of simulated data}}
\item \code{show} \code{signature(object = 'mGASSim')}: Show summary.
\item \code{plot} \code{signature(x = 'mGASSim',y = 'missing')}: Plot simulated data and parameters.
\item \code{getFilteredParameters} \code{signature(object = 'mGASSim')}: Extract simulated parameters.
\item \code{getObs} \code{signature(object = 'mGASSim')}: Extract simulated observations
\item \code{coef} \code{signature(object = 'mGASSim')}: Extract delivered coefficients
\item \code{getMoments} \code{signature(object = 'uGASFor')}: Extract simulated moments.
\author{Leopoldo Catania}
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