Raw File
Tip revision: 058aeebd66accdf85b20265e68b6f3ad993559f8 authored by Adrien Koutsos on 12 May 2022, 17:14:27 UTC
progress in composition cost
Tip revision: 058aeeb
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcIdent
open EcTypes
open EcSymbols

open EcCoreModules

type memory = EcMemory.memory

module BI = EcBigInt
module Mp = EcPath.Mp
module Sp = EcPath.Sp
module Sm = EcPath.Sm
module Sx = EcPath.Sx

open EcBigInt.Notations

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type quantif =
  | Lforall
  | Lexists
  | Llambda

type hoarecmp = FHle | FHeq | FHge

(* projection of a cost record or module cost record *)
type cost_proj =
  | Intr  of symbol               (* procedure *)
  | Param of {
      proc    : symbol;           (* procedure *)
      param_m : symbol;           (* parameter module *)
      param_p : symbol;           (* parameter procedure *)

(** module namespace *)
type mod_ns =
  | Any                   (* any name *)
  | Fresh                 (* fresh name w.r.t. the environment *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type gty =
  | GTty    of EcTypes.ty
  | GTmodty of mod_ns * module_type
  | GTmem   of EcMemory.memtype

and binding  = (EcIdent.t * gty)
and bindings = binding list

and form = {
  f_node : f_node;
  f_ty   : ty;
  f_fv   : int EcIdent.Mid.t; (* local, memory, module ident *)
  f_tag  : int;

and f_node =
  | Fquant  of quantif * bindings * form
  | Fif     of form * form * form
  | Fmatch  of form * form list * ty
  | Flet    of lpattern * form * form
  | Fint    of BI.zint
  | Flocal  of EcIdent.t
  | Fpvar   of EcTypes.prog_var * memory
  | Fglob   of EcPath.mpath     * memory
  | Fop     of EcPath.path * ty list
  | Fapp    of form * form list
  | Ftuple  of form list
  | Fproj   of form * int

  | Fcost      of cost
  | Fmodcost   of mod_cost
  | Fcost_proj of form * cost_proj
  (* [Fmodcost_proj mod_cost p] projects [mod_cost] over
     procedure [proc] and [p]. *)

  | FhoareF of sHoareF (* $hr / $hr *)
  | FhoareS of sHoareS

  | FcHoareF of cHoareF (* $hr / $hr *)
  | FcHoareS of cHoareS

  | FbdHoareF of bdHoareF (* $hr / $hr *)
  | FbdHoareS of bdHoareS

  | FequivF of equivF (* $left,$right / $left,$right *)
  | FequivS of equivS

  | FeagerF of eagerF

  | Fcoe of coe (* cost of expression *)

  | Fpr of pr (* hr *)

and eagerF = {
  eg_pr : form;
  eg_sl : stmt;  (* No local program variables *)
  eg_fl : EcPath.xpath;
  eg_fr : EcPath.xpath;
  eg_sr : stmt;  (* No local program variables *)
  eg_po : form

and equivF = {
  ef_pr : form;
  ef_fl : EcPath.xpath;
  ef_fr : EcPath.xpath;
  ef_po : form;

and equivS = {
  es_ml  : EcMemory.memenv;
  es_mr  : EcMemory.memenv;
  es_pr  : form;
  es_sl  : stmt;
  es_sr  : stmt;
  es_po  : form; }

and sHoareF = {
  hf_pr : form;
  hf_f  : EcPath.xpath;
  hf_po : form;

and sHoareS = {
  hs_m  : EcMemory.memenv;
  hs_pr : form;
  hs_s  : stmt;
  hs_po : form;

and cHoareF = {
  chf_pr : form;
  chf_f  : EcPath.xpath;
  chf_po : form;
  chf_co : form; (* type `cost` *)

and cHoareS = {
  chs_m  : EcMemory.memenv;
  chs_pr : form;
  chs_s  : stmt;
  chs_po : form;
  chs_co : form; (* type `cost` *)

and bdHoareF = {
  bhf_pr  : form;
  bhf_f   : EcPath.xpath;
  bhf_po  : form;
  bhf_cmp : hoarecmp;
  bhf_bd  : form;

and bdHoareS = {
  bhs_m   : EcMemory.memenv;
  bhs_pr  : form;
  bhs_s   : stmt;
  bhs_po  : form;
  bhs_cmp : hoarecmp;
  bhs_bd  : form;

and pr = {
  pr_mem   : memory;
  pr_fun   : EcPath.xpath;
  pr_args  : form;
  pr_event : form;

and coe = {
  coe_pre : form;
  coe_mem : EcMemory.memenv;
  coe_e   : expr;

(* A cost record, used in both CHoares and in procedure cost restrictions.
   Keys of [c_calls] are functions of local modules, with no arguments.
   Missing entries in [c_calls] are:
   - any number of times in if [full] is [false]
   - zero times if [full] is [true] *)
and crecord = {
  c_self  : form;              (* type [txint] for [cost],
                                  type [tcost] for [proc_cost] *)
  c_calls : form EcPath.Mx.t;  (* type [xint] *)
  c_full  : bool;

and cost = crecord

(* A module procedure `F.f` cost, where `F` can be an non-applied functor.
   The cost is split between:
   - intrinsic cost [c_self], of type [tcost]
   - the number of calls [c_calls] to the parameters of `F` *)
and proc_cost = crecord

(* A module or cost. *)
and mod_cost = proc_cost EcSymbols.Msym.t

and module_type = form p_module_type

and module_sig = form p_module_sig

type mod_restr = form p_mod_restr

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mhr    = EcIdent.create "&hr"
let mleft  = EcIdent.create "&1"
let mright = EcIdent.create "&2"

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let qt_equal : quantif -> quantif -> bool = (==)
let qt_hash  : quantif -> int = Hashtbl.hash

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let cost_proj_ty : cost_proj -> ty = function
  | Intr  _ -> tcost
  | Param _ -> txint

let cost_proj_equal (p1 : cost_proj) (p2 : cost_proj) : bool  =
  match p1, p2 with
  | Intr s1, Intr s2 -> s1 = s2

  | Param p1, Param p2 ->
    p1.param_p = p2.param_p &&
    p1.param_m = p2.param_m &&
    p1.proc    = p2.proc

  | _ -> false

let cost_proj_hash (p : cost_proj) : int =
  match p with
  | Intr s -> Why3.Hashcons.combine 2 (Hashtbl.hash s)

  | Param { param_p; param_m; proc } ->
    Why3.Hashcons.combine_list Hashtbl.hash 3 [param_p; param_m; proc]

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_equal : form -> form -> bool = (==)
let f_compare f1 f2 = f2.f_tag - f1.f_tag
let f_hash f = f.f_tag
let f_fv f = f.f_fv
let f_ty f = f.f_ty

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mty_equal : module_type -> module_type -> bool =
  EcCoreModules.p_mty_equal f_equal

let mr_equal : mod_restr -> mod_restr -> bool =
  EcCoreModules.p_mr_equal f_equal

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mty_hash : module_type -> int = EcCoreModules.p_mty_hash f_hash
let mr_hash  : mod_restr   -> int = EcCoreModules.p_mr_hash  f_hash

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let gty_equal ty1 ty2 =
  match ty1, ty2 with
  | GTty ty1, GTty ty2 ->
      EcTypes.ty_equal ty1 ty2

  | GTmodty (ns1, p1), GTmodty (ns2,p2)  ->
    ns1 = ns2 && mty_equal p1 p2

  | GTmem mt1, GTmem mt2 ->
      EcMemory.mt_equal mt1 mt2

  | _ , _ -> false

let gty_hash = function
  | GTty ty -> EcTypes.ty_hash ty
  | GTmodty (ns, p) -> Why3.Hashcons.combine (Hashtbl.hash ns) (mty_hash p)
  | GTmem _ -> 1

let mr_fv (mr : mod_restr) =
  let fv =
      (mr_xpaths_fv mr.mr_xpaths)
      (mr_mpaths_fv mr.mr_mpaths)
    |> params_fv mr.mr_params
  fv_union fv (f_fv mr.mr_cost)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let gty_fv = function
  | GTty ty -> ty.ty_fv
  | GTmodty (_, mty) -> mr_fv mty.mt_restr
  | GTmem mt -> EcMemory.mt_fv mt

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let gtty (ty : EcTypes.ty) =
  GTty ty

let gtmodty (ns : mod_ns) (mt : module_type) =
  GTmodty (ns, mt)

let gtmem (mt : EcMemory.memtype) =
  GTmem mt

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let b_equal (b1 : bindings) (b2 : bindings) =
  let b1_equal (x1, ty1) (x2, ty2) =
    EcIdent.id_equal x1 x2 && gty_equal ty1 ty2
    List.all2 b1_equal b1 b2

let b_hash (bs : bindings) =
  let b1_hash (x, ty) =
    Why3.Hashcons.combine (EcIdent.tag x) (gty_hash ty)
    Why3.Hashcons.combine_list b1_hash 0 bs

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let hcmp_hash : hoarecmp -> int = Hashtbl.hash

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module MSHf = EcMaps.MakeMSH(struct
  type t = form
  let tag f = f.f_tag

module Mf = MSHf.M
module Sf = MSHf.S
module Hf = MSHf.H

let crecord_equal (c1 : crecord) (c2 : crecord) : bool =
     f_equal c1.c_self c2.c_self
  && EcPath.Mx.equal f_equal c1.c_calls c2.c_calls
  && c1.c_full = c2.c_full

let cost_equal : cost -> cost -> bool = crecord_equal

let mod_cost_equal (mc1 : mod_cost) (mc2 : mod_cost) : bool =
  Msym.equal crecord_equal mc1 mc2

let hf_equal hf1 hf2 =
     f_equal hf1.hf_pr hf2.hf_pr
  && f_equal hf1.hf_po hf2.hf_po
  && EcPath.x_equal hf1.hf_f hf2.hf_f

let hs_equal hs1 hs2 =
     f_equal hs1.hs_pr hs2.hs_pr
  && f_equal hs1.hs_po hs2.hs_po
  && s_equal hs1.hs_s hs2.hs_s
  && EcMemory.me_equal hs1.hs_m hs2.hs_m

let chf_equal chf1 chf2 =
     f_equal chf1.chf_pr chf2.chf_pr
  && f_equal chf1.chf_po chf2.chf_po
  && f_equal chf1.chf_co chf2.chf_co
  && EcPath.x_equal chf1.chf_f chf2.chf_f

let chs_equal chs1 chs2 =
     f_equal chs1.chs_pr chs2.chs_pr
  && f_equal chs1.chs_po chs2.chs_po
  && f_equal chs1.chs_co chs2.chs_co
  && s_equal chs1.chs_s chs2.chs_s
  && EcMemory.me_equal chs1.chs_m chs2.chs_m

let bhf_equal bhf1 bhf2 =
     f_equal bhf1.bhf_pr bhf2.bhf_pr
  && f_equal bhf1.bhf_po bhf2.bhf_po
  && EcPath.x_equal bhf1.bhf_f bhf2.bhf_f
  && bhf1.bhf_cmp = bhf2.bhf_cmp
  && f_equal bhf1.bhf_bd bhf2.bhf_bd

let bhs_equal bhs1 bhs2 =
     f_equal bhs1.bhs_pr bhs2.bhs_pr
  && f_equal bhs1.bhs_po bhs2.bhs_po
  && s_equal bhs1.bhs_s bhs2.bhs_s
  && EcMemory.me_equal bhs1.bhs_m bhs2.bhs_m
  && bhs1.bhs_cmp = bhs2.bhs_cmp
  && f_equal bhs1.bhs_bd bhs2.bhs_bd

let eqf_equal ef1 ef2 =
     f_equal ef1.ef_pr ef2.ef_pr
  && f_equal ef1.ef_po ef2.ef_po
  && EcPath.x_equal ef1.ef_fl ef2.ef_fl
  && EcPath.x_equal ef1.ef_fr ef2.ef_fr

let eqs_equal es1 es2 =
     f_equal es1.es_pr es2.es_pr
  && f_equal es1.es_po es2.es_po
  && s_equal es1.es_sl es2.es_sl
  && s_equal es1.es_sr es2.es_sr
  && EcMemory.me_equal es1.es_ml es2.es_ml
  && EcMemory.me_equal es1.es_mr es2.es_mr

let egf_equal eg1 eg2 =
     f_equal eg1.eg_pr eg2.eg_pr
  && f_equal eg1.eg_po eg2.eg_po
  && EcCoreModules.s_equal eg1.eg_sl eg2.eg_sl
  && EcPath.x_equal eg1.eg_fl eg2.eg_fl
  && EcPath.x_equal eg1.eg_fr eg2.eg_fr
  && EcCoreModules.s_equal eg1.eg_sr eg2.eg_sr

let coe_equal coe1 coe2 =
     EcTypes.e_equal   coe1.coe_e coe2.coe_e
  && f_equal           coe1.coe_pre coe2.coe_pre
  && EcMemory.me_equal coe1.coe_mem coe2.coe_mem

let pr_equal pr1 pr2 =
     EcIdent.id_equal pr1.pr_mem pr2.pr_mem
  && EcPath.x_equal   pr1.pr_fun pr2.pr_fun
  && f_equal          pr1.pr_event pr2.pr_event
  && f_equal          pr1.pr_args pr2.pr_args

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let hf_hash hf =
    (f_hash hf.hf_pr) (f_hash hf.hf_po) (EcPath.x_hash hf.hf_f)

let hs_hash hs =
    (f_hash hs.hs_pr) (f_hash hs.hs_po)
    (EcCoreModules.s_hash hs.hs_s)
    (EcMemory.mem_hash hs.hs_m)

let coe_hash coe =
    (f_hash coe.coe_pre)
    (EcTypes.e_hash coe.coe_e)
    (EcMemory.mem_hash coe.coe_mem)

let crecord_hash (r : crecord) : int =
    (f_hash r.c_self)
       (EcPath.Mx.hash EcPath.x_hash f_hash r.c_calls)
       (if r.c_full then 0 else 1))

let cost_hash      : cost      -> int = crecord_hash
let proc_cost_hash : proc_cost -> int = crecord_hash

let mod_cost_hash (mcost : mod_cost) : int =
  Msym.hash Hashtbl.hash proc_cost_hash mcost

let chf_hash chf =
    (f_hash chf.chf_pr)
    (f_hash chf.chf_po)
    (f_hash chf.chf_co)
    (EcPath.x_hash chf.chf_f)

let chs_hash chs =
    (f_hash chs.chs_pr)
    (f_hash chs.chs_po)
    (f_hash chs.chs_co)
       (EcCoreModules.s_hash chs.chs_s)
       (EcMemory.mem_hash chs.chs_m))

let bhf_hash bhf =
  Why3.Hashcons.combine_list f_hash
    (Why3.Hashcons.combine (hcmp_hash bhf.bhf_cmp) (EcPath.x_hash bhf.bhf_f))

let bhs_hash bhs =
  Why3.Hashcons.combine_list f_hash
       (hcmp_hash bhs.bhs_cmp)
       (EcCoreModules.s_hash bhs.bhs_s)
       (EcMemory.mem_hash bhs.bhs_m))

let ef_hash ef =
    (f_hash ef.ef_pr) (f_hash ef.ef_po)
    (EcPath.x_hash ef.ef_fl) (EcPath.x_hash ef.ef_fr)

let es_hash es =
    (f_hash es.es_pr) (f_hash es.es_po)
    (EcCoreModules.s_hash es.es_sl)
       (EcMemory.mem_hash es.es_mr)
       (EcMemory.mem_hash es.es_ml)
       (EcCoreModules.s_hash es.es_sr))

let eg_hash eg =
    (f_hash eg.eg_pr) (f_hash eg.eg_po)
    (Why3.Hashcons.combine (EcCoreModules.s_hash eg.eg_sl) (EcPath.x_hash eg.eg_fl))
    (Why3.Hashcons.combine (EcCoreModules.s_hash eg.eg_sr) (EcPath.x_hash eg.eg_fr))

let pr_hash pr =
    (EcIdent.id_hash pr.pr_mem)
    (EcPath.x_hash   pr.pr_fun)
    (f_hash          pr.pr_args)
    (f_hash          pr.pr_event)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Hsform = Why3.Hashcons.Make (struct
  type t = form

  let equal_node f1 f2 =
    match f1, f2 with
    | Fquant(q1,b1,f1), Fquant(q2,b2,f2) ->
        qt_equal q1 q2 && b_equal b1 b2 && f_equal f1 f2

    | Fif(b1,t1,f1), Fif(b2,t2,f2) ->
        f_equal b1 b2 && f_equal t1 t2 && f_equal f1 f2

    | Fmatch(b1,es1,ty1), Fmatch(b2,es2,ty2) ->
           List.all2 f_equal (b1::es1) (b2::es2)
        && ty_equal ty1 ty2

    | Flet(lp1,e1,f1), Flet(lp2,e2,f2) ->
        lp_equal lp1 lp2 && f_equal e1 e2 && f_equal f1 f2

    | Fint i1, Fint i2 ->
        BI.equal i1 i2

    | Flocal id1, Flocal id2 ->
        EcIdent.id_equal id1 id2

    | Fpvar(pv1,s1), Fpvar(pv2,s2) ->
        EcIdent.id_equal s1 s2 && EcTypes.pv_equal pv1 pv2

    | Fglob(mp1,m1), Fglob(mp2,m2) ->
      EcPath.m_equal mp1 mp2 && EcIdent.id_equal m1 m2

    | Fop(p1,lty1), Fop(p2,lty2) ->
        EcPath.p_equal p1 p2 && List.all2 ty_equal lty1 lty2

    | Fapp(f1,args1), Fapp(f2,args2) ->
        f_equal f1 f2 && List.all2 f_equal args1 args2

    | Ftuple args1, Ftuple args2 ->
        List.all2 f_equal args1 args2

    | Fproj(f1,i1), Fproj(f2,i2) ->
      i1 = i2 && f_equal f1 f2

    | FhoareF  hf1 , FhoareF  hf2  -> hf_equal hf1 hf2
    | FhoareS  hs1 , FhoareS  hs2  -> hs_equal hs1 hs2
    | FcHoareF hf1 , FcHoareF hf2  -> chf_equal hf1 hf2
    | FcHoareS hs1 , FcHoareS hs2  -> chs_equal hs1 hs2
    | FbdHoareF   bhf1, FbdHoareF   bhf2 -> bhf_equal bhf1 bhf2
    | FbdHoareS   bhs1, FbdHoareS   bhs2 -> bhs_equal bhs1 bhs2
    | FequivF     eqf1, FequivF     eqf2 -> eqf_equal eqf1 eqf2
    | FequivS     eqs1, FequivS     eqs2 -> eqs_equal eqs1 eqs2
    | FeagerF     eg1 , FeagerF     eg2  -> egf_equal eg1 eg2
    | Fpr         pr1 , Fpr         pr2  -> pr_equal pr1 pr2
    | Fcoe        coe1, Fcoe        coe2 -> coe_equal coe1 coe2
    | Fcost       c1  , Fcost       c2   -> cost_equal c1 c2
    | Fmodcost    mc1 , Fmodcost    mc2  -> mod_cost_equal mc1 mc2

    | Fcost_proj (c1,proj1),
      Fcost_proj (c2,proj2) ->
      f_equal c1 c2 && cost_proj_equal proj1 proj2

    | _, _ -> false

  let equal f1 f2 =
       ty_equal f1.f_ty f2.f_ty
    && equal_node f1.f_node f2.f_node

  let hash f =
    match f.f_node with
    | Fquant(q, b, f) ->
        Why3.Hashcons.combine2 (f_hash f) (b_hash b) (qt_hash q)

    | Fif(b, t, f) ->
        Why3.Hashcons.combine2 (f_hash b) (f_hash t) (f_hash f)

    | Fmatch (f, fs, ty) ->
        Why3.Hashcons.combine_list f_hash
          (Why3.Hashcons.combine (f_hash f) (ty_hash ty))

    | Flet(lp, e, f) ->
        Why3.Hashcons.combine2 (lp_hash lp) (f_hash e) (f_hash f)

    | Fint i -> Hashtbl.hash i

    | Flocal id -> EcIdent.tag id

    | Fpvar(pv, m) ->
        Why3.Hashcons.combine (EcTypes.pv_hash pv) (EcIdent.id_hash m)

    | Fglob(mp, m) ->
        Why3.Hashcons.combine (EcPath.m_hash mp) (EcIdent.id_hash m)

    | Fop(p, lty) ->
        Why3.Hashcons.combine_list ty_hash (EcPath.p_hash p) lty

    | Fapp(f, args) ->
        Why3.Hashcons.combine_list f_hash (f_hash f) args

    | Ftuple args ->
        Why3.Hashcons.combine_list f_hash 0 args
    | Fproj(f,i) ->
        Why3.Hashcons.combine (f_hash f) i

    | Fcost c     -> cost_hash      c
    | Fmodcost mc -> mod_cost_hash mc

    | Fcost_proj (f, proj) ->
      Why3.Hashcons.combine (f_hash f) (cost_proj_hash proj)

    | FhoareF  hf   -> hf_hash hf
    | FhoareS  hs   -> hs_hash hs
    | FcHoareF chf  -> chf_hash chf
    | FcHoareS chs  -> chs_hash chs
    | FbdHoareF   bhf  -> bhf_hash bhf
    | FbdHoareS   bhs  -> bhs_hash bhs
    | FequivF     ef   -> ef_hash ef
    | FequivS     es   -> es_hash es
    | FeagerF     eg   -> eg_hash eg
    | Fcoe        coe  -> coe_hash coe
    | Fpr         pr   -> pr_hash pr

  let fv_mlr = Sid.add mleft (Sid.singleton mright)

  let crecord_fv (r : crecord) : int Mid.t =
    let self_fv = f_fv r.c_self in
    EcPath.Mx.fold (fun f c fv ->
        let fv = fv_union fv (f_fv c) in
        EcPath.x_fv fv f
      ) r.c_calls self_fv

  let cost_fv      : cost      -> int Mid.t = crecord_fv
  let proc_cost_fv : proc_cost -> int Mid.t = crecord_fv

  let mod_cost_fv (mc : mod_cost) : int Mid.t =
    Msym.fold (fun _ pc fv ->
        fv_union fv (proc_cost_fv pc)
      ) mc Mid.empty

  let fv_node f : int Mid.t =
    let union ex nodes =
      List.fold_left (fun s a -> fv_union s (ex a)) Mid.empty nodes

    match f with
    | Fint _              -> Mid.empty
    | Fop (_, tys)        -> union (fun a -> a.ty_fv) tys
    | Fpvar (PVglob pv,m) -> EcPath.x_fv (fv_add m Mid.empty) pv
    | Fpvar (PVloc _,m)   -> fv_add m Mid.empty
    | Fglob (mp,m)        -> EcPath.m_fv (fv_add m Mid.empty) mp
    | Flocal id           -> fv_singleton id
    | Fapp (f, args)      -> union f_fv (f :: args)
    | Ftuple args         -> union f_fv args
    | Fproj(e, _)         -> f_fv e
    | Fif (f1, f2, f3)    -> union f_fv [f1; f2; f3]
    | Fmatch (b, fs, ty)  -> fv_union ty.ty_fv (union f_fv (b :: fs))
    | Fcost c             -> cost_fv c
    | Fmodcost mc         -> mod_cost_fv mc

    | Fcost_proj (f, _) -> fv_union (f_fv f) Mid.empty

    | Fquant(_, b, f) ->
      let do1 (id, ty) fv = fv_union (gty_fv ty) (Mid.remove id fv) in
      List.fold_right do1 b (f_fv f)

    | Flet(lp, f1, f2) ->
      let fv2 = fv_diff (f_fv f2) (lp_fv lp) in
      fv_union (f_fv f1) fv2

    | FhoareF hf ->
      let fv = fv_union (f_fv hf.hf_pr) (f_fv hf.hf_po) in
      EcPath.x_fv (Mid.remove mhr fv) hf.hf_f

    | FhoareS hs ->
      let fv = fv_union (f_fv hs.hs_pr) (f_fv hs.hs_po) in
      fv_union (EcCoreModules.s_fv hs.hs_s) (Mid.remove (fst hs.hs_m) fv)

    | FcHoareF chf ->
      let fv = fv_union (f_fv chf.chf_pr)
          (fv_union (f_fv chf.chf_po) (f_fv chf.chf_co)) in
      EcPath.x_fv (Mid.remove mhr fv) chf.chf_f

    | FcHoareS chs ->
      let fv = fv_union (f_fv chs.chs_pr)
          (fv_union (f_fv chs.chs_po) (f_fv chs.chs_co)) in
      fv_union (EcCoreModules.s_fv chs.chs_s) (Mid.remove (fst chs.chs_m) fv)

    | FbdHoareF bhf ->
      let fv =
        fv_union (f_fv bhf.bhf_pr)
          (fv_union (f_fv bhf.bhf_po) (f_fv bhf.bhf_bd)) in
      EcPath.x_fv (Mid.remove mhr fv) bhf.bhf_f

    | FbdHoareS bhs ->
      let fv =
        fv_union (f_fv bhs.bhs_pr)
          (fv_union (f_fv bhs.bhs_po) (f_fv bhs.bhs_bd)) in
      fv_union (EcCoreModules.s_fv bhs.bhs_s) (Mid.remove (fst bhs.bhs_m) fv)

    | FequivF ef ->
        let fv = fv_union (f_fv ef.ef_pr) (f_fv ef.ef_po) in
        let fv = fv_diff fv fv_mlr in
        EcPath.x_fv (EcPath.x_fv fv ef.ef_fl) ef.ef_fr

    | FequivS es ->
        let fv = fv_union (f_fv es.es_pr) (f_fv es.es_po) in
        let ml, mr = fst es.es_ml, fst es.es_mr in
        let fv = fv_diff fv (Sid.add ml (Sid.singleton mr)) in
        fv_union fv
          (fv_union (EcCoreModules.s_fv es.es_sl) (EcCoreModules.s_fv es.es_sr))

    | FeagerF eg ->
        let fv = fv_union (f_fv eg.eg_pr) (f_fv eg.eg_po) in
        let fv = fv_diff fv fv_mlr in
        let fv = EcPath.x_fv (EcPath.x_fv fv eg.eg_fl) eg.eg_fr in
        fv_union fv
          (fv_union (EcCoreModules.s_fv eg.eg_sl) (EcCoreModules.s_fv eg.eg_sr))

    | Fcoe coe ->
        (Mid.remove (fst coe.coe_mem) (f_fv coe.coe_pre))
        (EcTypes.e_fv coe.coe_e)

    | Fpr pr ->
        let fve = Mid.remove mhr (f_fv pr.pr_event) in
        let fv  = EcPath.x_fv fve pr.pr_fun in
        fv_union (f_fv pr.pr_args) (fv_add pr.pr_mem fv)

  let tag n f =
    let fv = fv_union (fv_node f.f_node) f.f_ty.ty_fv in
      { f with f_tag = n; f_fv = fv; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let gty_as_ty =
  function GTty ty -> ty | _ -> assert false

let gty_as_mem =
  function GTmem m -> m  | _ -> assert false

let gty_as_mod = function GTmodty (ns,mt) -> ns, mt | _ -> assert false

let kind_of_gty = function
  | GTty    _ -> `Form
  | GTmem   _ -> `Mem
  | GTmodty _ -> `Mod

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let hoarecmp_opp cmp =
  match cmp with
  | FHle -> FHge
  | FHeq -> FHeq
  | FHge -> FHle

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mk_form node ty =
  let aout =
      { f_node = node;
        f_ty   = ty;
        f_fv   = Mid.empty;
        f_tag  = -1; }
  in assert (EcTypes.ty_equal ty aout.f_ty); aout

let f_node { f_node = form } = form

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_op x tys ty = mk_form (Fop (x, tys)) ty

let f_app f args ty =
  let f, args' =
    match f.f_node with
    | Fapp (f, args') -> (f, args')
    | _ -> (f, [])
  in let args' = args' @ args in

  if List.is_empty args' then begin
    (*if ty_equal ty f.f_ty then f else mk_form f.f_node ty *) f
  end else mk_form (Fapp (f, args')) ty

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_local  x ty   = mk_form (Flocal x) ty
let f_pvar   x ty m = mk_form (Fpvar(x, m)) ty
let f_pvloc  v  m = f_pvar (pv_loc v.v_name) v.v_type m

let f_pvarg  ty m = f_pvar pv_arg ty m

let f_pvlocs vs menv = List.map (fun v -> f_pvloc v menv) vs
let f_glob   mp m   = mk_form (Fglob (mp, m)) (tglob mp)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_tt     = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Unit.p_tt    [] tunit
let f_true   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_true  [] tbool
let f_false  = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_false [] tbool
let f_bool   = fun b -> if b then f_true else f_false

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* check that record entries in the procedure costs appearing in a
   module cost only contain parameters of the corresponding module. *)
let check_modcost (f : form) (params : EcIdent.t list) : bool =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fmodcost mc ->
    Msym.for_all (fun _ pc ->
        EcPath.Mx.for_all (fun orcl _ ->
            match orcl.x_top.m_top with
            | `Local id ->
              if not (List.mem id params) then begin
                Format.eprintf "%s does not appear in %s@."
                  (EcPath.m_tostring orcl.x_top)
                  (String.concat ", " (List.map EcIdent.tostring params));
              else true

            | _ -> assert false
          ) pc.c_calls
      ) mc
  | _ -> f_equal f f_true

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Smart constructor for module types.
   Check that the module cost record only refers to (non-instantiated)
   module parameters. *)
let mk_mt_r
    ~(mt_params  : (EcIdent.t * 'a p_module_type) list)
    ~(mt_name    : EcPath.path)
    ~(mt_args    : EcPath.mpath list)
    ~(mt_restr   : 'a p_mod_restr)
    ~(mt_opacity : mod_opacity)
  : module_type
  let check (f : form) : bool =
    (* Keep only non-instantiated parameters from [mt_params].
       Since module types are in eta-expanded form, this require going through
       [mt_params] and [mt_args] until we find an different element. *)
    let rec eta_reduce params args acc =
      match params, args with
      | [], [] -> List.rev acc
      | (p,_) :: params, a :: args ->
        if EcPath.m_equal (EcPath.mident p) a
        then eta_reduce params args (p :: acc)
        else List.rev acc

      | _ -> assert false       (* cannot happen *)
    let params = eta_reduce mt_params mt_args [] in

    check_modcost f params
    ~check ~mt_params ~mt_name ~mt_opacity ~mt_args ~mt_restr

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Smart constructor for module signatures.
   Check that the module cost record only refers to module parameters. *)
let mk_msig_r
    ~(mis_params : (EcIdent.t * module_type) list)
    ~(mis_body   : module_sig_body)
    ~(mis_restr  : mod_restr)
  : module_sig
  let check (f : form) : bool =
    check_modcost f (List.map fst mis_params)
  EcCoreModules._prelude_mk_msig_r ~check ~mis_params ~mis_body ~mis_restr

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_tuple args =
  match args with
  | []  -> f_tt
  | [x] -> x
  | _   -> mk_form (Ftuple args) (ttuple (List.map f_ty args))

let f_quant q b f =
  if List.is_empty b then f else
    let (q, b, f) =
      match f.f_node with
      | Fquant(q',b',f') when q = q' -> (q, b@b', f')
      | _ -> q, b , f in
    let ty =
      if   q = Llambda
      then toarrow (List.map (fun (_,gty) -> gty_as_ty gty) b) f.f_ty
      else tbool in

    mk_form (Fquant (q, b, f)) ty

let f_proj   f  i  ty = mk_form (Fproj(f, i)) ty
let f_if     f1 f2 f3 = mk_form (Fif (f1, f2, f3)) f2.f_ty
let f_match  b  fs ty = mk_form (Fmatch (b, fs, ty)) ty
let f_let    q  f1 f2 = mk_form (Flet (q, f1, f2)) f2.f_ty (* FIXME rename binding *)
let f_let1   x  f1 f2 = f_let (LSymbol (x, f1.f_ty)) f1 f2
let f_exists b  f     = f_quant Lexists b f
let f_forall b  f     = f_quant Lforall b f
let f_lambda b  f     = f_quant Llambda b f

let f_forall_mems bds f =
  f_forall (List.map (fun (m, mt) -> (m, GTmem mt)) bds) f

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let ty_fbool1 = toarrow (List.make 1 tbool) tbool
let ty_fbool2 = toarrow (List.make 2 tbool) tbool

let fop_not  = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_not  [] ty_fbool1
let fop_and  = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_and  [] ty_fbool2
let fop_anda = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_anda [] ty_fbool2
let fop_or   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_or   [] ty_fbool2
let fop_ora  = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_ora  [] ty_fbool2
let fop_imp  = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_imp  [] ty_fbool2
let fop_iff  = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_iff  [] ty_fbool2

let f_not  f     = f_app fop_not  [f]      tbool
let f_and  f1 f2 = f_app fop_and  [f1; f2] tbool
let f_anda f1 f2 = f_app fop_anda [f1; f2] tbool
let f_or   f1 f2 = f_app fop_or   [f1; f2] tbool
let f_ora  f1 f2 = f_app fop_ora  [f1; f2] tbool
let f_imp  f1 f2 = f_app fop_imp  [f1; f2] tbool
let f_iff  f1 f2 = f_app fop_iff  [f1; f2] tbool

let f_ands fs =
  match List.rev fs with
  | [] -> f_true
  | f::fs -> List.fold_left ((^~) f_and) f fs

let f_andas fs =
  match List.rev fs with
  | [] -> f_true
  | f::fs -> List.fold_left ((^~) f_anda) f fs

let f_ors fs =
  match List.rev fs with
  | [] -> f_false
  | f::fs -> List.fold_left ((^~) f_or) f fs

let f_oras fs =
  match List.rev fs with
  | [] -> f_false
  | f::fs -> List.fold_left ((^~) f_ora) f fs

let f_imps = List.fold_right f_imp

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let fop_eq ty = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_eq [ty] (toarrow [ty; ty] tbool)

let f_eq f1 f2 = f_app (fop_eq f1.f_ty) [f1; f2] tbool

let f_eqs fs1 fs2 =
  assert (List.length fs1 = List.length fs2);
  f_ands (List.map2 f_eq fs1 fs2)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Check that keys of [mx] are functions of local modules,
   with no arguments. *)
let check_mx_local (mx : 'a EcPath.Mx.t) : bool =
  EcPath.Mx.for_all (fun x _ ->
      match x.x_top.m_top with
      | `Local _ -> x.x_top.m_args = []
      | _ -> false
    ) mx

let crecord_r (c_self : form) (c_calls : form EcPath.Mx.t) c_full : crecord =
  assert (check_mx_local c_calls);
  { c_self; c_calls; c_full; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let cost_r : form -> form EcPath.Mx.t -> bool -> cost = crecord_r

let f_cost_r (c : cost) : form = mk_form (Fcost c) EcTypes.tcost

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let proc_cost_r : form -> form EcPath.Mx.t -> bool -> proc_cost = crecord_r

(* direct constructeur, taking the type in arguments *)
let _f_mod_cost_r (mc : mod_cost) (ty : EcTypes.ty) : form =
  mk_form (Fmodcost mc) ty

(* Computes a module cost record types.
   Does not check that the module cost record corresponds to an existing module. *)
let mod_cost_ty (mc : mod_cost) : EcTypes.ty =
  let procs, oracles =
    Msym.fold (fun f proc_cost (procs, oracles) ->
        let oracles =
          EcPath.Mx.fold (fun id _ oracles ->
              let idtop, idsub = EcPath.mget_ident id.x_top, id.x_sub in
              Msym.change (function
                  | None   -> Some (Ssym.singleton idsub)
                  | Some s -> Some (Ssym.add idsub s)
                ) (EcIdent.name idtop) oracles
            ) proc_cost.c_calls oracles
        let procs = Msym.add f proc_cost.c_full procs in
        procs, oracles
      ) mc (Msym.empty, Msym.empty)
  EcTypes.tmodcost procs oracles

(* module cost record constructeur, computing the type for the record *)
let f_mod_cost_r (mc : mod_cost) : form =
  let ty = mod_cost_ty mc in
  mk_form (Fmodcost mc) ty

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_cost_proj_r (mc : form) (p : cost_proj) : form =
  let ty = cost_proj_ty p in
  mk_form (Fcost_proj (mc, p)) ty

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_hoareS_r hs = mk_form (FhoareS hs) tbool
let f_hoareF_r hf = mk_form (FhoareF hf) tbool

let f_hoareS hs_m hs_pr hs_s hs_po =
  f_hoareS_r { hs_m; hs_pr; hs_s; hs_po; }

let f_hoareF hf_pr hf_f hf_po =
  f_hoareF_r { hf_pr; hf_f; hf_po; }

let f_cHoareS_r chs = mk_form (FcHoareS chs) tbool
let f_cHoareF_r chf = mk_form (FcHoareF chf) tbool

let f_cHoareS chs_m chs_pr chs_s chs_po chs_co =
  f_cHoareS_r { chs_m; chs_pr; chs_s; chs_po; chs_co }

let f_cHoareF chf_pr chf_f chf_po chf_co =
  f_cHoareF_r { chf_pr; chf_f; chf_po; chf_co }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_bdHoareS_r bhs = mk_form (FbdHoareS bhs) tbool
let f_bdHoareF_r bhf = mk_form (FbdHoareF bhf) tbool

let f_bdHoareS bhs_m bhs_pr bhs_s bhs_po bhs_cmp bhs_bd =
    { bhs_m; bhs_pr; bhs_s; bhs_po; bhs_cmp; bhs_bd; }

let f_bdHoareF bhf_pr bhf_f bhf_po bhf_cmp bhf_bd =
  f_bdHoareF_r { bhf_pr; bhf_f; bhf_po; bhf_cmp; bhf_bd; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_equivS_r es = mk_form (FequivS es) tbool
let f_equivF_r ef = mk_form (FequivF ef) tbool

let f_equivS es_ml es_mr es_pr es_sl es_sr es_po =
   f_equivS_r { es_ml; es_mr; es_pr; es_sl; es_sr; es_po; }

let f_equivF ef_pr ef_fl ef_fr ef_po =
  f_equivF_r{ ef_pr; ef_fl; ef_fr; ef_po; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_eagerF_r eg = mk_form (FeagerF eg) tbool

let f_eagerF eg_pr eg_sl eg_fl eg_fr eg_sr eg_po =
  f_eagerF_r { eg_pr; eg_sl; eg_fl; eg_fr; eg_sr; eg_po; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_coe_r coe = mk_form (Fcoe coe) txint

let f_coe coe_pre coe_mem coe_e = f_coe_r { coe_pre; coe_mem; coe_e; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_pr_r pr = mk_form (Fpr pr) treal

let f_pr pr_mem pr_fun pr_args pr_event =
  f_pr_r { pr_mem; pr_fun; pr_args; pr_event; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let fop_int_opp   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Int.p_int_opp [] (toarrow [tint]       tint)
let fop_int_add   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Int.p_int_add [] (toarrow [tint; tint] tint)
let fop_int_mul   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Int.p_int_mul [] (toarrow [tint; tint] tint)
let fop_int_pow   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Int.p_int_pow [] (toarrow [tint; tint] tint)
let fop_int_max   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Int.p_int_max [] (toarrow [tint; tint] tint)

let fop_int_edivz =
  f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Int.p_int_edivz []
       (toarrow [tint; tint] (ttuple [tint; tint]))

let f_int_opp   f     = f_app fop_int_opp   [f]      tint
let f_int_add   f1 f2 = f_app fop_int_add   [f1; f2] tint
let f_int_mul   f1 f2 = f_app fop_int_mul   [f1; f2] tint
let f_int_pow   f1 f2 = f_app fop_int_pow   [f1; f2] tint
let f_int_edivz f1 f2 = f_app fop_int_edivz [f1; f2] tint
let f_int_max   f1 f2 = f_app fop_int_max   [f1; f2] tint

let f_int_sub f1 f2 =
  f_int_add f1 (f_int_opp f2)

let rec f_int (n : BI.zint) =
  match BI.sign n with
  | s when 0 <= s -> mk_form (Fint n) tint
  | _             -> f_int_opp (f_int (~^ n))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_i0  = f_int BI.zero
let f_i1  = f_int BI.one
let f_im1 = f_int_opp f_i1

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_op_xopp   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_xopp  [] (toarrow [txint        ] txint)
let f_op_xadd   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_xadd  [] (toarrow [txint; txint ] txint)
let f_op_xmul   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_xmul  [] (toarrow [txint; txint ] txint)
let f_op_xmuli  = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_xmuli [] (toarrow [tint;  txint ] txint)
let f_op_xle    = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_xle   [] (toarrow [txint; txint ] tbool)
let f_op_xlt    = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_xlt   [] (toarrow [txint; txint ] tbool)
let f_op_xmax   = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_xmax  [] (toarrow [txint;  txint] txint)
let f_op_xoget  = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_xoget [] (toarrow [txint]          tint)

let f_op_inf    = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_inf    [] txint
let f_op_N      = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_N      [] (toarrow [tint ] txint)
let f_op_is_inf = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_is_inf [] (toarrow [txint] tbool)
let f_op_is_int = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_is_int [] (toarrow [txint] tbool)

let f_is_inf f  = f_app f_op_is_inf [f] tbool
let f_is_int f  = f_app f_op_is_int [f] tbool

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_Inf         = f_app f_op_inf  []       txint
let f_N     f     = f_app f_op_N    [f]      txint
let f_xopp  f     = f_app f_op_xopp [f]      txint
let f_xadd  f1 f2 = f_app f_op_xadd [f1; f2] txint
let f_xmul  f1 f2 = f_app f_op_xmul [f1; f2] txint
let f_xmuli fi f  = f_xmul (f_N fi) f
let f_xle   f1 f2 = f_app f_op_xle  [f1; f2] tbool
let f_xlt   f1 f2 = f_app f_op_xlt  [f1; f2] tbool
let f_xmax  f1 f2 = f_app f_op_xmax [f1; f2] txint
let f_xoget f     = f_app f_op_xoget [f]      tint

let f_x0 = f_N f_i0
let f_x1 = f_N f_i1

let f_xadd_simpl f1 f2 =
  if f_equal f1 f_x0 then f2 else
  if f_equal f2 f_x0 then f1 else f_xadd f1 f2

let f_xmul_simpl f1 f2 =
  if   f_equal f1 f_x0 || f_equal f2 f_x0
  then f_x0
  else f_xmul f1 f2

let f_xmuli_simpl f1 f2 =
  f_xmul_simpl (f_N f1) f2

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Cost = EcCoreLib.CI_Cost

let fop_cost_inf     = f_op CI_Cost.p_cost_inf     []                         tcost
let fop_cost_opp     = f_op CI_Cost.p_cost_opp     [] (toarrow [tcost]        tcost)
let fop_cost_add     = f_op CI_Cost.p_cost_add     [] (toarrow [tcost; tcost] tcost)
let fop_cost_scale   = f_op CI_Cost.p_cost_scale   [] (toarrow [tint;  tcost] tcost)
let fop_cost_xscale  = f_op CI_Cost.p_cost_xscale  [] (toarrow [txint; tcost] tcost)
let fop_cost_le      = f_op CI_Cost.p_cost_le      [] (toarrow [tcost; tcost] tbool)
let fop_cost_lt      = f_op CI_Cost.p_cost_lt      [] (toarrow [tcost; tcost] tbool)
let fop_cost_subcond = f_op CI_Cost.p_cost_subcond [] (toarrow [tcost; tcost] tbool)
let fop_cost_is_int  = f_op CI_Cost.p_cost_is_int  [] (toarrow [tcost]        tbool)

let f_cost_inf           = f_app fop_cost_inf     []       tcost
let f_cost_opp     f     = f_app fop_cost_opp     [f]      tcost
let f_cost_add     f1 f2 = f_app fop_cost_add     [f1; f2] tcost
let f_cost_scale   f1 f2 = f_app fop_cost_scale   [f1; f2] tcost
let f_cost_xscale  f1 f2 = f_app fop_cost_xscale  [f1; f2] tcost
let f_cost_le      f1 f2 = f_app fop_cost_le      [f1; f2] tbool
let f_cost_lt      f1 f2 = f_app fop_cost_lt      [f1; f2] tbool
let f_cost_subcond f1 f2 = f_app fop_cost_subcond [f1; f2] tbool
let f_cost_is_int  f1    = f_app fop_cost_is_int  [f1]     tbool

let f_cost_inf0 = f_cost_r (cost_r f_Inf EcPath.Mx.empty false)

(* FIXME: since we cannot define abbrevs and operators for cost (yet),
   do not use the operator but directly its definition *)
let f_cost_inf = f_cost_inf0

let f_cost_zero = f_cost_r (cost_r  f_x0 EcPath.Mx.empty true)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_int_add_simpl f1 f2 =
  if f_equal f1 f_i0 then f2 else
  if f_equal f2 f_i0 then f1 else f_int_add f1 f2

let f_int_mul_simpl f1 f2 =
  if   f_equal f1 f_i0 || f_equal f2 f_i0
  then f_i0
  else f_int_mul f1 f2

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let q_List = [EcCoreLib.i_top; "List"]

let tlist =
  let tlist = EcPath.fromqsymbol (q_List, "list") in
  fun ty -> EcTypes.tconstr tlist [ty]

let range =
  let rg = EcPath.fromqsymbol (q_List @ ["Range"], "range") in
  let rg = f_op rg [] (toarrow [tint; tint] (tlist tint)) in
  fun m n -> f_app rg [m; n] (tlist tint)

let f_predT = f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Pred.p_predT [tint] (tpred tint)

let f_op_bigcost =
  f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_bigcost [tint]
    (toarrow [tpred tint; tfun tint tcost; tlist tint] tcost)

let f_op_bigx =
  f_op EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_bigx [tint]
    (toarrow [tpred tint; tfun tint txint; tlist tint] txint)

let f_op_big =
  let p_big =
    EcPath.fromqsymbol ([EcCoreLib.i_top;"StdBigop"; "Bigint"; "BIA"], "big")
  f_op p_big [tint]
    (toarrow [tpred tint; tfun tint tint; tlist tint] tint)

let f_bigcost p f l = f_app f_op_bigcost [p; f; l] tcost
let f_bigx    p f l = f_app f_op_bigx    [p; f; l] txint
let f_big     p f l = f_app f_op_big     [p; f; l] tint

let f_bigicost f m n = f_app f_op_bigcost [f_predT; f; range m n] tcost
let f_bigix    f m n = f_app f_op_bigx    [f_predT; f; range m n] txint
let f_bigi     f m n = f_app f_op_big     [f_predT; f; range m n] tint

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Get the value of a [c_bnd] according to [full] *)
let oget_c_bnd (c : form option) (full : bool) =
  match c with
  | None   -> if full then f_x0 else f_Inf
  | Some c -> c

(* [l] of type [mode_l], [c_bnd] has type [txint] *)
let x_scalar_mult
    ~(mode_l:[`Xint | `Int])
    (l : form) (c : form) : form =
  match mode_l with
  | `Xint -> f_xmul_simpl l       c
  | `Int  -> f_xmul_simpl (f_N l) c

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* auxilliary function used in [cost] and [r_cost] addition *)
let cost_add_map (calls1, full1) (calls2, full2) =
  EcPath.Mx.merge (fun _ call1 call2 ->
      let call1 = oget_c_bnd call1 full1
      and call2 = oget_c_bnd call2 full2 in
      Some (f_xadd_simpl call1 call2 )
    ) calls1 calls2

let cost_add (c1 : cost) (c2 : cost) : cost =
  let c_self = f_xadd_simpl c1.c_self c2.c_self in (* xint *)
  let c_calls =
    cost_add_map (c1.c_calls, c1.c_full) (c2.c_calls, c2.c_full)
  { c_self; c_calls; c_full = c1.c_full && c2.c_full}

let proc_cost_add (c1 : proc_cost) (c2 : proc_cost) : proc_cost =
  let c_self = f_cost_add c1.c_self c2.c_self in (* cost *)
  let c_calls =
    cost_add_map (c1.c_calls, c1.c_full) (c2.c_calls, c2.c_full)
  { c_self; c_calls; c_full = c1.c_full && c2.c_full}

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let cost_top : cost =
  { c_self  = f_Inf;
    c_calls = EcPath.Mx.empty;
    c_full  = false; }

let fcost_top : form = f_cost_r cost_top

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let proc_cost_top : proc_cost =
  { c_self   = fcost_top;
    c_calls  = EcPath.Mx.empty;
    c_full   = false; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mod_cost_top (procs : Ssym.t) : mod_cost =
  Ssym.fold (fun f mc ->
      Msym.add f proc_cost_top mc
    ) procs Msym.empty

let mod_cost_top_r (procs  : Ssym.t) : form =
  f_mod_cost_r (mod_cost_top procs)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [l] has type [int] *)
let cost_scalar_mult (l : form) (c : cost) : cost =
  let c_self = x_scalar_mult ~mode_l:`Int l c.c_self in
  let c_calls = EcPath.Mx.map (x_scalar_mult ~mode_l:`Int l) c.c_calls in
  { c_self; c_calls; c_full = c.c_full; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module FSmart = struct
  type a_local = EcIdent.t * ty
  type a_pvar  = prog_var * ty * memory
  type a_quant = quantif * bindings * form
  type a_if    = form tuple3
  type a_match = form * form list * ty
  type a_let   = lpattern * form * form
  type a_op    = EcPath.path * ty list * ty
  type a_tuple = form list
  type a_app   = form * form list * ty
  type a_proj  = form * ty
  type a_glob  = EcPath.mpath * memory

  let f_local (fp, (x, ty)) (x', ty') =
    if   x == x' && ty == ty'
    then fp
    else f_local x' ty'

  let f_pvar (fp, (pv, ty, m)) (pv', ty', m') =
    if   pv == pv' && ty == ty' && m == m'
    then fp
    else f_pvar pv' ty' m'

  let f_quant (fp, (q, b, f)) (q', b', f') =
    if   q == q' && b == b' && f == f'
    then fp
    else f_quant q' b' f'

  let f_glob (fp, (mp, m)) (mp', m') =
    if   mp == mp' && m == m'
    then fp
    else f_glob mp' m'

  let f_if (fp, (c, f1, f2)) (c', f1', f2') =
    if   c == c' && f1 == f1' && f2 == f2'
    then fp
    else f_if c' f1' f2'

  let f_match (fp, (b, fs, ty)) (b', fs', ty') =
    if   b == b' && fs == fs' && ty == ty'
    then fp
    else f_match b' fs' ty'

  let f_let (fp, (lp, f1, f2)) (lp', f1', f2') =
    if   lp == lp' && f1 == f1' && f2 == f2'
    then fp
    else f_let lp' f1' f2'

  let f_op (fp, (op, tys, ty)) (op', tys', ty') =
    if   op == op' && tys == tys' && ty == ty'
    then fp
    else f_op op' tys' ty'

  let f_app (fp, (f, fs, ty)) (f', fs', ty') =
    if   f == f' && fs == fs' && ty == ty'
    then fp
    else f_app f' fs' ty'

  let f_tuple (fp, fs) fs' =
    if fs == fs' then fp else f_tuple fs'

  let f_proj (fp, (f, ty)) (f', ty') i =
    if   f == f' && ty == ty'
    then fp
    else f_proj f' i ty'

  let f_cost (fp, fc) fc' =
    if cost_equal fc fc' then fp else f_cost_r fc'

  let f_mod_cost (fmc, mc, ty) (mc', ty') =
    if mod_cost_equal mc mc' && ty == ty' then fmc else _f_mod_cost_r mc' ty'

  let f_cost_proj (fp, c, p) (c', p') =
    if f_equal c c' && cost_proj_equal p p'
    then fp
    else f_cost_proj_r c' p'

  let f_equivF (fp, ef) ef' =
    if eqf_equal ef ef' then fp else mk_form (FequivF ef') fp.f_ty

  let f_equivS (fp, es) es' =
    if eqs_equal es es' then fp else f_equivS_r es'

  let f_eagerF (fp, eg) eg' =
    if egf_equal eg eg' then fp else mk_form (FeagerF eg') fp.f_ty

  let f_hoareF (fp, hf) hf' =
    if hf_equal hf hf' then fp else mk_form (FhoareF hf') fp.f_ty

  let f_cHoareF (fp, chf) chf' =
    if chf_equal chf chf' then fp else mk_form (FcHoareF chf') fp.f_ty

  let f_hoareS (fp, hs) hs' =
    if hs_equal hs hs' then fp else f_hoareS_r hs'

  let f_cHoareS (fp, chs) chs' =
    if chs_equal chs chs' then fp else f_cHoareS_r chs'

  let f_bdHoareF (fp, bhf) bhf' =
    if bhf_equal bhf bhf' then fp else mk_form (FbdHoareF bhf') fp.f_ty

  let f_bdHoareS (fp, bhs) bhs' =
    if bhs_equal bhs bhs' then fp else f_bdHoareS_r bhs'

  let f_coe (fp, coe) coe' =
    if coe_equal coe coe' then fp else f_coe_r coe'

  let f_pr (fp, pr) pr' =
    if pr_equal pr pr' then fp else f_pr_r pr'

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let crecord_map (g : form -> form) (cost : crecord): crecord =
  let calls = EcPath.Mx.map g cost.c_calls in
  cost_r (g cost.c_self) calls cost.c_full

let cost_map      : (form -> form) -> cost      -> cost      = crecord_map
let proc_cost_map : (form -> form) -> proc_cost -> proc_cost = crecord_map

let mod_cost_map (g : form -> form) (mc : mod_cost): mod_cost =
  Msym.map (proc_cost_map g) mc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let crecord_iter (g : form -> unit) (cost : crecord) : unit =
  g cost.c_self;
  EcPath.Mx.iter (fun _ -> g) cost.c_calls

let cost_iter      : (form -> unit) -> cost      -> unit = crecord_iter
let proc_cost_iter : (form -> unit) -> proc_cost -> unit = crecord_iter

let mod_cost_iter (g : form -> unit) (mc : mod_cost): unit =
  Msym.iter (fun _ -> proc_cost_iter g) mc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let crecord_fold
    (g : form -> 'a -> 'a)
    (cost : crecord)
    (init : 'a) : 'a
  g cost.c_self init |>
  EcPath.Mx.fold (fun _ -> g) cost.c_calls

let cost_fold      : (form -> 'a -> 'a) -> cost      -> 'a -> 'a = crecord_fold
let proc_cost_fold : (form -> 'a -> 'a) -> proc_cost -> 'a -> 'a = crecord_fold

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_map gt g fp =
  match fp.f_node with
  | Fquant(q, b, f) ->
      let map_gty ((x, gty) as b1) =
        let gty' =
          match gty with
          | GTty ty ->
              let ty' = gt ty in if ty == ty' then gty else GTty ty'
          | _ -> gty
          if gty == gty' then b1 else (x, gty')

      let b' = List.Smart.map map_gty b in
      let f' = g f in

      FSmart.f_quant (fp, (q, b, f)) (q, b', f')

  | Fint  _ -> fp
  | Fglob _ -> fp

  | Fif (f1, f2, f3) ->
      FSmart.f_if (fp, (f1, f2, f3)) (g f1, g f2, g f3)

  | Fmatch (b, fs, ty) ->
      FSmart.f_match (fp, (b, fs, ty)) (g b, List.map g fs, gt ty)

  | Flet (lp, f1, f2) ->
      FSmart.f_let (fp, (lp, f1, f2)) (lp, g f1, g f2)

  | Flocal id ->
      let ty' = gt fp.f_ty in
        FSmart.f_local (fp, (id, fp.f_ty)) (id, ty')

  | Fpvar (id, s) ->
      let ty' = gt fp.f_ty in
        FSmart.f_pvar (fp, (id, fp.f_ty, s)) (id, ty', s)

  | Fop (p, tys) ->
      let tys' = List.Smart.map gt tys in
      let ty'  = gt fp.f_ty in
        FSmart.f_op (fp, (p, tys, fp.f_ty)) (p, tys', ty')

  | Fapp (f, fs) ->
      let f'  = g f in
      let fs' = List.Smart.map g fs in
      let ty' = gt fp.f_ty in
        FSmart.f_app (fp, (f, fs, fp.f_ty)) (f', fs', ty')

  | Ftuple fs ->
      let fs' = List.Smart.map g fs in
        FSmart.f_tuple (fp, fs) fs'

  | Fproj (f, i) ->
      let f'  = g f in
      let ty' = gt fp.f_ty in
        FSmart.f_proj (fp, (f, fp.f_ty)) (f', ty') i

  | Fcost c -> FSmart.f_cost (fp, c) (cost_map g c)

  | Fmodcost mc ->
    let ty' = gt fp.f_ty in
    FSmart.f_mod_cost (fp, mc, fp.f_ty) (mod_cost_map g mc, ty')

  | Fcost_proj (c,p) ->
    FSmart.f_cost_proj (fp, c, p) (g c, p)

  | FhoareF hf ->
      let pr' = g hf.hf_pr in
      let po' = g hf.hf_po in
        FSmart.f_hoareF (fp, hf)
          { hf with hf_pr = pr'; hf_po = po'; }

  | FhoareS hs ->
      let pr' = g hs.hs_pr in
      let po' = g hs.hs_po in
        FSmart.f_hoareS (fp, hs)
          { hs with hs_pr = pr'; hs_po = po'; }

  | FcHoareF chf ->
      let pr' = g chf.chf_pr in
      let po' = g chf.chf_po in
      let c'  = g chf.chf_co in
        FSmart.f_cHoareF (fp, chf)
          { chf with chf_pr = pr'; chf_po = po'; chf_co = c' }

  | FcHoareS chs ->
      let pr' = g chs.chs_pr in
      let po' = g chs.chs_po in
      let c'  = g chs.chs_co in
        FSmart.f_cHoareS (fp, chs)
          { chs with chs_pr = pr'; chs_po = po'; chs_co = c' }

  | FbdHoareF bhf ->
      let pr' = g bhf.bhf_pr in
      let po' = g bhf.bhf_po in
      let bd' = g bhf.bhf_bd in
        FSmart.f_bdHoareF (fp, bhf)
          { bhf with bhf_pr = pr'; bhf_po = po'; bhf_bd = bd'; }

  | FbdHoareS bhs ->
      let pr' = g bhs.bhs_pr in
      let po' = g bhs.bhs_po in
      let bd' = g bhs.bhs_bd in
        FSmart.f_bdHoareS (fp, bhs)
          { bhs with bhs_pr = pr'; bhs_po = po'; bhs_bd = bd'; }

  | FequivF ef ->
      let pr' = g ef.ef_pr in
      let po' = g ef.ef_po in
        FSmart.f_equivF (fp, ef)
          { ef with ef_pr = pr'; ef_po = po'; }

  | FequivS es ->
      let pr' = g es.es_pr in
      let po' = g es.es_po in
        FSmart.f_equivS (fp, es)
          { es with es_pr = pr'; es_po = po'; }

  | FeagerF eg ->
      let pr' = g eg.eg_pr in
      let po' = g eg.eg_po in
        FSmart.f_eagerF (fp, eg)
          { eg with eg_pr = pr'; eg_po = po'; }

  | Fcoe coe ->
    let pre' = g coe.coe_pre in
    FSmart.f_coe (fp, coe)
      { coe with coe_pre = pre'; }

  | Fpr pr ->
      let args' = g pr.pr_args in
      let ev'   = g pr.pr_event in
        FSmart.f_pr (fp, pr)
          { pr with pr_args = args'; pr_event = ev'; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_iter g f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fint     _
  | Flocal   _
  | Fpvar    _
  | Fglob    _
  | Fop      _ -> ()

  | Fquant   (_ , _ , f1) -> g f1
  | Fif      (f1, f2, f3) -> g f1;g f2; g f3
  | Fmatch   (b, fs, _)   -> List.iter g (b :: fs)
  | Flet     (_, f1, f2)  -> g f1;g f2
  | Fapp     (e, es)      -> List.iter g (e :: es)
  | Ftuple   es           -> List.iter g es
  | Fproj    (e, _)       -> g e

  | Fcost      c     -> cost_iter g c
  | Fmodcost   mc    -> mod_cost_iter g mc
  | Fcost_proj (f,_) -> g f

  | FhoareF  hf  -> g hf.hf_pr; g hf.hf_po
  | FhoareS  hs  -> g hs.hs_pr; g hs.hs_po
  | FcHoareF  chf -> g chf.chf_pr; g chf.chf_po; g chf.chf_co
  | FcHoareS  chs -> g chs.chs_pr; g chs.chs_po; g chs.chs_co
  | FbdHoareF bhf -> g bhf.bhf_pr; g bhf.bhf_po; g bhf.bhf_bd
  | FbdHoareS bhs -> g bhs.bhs_pr; g bhs.bhs_po; g bhs.bhs_bd
  | FequivF   ef  -> g ef.ef_pr; g ef.ef_po
  | FequivS   es  -> g es.es_pr; g es.es_po
  | FeagerF   eg  -> g eg.eg_pr; g eg.eg_po
  | Fcoe      coe -> g coe.coe_pre;
  | Fpr       pr  -> g pr.pr_args; g pr.pr_event

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let f_ops f =
  let aout = ref EcPath.Sp.empty in
  let rec doit f =
    match f.f_node with
    | Fop (p, _) -> aout := Sp.add p !aout
    | _ -> f_iter doit f
  in doit f; !aout

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception DestrError of string

let destr_error e = raise (DestrError e)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let destr_forall1 f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fquant(Lforall,(x,t)::bd,p) -> x,t,f_forall bd p
  | _ -> destr_error "forall"

let destr_forall f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fquant(Lforall,bd,p) -> bd, p
  | _ -> destr_error "forall"

let decompose_forall f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fquant(Lforall,bd,p) -> bd, p
  | _ -> [], f

let destr_lambda f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fquant(Llambda,bd,p) -> bd, p
  | _ -> destr_error "lambda"

let decompose_lambda f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fquant(Llambda,bd,p) -> bd, p
  | _ -> [], f

let destr_exists1 f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fquant(Lexists,(x,t)::bd,p) -> x,t,f_exists bd p
  | _ -> destr_error "exists"

let destr_exists f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fquant(Lexists,bd,p) -> bd, p
  | _ -> destr_error "exists"

let destr_let f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Flet(lp, e1,e2) -> lp,e1,e2
  | _ -> destr_error "let"

let destr_let1 f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Flet(LSymbol(x,ty), e1,e2) -> x,ty,e1,e2
  | _ -> destr_error "let1"

let destr_equivS f =
  match f.f_node with
  | FequivS es -> es
  | _ -> destr_error "equivS"

let destr_equivF f =
  match f.f_node with
  | FequivF es -> es
  | _ -> destr_error "equivF"

let destr_eagerF f =
  match f.f_node with
  | FeagerF eg -> eg
  | _ -> destr_error "eagerF"

let destr_hoareS f =
  match f.f_node with
  | FhoareS es -> es
  | _ -> destr_error "hoareS"

let destr_hoareF f =
  match f.f_node with
  | FhoareF es -> es
  | _ -> destr_error "hoareF"

let destr_cHoareS f =
  match f.f_node with
  | FcHoareS es -> es
  | _ -> destr_error "cHoareS"

let destr_cHoareF f =
  match f.f_node with
  | FcHoareF es -> es
  | _ -> destr_error "cHoareF"

let destr_bdHoareS f =
  match f.f_node with
  | FbdHoareS es -> es
  | _ -> destr_error "bdHoareS"

let destr_bdHoareF f =
  match f.f_node with
  | FbdHoareF es -> es
  | _ -> destr_error "bdHoareF"

let destr_coe f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fcoe coe -> coe
  | _ -> destr_error "coe"

let destr_cost f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fcost c -> c
  | _ -> destr_error "cost"

let destr_modcost f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fmodcost mc -> mc
  | _ -> destr_error "modcost"

let destr_pr f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fpr pr -> pr
  | _ -> destr_error "pr"

let destr_programS side f =
  match side, f.f_node with
  | None  , FhoareS   hs -> (hs.hs_m, hs.hs_s)
  | None  , FcHoareS  chs -> (chs.chs_m, chs.chs_s)
  | None  , FbdHoareS bhs -> (bhs.bhs_m, bhs.bhs_s)
  | Some b, FequivS   es  -> begin
      match b with
      | `Left  -> (es.es_ml, es.es_sl)
      | `Right -> (es.es_mr, es.es_sr)
  | _, _ -> destr_error "programS"

let destr_int f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fint n -> n

  | Fapp (op, [{f_node = Fint n}]) when f_equal op fop_int_opp ->
      BI.neg n

  | _ -> destr_error "destr_int"

let destr_pvar f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fpvar(x,m) -> (x,m)
  | _ -> destr_error "destr_pvar"

let destr_glob f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fglob(p,m) -> (p,m)
  | _ -> destr_error "destr_glob"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let is_op_and_sym  p = EcPath.p_equal EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_and p
let is_op_and_asym p = EcPath.p_equal EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_anda p
let is_op_and_any  p = is_op_and_sym p || is_op_and_asym p
let is_op_or_sym   p = EcPath.p_equal EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_or p
let is_op_or_asym  p = EcPath.p_equal EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_ora p
let is_op_or_any   p = is_op_or_sym  p || is_op_or_asym  p
let is_op_not      p = EcPath.p_equal EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_not p
let is_op_imp      p = EcPath.p_equal EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_imp p
let is_op_iff      p = EcPath.p_equal EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_iff p
let is_op_eq       p = EcPath.p_equal EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_eq  p

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let destr_op = function
  { f_node = Fop (op, tys) } -> op, tys | _ -> destr_error "op"

let destr_app = function
  { f_node = Fapp (f, fs) } -> (f, fs) | f -> (f, [])

let destr_op_app f =
  let (fo, args) = destr_app f in destr_op fo, args

let destr_tuple = function
  { f_node = Ftuple fs } -> fs | _ -> destr_error "tuple"

let destr_local = function
  { f_node = Flocal id } -> id | _ -> destr_error "local"

let destr_pvar = function
  { f_node = Fpvar (pv, m) } -> (pv, m) | _ -> destr_error "pvar"

let destr_proj  = function
  { f_node = Fproj (f, i) } -> (f, i) | _ -> destr_error "proj"

let destr_app1 ~name pred form =
  match destr_app form with
  | { f_node = Fop (p, _) }, [f] when pred p -> f
  | _ -> destr_error name

let destr_app2 ~name pred form =
  match destr_app form with
  | { f_node = Fop (p, _) }, [f1; f2] when pred p -> (f1, f2)
  | _ -> destr_error name

let destr_app1_eq ~name p f = destr_app1 ~name (EcPath.p_equal p) f
let destr_app2_eq ~name p f = destr_app2 ~name (EcPath.p_equal p) f

let destr_not = destr_app1 ~name:"not" is_op_not
let destr_and = destr_app2 ~name:"and" is_op_and_any
let destr_or  = destr_app2 ~name:"or"  is_op_or_any
let destr_imp = destr_app2 ~name:"imp" is_op_imp
let destr_iff = destr_app2 ~name:"iff" is_op_iff
let destr_eq  = destr_app2 ~name:"eq"  is_op_eq

let destr_and3 f =
    let c1, (c2, c3) = snd_map destr_and (destr_and f)
    in  (c1, c2, c3)
  with DestrError _ -> raise (DestrError "and3")

let destr_eq_or_iff =
  destr_app2 ~name:"eq-or-iff" (fun p -> is_op_eq p || is_op_iff p)

let destr_or_r form =
  match destr_app form with
  | { f_node = Fop (p, _) }, [f1; f2] when is_op_or_sym  p -> (`Sym , (f1, f2))
  | { f_node = Fop (p, _) }, [f1; f2] when is_op_or_asym p -> (`Asym, (f1, f2))
  | _ -> destr_error "or"

let destr_and_r form =
  match destr_app form with
  | { f_node = Fop (p, _) }, [f1; f2] when is_op_and_sym  p -> (`Sym , (f1, f2))
  | { f_node = Fop (p, _) }, [f1; f2] when is_op_and_asym p -> (`Asym, (f1, f2))
  | _ -> destr_error "and"

let destr_nots form =
  let rec aux b form =
    match try Some (destr_not form) with DestrError _ -> None with
    | None      -> (b, form)
    | Some form -> aux (not b) form
  in aux true form

let destr_xint (x : form) : [`Int of form | `Inf | `Unknown] =
  match destr_app x with
  | { f_node = Fop (p, _) }, [f]
    when EcPath.p_equal p EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_N   -> `Int f

  | { f_node = Fop (p, _) }, []
    when EcPath.p_equal p EcCoreLib.CI_Xint.p_inf -> `Inf

  | _                                             -> `Unknown

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let is_from_destr dt f =
  try ignore (dt f); true with DestrError _ -> false

let is_true      f = f_equal f f_true
let is_false     f = f_equal f f_false
let is_inf       f = f_equal f f_Inf
let is_tuple     f = is_from_destr destr_tuple     f
let is_op        f = is_from_destr destr_op        f
let is_local     f = is_from_destr destr_local     f
let is_pvar      f = is_from_destr destr_pvar      f
let is_proj      f = is_from_destr destr_proj      f
let is_and       f = is_from_destr destr_and       f
let is_or        f = is_from_destr destr_or        f
let is_not       f = is_from_destr destr_not       f
let is_imp       f = is_from_destr destr_imp       f
let is_iff       f = is_from_destr destr_iff       f
let is_eq        f = is_from_destr destr_eq        f
let is_forall    f = is_from_destr destr_forall1   f
let is_exists    f = is_from_destr destr_exists1   f
let is_lambda    f = is_from_destr destr_lambda    f
let is_let       f = is_from_destr destr_let1      f
let is_equivF    f = is_from_destr destr_equivF    f
let is_equivS    f = is_from_destr destr_equivS    f
let is_eagerF    f = is_from_destr destr_eagerF    f
let is_hoareS    f = is_from_destr destr_hoareS    f
let is_hoareF    f = is_from_destr destr_hoareF    f
let is_cHoareS   f = is_from_destr destr_cHoareS   f
let is_cHoareF   f = is_from_destr destr_cHoareF   f
let is_bdHoareS  f = is_from_destr destr_bdHoareS  f
let is_bdHoareF  f = is_from_destr destr_bdHoareF  f
let is_coe       f = is_from_destr destr_coe       f
let is_cost      f = is_from_destr destr_cost      f
let is_modcost   f = is_from_destr destr_modcost   f
let is_pr        f = is_from_destr destr_pr        f
let is_eq_or_iff f = (is_eq f) || (is_iff f)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let split_args f =
  match f_node f with
  | Fapp (f, args) -> (f, args)
  | _ -> (f, [])

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let split_fun f =
  match f_node f with
  | Fquant (Llambda, bds, body) -> (bds, body)
  | _ -> ([], f)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let quantif_of_equantif (qt : equantif) =
  match qt with
  | `ELambda -> Llambda
  | `EForall -> Lforall
  | `EExists -> Lexists

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let equantif_of_quantif (qt : quantif) : equantif =
  match qt with
  | Llambda -> `ELambda
  | Lforall -> `EForall
  | Lexists -> `EExists

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec form_of_expr mem (e : expr) =
  match e.e_node with
  | Eint n ->
     f_int n

  | Elocal id ->
     f_local id e.e_ty

  | Evar pv ->
     f_pvar pv e.e_ty mem

  | Eop (op, tys) ->
     f_op op tys e.e_ty

  | Eapp (ef, es) ->
     f_app (form_of_expr mem ef) (List.map (form_of_expr mem) es) e.e_ty

  | Elet (lpt, e1, e2) ->
     f_let lpt (form_of_expr mem e1) (form_of_expr mem e2)

  | Etuple es ->
     f_tuple (List.map (form_of_expr mem) es)

  | Eproj (e1, i) ->
     f_proj (form_of_expr mem e1) i e.e_ty

  | Eif (e1, e2, e3) ->
     let e1 = form_of_expr mem e1 in
     let e2 = form_of_expr mem e2 in
     let e3 = form_of_expr mem e3 in
     f_if e1 e2 e3

  | Ematch (b, fs, ty) ->
     let b'  = form_of_expr mem b in
     let fs' = List.map (form_of_expr mem) fs in
     f_match b' fs' ty

  | Equant (qt, b, e) ->
     let b = List.map (fun (x, ty) -> (x, GTty ty)) b in
     let e = form_of_expr mem e in
     f_quant (quantif_of_equantif qt) b e

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception CannotTranslate

let expr_of_form mh f =
  let rec aux fp =
    match fp.f_node with
    | Fint   z -> e_int z
    | Flocal x -> e_local x fp.f_ty

    | Fop  (p, tys) -> e_op p tys fp.f_ty
    | Fapp (f, fs)  -> e_app (aux f) (List.map aux fs) fp.f_ty
    | Ftuple fs     -> e_tuple (List.map aux fs)
    | Fproj  (f, i) -> e_proj (aux f) i fp.f_ty

    | Fif (c, f1, f2) ->
      e_if (aux c) (aux f1) (aux f2)

    | Fmatch (c, bs, ty) ->
      e_match (aux c) (List.map aux bs) ty

    | Flet (lp, f1, f2) ->
      e_let lp (aux f1) (aux f2)

    | Fquant (kd, bds, f) ->
      e_quantif (equantif_of_quantif kd) (List.map auxbd bds) (aux f)

    | Fpvar (pv, m) ->
      if EcIdent.id_equal m mh
      then e_var pv fp.f_ty
      else raise CannotTranslate

    | Fcost         _
    | Fmodcost      _
    | Fcost_proj    _
    | Fcoe          _
    | Fglob         _
    | FhoareF       _ | FhoareS   _
    | FcHoareF      _ | FcHoareS  _
    | FbdHoareF     _ | FbdHoareS _
    | FequivF       _ | FequivS   _
    | FeagerF       _ | Fpr       _ -> raise CannotTranslate

  and auxbd ((x, bd) : binding) =
    match bd with
    | GTty ty -> (x, ty)
    | _ -> raise CannotTranslate

  in aux f

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A predicate on memory: λ mem. -> pred *)
type mem_pr = EcMemory.memory * form

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Module substitution info.
   The formula must be of type [tmodcost _], and contains the cost
   information associated to a module being instantiated. *)
type ms_info = Refresh | Cost of form

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type f_subst = {
  fs_freshen : bool; (* true means freshen locals *)

  fs_mp      : (EcPath.mpath * ms_info) Mid.t;

  fs_loc     : form Mid.t;
  fs_mem     : EcIdent.t Mid.t;
  fs_sty     : ty_subst;
  fs_ty      : ty -> ty;
  fs_opdef   : (EcIdent.t list * expr) Mp.t;
  fs_pddef   : (EcIdent.t list * form) Mp.t;
  fs_esloc   : expr Mid.t;
  fs_memtype : EcMemory.memtype option; (* Only substituted in Fcoe *)

  fs_mempred : mem_pr Mid.t;
  (* For predicates over memories, only substituted in Fcoe *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Fsubst = struct
  let f_subst_id = {
    fs_freshen = false;
    fs_mp      = Mid.empty;
    fs_loc     = Mid.empty;
    fs_mem     = Mid.empty;
    fs_sty     = ty_subst_id;
    fs_ty      = ty_subst ty_subst_id;
    fs_opdef   = Mp.empty;
    fs_pddef   = Mp.empty;
    fs_esloc   = Mid.empty;
    fs_memtype = None;
    fs_mempred = Mid.empty;

  let is_subst_id s =
       s.fs_freshen = false
    && is_ty_subst_id s.fs_sty
    && Mid.is_empty   s.fs_loc
    && Mid.is_empty   s.fs_mem
    && Mp.is_empty    s.fs_opdef
    && Mp.is_empty    s.fs_pddef
    && Mid.is_empty   s.fs_esloc
    && s.fs_memtype = None

  let f_subst_init ?freshen ?mods ?sty ?opdef ?prdef ?esloc ?mt ?mempred () =
    let sty = odfl ty_subst_id sty in
    { f_subst_id
        with fs_freshen = odfl false freshen;
             fs_mp      = odfl Mid.empty mods;
             fs_sty     = sty;
             fs_ty      = ty_subst sty;
             fs_opdef   = odfl Mp.empty opdef;
             fs_pddef   = odfl Mp.empty prdef;
             fs_esloc   = odfl Mid.empty esloc;
             fs_mempred = odfl Mid.empty mempred;
             fs_memtype = mt; }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let f_bind_local s x t =
    let merger o = assert (o = None); Some t in
      { s with fs_loc = Mid.change merger x s.fs_loc }

  let f_bind_mem s m1 m2 =
    let merger o = assert (o = None); Some m2 in
      { s with fs_mem = Mid.change merger m1 s.fs_mem }

  let f_rebind_mem s m1 m2 =
    let merger _ = Some m2 in
    { s with fs_mem = Mid.change merger m1 s.fs_mem }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let _f_bind_mod s x mp ms_info =
    let merger o = assert (o = None); Some (mp, ms_info) in
    let smp = Mid.change merger x s.fs_mp in
    let sty = s.fs_sty in
    let sty = { sty with ts_mp = EcPath.m_subst sty.ts_p smp } in
    { s with fs_mp = smp; fs_sty = sty; fs_ty = ty_subst sty }

  (* [f_bind_mod subst id m oinfo]: the formula [oinfo] contains the
     cost informations used to correctly substiture formulas of
     type [tcost].  *)
  let f_bind_mod
      (s  : f_subst)
      (x  : EcIdent.t)
      (mt : module_type)
      (mp : EcPath.mpath)
    : f_subst
    let cost = mt.mt_restr.mr_cost in
    _f_bind_mod s x mp (Cost cost)

  (* when refreshing a local module, no need for cost information *)
  let f_refresh_mod (s : f_subst) (x : EcIdent.t) (mp : EcPath.mpath): f_subst =
    assert (EcPath.m_is_local mp);
    _f_bind_mod s x mp Refresh

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let f_bind_rename s xfrom xto ty =
    let xf = f_local xto ty in
    let xe = e_local xto ty in
    let s  = f_bind_local s xfrom xf in

    let merger o = assert (o = None); Some xe in
    { s with fs_esloc = Mid.change merger xfrom s.fs_esloc }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let f_rem_local s x =
    { s with fs_loc = Mid.remove x s.fs_loc;
             fs_esloc = Mid.remove x s.fs_esloc; }

  let f_rem_mem s m =
    { s with fs_mem = Mid.remove m s.fs_mem }

  let f_rem_mod (s : f_subst) (m : EcIdent.t) : f_subst =
    let smp = Mid.remove m s.fs_mp in
    let sty = s.fs_sty in
    let sty = { sty with ts_mp = EcPath.m_subst sty.ts_p smp } in

    { s with fs_mp = smp; fs_sty = sty; fs_ty = ty_subst sty }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let add_local s (x,t as xt) =
    let x' = if s.fs_freshen then EcIdent.fresh x else x in
    let t' = s.fs_ty t in
      if   x == x' && t == t'
      then (s, xt)
      else (f_bind_rename s x x' t'), (x',t')

  let add_locals = List.Smart.map_fold add_local

  let subst_lpattern (s: f_subst) (lp:lpattern) =
    match lp with
    | LSymbol x ->
        let (s, x') = add_local s x in
          if x == x' then (s, lp) else (s, LSymbol x')

    | LTuple xs ->
        let (s, xs') = add_locals s xs in
          if xs == xs' then (s, lp) else (s, LTuple xs')

    | LRecord (p, xs) ->
        let (s, xs') =
            (fun s ((x, t) as xt) ->
              match x with
              | None ->
                  let t' = s.fs_ty t in
                    if t == t' then (s, xt) else (s, (x, t'))
              | Some x ->
                  let (s, (x', t')) = add_local s (x, t) in
                    if   x == x' && t == t'
                    then (s, xt)
                    else (s, (Some x', t')))
            s xs
          if xs == xs' then (s, lp) else (s, LRecord (p, xs'))

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let subst_xpath (s : f_subst) (f : EcPath.xpath) : EcPath.xpath =
    let m_subst = EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp in
    m_subst f

  let subst_stmt s c =
    let es  = e_subst_init s.fs_freshen s.fs_sty.ts_p
                s.fs_ty s.fs_opdef s.fs_mp s.fs_esloc in
    EcCoreModules.s_subst es c

  let subst_e s e =
    let es  = e_subst_init s.fs_freshen s.fs_sty.ts_p
                s.fs_ty s.fs_opdef s.fs_mp s.fs_esloc in
    EcTypes.e_subst es e

  let subst_me s me =
    EcMemory.me_subst s.fs_mem s.fs_ty me

  let subst_m s m = Mid.find_def m m s.fs_mem

  let subst_ty s ty = s.fs_ty ty

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let rec f_subst ~tx s fp =
    tx fp (match fp.f_node with
    | Fquant (q, b, f) ->
        let s, b' = add_bindings ~tx s b in
        let f'    = f_subst ~tx s f in
          FSmart.f_quant (fp, (q, b, f)) (q, b', f')

    | Flet (lp, f1, f2) ->
        let f1'    = f_subst ~tx s f1 in
        let s, lp' = subst_lpattern s lp in
        let f2'    = f_subst ~tx s f2 in
          FSmart.f_let (fp, (lp, f1, f2)) (lp', f1', f2')

    | Flocal id -> begin
      match Mid.find_opt id s.fs_loc with
      | Some f -> f
      | None ->
          let ty' = s.fs_ty fp.f_ty in
          FSmart.f_local (fp, (id, fp.f_ty)) (id, ty')

    | Fop (p, tys) when Mp.mem p s.fs_opdef ->
        let ty   = s.fs_ty fp.f_ty in
        let tys  = List.Smart.map s.fs_ty tys in
        let body = oget (Mp.find_opt p s.fs_opdef) in
        f_subst_op ~tx s.fs_freshen ty tys [] body

    | Fop (p, tys) when Mp.mem p s.fs_pddef ->
        let ty   = s.fs_ty fp.f_ty in
        let tys  = List.Smart.map s.fs_ty tys in
        let body = oget (Mp.find_opt p s.fs_pddef) in
        f_subst_pd ~tx ty tys [] body

    | Fapp ({ f_node = Fop (p, tys) }, args) when Mp.mem p s.fs_opdef ->
        let ty   = s.fs_ty fp.f_ty in
        let tys  = List.Smart.map s.fs_ty tys in
        let body = oget (Mp.find_opt p s.fs_opdef) in
        f_subst_op ~tx s.fs_freshen ty tys (List.map (f_subst ~tx s) args) body

    | Fapp ({ f_node = Fop (p, tys) }, args) when Mp.mem p s.fs_pddef ->
        let ty   = s.fs_ty fp.f_ty in
        let tys  = List.Smart.map s.fs_ty tys in
        let body = oget (Mp.find_opt p s.fs_pddef) in
        f_subst_pd ~tx ty tys (List.map (f_subst ~tx s) args) body

    | Fop (p, tys) ->
        let ty'  = s.fs_ty fp.f_ty in
        let tys' = List.Smart.map s.fs_ty tys in
        let p'   = s.fs_sty.ts_p p in
        FSmart.f_op (fp, (p, tys, fp.f_ty)) (p', tys', ty')

    | Fpvar (pv, m) ->
        let pv' = pv_subst (EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp) pv in
        let m'  = Mid.find_def m m s.fs_mem in
        let ty' = s.fs_ty fp.f_ty in
        FSmart.f_pvar (fp, (pv, fp.f_ty, m)) (pv', ty', m')

    | Fglob (mp, m) ->
        let m'  = Mid.find_def m m s.fs_mem in
        let mp' = s.fs_sty.ts_mp mp in
        FSmart.f_glob (fp, (mp, m)) (mp', m')

    | FhoareF hf ->
      let pr', po' =
        let s   = f_rem_mem s mhr in
        let pr' = f_subst ~tx s hf.hf_pr in
        let po' = f_subst ~tx s hf.hf_po in
        (pr', po') in
      let mp' = EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp hf.hf_f in
      FSmart.f_hoareF (fp, hf) { hf_pr = pr'; hf_po = po'; hf_f = mp'; }

    | FhoareS hs ->
        assert (not (Mid.mem (fst hs.hs_m) s.fs_mem));
        let es  = e_subst_init s.fs_freshen s.fs_sty.ts_p
                               s.fs_ty s.fs_opdef s.fs_mp s.fs_esloc in
        let pr' = f_subst ~tx s hs.hs_pr in
        let po' = f_subst ~tx s hs.hs_po in
        let st' = EcCoreModules.s_subst es hs.hs_s in
        let me' = EcMemory.me_subst s.fs_mem s.fs_ty hs.hs_m in
        FSmart.f_hoareS (fp, hs)
          { hs_pr = pr'; hs_po = po'; hs_s = st'; hs_m = me'; }

    | FcHoareF chf ->
      assert (not (Mid.mem mhr s.fs_mem));
      let pr' = f_subst ~tx s chf.chf_pr in
      let po' = f_subst ~tx s chf.chf_po in
      let mp' = EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp chf.chf_f in
      let c'  = f_subst ~tx s chf.chf_co in
      FSmart.f_cHoareF (fp, chf)
        { chf_pr = pr'; chf_po = po'; chf_f = mp'; chf_co = c'; }

    | FcHoareS chs ->
      assert (not (Mid.mem (fst chs.chs_m) s.fs_mem));
      let es  = e_subst_init s.fs_freshen s.fs_sty.ts_p
          s.fs_ty s.fs_opdef s.fs_mp s.fs_esloc in
      let pr' = f_subst ~tx s chs.chs_pr in
      let po' = f_subst ~tx s chs.chs_po in
      let st' = EcCoreModules.s_subst es chs.chs_s in
      let me' = EcMemory.me_subst s.fs_mem s.fs_ty chs.chs_m in
      let c'  = f_subst ~tx s chs.chs_co in
      FSmart.f_cHoareS (fp, chs)
        { chs_pr = pr'; chs_po = po'; chs_s = st'; chs_m = me'; chs_co = c'; }

    | FbdHoareF bhf ->
      let pr', po', bd' =
        let s = f_rem_mem s mhr in
        let pr' = f_subst ~tx s bhf.bhf_pr in
        let po' = f_subst ~tx s bhf.bhf_po in
        let bd' = f_subst ~tx s bhf.bhf_bd in
        (pr', po', bd') in
      let mp' = EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp bhf.bhf_f in
      FSmart.f_bdHoareF (fp, bhf)
        { bhf with bhf_pr = pr'; bhf_po = po';
                   bhf_f  = mp'; bhf_bd = bd'; }

    | FbdHoareS bhs ->
      assert (not (Mid.mem (fst bhs.bhs_m) s.fs_mem));
      let es  = e_subst_init s.fs_freshen s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_ty
                             s.fs_opdef s.fs_mp s.fs_esloc in
      let pr' = f_subst ~tx s bhs.bhs_pr in
      let po' = f_subst ~tx s bhs.bhs_po in
      let st' = EcCoreModules.s_subst es bhs.bhs_s in
      let me' = EcMemory.me_subst s.fs_mem s.fs_ty bhs.bhs_m in
      let bd' = f_subst ~tx s bhs.bhs_bd in
      FSmart.f_bdHoareS (fp, bhs)
        { bhs with bhs_pr = pr'; bhs_po = po'; bhs_s = st';
                   bhs_bd = bd'; bhs_m  = me'; }

    | FequivF ef ->
      let m_subst = EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp in
      let pr', po' =
        let s = f_rem_mem s mleft in
        let s = f_rem_mem s mright in
        let pr' = f_subst ~tx s ef.ef_pr in
        let po' = f_subst ~tx s ef.ef_po in
        (pr', po') in
      let fl' = m_subst ef.ef_fl in
      let fr' = m_subst ef.ef_fr in
      FSmart.f_equivF (fp, ef)
        { ef_pr = pr'; ef_po = po'; ef_fl = fl'; ef_fr = fr'; }

    | FequivS eqs ->
      assert (not (Mid.mem (fst eqs.es_ml) s.fs_mem) &&
                not (Mid.mem (fst eqs.es_mr) s.fs_mem));
      let es = e_subst_init s.fs_freshen s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_ty
                            s.fs_opdef s.fs_mp s.fs_esloc in
      let s_subst = EcCoreModules.s_subst es in
      let pr' = f_subst ~tx s eqs.es_pr in
      let po' = f_subst ~tx s eqs.es_po in
      let sl' = s_subst eqs.es_sl in
      let sr' = s_subst eqs.es_sr in
      let ml' = EcMemory.me_subst s.fs_mem s.fs_ty eqs.es_ml in
      let mr' = EcMemory.me_subst s.fs_mem s.fs_ty eqs.es_mr in

      FSmart.f_equivS (fp, eqs)
        { es_ml = ml'; es_mr = mr';
          es_pr = pr'; es_po = po';
          es_sl = sl'; es_sr = sr'; }

    | FeagerF eg ->
      let m_subst = EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp in
      let pr', po' =
        let s = f_rem_mem s mleft in
        let s = f_rem_mem s mright in
        let pr' = f_subst ~tx s eg.eg_pr in
        let po' = f_subst ~tx s eg.eg_po in
        (pr', po') in
      let fl' = m_subst eg.eg_fl in
      let fr' = m_subst eg.eg_fr in

      let es = e_subst_init s.fs_freshen s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_ty
                            s.fs_opdef s.fs_mp s.fs_esloc in
      let s_subst = EcCoreModules.s_subst es in
      let sl' = s_subst eg.eg_sl in
      let sr' = s_subst eg.eg_sr in

      FSmart.f_eagerF (fp, eg)
        { eg_pr = pr'; eg_sl = sl';eg_fl = fl';
          eg_fr = fr'; eg_sr = sr'; eg_po = po'; }

    | Fcoe coe ->
      (* We freshen the binded memory. *)
      let m = fst coe.coe_mem in
      let m' = EcIdent.fresh m in
      let s = f_rebind_mem s m m' in

      (* We bind the memory of all memory predicates with the fresh memory
         we just created, and add them as local variable substitutions. *)
      let s = Mid.fold (fun id (pmem,p) s ->
          let fs_mem = f_bind_mem f_subst_id pmem m' in
          let p = f_subst ~tx:(fun _ f -> f) fs_mem p in
          f_bind_local s id p
        ) s.fs_mempred { s with fs_mempred = Mid.empty; } in

      (* Then we substitute *)
      let es  = e_subst_init s.fs_freshen s.fs_sty.ts_p
          s.fs_ty s.fs_opdef s.fs_mp s.fs_esloc in
      let pr' = f_subst ~tx s coe.coe_pre in
      let me' = EcMemory.me_subst s.fs_mem s.fs_ty coe.coe_mem in
      let e' = EcTypes.e_subst es coe.coe_e in

      (* If necessary, we substitute the memtype. *)
      let me' =
        if EcMemory.is_schema (snd me') && s.fs_memtype <> None
        then (fst me', oget s.fs_memtype)
        else me' in

      FSmart.f_coe (fp, coe)
        { coe_pre = pr'; coe_mem = me'; coe_e = e'; }

    | Fpr pr ->
      let pr_mem   = Mid.find_def pr.pr_mem pr.pr_mem s.fs_mem in
      let pr_fun   = EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp pr.pr_fun in
      let pr_args  = f_subst ~tx s pr.pr_args in
      let s = f_rem_mem s mhr in
      let pr_event = f_subst ~tx s pr.pr_event in

      FSmart.f_pr (fp, pr) { pr_mem; pr_fun; pr_args; pr_event; }

    | Fcost c -> cost_subst ~tx s c

    | Fmodcost mc -> f_mod_cost_r (Msym.map (proc_cost_subst ~tx s) mc)

    | Fcost_proj (f,p) -> f_cost_proj_r (f_subst ~tx s f) p

    | _ ->
      f_map s.fs_ty (f_subst ~tx s) fp)

  and f_subst_op ~tx freshen fty tys args (tyids, e) =
    (* FIXME: factor this out *)
    (* FIXME: is [mhr] good as a default? *)

    let e =
      let sty = Tvar.init tyids tys in
      let sty = ty_subst { ty_subst_id with ts_v = Mid.find_opt^~ sty; } in
      let sty = { e_subst_id with es_freshen = freshen; es_ty = sty ; } in
        e_subst sty e

    let (sag, args, e) =
      match e.e_node with
      | Equant (`ELambda, largs, lbody) when args <> [] ->
          let largs1, largs2 = List.takedrop (List.length args  ) largs in
          let  args1,  args2 = List.takedrop (List.length largs1)  args in
            (Mid.of_list (List.combine (List.map fst largs1) args1),
             args2, e_lam largs2 lbody)

      | _ -> (Mid.of_list [], args, e)

    let sag = { f_subst_id with fs_loc = sag } in
      f_app (f_subst ~tx sag (form_of_expr mhr e)) args fty

  and f_subst_pd ~tx fty tys args (tyids, f) =
    (* FIXME: factor this out *)
    (* FIXME: is fd_freshen value correct? *)

    let f =
      let sty = Tvar.init tyids tys in
      let sty = ty_subst { ty_subst_id with ts_v = Mid.find_opt^~ sty; } in
      let sty = { f_subst_id with fs_freshen = true; fs_ty = sty; } in
      f_subst ~tx sty f

    let (sag, args, f) =
      match f.f_node with
      | Fquant (Llambda, largs, lbody) when args <> [] ->
          let largs1, largs2 = List.takedrop (List.length args  ) largs in
          let  args1,  args2 = List.takedrop (List.length largs1)  args in
            (Mid.of_list (List.combine (List.map fst largs1) args1),
             args2, f_lambda largs2 lbody)

      | _ -> (Mid.of_list [], args, f)

    let sag = { f_subst_id with fs_loc = sag } in
    f_app (f_subst ~tx sag f) args fty

  (* no [~tx] *)
  and subst_param (s : f_subst) (oi : oi_param) : oi_param =
    let sx = EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp in
    { oi with oi_allowed = List.map sx (allowed oi) }

  (* no [~tx] *)
  and subst_params (s : f_subst) (p : oi_params) : oi_params =
    EcSymbols.Msym.map (subst_param s) p

  and mr_subst ~tx s (mr : mod_restr) : mod_restr =
    let sx = EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp in
    let sm = s.fs_sty.ts_mp in
    { mr_xpaths = ur_app (fun s -> Sx.fold (fun m rx ->
          Sx.add (sx m) rx) s Sx.empty) mr.mr_xpaths;
      mr_mpaths = ur_app (fun s -> Sm.fold (fun m r ->
          Sm.add (sm m) r) s Sm.empty) mr.mr_mpaths;
      mr_params = subst_params s mr.mr_params;
      mr_cost   = f_subst ~tx s mr.mr_cost;

  and subst_mty ~tx s mty =
    let sm = s.fs_sty.ts_mp in

    let mt_params = List.map (snd_map (subst_mty ~tx s)) mty.mt_params in
    let mt_name   = s.fs_sty.ts_p mty.mt_name in
    let mt_args   = List.map sm mty.mt_args in
    let mt_restr  = mr_subst ~tx s mty.mt_restr in
    mk_mt_r ~mt_params ~mt_name ~mt_args ~mt_opacity:mty.mt_opacity ~mt_restr

  and subst_gty ~tx s gty =
    if is_subst_id s then gty else

    match gty with
    | GTty ty ->
        let ty' = s.fs_ty ty in
        if ty == ty' then gty else GTty ty'

    | GTmodty (ns,p) ->
        let p'   = subst_mty ~tx s p in

        if   p == p'
        then gty
        else GTmodty (ns,p')

    | GTmem mt ->
        let mt' = EcMemory.mt_subst s.fs_ty mt in
        if mt == mt' then gty else GTmem mt'

  and add_binding ~tx (s : f_subst) (x, gty as xt) : f_subst * binding =
    let gty' = subst_gty ~tx s gty in
    let x'   = if s.fs_freshen then EcIdent.fresh x else x in

    if   x == x' && gty == gty'
      let s = match gty with
        | GTty    _ -> f_rem_local s x
        | GTmodty _ -> f_rem_mod   s x
        | GTmem   _ -> f_rem_mem   s x
        (s, xt)
      let s = match gty' with
        | GTty   ty -> f_bind_rename s x x' ty
        | GTmodty _ -> f_refresh_mod s x (EcPath.mident x')
        | GTmem   _ -> f_bind_mem s x x'
        (s, (x', gty'))

  and add_bindings ~tx = List.map_fold (add_binding ~tx)

  (* complicated, because when a local module is substituted, its
     cost (time the number of times it is called) may need to be
     moved (see instantiation rule):
     - for [mode = `Cost], abstract module that are instantiated by
     a concrete module need to be evicted, by adding the module
     cost to the concrete cost;
     - for [mode = `ProcCost], abstract module that appeared in the record
     part of the cost (i.e. module paramters) and that are not refreshed
     need to be evicted in the self cost.

     Return: record after substitution, costs to be moved. *)
  and crecord_subst
      ~(mode     : [`Cost | `ProcCost])
      ~(tx       : form -> form -> form)
      (s         : f_subst)
      (init_crec : crecord)
    : crecord * form list
    (* check if a local [xpath] can stay in the cost record after
       - if [mode = `Cost], this is always true
       - if [mode = `ProcCost], this is true for refreshed module. *)
    let keep (oldx : EcPath.xpath) (newx : EcPath.xpath) : bool =
      assert (EcPath.m_is_local newx.x_top); (* only for local xpaths *)
      if EcPath.x_equal oldx newx then true
        let mid = (EcPath.mget_ident oldx.x_top) in
        let _, minfo = EcIdent.Mid.find mid s.fs_mp in
        match mode, minfo with
        | `Cost, _ -> true
        | `ProcCost, Refresh -> true
        | `ProcCost, Cost _  -> false

    let c_self = f_subst ~tx s init_crec.c_self
    (* - [mode = `Cost]: [evict] are the local modules that have been
       substituted by concrete modules.
       - [mode = `ProcCost]: [evict] are functor parameters that have been
       instantiated (by abstract or concrete modules). *)
    and evict, c_calls = EcPath.Mx.fold (fun x cb (evict,calls) ->
        let x' = EcPath.x_substm s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_mp x in
        let cb' = f_subst ~tx s cb in
        match x'.x_top.m_top with
        (* if [x'] is local, check if it can stays in the record *)
        | `Local _ when keep x x' ->
          ( evict,
              (fun old -> assert (old  = None); Some cb')
              x' calls )

        (* if [x'] cannot stay in the record, or if it is a concrete
           module, move its cost. *)
        | _ ->
          let m_conc = EcPath.mget_ident x.x_top in
          EcIdent.Sid.add m_conc evict, calls
      ) init_crec.c_calls (EcIdent.Sid.empty, EcPath.Mx.empty)
    let crec = { c_self; c_calls; c_full = init_crec.c_full } in

    (* intrinsic costs of modules that have been evicted from the record. *)
    let to_move : form list =
      (* for every module [mid] that must be evicted *)
      EcIdent.Sid.fold (fun mid to_move ->
          let _, minfo = EcIdent.Mid.find mid s.fs_mp in
          let mp = EcPath.mident mid in
          match minfo with
          | Refresh -> assert false
          (* refreshed module path cannot be evicted in either mode *)

          | Cost minfo ->
            let mprocs = match minfo.f_ty.ty_node with
              | Tmodcost { procs } -> procs
              | _ -> assert false   (* cannot happen, type must be reduced *)

            (* for every procedure [f] of [mid] *)
            EcSymbols.Msym.fold (fun (f : symbol) _ to_move ->
                let xf = EcPath.xpath mp f in

                (* the *intrinsic* cost of [f], of type [tcost] *)
                let f_cost : form = f_cost_proj_r minfo (Intr f) in

                (* times the number of times [f] has been called in [init_crec] *)
                let f_called : form = (* of type `xint` *)
                    (EcPath.Mx.find_opt xf init_crec.c_calls)

                (* compute: [f_called * f_cost] *)
                f_cost_xscale f_called f_cost :: to_move
              ) mprocs to_move
        ) evict []
    crec, to_move

  and cost_subst ~tx (s : f_subst) (c : cost) : form =
    let cost, to_move = crecord_subst ~mode:`Cost ~tx s c in
    List.fold_left f_cost_add (f_cost_r cost) to_move

  and proc_cost_subst ~tx (s : f_subst) (pc : proc_cost) : proc_cost =
    let pc, to_move = crecord_subst ~mode:`ProcCost ~tx s pc in
    { pc with c_self = List.fold_left f_cost_add pc.c_self to_move }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let add_binding  = add_binding ~tx:(fun _ f -> f)
  let add_bindings = add_bindings ~tx:(fun _ f -> f)

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let f_subst ?(tx = fun _ f -> f) s =
    if is_subst_id s then identity else f_subst ~tx s

  let subst_gty = subst_gty ~tx:(fun _ f -> f)
  let subst_mty = subst_mty ~tx:(fun _ f -> f)

  let f_subst_local x t =
    let s = f_bind_local f_subst_id x t in
    fun f -> if Mid.mem x f.f_fv then f_subst s f else f

  let f_subst_mem m1 m2 =
    let s = f_bind_mem f_subst_id m1 m2 in
    fun f -> if Mid.mem m1 f.f_fv then f_subst s f else f

  let f_subst_mod (x : EcIdent.t) (mt : module_type) mp f : form =
    let s = f_bind_mod f_subst_id x mt mp in
    if Mid.mem x f.f_fv then f_subst s f else f

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let fty_subst sty =
    { f_subst_id with fs_sty = sty; fs_ty = ty_subst sty }

  let uni_subst uidmap =
    fty_subst { ty_subst_id with ts_u = uidmap }

  let mapty sty =
    f_subst (fty_subst sty)

  let uni uidmap =
    f_subst (uni_subst uidmap)

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let subst_locals s =
    Hf.memo_rec 107 (fun aux f ->
      match f.f_node with
      | Flocal id ->
          (try Mid.find id s with Not_found -> f)
      | _ ->
        f_map (fun ty -> ty) aux f)

  let subst_local id f1 f2 =
    subst_locals (Mid.singleton id f1) f2

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let init_subst_tvar ?es_loc s =
    let sty = { ty_subst_id with ts_v = Mid.find_opt^~ s } in
    { f_subst_id with
      fs_freshen = true;
      fs_sty = sty;
      fs_ty = ty_subst sty;
      fs_esloc = odfl Mid.empty es_loc; }

  let subst_tvar ?es_loc s =
    f_subst (init_subst_tvar ?es_loc s)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let can_subst f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fint _ | Flocal _ | Fpvar _ | Fop _ -> true
  | _ -> false

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type core_op = [
  | `True
  | `False
  | `Not
  | `And of [`Asym | `Sym]
  | `Or  of [`Asym | `Sym]
  | `Imp
  | `Iff
  | `Eq

let core_ops =
  let core_ops =
    [EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_true    , `True     ;
     EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_false   , `False    ;
     EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_not     , `Not      ;
     EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_anda    , `And `Asym;
     EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_and     , `And `Sym ;
     EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_ora     , `Or  `Asym;
     EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_or      , `Or  `Sym ;
     EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_imp     , `Imp      ;
     EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_iff     , `Iff      ;
     EcCoreLib.CI_Bool.p_eq      , `Eq       ; ]

  let tbl = EcPath.Hp.create 11 in
    List.iter (fun (p, k) -> EcPath.Hp.add tbl p k) core_ops;

let core_op_kind (p : EcPath.path) =
  EcPath.Hp.find_opt core_ops p

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let string_of_quant = function
  | Lforall -> "forall"
  | Lexists -> "exists"
  | Llambda -> "fun"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let string_of_hcmp = function
  | FHle -> "<="
  | FHeq -> "="
  | FHge -> ">="

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let pp_cost_proj fmt (p : cost_proj) =
  match p with
  | Intr  f -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s:intr" f
  | Param p -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s:%s.%s" p.proc p.param_m p.param_p

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let pp_mod_ns fmt (ns : mod_ns) =
  match ns with
  | Any -> ()
  | Fresh -> Format.fprintf fmt "$"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let dump_todo fmt = Format.fprintf fmt "#?"

let ident_to_string ~long = if long then EcIdent.tostring else EcIdent.name

(* FIXME A: keep it ? *)
let rec dump_form ~(long:bool) fmt (f : form) =
  let ident_to_string = ident_to_string ~long in
  let dump_form = dump_form ~long in

  match f.f_node with
  | Fint n ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "%a" BI.pp_print n

  | Flocal id -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (ident_to_string id)

  | Fpvar (x, i) ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "%s{%s}" (string_of_pvar x) (ident_to_string i)

  | Fglob (mp, i) ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "(glob %a){%s}" EcPath.pp_m mp (ident_to_string i)

  | Fquant (q, bd, f) ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%s (%a),@ %a@]"
      (string_of_quant q)
      (dump_bindings ~long) bd
      dump_form f

  | Fif (b, f1, f2) ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[<hov 2>if %a@ then@ %a@]@ @[<hov 2>else@ %a@]@]"
      dump_form b
      dump_form f1
      dump_form f2

  | Flet (lp, f1, f2) -> dump_let ~long fmt (lp, f1, f2)

  | Ftuple args -> dump_tuple ~long fmt args

  | Fop (op, tvi) ->
    if long then
      Format.fprintf fmt "%s[%s]"
        (EcPath.tostring op)
        (String.concat ", " (List.map dump_ty tvi))
      let _, op = EcPath.toqsymbol op in
      Format.fprintf fmt "%s" op

  | Fapp (e, args) ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" (pp_list " " dump_form) (e :: args)

  | Fproj (e, i) ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "(%a).%d" dump_form e i

  | Fcost c -> dump_cost ~long fmt c

  | Fmodcost mc -> dump_modcost ~long fmt mc

  | Fcost_proj (f,p) ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "%a#%a" dump_form f pp_cost_proj p

  | FhoareF   _hf  -> dump_todo fmt
  | FhoareS   _hs  -> dump_todo fmt
  | FequivF   _eqv -> dump_todo fmt
  | FequivS   _es  -> dump_todo fmt
  | FeagerF   _eg  -> dump_todo fmt
  | FcHoareF  _chf -> dump_todo fmt
  | FcHoareS  _chs -> dump_todo fmt
  | FbdHoareF _hf  -> dump_todo fmt
  | FbdHoareS _hs  -> dump_todo fmt
  | Fcoe      _coe -> dump_todo fmt
  | Fpr       _pr  -> dump_todo fmt
  | _              -> dump_todo fmt

and _dump_crecord ~(long:bool) fmt
    ((self, calls, full) : form * (EcPath.xpath * form) list * bool)
  let pp_self fmt self =
    Format.fprintf fmt ": %a"
      (dump_form ~long) self

  and pp_call_el fmt (f,c) =
    Format.fprintf fmt "%s : %a"
      (EcPath.x_tostring f)
      (dump_form ~long) c

  and pp_full fmt = if not full then Format.fprintf fmt ".." in

  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 1>`[%a%t%a%t%t]@]"
    pp_self self
    (fun fmt -> if calls <> [] then Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ")
    (pp_list ",@ " pp_call_el) calls
    (fun fmt -> if not full then Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ")

and dump_crecord ~(long:bool) fmt (c : crecord) =
  (_dump_crecord ~long) fmt
    (c.c_self, EcPath.Mx.bindings c.c_calls, c.c_full)

and dump_cost      ~(long:bool) fmt c = dump_crecord ~long fmt c
and dump_proc_cost ~(long:bool) fmt c = dump_crecord ~long fmt c

and dump_modcost ~(long:bool) fmt (mc : mod_cost) =
  let pp_elt fmt (f, proc_cost) =
    Format.fprintf fmt "@[%s : %a@]"
      f (dump_proc_cost ~long) proc_cost

  let elts = Msym.bindings mc in
  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 1>`[%a]@]"
    (pp_list ",@ " pp_elt) elts

and dump_bindings ~(long:bool) fmt bds =
  List.iter (dump_binding ~long fmt) bds

and dump_binding ~(long:bool) fmt (x,ty) : unit =
  let ident_to_string = ident_to_string ~long in
  match ty with
  | GTty ty ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "(%s : %s)" (ident_to_string x) (dump_ty ty)

  | GTmem _m ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "(%s : ??)" (ident_to_string x)

  | GTmodty (ns,mt) ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "(%s <: %a%a)"
      (ident_to_string x)
      pp_mod_ns ns
      (dump_modty ~long) mt

and dump_modty ~(long:bool) fmt (mty : module_type) : unit =
  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%s%a@]"
    (EcPath.tostring mty.mt_name)
    (dump_restr ~long) (mty.mt_opacity, mty.mt_restr)

and dump_restr ~(long:bool) fmt ((op, mr) : mod_opacity * mod_restr) : unit =
  Format.fprintf fmt "{%a} [%a] `[%s%a]"
    dump_mem_restr mr
    dump_orcl_call mr.mr_params
    (if op = Opaque then "opaque " else "")
    (dump_form ~long) mr.mr_cost

and dump_mem_restr fmt (_mr : mod_restr) : unit =
  Format.fprintf fmt "??"

and dump_orcl_call fmt _mr_params : unit =
  Format.fprintf fmt "??"

and dump_tuple ~(long:bool) fmt fs =
  let pp_ident fmt f = Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (dump_form ~long) f in
  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 0>(%a)@]"
    (pp_list ",@ " pp_ident) fs

and dump_idents ~(long:bool) fmt es =
  let ident_to_string = ident_to_string ~long in
  let pp_ident fmt id = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (ident_to_string id) in
  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 0>(%a)@]"
    (pp_list ",@ " pp_ident) es

and dump_let ~(long:bool) fmt (pt, e1, e2) =
  let ids = lp_ids pt in
  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 0>let %a =@;<1 2>@[%a@]@ in@ %a@]"
    (dump_idents ~long) ids
    (dump_form ~long) e1
    (dump_form ~long) e2

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** Exported *)

let dump_form_long = dump_form ~long:true
let dump_form      = dump_form ~long:false

let dump_modcost_long = dump_modcost ~long:true
let dump_modcost      = dump_modcost ~long:true

let dump_modty_long = dump_modty ~long:true
let dump_modty      = dump_modty ~long:true

let dump_proc_cost_long = dump_proc_cost ~long:true
let dump_proc_cost      = dump_proc_cost ~long:true
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