Raw File
Tip revision: 6334372bac70355c4f0366eb4bc60f9e54d42e40 authored by Dirk Eddelbuettel on 10 January 2016, 22:18:26 UTC
version 0.12.3
Tip revision: 6334372
Source C++ Code from a File or String
\code{sourceCpp} parses the specified C++ file or source code and looks for functions marked with the \code{\link[=exportAttribute]{Rcpp::export}} attribute
and RCPP_MODULE declarations. A shared library is then built and its exported functions and Rcpp modules are made available in the specified environment.
sourceCpp(file = "", code = NULL, env = globalenv(),
          embeddedR = TRUE, rebuild = FALSE,
          showOutput = verbose, verbose = getOption("verbose"),
          dryRun = FALSE)
    A character string giving the path name of a file
    A character string with source code. If supplied, the code is taken from this string instead of a file. 
    Environment where the R functions and modules should be made available.
    \code{TRUE} to run embedded R code chunks.
    Force a rebuild of the shared library.
    \code{TRUE} to print \code{R CMD SHLIB} output to the console.
    \code{TRUE} to print detailed information about generated code to the console.
    \code{TRUE} to do a dry run (showing commands that would be used rather than
actually executing the commands).
    If the \code{code} parameter is provided then the \code{file} parameter is ignored.

    Functions exported using \code{sourceCpp} must meet several conditions, 
    including being defined in the global namespace and having return types 
    that are compatible with \code{Rcpp::wrap} and parameter types that are 
    compatible with \code{Rcpp::as}. 
    See the \code{\link[=exportAttribute]{Rcpp::export}} documentation for more details.
    Content of Rcpp Modules will be automatically loaded into the specified 
    environment using the \code{\link[=Module]{Module}} and 
    \code{\link[=populate]{populate}} functions. 
    If the source file has compilation dependencies on other 
    packages (e.g. \pkg{Matrix}, \pkg{RcppArmadillo}) then an 
    \code{\link[=dependsAttribute]{Rcpp::depends}} attribute 
    should be provided naming these dependencies. 
	It's possible to embed chunks of R code within a C++ source file by 
	including the R code within a block comment with the 
	prefix of \code{/*** R}. For example:
/*** R

# Call the fibonacci function defined in C++


	Multiple R code chunks can be included in a C++ file. R code is sourced after the C++ compliation is completed so all functions and modules will be available to the R code.   

    Returns (invisibly) a list with two elements: 
        \code{functions} \tab Names of exported functions\cr
        \code{modules} \tab Names of Rcpp modules\cr

	The \code{sourceCpp} function will not rebuild the shared library if the source file has not changed since the last compilation.

    The \code{sourceCpp} function is designed for compiling a standalone source file whose only dependencies are R packages. If you are compiling more than one source file or have external dependencies then you should create an R package rather than using \code{sourceCpp}. Note that the \code{\link[=exportAttribute]{Rcpp::export}} attribute can also be used within packages via the \code{\link{compileAttributes}} function.
    If you are sourcing a C++ file from within the \code{src} directory of a package then the package's \code{LinkingTo} dependencies, \code{inst/include}, and \code{src} directories are automatically included in the compilation.
    If no \code{Rcpp::export} attributes or \code{RCPP_MODULE} declarations are found within the source file then a warning is printed to the console. You can disable this warning by setting the \code{rcpp.warnNoExports} option to \code{FALSE}.


\code{\link[=exportAttribute]{Rcpp::export}}, \code{\link[=dependsAttribute]{Rcpp::depends}}, \code{\link{cppFunction}}, \code{\link{evalCpp}}



  #include <Rcpp.h>

  // [[Rcpp::export]]
  int fibonacci(const int x) {
    if (x == 0) return(0);
    if (x == 1) return(1);
    return (fibonacci(x - 1)) + fibonacci(x - 2);

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