Branch name Release name Target Message Date
refs/tags/st-final st-final 7e7b219 29 March 2012, 18:14:52 UTC
refs/tags/1.9 1.9 b24d812 samtools release 1.9: * Samtools mpileup VCF and BCF output is now deprecated. It is still functional, but will warn. Please use bcftools mpileup instead. (#884) * Samtools mpileup now handles the '-d' max_depth option differently. There is no longer an enforced minimum, and '-d 0' is interpreted as limitless (no maximum - warning this may be slow). The default per-file depth is now 8000, which matches the value mpileup used to use when processing a single sample. To get the previous default behaviour use the higher of 8000 divided by the number of samples across all input files, or 250. (#859) * Samtools stats new features: - The '--remove-overlaps' option discounts overlapping portions of templates when computing coverage and mapped base counting. (#855) - When a target file is in use, the number of bases inside the target is printed and the percentage of target bases with coverage above a given threshold specified by the '--cov-threshold' option. (#855) - Split base composition and length statistics by first and last reads. (#814, #816) * Samtools faidx new features: - Now takes long options. (#509, thanks to Pierre Lindenbaum) - Now warns about zero-length and truncated sequences due to the requested range being beyond the end of the sequence. (#834) - Gets a new option (--continue) that allows it to carry on when a requested sequence was not in the index. (#834) - It is now possible to supply the list of regions to output in a text file using the new '--region-file' option. (#840) - New '-i' option to make faidx return the reverse complement of the regions requested. (#878) - faidx now works on FASTQ (returning FASTA) and added a new fqidx command to index and return FASTQ. (#852) * Samtools collate now has a fast option '-f' that only operates on primary pairs, dropping secondary and supplementary. It tries to write pairs to the final output file as soon as both reads have been found. (#818) * Samtools bedcov gets a new '-j' option to make it ignore deletions (D) and reference skips (N) when computing coverage. (#843) * Small speed up to samtools coordinate sort, by converting it to use radix sort. (#835, thanks to Zhuravleva Aleksandra) * Samtools idxstats now works on SAM and CRAM files, however this isn't fast due to some information lacking from indices. (#832) * Compression levels may now be specified with the level=N output-fmt-option. E.g. with -O bam,level=3. * Various documentation improvements. * Bug-fixes: - Improved error reporting in several places. (#827, #834, #877, cd7197) - Various test improvements. - Fixed failures in the multi-region iterator (view -M) when regions provided via BED files include overlaps (#819, reported by Dave Larson). - Samtools stats now counts '=' and 'X' CIGAR operators when counting mapped bases. (#855) - Samtools stats has fixes for insert size filtering (-m, -i). (#845; #697 reported by Soumitra Pal) - Samtools stats -F now longer negates an earlier -d option. (#830) - Fix samtools stats crash when using a target region. (#875, reported by John Marshall) - Samtools sort now keeps to a single thread when the -@ option is absent. Previously it would spawn a writer thread, which could cause the CPU usage to go slightly over 100%. (#833, reported by Matthias Bernt) - Fixed samtools phase '-A' option which was incorrectly defined to take a parameter. (#850; #846 reported by Dianne Velasco) - Fixed compilation problems when using C_INCLUDE_PATH. (#870; #817 reported by Robert Boissy) - Fixed --version when built from a Git repository. (#844, thanks to John Marshall) - Use noenhanced mode for title in plot-bamstats. Prevents unwanted interpretation of characters like underscore in gnuplot version 5. (#829, thanks to M. Zapukhlyak) - blast2sam.pl now reports perfect match hits (no indels or mismatches). (#873, thanks to Nils Homer) - Fixed bug in fasta and fastq subcommands where stdout would not be flushed correctly if the -0 option was used. - Fixed invalid memory access in mpileup and depth on alignment records where the sequence is absent. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAABAgAGBQJbTv6FAAoJEB7L5boVxkzM+9YP/3YhdKt04OZxOvwpkLwyTkSL T9YAizISciF87Nej6WRo4hfY5NsXDwtREIBOON+mWWeARmHH/ysOSJOr+ZZNpgVl bJCo4CPXoNRp4lXbZkLnHyUnisY4nilZOzhIJC1f0cjEenvv5Sr7sEb6ePp1s1HX FBDdWzmL3DLfTBGsyU34Xd7bKbrGzD4YPL8X2iTGUNc/ebsF6D8PwwkKYOF8k29z GjBRRKeFkBKJphtHm/zDw34jLYrBLGsBG1GbHJK3nZVvgRpCO3Y7C6QGR7emY72Z 9W1vEcinjTnFWYl6x1L+yCY758lIdEEFTK59YtcA/YK3UlgYgHObOJFXyjM/ZBFL sDhSzVbv7SPQIhTqPjcuLUmrr3SaH9MAdYJJ00LaC1r+fnAtfSSEcjOp2nGVf3xa /+JoKkqP9vi5aho4mAJU3G8Hk26daS+VGMOdgvz68bdaInSu034xEnZH4dW2/SRu 23xcsB071LmXg62hwtc7wmCT4uy/G81mnur/O1vCfsSkMUkxB7DgZl2e8t32Oc64 X+1ycXnT3IOZSmMZP0hziDNBKaJK43cdbPW9gwYKtL9dbeEX/TQIyjmaNKQSskY5 djb2fA5RdVWqQw6UKkGRFlHnY1NMst+prpouJvB0vugRw4yIj7oCORYMlI0P/eps ERymPASFnwefiIJJYU7n =VqVc -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 18 July 2018, 08:47:01 UTC
refs/tags/1.8 1.8 61e9762 samtools release 1.8: * samtools calmd now has a quiet mode. This can be enabled by passing `-Q` to calmd. (Thanks to Colin Davenport) * In samtools depth `-d 0` will effectively remove the depth limit. (#764) * Improvements made to samtools collate's interface and documentation. It is now possible to specify an output file name using `-o`, instead of deriving it from the prefix used for temporary files. The prefix itself is now optional if `-o` or `-O` (to stdout) is used. (#780) * Bug-fixes: - Make samtools addreplacerg choose output format by file extension. (#767; reported by Argy Megalios) - Merge tests now work on ungzipped data, allowing tests to be run against different deflate libraries. - samtools markdup error messages about missing tags have been updated with the suggestion that samtools fixmate is run beforehand. (#765; reported by Yudong Cai) - Enables the `--reference` option for samtools fastq. Now works like other programs when a reference sequence is needed for CRAM files. (#791, reported by Milana Kaljevic) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAABAgAGBQJaw2XrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMMsgP/i4ywfKoWhq8FwHyVocUzzpV CXT6dBCBGY/Wd3Uf/dGsWkIKY7LtTI2JYU+5MG/h6FBT5jL8xacch0dS31ukseX/ 82VQ8zAEZJw+EjcjzXkpHglKO3oQEFT4dchvuGmVXUuEf1ihy3uCkx4D/xkPyBkq ByeXZtXTP12rhlT9/yCUh6UMNjtgJJefCEqKiwi52xdJA5Di8QZkFFLEJe3oFCfW 0jjKP+nAhkXdu01yD3rVoQotcqz8vb8VxLUqD76bewJvZj6hpk4n8O5aS052mxtI jDHNTz3LMSzxtcMeedLjbM98+R0q3Aoxk4J3Ci7CsmfLX2Usyok2KfYNDy5DJYz5 HEU+kjvg1/KkFF+XQ86zb9VZzpEd/9DrVMXVTEKVXfRj2yMkYgr41asxOD+PTaGs WllfWqtmnyrWR7AgY3zxrtlGS+XED3dHPyiWs7zHw2lBLKhhL77mwFykfYcleoOi /s4W0ZyTwSxrmWMnwBsUgYAENkbKu0dH09rFH3fRtUfBb1XmXUNyvkl/n6X5i71N q0U3ylB0+wUT+Yo0AfcjmRflOSe/xH3CP2YD+X+U+tdvkHc+sJEsRzNJzqjpIkCP XTPQ5/KJVLz0Gk/c9CYx3SDi/0xFtShvddbiickYoEJ8BtVOCV1iMjdn/GFJ9OrC N4uUmHiV2JZOMWku9lKW =opx3 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 03 April 2018, 11:30:51 UTC
refs/tags/1.7 1.7 6d79411 Samtools release 1.7: markdup supplementaries, multi-region iterator * HTSlib, and so samtools, now support BAMs which include CIGARs with more than 65535 operations as per HTS-Specs 18th November (dab57f4 and 2f915a8). * samtools quickcheck will now write a warning to stderr if it finds any problems. These messages can be suppressed with a new `-q` option. * samtools markdup can now mark supplementary alignments of reads where the primary alignment is found to be a duplicate. Supplementary marking can be turned on by passing the `-S` option to markdup. When this option is enabled, all the alignment data will be written to a temporary file so that supplementary alignments that occur before a duplicated primary can be correctly marked in the final output. The location of this temporary file can be influenced using the new `-T` option. * samtools view now supports HTSlib's new multi-region iterator. This can be enabled by passing the `-M` option to view. When using this option: - The BED filter (`-L` option) will use the index to skip through the file - Reads from overlapping regions will only be output once * samtools bedcov will now ignore BED comment and header lines (#571; thanks to Daniel Baker). * samtools collate now updates the @HD SO: and GO: tags, and sort will remove a GO: tag if present. (#757; reported by Imran Haque). * Bug-fixes: - maq2sam now checks for input files that end early. (#751; patch supplied by Alexandre Rebert of the Mayhem team, via Andreas Tille from Debian.) - Fixed incorrect check when looking up header tags that could lead to a crash in samtools stats. (#208; thanks to Dave Larson.) - Fixed bug in samtools fastq `-O` option where it would fail if the OQ tag in the input file had an unexpected type. (#758; reported by Taejeong Bae) - The MD5 calculations in samtools dict and md5fa did not handle non-alphabetic characters in the same way as the CRAM MD5 function. They have now been updated to match. (#704; reported by Chris Norman). - Fix possible infinite loop in samtools targetcut. - Building bam_tview_curses should no longer fail if a curses header file cannot be found. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAABAgAGBQJaaxsmAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMPP8P/15LTifvNFKgQw/x1gBNYt6n vckwFm3a/ZvHf/7cBi3vYdjbk+u2O9wtdNo5o6UDQ7zgrUbNg7ffl9xdXiAP1lfQ 2MuGuqtc4gTiYVIZXPPsROntQY3kH3SDjhbuWRdhuvmhsGYro/jjTTKMmc0o+DCB e6JytQQlszUS3rxRUbXyYRaRADy5RqfmkCPUUaUe3sGVBKBYcNFTY4Z9oZlbfTex D4UBDf11PzPlur9dGFjO9aE7C/1YtiwayLBn0o6ukv8NV5rD+MDvkm7egT7tA65l ezSF4a9vLr69loDUZz6Q0mGw4AObld/RcOKiTa9nInj8WtXYdqrvpY/vmrfRGIcd Snsa7XIDHBwdtUP3EamUT+UI5bk81z8ZWZHIuRqv/dbesIVI00xDjxzHVEp2QecX Uo/2BEOlRWJkbOSPIBUzjjer8Leqsxk5l3n7RLLijxJeW2hu2UuMvbjYnLvRDL3u SuNzntEogr/L/tnGhI+/3dOSMDecerLeOOpRX/1hYLuXrO0ZUT/CW7HOjY4AYujp Of/F5krkbHeqs7NRTTk2pf6Z/hTtbwu4+EhrqOiUOZxK5mgR+4Nrav/9AvEC87bY 7cBG6oV2MOYHIbHS1Yrj+YQOaW51NnsZeZxXy5oe2ATXX/lwVjQb4yOZwCZ52oWt P76ZG36/VH5Qp7NTI3KG =CsMt -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 26 January 2018, 12:12:22 UTC
refs/tags/1.6 1.6 f4dc22a Release 1.6: New markdup command; sort improvements * Added new markdup sub-command and '-m' option for fixmate. Used together, they allow duplicates to be marked and optionally removed. This fixes a number of problems with the old 'rmdup' sub-command, for example samtools issue #497. 'rmdup' is kept for backwards compatibility but 'markdup' should be used in preference. * Sort is now much better at keeping within the requested memory limit. It should also be slightly faster and need fewer temporary files when the file to be sorted does not fit in memory. (#593; thanks to Nathan Weeks.) * Sort no longer rewrites the header when merging from files. It can also now merge from memory, so fewer temporary files need to be written and it is better at sorting in parallel when everything fits in memory. * Both sort and merge now resolve ties when merging based on the position in the input file(s). This makes them fully stable for all ordering options. (Previously position sort was stable, but name and by tag sorts were not). * New --output-qname option for mpileup. * Support for building on Windows using msys2/mingw64 or cygwin has been improved. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAABAgAGBQJZzPSDAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMu6AP/RY8khgvL52UDdCMEThtUzih CeI12o4PrefkroN8k3yjmZFqxxwGQL7QrxIO20yJsbAFczFK3P+oK+dKrmN57hOu b+56ZE0SSZGa5dMemxmXZ1Y12S7Q/RXiWt/95AM1GwD3c9bLS2iooZrhmoBgfIKA 6V1bld32VVCcP20S8J+GxXPNyDEKEBtX63Zw2oR6CWvyPPOek29dy56cE8IuzW+j 2yeVVjR8ox9wO4PVuh9jJ2fAVPla+sXZUO5hK3dIGIlPT30VE8Bqq9WLCnPcMS6T Fp7yQD32qyxR3Bs6n+cnqmsQ6hfIzJFiO/Uuz57qFjVxehHfCxj1l8WHnppSfKes kfBqz7LohzQVUZWSSBcMIYTwUR0IYs8I/jrbJSmMy58yQHQmBfrEFmPXrdJuo7c3 1V2uCze+T4kmWiAcvS79nCCeu70BoZRKz6BWkZrTTmfzT4TFR/sMuCnSb7BtP5Br GJk9gC7S1lRGN+jVd2Lb55mpXL9zy7eAluGC1zchF21Je2fIIwK/hLasn93Rpb5l RvGGRRyWuK8KOUv2c9CRw0m9rLrC/URNEJC/rKcDb+xHhYe7FO/oM5nsI7Hvnusm 7kFCpRmQmakIotbpHDFm+yt3RW5yzEXrv5Wbr30Koag6KjplGh3ZkoRuDD8ETNBc i+i6zU+SIFirQovkF8q7 =SZOe -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 28 September 2017, 13:09:23 UTC
refs/tags/1.5 1.5 f510fb1 Release 1.5 [Solstice Release] (21st June 2017) -------------------- * Samtools fastq now has a -i option to create a fastq file from an index tag, and a -T option (similar to -t) to add user specified aux tags to the fastq header line. * Samtools fastq can now create compressed fastq files, by giving the output filenames an extention of .gq, .bgz, or .bgzf * Samtools sort has a -t TAG option, that allows records to be sorted by the value of the specified aux tag, then by position or name. Merge gets a similar option, allowing files sorted this way to be merged. (#675; thanks to Patrick Marks of 10xgenomics). -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAABAgAGBQJZSSeKAAoJEOvdNan8mCJ61YcH/jOpNOM/JWbOvW2y89N+uVFp ZauU/1dSkNLrvQB8h1sfFGX2hMq/TPppk9JqdwlCVqmCMj8VmASFVz4qRjoC4bks qMP53/8GD865keNTRR0GNHSi6nDb7ahKABS9nv158NwcUTkcwcYG/0OFTIOHdd4C L+80vAs5FrafDcUrPJh82+GWsXVHoVdVwohFjLKrpu2y+geTlw/RQDnHUbfxbYM0 4CZi0QuI0Iq2WFH2VmnMTYMZHrpc+RxscLwyV+stIbaFOrK+B6XElCvNWUdroDDv 3GlBZJ4R02g0MpMX/p804IcAd6k8/r6aeQ9LCdetzwUCDXW9fLOgJfQCgh9zMoc= =07Sk -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 20 June 2017, 13:47:54 UTC
refs/tags/1.4.1 1.4.1 8f8600a Release 1.4.1 (8th May 2017) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added options to fastq to create fastq files from BC (or other) tags. * Samtools view has gained a -G <flags> option to exclude on all bits set. For example to discard reads where neither end has been mapped use "-G 12". * Samtools cat has a -b <fofn> option to ease concatenation of many files. * Added misc/samtools_tab_completion for bash auto-completion of samtools sub-commands. (#560) * Samtools tview now has J and K keys for verticale movement by 20 lines. (#257) * Various compilation / portability improvements. * Fixed issue with more than 65536 CIGAR operations and SAM/CRAM files. (#667) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iEYEABECAAYFAlkQRDsACgkQJ6l3bgmDfuyBqgCdFs45GMFpX1sSNMkd+53TXwJ9 QdgAn3/A6FYIerUwoQRv/FzQQAHlpG+7 =0Smf -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 08 May 2017, 10:11:07 UTC
refs/tags/1.4 1.4 0a859b1 Release 1.4 (13 March 2017) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Noteworthy changes in samtools: * Fixed Issue #345 - out-by-one error in insert-size in samtools stats * bam_split now add a @PG header to the bam file * Added mate cigar tag support to fixmate * Multi-threading is now supported for decoding BAM and CRAM (as well as the previously supported encoding). Most commands that read BAM or CRAM have gained an -@ or --threads arguments, providing a significant speed bonus. For commands that both read and write files the threads are shared between decoding and encoding tasks. * Added -a option to samtools mpileup to show all locations, including sites with zero depth; repeating the option as -aa or -a -a additionally shows reference sequences without any reads mapped to them (#496). * The mpileup text output no longer contains empty columns at zero coverage positions. Previously it would output "...0\t\t..." in some circumstances (zero coverage due to being below a minumum base quality); this has been fixed to output as "...0\t*\t*..." with placeholder '*' characters as in other zero coverage circumstances (see PR #537). * To stop it from creating too many temporary files, samtools sort will now not run unless its per-thread memory limit (-m) is set to at least 1 megabyte (#547). * The misc/plot-bamstats script now has a -l / --log-y option to change various graphs to display their Y axis log-scaled. Currently this affects the Insert Size graph (PR #589; thanks to Anton Kratz). * Fixmate will now also add and update MC (mate CIGAR) tags. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iEYEABECAAYFAljGsY4ACgkQJ6l3bgmDfuxgjwCdENWcaFjRv2/8bQBZrjP2+MfO VnEAn35lYVZru/FeoiJYs4u3Ceb+fGfV =r9DK -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 13 March 2017, 14:49:50 UTC
refs/tags/1.3.1 1.3.1 897c002 Samtools release 1.3.1: bug fixes, notably sort temporary files * The sort command creates any needed temporary files alongside the final output file (similarly to the pre-1.3 behaviour), and now aborts when it detects a collision with another sort invocation's temporary files. When the -T PREFIX option specified is a directory (or when sorting to standard output), a random component is now added to temporary filenames to try to avoid collisions (#432, #523, #529, #535, PR #530). * All samtools commands now check for I/O errors more carefully, especially when writing output files (#111, #253, #470, PR #467). * Build fixes for 32-bit systems; be sure to run configure on such systems to enable large file support and access to 2GiB+ files. * The fasta/fastq/bam2fq command no longer ignores reads when the -s option is used (#532). * The fastq -O option no longer crashes on reads that do not have an OQ tag field (#517). * The merge and sort commands now handle (unusual) BAM files that have no textual @SQ headers (#548, #550). * Sorting files containing @CO headers no longer duplicates the comment headers, which previously happened on large sorts for which temporary files were needed (#563). * The rmdup and view -l commands no longer crash on @RG headers that do not have a LB field (#538). * Fixed miscellaneous issues #128, #130, #131, #489, and #514. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAABCgAGBQJXGfNdAAoJEBjt9zBlME1w2lYQAN8s0FJ3HSNuy6pb8YzQT/Mv 6qBYyxwqHe+GcmkTyu9qvv+aKl2fshtGyt8HawNeZvQ9X7sl/x8eYDH+pDFohrRM Ad39ic/n/O210uCjytAclEnGr2SuxHqsvunvxy9VWy/Kz2KWf5MUO90wg8DNMYXl YZ26N0z2rDRuxY1+ACrVg85gHTBG1tMW15qr8Njw7y8SSOnGgb8ff5QotfL2wjbC HBno4J20fln0pKj6BFEDdxUfK5k5AXqkee4ma6L1FgcwL0R5RQZ8D2T4KtyiDwPt siS2wCa0KLCMNgV7LPVpDBDjPcOwlcZ5b1jDj3Zs07ZyCyxWz8y7gYvygpgAzHft DCJsf5xfMz/mjVPTsUI1PODxISlCnLR6W7AmYJ+2Pzxir9mAyg2uGGnzeBGSRuK5 PIrJNoVz0bIjGyyEHo2noXwbFdD5yE/R9PMZVyWMchYdWHKLAtxfr06rqvT3TXVQ z1VNIZmM02vK7wazDQ8QXplKlnTtELo4qSMHN1JnrhW/GKqWklF6XtkCOUL2Al5w rntbz3n5Jp3IJKuJiEdleIqklyald0EWw+O4Nl6fv7A7X88YAsSoyEe0e0AMrqYF AOhOXXVML75wSim8l4Qb+G0gYPzXtEA/aP6BTCDrtb7foyqtfju2Yzk27TgeOmkT DMW6y8EVnYYcipJ3XSa3 =RD4J -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 22 April 2016, 09:47:47 UTC
refs/tags/1.3 1.3 ed3191b Samtools release 1.3: many improvements, fixes, new commands * The obsolete "samtools sort in.bam out.prefix" usage has been removed. If you are still using -f, -o, or out.prefix, convert to use -T PREFIX and/or -o FILE instead. (#295, #349, #356, #418, PR #441; see also discussions in #171, #213.) * The "bamshuf" command has been renamed to "collate" (hence the term bamshuf no longer appears in the documentation, though it still works on the command line for compatibility with existing scripts). * The mpileup command now outputs the unseen allele in VCF/BCF as <*> rather than X or <X> as previously, and now has AD, ADF, ADR, INFO/AD, INFO/ADF, INFO/ADR --output-tags annotations that largely supersede the existing DV, DP4, DPR annotations. * The mpileup command now applies BAQ calculations at all base positions, regardless of which -l or -r options are used (previously with -l it was not applied to the first few tens of bases of each chromosome, leading to different mpileup results with -l vs. -r; #79, #125, #286, #407). * Samtools now has a configure script which checks your build environment and facilitates choosing which HTSlib to build against. See INSTALL for details. * Samtools's Makefile now fully supports the standard convention of allowing CC/CPPFLAGS/CFLAGS/LDFLAGS/LIBS to be overridden as needed. Previously it listened to $(LDLIBS) instead; if you were overriding that, you should now override LIBS rather than LDLIBS. * A new addreplacerg command that adds or alters @RG headers and RG:Z record tags has been added. * The rmdup command no longer immediately aborts (previously it always aborted with "bam_get_library() not yet implemented"), but remains not recommended for most use (#159, #252, #291, #393). * Merging files with millions of headers now completes in a reasonable amount of time (#337, #373, #419, #453; thanks to Nathan Weeks, Chris Smowton, Martin Pollard, Rob Davies). * Samtools index's optional index output path argument works again (#199). * Fixed calmd, targetcut, and potential mpileup segfaults when given broken alignments with POS far beyond the end of their reference sequences. * If you have source code using bam_md.c's bam_fillmd1_core(), bam_cap_mapQ(), or bam_prob_realn_core() functions, note that these now take an additional ref_len parameter. (The versions named without "_core" are unchanged.) * The tview command's colour scheme has been altered to be more suitable for users with colour blindness (#457). * Samtools depad command now handles CIGAR N operators and accepts CRAM files (#201, #404). * Samtools stats now outputs separate "N" and "other" columns in the ACGT content per cycle section (#376). * Added -a option to samtools depth to show all locations, including zero depth sites (#374). * New samtools dict command, which creates a sequence dictionary (as used by Picard) from a FASTA reference file. * Samtools stats --target-regions option works again. * Added legacy API sam.h functions sam_index_load() and samfetch() providing bam_fetch()-style iteration over either BAM or CRAM files. (In general we recommend recoding against the htslib API directly, but this addition may help existing libbam-using programs to be CRAM-enabled easily.) * Fixed legacy API's samopen() to write headers only with "wh" when writing SAM files. Plain "w" suppresses headers for SAM file output, but this was broken in 1.2. * "samtools fixmate - -" works in pipelines again; with 1.0 to 1.2, this failed with "[bam_mating] cannot determine output format". * Restored previous "samtools calmd -u" behaviour of writing compression level 0 BAM files. Samtools 1.0 to 1.2 incorrectly wrote raw non-BGZF BAM files, which cannot be read by most other tools. (Samtools commands other than calmd were unaffected by this bug.) * Restored bam_nt16_nt4_table[] to legacy API header bam.h. * Fixed bugs #269, #305, #320, #328, #346, #353, #365, #392, #410, #445, #462, #475, and #495. 15 December 2015, 21:35:48 UTC
refs/tags/1.21 1.21 ec8bf98 samtools release 1.21: Notice: * This is the last SAMtools / HTSlib release where CRAM 3.0 will be the default CRAM version. From the next we will change to CRAM 3.1 unless the version is explicitly specified, for example using "samtools view -O cram,version=3.0". New work and changes: * `samtools reset` now removes a set of predefined auxtags, as these tags are no longer valid after the reset operation. This behaviour can be overridden if desired. (PR #2034, fixes #2011. Reported by Felix Lenner) * `samtools reset` now also removes duplicate flags. (PR #2047. Reported by Kevin Lewis) * Region and section/part filtering added to CRAM `samtools cat`. Region filtering permits `samtools cat` to produce new CRAMs that only cover a specified region. (PR #2035) * Added a report of the number of alignments for each primer to `samtools ampliconclip`. (PR #2039, PR #2101, feature request #2033. Thanks to Brad Langhorst) * Make `ampliconclip` primer counts output deterministic. (PR #2081) * `samtools fixmate` no longer removes the PAIRED flag from reads that have no mate. This is done on the understanding that the PAIRED flag is a sequencing technology indicator not a feature of alignment. This is a change to previous `fixmate` behaviour. (PR #2056, fixes #2052. Reported by John Wiedenhoeft) * Added bgzf compressed FASTA output to `samtools faidx`. (PR #2067, fixes #2055. Requested by Filipe G Vieira) * Optimise `samtools depth` histogram incrementing code. (PR #2078) * In `samtools merge` zero pad unique suffix IDs. (PR #2087, fixes #2086. Thanks to Chris Wright) * `samtools idxstats` now accepts the `-X` option, making it easier to specify the location of the index file. (PR #2093, feature request #2071. Requested by Samuel Chen) * Improved documentation for the mpileup `--adjust-MQ` option. (PR #2098. Requested by Georg Langebrake) Bug fixes: * Avoid `tview` buffer overflow for positions with >= 14 digits. (PR #2032. Thanks to John Marshall. Reported on bioconda/bioconda-recipes#47137 by jmunoz94) * Added file name and error message to 'error closing output file' error in `samtools sort`. (PR #2050, fixes #2049. Thanks to Joshua C Randall). * Fixed hard clip trimming issue in `ampliconclip` where right-hand side qualities were being removed from left-hand side trims. (PR #2053, fixes #2048. Reported by Duda5) * Fixed a bug in `samtools merge --template-coordinate` where the wrong heap was being tested. (PR #2062. Thanks to Nils Homer. Reported on ng-core/fastquorum#52 by David Mas-Ponte) * Do not look at chr "*" for unmapped-placed reads with `samtools view --fetch-pairs`. This was causing a significant slowdown when `--fetch-pairs` was being used. (PR #2070, fixes #2059. Reported by acorvelo) * Fixed bug which could cause `samtools view -L` to give incomplete output when the BED file contained nested target locations. (PR #2107, fixes #2104. Reported by geertvandeweyer) * Enable `samtools coverage` to handle alignments that do not have quality score data. This was causing memory access problems. (PR #2083, fixes #2076. Reported by Matthew Colpus) * Fix undefined behaviour in `samtools fastq` with empty QUAL. (PR #2084) * In `plot-bamstats` fixed read-length plot for data with limited variations in length. Lack of data was causing gnuplot problems. (PR #2085, fixes #2068. Reported by mariyeta) * Fixed an accidental fall-through that caused `samtools split -p` to also enable `--no-PG`. (PR #2101) * Fixed an overflow that caused `samtools consensus -m simple` to give incorrect output when the input coverage exceeded several million reads deep. (PR #2099, fixes #2095. Reported by Dylan Lawrence) Non user-visible changes and build improvements: * Work around address sanitizer going missing from the Cirrus CI ubuntu clang compiler by moving the address sanitizer build to gcc. Fix warnings from the new clang compiler. (PR #2043) * Windows based CI has been migrated from AppVeyor to GitHub Actions. (PR #2072, PR #2108) * Turn on more warning options in Cirrus-CI builds, ensure everything builds with `-Werror`, and add undefined behaviour checks to the address sanitizer test. (PR #2101, PR #2103, PR #2109) * Tidy up Makefile dependencies and untracked test files. (PR #2106. Thanks to John Marshall) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmbjBlUVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzM0c8P/A7JwpiwWS8H8+w8Dn/iBQb2vyJz Tdh+fP9Bm/B9lVgaFZ1IYObJnH3rvDugZotCMKNYDRgHsKVeQXKBsCT1NbZ9UJ0i q0JUgvv6fi7O4xlNrWHfFXZnj1zgd1uE20uvZNq1CGmBS++UDhLQ+xK7PxwtJF0y PylFmx70hYAFy9KuP3Q2cSnfJCzEMO+Nqh/QuA5FKS6wAuRWu60sJLBFTz5yMnfI HECraOUEp+ySw0W6aD2COH/2Uat/RNofGiZm9GBTyfTICt+3JDAEG4+i9BWXf3qE Be0aT7gPJFNmWhGyFQjuyOj4yhqIgrOuSlIWq14m/4/3nt9SWideF+vWoT7LI5TU fOxL98K6ObBX4oGc9iWNbNXnnXJth2EJ8dmz0mivuAGErSvbl7nBisgn6JRYTxfl 7LFf09slTBmD/7ru32hA7I02GY7qJmAp5Pk7DLLOlvslLxcS1fhUdhMCda+vDlGy TzwcNs4B1h56F3DN930HTzoIj+kpvfz+ZUggytINN48IRPEE30JeBWQQRsio7wx+ SGlXze5ARqWefn9zRSBIE1WKKXwaBkXNkHAHiP+l2pVKIWI+8EfNRvwO4waaazzd ekkjVgCjdCqbLF6s/cK+fFGS2JBYX2V9OeePAYn3xmk8mI0BIaMynbUdeAO63TEC TsapbkIhTlIZuoBp =XypV -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 12 September 2024, 15:18:45 UTC
refs/tags/1.20 1.20 906a3b5 samtools release 1.20: * Added a `--max-depth` option to `bedcov`, for more control over the depth limit used when calculating the pileup. Previously this limit was set at 64000; now it is set to over 2 billion, so effectively all bases will be counted. (PR #1970, fixes #1950. Reported by ellisjj) * Added `mpileup --output-extra RLEN` to display the unclipped read length. (PR #1971, feature request #1959. Requested by Feng Tian) * Improved checking of symbolic flag names (e.g. UNMAP) passed to samtools. (PR #1981, fixes #1977. Reported by Ilya Shlyakhter) * The `samtools consensus --min-depth` option now works for the Bayesian mode as well as the simple one. (PR #1989, feature request #1982. Requested by Gautier Richard) * It's now possible to use the `samtools fastq` `-d tag:val` option multiple times, allowing matches on more than one tag/value. It also gets a `-D` option which allows the values to be listed in a file. (PR #1993, feature request #1958. Requested by Tristan Lefebure) * Added `samtools fixmate` `-M` option to sanity check base modification (`ML`, `MM`, `MN`) tags, and where necessary adjust modification data on hard-clipped records. (PR #1990) * Made `mpileup` run faster. (PR #1995) * `samtools import` now adds a `@PG` header to the files it makes. As with other sub-commands, this can be disabled by using `--no-PG`. (PR #2008. Requested by Steven Leonard) * The `samtools split` `-d` option to split by tag value now works on tags with integer values. (PR #2005, feature request #1956. Requested by Alex Leonard) * Adjusted `samtools sort -n` (by name) so that primary reads are always sorted before secondary / supplementary. (PR #2012, feature request #2010. Requested by Stijn van Dongen) * Added `samtools bedcov` `-H` option to print column headers in the output. (PR #2025. Thanks to Dr. K. D. Murray) Documentation: * Added a note that BAQ is applied before filtering and overlap removal during mpileup processing. (PR #1988, fixes #1985. Reported by Joseph Galasso) * Added 3.1 to the list of supported CRAM versions in the samtools manual page. (PR #2009. Thanks to Andrew Thrasher) * Made assorted improvements to ampliconclip, flagstat and markdup manual pages. (PR #2014) Bug Fixes: * Security fix: Fixed double free that could occur if bed file indexing failed due to running out of memory. This bug first appeared in version 1.19.1. (PR #2026) * Corrected error message printed when faidx fails to load the fai index. (PR #1987. Thanks to Nick Moore) * Fixed bug introduced in release 1.4 that caused incorrect reference bases to be printed by `samtools mpileup -a -f ref.fa` in the zero-depth regions at the end of each reference. (PR #2019, fixes #2018. Reported by Joe Georgeson) * Fixed a samtools view usage crash on MinGW when given invalid options. (PR #2030, fixes #2029. Reported by Divon Lan) Non user-visible changes and build improvements: * Added tests to ensure that CRAM compression is working properly. (PR #1969, part of fix for #1968. Reported by Clockris) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmYdOKEVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMpY4P+gLQVf5Z3T9MAjvStn4YvX/vmmnf HI1mbc9yO7SknzyvRFCx2CsaXB4uKMNK23Lx92GqqcmUdRN1yhxunhaB3eJ+azlM kKIo3QAcso0GbAdaHEg8+E5Fg+Y8f21bBOY66EnQOUB/aChcE+w8D8/t8ZyRezjn 4TuYC9R4AHcAMlQVnik9jtTtLDcCqk/yScJfOvQIDslVHkhRbm6eGMiyN5Nwtlr0 LYrp17tU5Ry8b/7gvhoB0UKR81jTHT5rIbgZQl4VXwKcdG9IBc0gbFMSNNfDXJa5 RxhQLe3PB5Ru24BMviwIvF2iAlKYKFXFXFZoEhiGN8d0ThZbFppInCrSX2/tCC8c j7slRmrJUIa8fE2KChQfXtr+ApuUNN7QdM8y7DfhkgfA7fWM0E3GB7U9sNL6/74i /IJ++5nhOf/JIYDtrTk2KRuNhpjDkrVmva8u9PfLbIIjTgknq74O6CoAl6oCfxZ0 Ci4DlfhVWvvXvOT1W//U+PCG+QhSGd1i5Twem5gi8U4p6jsQvllnAXwUe+EDEM/M fn7wSz7fA0szH3nW+z19TxSZJrGYPxa72Lz4HULUG+URoYNuAK4QlDwcHvKekft6 hMpq0rkRYrjZXH6z1Bn7G9cH4hE/ip8diyN026cr5FLNpxa8XuQBeFHhIyN7H3VF MgqwPr/QACip0GIy =ZNS1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 15 April 2024, 14:24:33 UTC
refs/tags/1.2 1.2 255f97d Bug fix release 02 February 2015, 15:20:56 UTC
refs/tags/1.19.2 1.19.2 66830a3 samtools release 1.19.2: Bug Fixes: * Fixed a regression in 1.19.1 that broke BED filtering for inputs where the region start positions for the same reference were not sorted in ascending order. (PR #1975, fixes #1974. Reported by Anže Starič) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmWw2iAVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMEKYP/RHekC/1fBTtX0N6WKbgyumhd05c rViZCKXoISlJX4KBJF82rnP7NsbPlTdwXB/U6APOMCz9ACmLSv6FriTBh8rjOezY 1kXHlVvZ3hsYcsdkrJySzam0hylO4EqSw4uu6T75Bz1+B5jdhzibUom9/rOPsb0K B7GRJ9sMiA9uthts2S8U13xJG7KfrqiivFBHChHmGPk1wmOarv2AvEJvTDOfk8Jl SPD3EmPZlSzKSUBlhAo+xdelTriEshgZewvi8YTdov/kp7sigDBu3E6mJphqm90C V6puVPdqlF4bv+m5Vgg2wFSSJhoatoBSCw0xmzWY2160A+kwKFq0sgmjwlnqHTwN TmtAxbkFQHffJKbAS8CB27EDI4bgABjB1Uyo7JDBR9rSVnQXKkZkhsMCPiBa2WZp ZuxrTPTadYqMfE+LYUmm4mlICOJ+Txy30DbIzQf5j5F99R0HtEYXazKKL7oFFbiy Fxf43BOn4XAjvD1g1K2VUCpq6jbZtZvNr1rVt9yrkSeOiOdsHS5ETQPwQ5ZkE698 Yie5mSATx1cIytiUOTewt0Gku8l+bYXaI4GOGj1wsrpRzMb4lpp0YgTf238cLnS2 La/dXs4oTOQc9cMdKwamohPVIUHCHn/TbXGo0eVJtLFHU+7YY2RbMgtxjjc1t6AZ IoHSNq5V2TYXtts5 =rKhB -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 24 January 2024, 09:36:32 UTC
refs/tags/1.19.1 1.19.1 3fa3ecf samtools release 1.19.1: Bug Fixes: * Fixed a possible array bounds violation when looking up regions in a BED file (e.g. using `samtools view -L`). This could lead to crashes or the return of incomplete results if the BED file contained a large number of entries all referencing low positions on a chromosome. (PR #1962, fixes #1961. Reported by geertvandeweyer) * Fixed a crash in samtools stats that occurred when trying to clean up after it was unable to open a CRAM reference file. (PR #1957, fixes crash reported in samtools/htslib#1723. Reported by Alex Leonard) Documentation: * Fixed inverted logic in the `samtools consensus --show-del` manual page description. (PR #1955, fixes #1951. Reported by Mikhail Schelkunov) * Added a description of the MPC section to the `samtools stats` manual page. (PR #1963, fixes #1954. Reported by litun-fkby) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmWuPD0VHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzM3B8P/33ahhLQlQp9o3vRXORIWWVmnmCp wJX77ZXkEhVUJfqpw0CyDWkWXe3gFzOA4HL+sNEdD/ooUVrh/nbY7cTcL2xEHtkJ U8v2EyW9tpqObMoWfnLfHCSa0sJkV4IJfomH2ZUy7gDterQkbBsGE9JvH+efUmg8 PYH/jjLgZSPgBHL4mfL8tGEJgZmXTFjUD+Jv+oarBkSnDplJkAja4mc92hrZ+stI F015393JHi61RCMXp6OgJXY75GMa2X2Qmz0o9TmqF78I9gE/M++71vnHnpktwaVb 6V23RoxrXJNcDfViMzgc4Kb41WNRqq5Y30AlaHQzeRjoW2wyIqTjyAubUVslkxoA nfXs/LBUi7z5m1sSsOvruOH8veBUF7IHyiuuJW1EUyY7XIZqFNv1MKFnf7AN7RK9 UGN3FqZxUiqoBhSs7+VWnAeD1g2Y4R2nPKGexonXnEPnPk+KTnj4r6r51cES60+W eyoXxPyIvJ5xCG5TXOKDmL7e6pfwl7d6BjaG1VBkH3d9Gt+BLxp7afQsp4V8BGZd oK+HG+F/xFz4TDcPbEnl/u14myTwRAVUcBQ6NKDdjoCDzACd+twfP1jUp5masjAh x3cOypzY63wksTfvsJjblNGkfKu5HS9wopBIst4Ya3Z43nx4HXZc7brD+S207BsS CLBZiSKjkvj9/WT1 =YaE9 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 22 January 2024, 09:58:21 UTC
refs/tags/1.19 1.19 d4f9b74 samtools release 1.19: New work and changes: * Samtools coverage: add a new --plot-depth option to draw depth (of coverage) rather than the percentage of bases covered. (PR #1910. Thanks to Pierre Lindenbaum) * Samtools merge / sort: add a lexicographical name-sort option via the -N option. The "natural" alpha-numeric sort is still available via -n. (PR #1900, fixes #1500. Reported by Steve Huang) * Samtools view: add -N ^NAME_FILE and -R ^RG_FILE options. The standard -N and -R options only output reads matching a specified list of names or read-groups. With a caret (^) prefix these may be negated to only output read not matching the specified files. (PR #1896, fixes #1895. Suggested by Feng Tian) * Cope with Htslib's change to no longer close stdout on hts_close. Htslib companion PR is samtools/htslib#1665. (PR #1909. Thanks to John Marshall) * Plot-bamstats: add a new plot of the read lengths ("RL") from samtools stats output. (PR #1922, fixes #1824. Thanks to @erboone, suggested by Martin Pollard) * Samtools split: support splitting files based on the contents of auxiliary tags. Also adds a -M option to limit the number of files split can make, to avoid accidental resource over-allocation, and fixes some issues with --write-index. (PR #1222, PR #1933, fixes #1758. Thanks to Valeriu Ohan, suggested by Scott Norton) Bug Fixes: * Samtools stats: empty barcode tags are now treated as having no barcode. (PR #1929, fixes #1926. Reported by Jukka Matilainen) * Samtools cat: add support for non-seekable streams. The file format detection blocked pipes from working before, but now files may be non-seekable such as stdin or a pipe. (PR #1930, fixes #1731. Reported by Julian Hess) * Samtools mpileup -aa (absolutely all positions) now produces an output even when given an empty input file. (PR #1939. Reported by Chang Y) * Samtools markdup: speed up optical duplicate tagging on regions with very deep data. (PR #1952) Documentation: * Samtools mpileup: add more usage examples to the man page. (PR #1913, fixes #1801) * Samtools fastq: explicitly document the order that filters apply. (PR #1907) * Samtools merge: fix example output to use an uppercase RG PL field. (PR #1917. Thanks to John Marshall. Reported by Michael Macias) * Add hclen SAM filter documentation. (PR #1902. See also samtools/htslib#1660) * Samtools consensus: remove the -5 option from documentation. This option was renamed before the consensus subcommand was merged, but accidentally left in the man page. (PR #1924) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmV4aZ0VHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMzS0P/jdgQP3AtgLesc+2gISbZBW4eF/Y MJI/18DoVGpbFwoqIB8HSchEk2CQ5naI1NYDCXg4A/yqGn18RzWIQcGupWhtmMod 4zPJtFAlKsrFkDOgDlYbjqisStQf7aEoun/IawWjlvcX/CyXAjjJ93A8FWr1KvG+ hjDgkBCpNSGN6dhdh6cvSZ7PnU+E2fhbniFGYnTF4KlnvgVvjEg4/JxVJdi+UJQS 9jBWTlxS1+M6XxNToGXOINmel2hyTL3zn2CSNOeOrs9e/RoIlbcY5SKp4O0Rzl0x bXTjdOKstEix18sUJF8futDtjxmMnIlvVeIjxAlJUEGywNyN0H74fCd8ObTa503j kDC3k4ca3Qnic8Dv/ATop3DoNsT3uNWk+B+hYHXMrA6WdrFgVAI89MwQhIsgSVoL bnXfM4MswyUqEgoZCJZoj4hh56Jp0yI0lAISFef3IOKKVkZUxRW6omK+JkQfP7Pj kAT0fBXwIwLAweoSpzpJNhiRLi9gp2XcFN5J5hUc1MqlEnhbKZ7zGQIIyE2K0oDn igveOA1nrmlXk9aynRVN+ZsgplfPw45ZRu9MSFUY27Z3QjksiDEUdJsRu2coesel Mtly9gEGMIU08PyDZg7aCy1hpk8NzAdk/pG8I4eq+DYOsG2tIwzcYUIu+Ty6eCHQ vz52TN3bMgsDH8ZP =5jqU -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 12 December 2023, 14:09:33 UTC
refs/tags/1.18 1.18 554bb90 samtools release 1.18: New work and changes: * Add minimiser sort option to collate by an indexed fasta. Expand the minimiser sort to arrange the minimiser values in the same order as they occur in the reference genome. This is acts as an extremely crude and simplistic read aligner that can be used to boost read compression. (PR#1818) * Add a --duplicate-count option to markdup. Adds the number of duplicates (including itself) to the original read in a 'dc' tag. (PR#1816. Thanks to wulj2) * Make calmd handle unaligned data or empty files without throwing an error. This is to make pipelines work more smoothly. A warning will still be issued. (PR#1841, fixes #1839. Reported by Filipe G. Vieira) * Consistent, more comprehensive flag filtering for fasta/fastq. Added --rf/--incl[ude]-flags and long options for -F (--excl[ude]-flags and -f (--require-flags). (PR#1842. Thanks to Devang Thakkar) * Apply fastq --input-fmt-option settings. Previously any options specified were not being applied to the input file. (PR#1855. Thanks to John Marshall) * Add fastq -d TAG[:VAL] check. This mirrors view -d and will only output alignments that match TAG (and VAL if specified). (PR#1863, fixes #1854. Requested by Rasmus Kirkegaard) * Extend import --order TAG to --order TAG:length. If length is specified, the tag format goes from integer to a 0-padded string format. This is a workaround for BAM and CRAM that cannot encode an order tag of over 4 billion records. (PR#1850, fixes #1847. Reported by Feng Tian) * New -aa mode for consensus. This works like the -aa option in depth and mpileup. The single 'a' reports all bases in contigs covered by alignments. Double 'aa' (or '-a -a') reports Ns even for the references with no alignments against them. (PR#1851, fixes #1849. Requested by Tim Fennell) * Add long option support to samtools index. (PR#1872, fixes #1869. Reported by Jason Bacon) * Be consistent with rounding of "average length" in samtools stats. (PR#1876, fixes #1867. Reported by Jelinek-J) * Add option to ampliconclip that marks reads as unmapped when they do not have enough aligned bases left after clipping. Default is to unmap reads with zero aligned bases. (PR#1865, fixes #1856. Requested by ces) Bug Fixes: * [From HTSLib] Fix a major bug when searching against a CRAM index where one container has start and end coordinates entirely contained within the previous container. This would occasionally miss data, and sometimes return much more than required. The bug affected versions 1.11 to 1.17, although the change in 1.11 was bug-fixing multi-threaded index queries. This bug did not affect index building. There is no need to reindex your CRAM files. (PR#samtools/htslib#1574, PR#samtools/htslib#1640. Fixes #samtools/htslib#1569, #samtools/htslib#1639, #1808, #1819. Reported by xuxif, Jens Reeder and Jared Simpson) * Fix a sort -M bug (regression) when merging sub-blocks. Data was valid but in a poor order for compression. (PR#1812) * Fix bug in split output format. Now SAM and CRAM format can chosen as well as BAM. Also a documentation change, see below. (PR#1821) * Add error checking to view -e filter expression code. Invalid expressions were not returning an error code. (PR#1833, fixes #1829. Reported by Steve Huang) * Fix reheader CRAM output version. Sets the correct CRAM output version for non-3.0 CRAMs. (PR#1868, fixes #1866. Reported by John Marshall) Documentation: * Expand the default filtering information on the mpileup man page. (PR#1802, fixes #1801. Reported by gevro) * Add an explanation of the default behaviour of split files on generating a file for reads with missing or unrecognised RG tags. Also a small bug fix, see above. (PR#1821, fixes #1817. Reported by Steve Huang) * In the INSTALL instructions, switched back to openssl for Alpine. This matches the current Alpine Linux practice. (PR#1837, see htslib#1591. Reported by John Marshall) * Fix various typos caught by lintian parsers. (PR#1877. Thanks to Étienne Mollier) * Document consensus --qual-calibration option. (PR#1880, fixes #1879. Reported by John Marshall) * Updated the page about samtools duplicate marking with more detail at www.htslib.org/algorithms/duplicate.html Non user-visible changes and build improvements: * Removed a redundant line that caused a warning in gcc-13. (PR#1838) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmS/jJMVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMyLMP/1V2p5S5jaivBvBmmh1kZ+o62L2v OcgMcXQ8M3cuv6PglmaLwoGargkWxQp2WT55g3xniOECd2akayz/gtFiytcQc8XN hlC3tR7YrOObhqOpJ9u1xP6ozCQ8MUbPYGA+92A1ovq3YG00WUCFjlv7gR/m/f1c skWX2K58Fy6RQ1sKc/BUPFS95ruxhYGFCekaf4POm9ER6QB2ukHVu9CWNKEWDpF2 jNh8FocOyRvSrNU/uCKTNKrpo6NrWMZFL7eb7Hntn7tWF0a4KdveLCKDUyjyEbS0 duGnxA96Zp/FtNfkk2pOQDFF9FeHP1CRXmC/ftmKCk+IEZddFeG/Z4qIRPekQyKu mbQ7FDJgpx2BN2E90hJ3zng1L1JJ/N9+ig5jbhHdXnldVrgAULvGueK/peiZQgPH kMvsOT6sfS00i7L2LIiA6zh4WD8F5n2hQc3EZGdLh7XARn3lznhpUAMKnv1Gbjli o4z7d4nzllTNVLzs+IWgGZqgMMJgllfPiPLUFDpNNeatSFGomhD04bUDOlcKNCVx ZRgT10/VAms0CsOXYOx0QdjdG8ZuiUF/UrZx5PuonT58J0nlGx0TxPb7rXqO13wC t2FHB2AMmqPjgsS1dpQ0ERIZVUJ3M9g2tSDmlkYgJT7NICaQ738KV2Z2R4HvpCol XkrwVsUiZRBdcHqz =xKIC -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 25 July 2023, 08:49:23 UTC
refs/tags/1.17 1.17 4959cc9 samtools release 1.17: New work and changes: * New samtools reset subcommand. Removes alignment information. Alignment location, CIGAR, mate mapping and flags are updated. If the alignment was in reverse direction, sequence and its quality values are reversed and complemented and the reverse flag is reset. Supplementary and secondary alignment data are discarded. (PR#1767, implements #1682. Requested by dkj) * New samtools cram-size subcommand. It writes out metrics about a CRAM file reporting aggregate sizes per block "Content ID" fields, the data-series contained within them, and the compression methods used. (PR#1777) * Added a --sanitize option to fixmate and view. This performs some sanity checks on the state of SAM record fields, fixing up common mistakes made by aligners. (PR#1698) * Permit 1 thread with samtools view. All other subcommands already allow this and it does provide a modest speed increase. (PR#1755, fixes #1743. Reported by Goran Vinterhalter) * Add CRAM_OPT_REQUIRED_FIELDS option for view -c. This is a big speed up for CRAM (maybe 5-fold), but it depends on which filtering options are being used. (PR#1776, fixes #1775. Reported by Chang Y) * New filtering options in samtools depth. The new --excl-flags option is a synonym for -G, with --incl-flags and --require-flags added to match view logic. (PR#1718, fixes #1702. Reported by Dario Beraldi) * Speed up calmd's slow handling of non-position-sorted data by adding caching. This uses more memory but is only activated when needed. (PR#1723, fixes #1595. Reported by lxwgcool) * Improve samtools consensus for platforms with instrument specific profiles, considerably helping for data with very different indel error models and providing base quality recalibration tables. On PacBio HiFi, ONT and Ultima Genomics consensus qualities are also redistributed within homopolymers and the likelihood of nearby indel errors is raised. (PR#1721, PR#1733) * Consensus --mark-ins option. This permits he consensus output to include a markup indicating the next base is an insertion. This is necessary as we need a way of outputting both consensus and also how that consensus marries up with the reference coordinates. (PR#1746) * Make faidx/fqidx output line length default to the input line length. (PR#1738, fixes #1734. Reported by John Marshall) * Speed up optical duplicate checking where data has a lot of duplicates compared to non-duplicates. (PR#1779, fixes #1771. Reported by Poshi) * For collate use TMPDIR environment variable, when looking for a temporary folder. (PR#1782, based on PR#1178 and fixes #1172. Reported by Martin Pollard) Bug Fixes: * Fix stats breakage on long deletions when given a reference. (PR#1712, fixes #1707. Reported by John Didion) * In ampliconclip, stop hard clipping from wrongly removing entire reads. (PR#1722, fixes #1717. Reported by Kevin Xu) * Fix bug in ampliconstats where references mentioned in the input file headers but not in the bed file would cause it to complain that the SAM headers were inconsistent. (PR#1727, fixes #1650. Reported by jPontix) * Fixed SEGV in samtools collate when no filename given. (PR#1724) * Changed the default UMI barcode regex in markdup. The old regex was too restrictive. This version will at least allow the default read name UMI as given in the Illumina example documentation. (PR#1737, fixes #1730. Reported by yloemie) * Fix samtools consensus buffer overrun with MD:Z handling. (PR#1745, fixes #1744. Reported by trilisser) * Fix a buffer read-overflow in mpileup and tview on sequences with seq "*". (PR#1747) * Fix view -X command line parsing that was broken in 1.15. (PR#1772, fixes #1720. Reported by Francisco Rodríguez-Algarra and Miguel Machado) * Stop samtools view -d from reporting meaningless system errors when tag validation fails. (PR#1796) Documentation: * Add a description of the samtools tview display layout to the man page. Documents . vs , and upper vs lowercase. Adds a -s sample example, and documents the -w option. (PR#1765, fixes #1759. Reported by Lucas Ferreira da Silva) * Clarify intention of samtools fasta/q in man page and soft vs hard clipping. (PR#1794, fixes #1792. Reported by Ryan Lorig-Roach) * Minor fix to wording of mpileup --rf usage and man page. (PR#1795, fixes #1791. Reported by Luka Pavageau) Non user-visible changes and build improvements: * Use POSIX grep in testing as egrep and fgrep are considered obsolete. (PR#1726, thanks to David Seifert) * Switch MacOS CI tests to an ARM-based image. (PR#1770) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmP0ufMVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMShsQAKsmnVTeETOr9X4LepiaLTQdelkG 195pXIewsy4zFstaB66JARLbBNxG3bTFpJhWs7k6BThHEUDlfaBctfs35L60gq1Z DfOj6pMLjxbXFgrNeEBTu5T9QHpKku+k3d4IhSC2MNA+b5JiB4YDLiQWavRTEx45 H9ZMArA2RHpI3Z/t8fJpjXvok1ClvEFK6Mctm6Ofp895tc0fsVktPrH4v0h1O7I0 YgQxpkCWvNxtKTwVKXSQun28uPuXb6d1UpJl5wrpo/BmP+eqEmGefIZ7aMWISoTZ kLhQi1DmzrISg4B2I3AvJkl77C/T4qbrwitQbYhUdQ+DPMKxBv80f1uuXNDfTBKp eItrkzSAOeTRUQLm99rCozschvSZaz28m7Zg4TEfSUSPqnt7srqZU/nF/Jwo+Nk3 tK/f5wT7W3T+wtv3NbVM2Gwt6wgPeRBbAIJLHS7+MN4/Nc9Y2QY4HtEXxI2vRWwc MGkF3iBVuXCwZRAW7yuxSIsCMcVGfpfa0T5mIMcGlVZ2+kLoL60i1nlDKBR2ypkw PbGvBleKRXirn14RkpULPehxS6h+/b4erKdDO0s/Yv16m4okq0qvE1BB9LSwxG+K z+wAURdWbmTyLYwzb3He0GE9M//f1iK18nstdcnu9ZwKkUddr0NHaMoI9vlw+G/2 6TCagGntb7YU88j9 =AQcA -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 21 February 2023, 12:32:51 UTC
refs/tags/1.16.1 1.16.1 c3a29a9 samtools release 1.16.1: Bug fixes: * Fixed a bug with the template-coordinate sort which caused incorrect ordering when using threads, or processing large files that don't fit completely in memory. (PR#1703, thanks to Nils Homer) * Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to use `samtools merge` in template-coordinate mode. (PR#1705, thanks to Nils Homer) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmMR/uAVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzM8IoP+QFW64kVoI9JW4JSjMujeVvF47f/ XqkOngoOyt+OqWYs0QhdSK6j/ILhPwLM1mkpW2Dp1pPniXAB/Jo2cMQbrAiIzJft QwVpKpEss0wn8//v//IZxeWLHtrHXCTGuyIqjf1pgj82J+hK6PzFJ2RlI7ORIcQU 3CFWIXhmkhuQF8kHEAFTo52PUnChE+Xm8i/lrUB+iqaR/LCDwtmYSiKVOzuxTwTB abUka45Lx94+ZAa/xFjyYIBKBSsdCbfJ2mVsGkpKR10UNzCDsXQOIOfmgmew71pD 19DmO1ZIkdhPO1nmLg6hUHBAK6MKzcFhw3M5rt5YOz28HchAZKO3yMkCPG1/C1bg SksELn3LUpOAUB4M8W2Lbbf6dGlq0Y54UUWEmljib9xfu54BBbN50nhxUATLZfS/ tbbafmb7gji/miJZ7VeBsuC55AEjbS2UV2levms++VeeGeFDNp3/tS0euwFXEdR9 Iy0SvgyAbSY/LNXJ2cX9e2Age65P2esqeo2kETQjUQoPuK6u1vhZw+QSu1GpMOMI ih8H66VJMOEl1DIktvXn9CkmNf5CQL3UFKMbT6Y9VNhfn5iWWqbpxiYhow7TW5OA 39h9OkTPgR0TtCbsuZqD6me3YIPi6wkxAmovt+Cxot4OaIi7dshnctC6MyqT9gEt 9OTYh6kknS5MKTbM =7OSC -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 02 September 2022, 13:02:24 UTC
refs/tags/1.16 1.16 41a6dd6 samtools release 1.16: New work and changes: * samtools reference command added. This subcommand extracts the embedded reference out of a CRAM file. (PR#1649, addresses #723. Requested by Torsten Seemann) * samtools import now adds grouped by query-name to the header. (PR#1633, thanks to Nils Homer) * Made samtools view read error messages more generic. Former error message would claim that there was a "truncated file or corrupt BAM index file" with no real justification. Also reset errno in stream_view which could lead to confusing error messages. (PR#1645, addresses some of the issues in #1640. Reported by Jian-Guo Zhou) * Make samtools view -p also clear mqual, tlen and cigar. (PR#1647, fixes #1606. Reported by eboyden) * Add bedcov option -c to report read count. (PR#1644, fixes #1629. Reported by Natchaphon Rajudom) * Add UMI/barcode handling to samtools markdup. (PR#1630, fixes #1358 and #1514. Reported by Gert Hulselmans and Poshi) * Add a new template coordinate sort order to samtools sort and samtools merge. This is useful when working with unique molecular identifiers (UMIs). (PR#1605, fixes #1591. Thanks to Nils Homer) * Rename mpileup --ignore-overlaps to --ignore-overlaps-removal or --disable-overlap-removal. The previous name was ambiguous and was often read as an option to enable removal of overlapping bases, while in reality this is on by default and the option turns off the ability to remove overlapping bases. (PR#1666, fixes #1663. Reported by yangdingyangding) * The dict command can now read BWA's .alt file and add AH:* tags indicating reference sequences that represent alternate loci. (PR#1676. Thanks to John Marshall) * The "samtools index" command can now accept multiple alignment filenames with the new -M option, and will index each of them separately. (Specifying the output index filename via out.index or the new -o option is currently only applicable when there is only one alignment file to be indexed.) (PR#1674. Reported by Abigail Ramsøe and Nicola Romanò. Thanks to John Marshall) * Allow samtools fastq -T "*". This allows all tags from SAM records to be written to fastq headers. This is a counterpart to samtools import -T "*". (PR#1679. Thanks to cjw85) Bug Fixes: * Re-enable --reference option for samtools depth. The reference is not used but this makes the command line usage compatible with older releases. (PR#1646, fixes #1643. Reported by Randy Harr) * Fix regex coordinate bug in samtools markdup. (PR#1657, fixes #1642. Reported by Randy Harr) * Fix divide by zero in plot-bamstats -m, on unmapped data. (PR#1678, fixes #1675. Thanks to Shane McCarthy) * Fix missing RG headers when using samtools merge -r. (PR#1683, addresses htslib#1479. Reported by Alex Leonard) * Fix a possible unaligned access in samtools reference. (PR#1696) Documentation: * Add documentation on CRAM compression profiles and some of the newer options that appear in CRAM 3.1 and above. (PR#1659, fixes #1656. Reported by Matthias De Smet) * Add "sclen" filter expression keyword documentation. (PR#1661, see also htslib#1441) * Extend FILTER EXPRESSION man page section to match the changes made in HTSlib. (PR#1687, samtools/htslib#1478) Non user-visible changes and build improvements: * Ensure generated test files are ignored (by git) and cleaned (by make testclean) (PR#1692, Thanks to John Marshall) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmL+HgAVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMrSAP+wff0ng8CYbM+BylyrQ34lNQk2Xr 0P2PmkeYNIxsO8lLZZ8Ngwyk8snjSG9T/br86vNHRu81ZCGG33KSECl7/a+ePHBP ef6xoufwsn9GqOnBJm+ETDjxkqvYAaOm4WTlh06bY9PxIZRfq+OKiWJ80vY68Pbl +m32N1U2Gf6y8BFape4o4fOqx8xMW0emYcWxIfbUPhr1U0mMWwcS2Zq0eZSHMyfw 6gRwnjPn6SxMc/0A/cfOKZkKUVzEqsuiLLYKVZLsioUNIG6xeBrvC3+s+VN3cmiU CdsonrvEniAwBOLdsL0sF1sFvcUFi9sDZEtG+oSBy6xu0Pd6jGxpENoEiIQmjCLk ABxSYEf7IMIEOTz6GOaKSEHqiIqKQFmJVdSbDo2xr5HiICXPVh0jCPDMbcJGo57R fIaF0RkkYtcIKkn+7CDBMBAekGTIruv40vI11N7QKJH+rYgbYwnzjoxSaP5J4u5w iZ5HnDTTgpP+CgEV0pDLdrw8ewdjTupaJcNVYetyh/SUCE/aZJzFjw0rI4V6GYbL fQmx3nEDpi7ZJaXfV9dmIxHOM6n8bbt45QS8zXbPRWYK92t2XppJHeL4qsYXy0Dp uE/EsFTZije7MXlyvngoX5LxbXsruEAcKTzfKgNgIlIIkAwI4vIT1iM4MJ6zIzzr CfG+Bi9N053e1707 =i27P -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 18 August 2022, 11:09:52 UTC
refs/tags/1.15.1 1.15.1 8264617 samtools release 1.15.1: Bug fixes: * A bug which prevented the samtools view --region-file (and the equivalent -M -L <file>) options from working in version 1.15 has been fixed. (#1617) * Fixed a crash triggered by using the samtools view -c/--count and --unmap options together. The --unmap option is now ignored in counting mode. (#1619) Documentation: * The consensus command was missing from the main samtools.1 manual page. It has now been added. (#1603) * Corrected instructions for reproducing the samtools stats "raw total sequences" count using samtools view -c. (#1620; reported by @krukanna) * Improved manual page formatting. (#1625; thanks to John Marshall) Non user-visible changes and build improvements: * Unnecessary #include lines have been removed from bam_plcmd.c. (#1607; thanks to John Marshall) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmJPBKIVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzM/kUP/3/ABCQioe1iXX3FVy7rm1AaQgdD ed+1Ag/KpdEmKXlnhnR9fWDYd96TMYDEeV54kBz8pi8Q9aqQniH7ylNjqG1uLpCX aSDOIFLSiHzz3aN7hXAVkYCiM4kff2H787MePrsWpAIwA89AtjNhQVNwd4Yiff48 Yvr4ffmCaIZejD1UM0aa6h+0fqpA5LFO+PFpjasku+ELqwsZRrEvPvhkBkYG+Us8 JhpcT0yP3ZGQc7EsJ1/B1a41yL+ClRWsifFRPIuifOrBoVU0G9TdH/oEv8mNv3cm M6nOx8f2ZtlzNHCgqG35yLYiWIh2a/ApRjtiuhWUFu3NmwfrEyfnPYw7rPaHwrt5 cMkLIzEDo08HS449qo+ZuyYZyo+F3Sf4ToTdJO9JCUncRPgi/zAytykEZWAtoJ5E kUrO9JK56EoF6X/IdIZiOxWBoZ9sDyISTGGEf35CBYit6YkGRoXT3R0HWG3UKKrp fBjG9oIEmBx6EhAYtKKxzcpSmubN94nxbwaL7EzZm3phE8cQJPD7d+tCgo+dQ86P vK0YGuzUoY1rHoxSNKoHu+EaL2ZIqmnWVbfA4lwjnvkKv0y9acCA5ZGpBaS5Yi4X PGD07APUfYYZNGiwr0wAWhEaxJU0jeVjRMdc91MUX6wl+1B50LuPZMg40+Zi3cWa UYTFTjCo5cOXi2zn =hfe/ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 07 April 2022, 15:34:58 UTC
refs/tags/1.15 1.15 45f6165 samtools release 1.15: Notice: * Samtools mpileup VCF and BCF output (deprecated in release 1.9) has been removed. Please use bcftools mpileup instead. New work and changes: * Added "--min-BQ" and "--min-MQ" options to "depth". These match the equivalent long options found in "samtools mpileup" and gives a consistent way of specifying the base and mapping quality filters. (#1584; fixes #1580. Reported by Chang Y) * Improved automatic file type detection with "view -u" or "view -1". Setting either of these options would default to BAM format regardless of the usual automatic file type selection based on the file name. The defaults are now only used when the file name does not indicate otherwise. (#1582) * For "markdup" optical duplicate marking add regex options for custom coordinates. For the case of non standard read names (QNAME), add options to read the coordinates and, optionally, another part of the string to test for optical duplication. (#1558) * New "samtools consensus" subcommand for generating consensus from SAM, BAM or CRAM files based on the contents of the alignment records. The consensus is written as FASTA, FASTQ or as a pileup oriented format. The default FASTA/FASTQ output includes one base per non-gap consensus, with insertions with respect to the aligned reference being included and deletions removed. This could be used to compute a new reference from sequence assemblies to realign against. (#1557) * New "samtools view --fetch-pairs" option. This options retrieves pairs even when the mate is outside of the requested region. Using this option enables the multi-region iterator and a region to search must be specified. The input file must be an indexed regular file. (#1542) * Building on #1530 below, add a tview reflist for Goto. (#1539, thanks to Adam Blanchet) * Completion of references added to tview Goto. (#1530; thanks to Adam Blanchet) * New "samtools head" subcommand for conveniently displaying the headers of a SAM, BAM, or CRAM file. Without options, this is equivalent to `samtools view --header-only --no-PG` but more succinct and memorable. (#1517; thanks to John Marshall) Bug Fixes: * Free memory when stats fails to read the header of a file. (#1592; thanks to Mathias Schmitt) * Fixed empty field on unsupported aux tags in "mpileup --output-extra". Replaces the empty fields on unsupported aux tags with a '*'. (#1553; fixes #1544. Thanks to Adam Blanchet) * In mpileup, the --output-BP-5 and --output-BP are no longer mutually exclusive. This fixes the problem of output columns being switched. (#1540; fixes 1534. Reported by Konstantin Riege) * Fix for hardclip bug in ampliconclip. Odd length sequences resulted in random characters appearing in sequence. (#1538; fixes #1527. Reported by Ivana Mihalek) Documentation: * Improved mpileup documentation. (#1566; fixes #1564. Reported by Chang Y) * Fixed "samtools depth -J" documentation, which was reversed. (#1552; fixes #1549. Reported by Stephan Hutter) * Numerous minor man page fixes. (#1528, #1536, #1579, #1590. Thanks to John Marshall for some of these) Non user-visible changes and build improvements: * Replace CentOS test build with Rocky Linux. The CentOS Docker images that our test build depended on has stopped working. Switched to Rocky Linux as the nearest available equivalent. (#1589) * Fix missing autotools on Appveyor. Newer versions of msys2 removed autotools from their base-devel package. This is putting them back. (#1575) * Fixed bug detected by clang-13 with -Wformat-security. (#1553) * Switch to using splaysort in bam_lpileup. Improves speed and efficiency in "tview". (#1548; thanks to Adam Blanchet) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmITgLMVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzM+KEP/3hYiTASDLVa+s1e5IP/WI2fUMNI UNEMN0BYiOHi5nDHSdmo61guGcTMxnGP5Ev4I9afBgF3hxBmZvICO+aldkVkgtEK KWmz7QWeLpphrq21EwW23hlPbkn5Def8bw2B25YgF4eABCDl11yUvXlF7qiAcMe4 KyWbtG3bm5F2IEmgRA059v/+GXpnf5s5JtPFjpaG481pcokOdsIqFSFm2ksAyhKF /TptuvqwFFfPEjv/jnEC6WiqrBKeeJIvzXNPA2DiKWUGG8zwqGFGQfLsx5wHHpKX VUHm9JfvRD1qjEcbwFBB/oRYT0Sf4ynN8iV/4k6T56LsWIu3aocHEVh6Y0vq0uzT EtxI2Ku5d8JbtGktXBBTylnSenOsBBiWs1Xw7bE3nJPic/MpbyxncGpScuJ7Yikz jD+ViJRuCdKXseEULOFcNOt3ohXh9Z780G079hcaIcYCkLO9bSh4jnEqAlcfbPtO 09kIohkSRPVENP1nAwiLzSNPTfrtu5ch4yLNV8uzA7ew2vdcZ1YpeO/PjEiNLeNZ nUL6OEyjv9oMgDM3A8uw8NCh1n/kdtqywp2vEma7HYRZjBX0xN6Fue1m0rblCyy6 j126NvVjl0QGEEgqqIUmJ6y/92YlIdq79DY4vKJYjcPxt3Fj7Y5Ga3MUcPk2Ptz4 aoz4NKAp5V61M73m =V+Ny -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 21 February 2022, 12:08:19 UTC
refs/tags/1.14 1.14 c29621d samtools release 1.14: Notice: * Samtools mpileup VCF and BCF output (deprecated in release 1.9) will be removed in the next release. Please use bcftools mpileup instead. New work and changes: * The legacy samtools API (libbam.a, bam_endian.h, sam.h and most of bam.h) has been removed. We recommend coding against the HTSlib API directly. The legacy API had not been actively maintained since 2015. (#1483) * New "samtools samples" command to list the samples used in a SAM/BAM/CRAM file. (#1432; thanks to Pierre Lindenbaum) * "mpileup" now supports base modifications via the SAM Mm/MM auxiliary tag. Please see the "--output-mods" option. (#1311) * Added "mpileup --output-BP-5" option to output the BP field in 5' to 3' order instead of left to right. (#1484; fixes #1481) * Added "samtools view --rf" option as an additional FLAG filtering method. This keeps records only if (FLAG & N) != 0. (#1508; fixes #1470) * New "samtools import -N" option to use the second word on a FASTQ header line, matching the SRA/ENA FASTQ variant. (#1485) * Improve "view -x" option to simplify specifying multiple tags, and added the reverse "--keep-tag" option to include rather than exclude. (#516) * Switched the processing order of "view" -x (tag filtering) and -e (expression) handling. Expressions now happen first so we can filter on tags which are about to be deleted. This is now consistent with the "view -d" behaviour too. (#1480; fixes #1476. Reported by William Rowell) * Added filter expression "endpos" keyword. (#1464. Thanks to John Marshall) * "samtools view" errors now appear after any SAM output, improving their visibility. (#1490. Thanks to John Marshall) * Improved "samtools sort" use of temporary files, both tidying up if it fails and recovery when facing pre-existing temporary files. (#1510; fixes #1035, #1503. Reported by Vivek Rai and Maarten Kooyman) * Filtering in "samtools markdup" now sets the UNMAP BAM flag when given the "-p" option. (#1512; fixes #1469) * Make CRAM references shared during "samtools merge" so merging many files has a lower memory usage. (#471) Bug fixes: * Prevent "samtools depth" from closing stdout when outputting to terminal, avoiding a bad interaction with PySam. (#1465. Thanks to John Marshall) * In-place "samtools reheader" now works on CRAMs produced using a higher than default compression level. (#1479) * Fix setting of the dt tag in "markdup". Optical duplicates were being marked too early, negating the tagging and counting elsewhere. (#1487; fixes #1486. Reported by Kevin Lewis) * Reinstate the "samtools stats -I" option to filter by sample. (#1496; fixes #1489. Reported by Matthias Bernt) * Fix "samtools fastq" handling of dual index tags on single-ended input. (#1474) * Improve "samtools coverage" documentation. (#1521; fixes #1504. Reported by Peter Menzel) Non user-visible changes and build improvements: * Replace Curses mvprintw() with va_list-based equivalent. (#1509. Thanks to John Marshall and Andreas Tille) * Fixed some clang-13 warning messages. (#1506) * Improve quoting of options in "samtools import" tests. (#1466. Thanks to John Marshall) * Fixed a faulty test which caused test harness failures on NetBSD. (#1520) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmFypBEVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMQ5kP/A3WQeP5eEUW2RrbBbKWFeRlstz8 M/aWGL/BG/ecFx6bEzSRlAFTk4RF3TstbZMGLi9w69dgos3WuyR2kjP4k91wv3Mi re5dJ0jVHtKD+1rmLiIOGnk1J5hwi779ZxEVApgHxl+UZPzWCxBqGXYFbJ7400XL sCXOZTtXEfay618Oj1Rf1bBltFf7TAa8TwnE2x7U2zVmhUFvE6U7L6nlwZeUbav+ wpZuHV8+MG+ytR73xwP6rsNpQYsG920qIkZ0j1a7pe95giOrwNCTYSqRPW+961rD ltIO02ISu8596X+xdJZ3mSMymceqp4KToWT1KhZyeC3ajpXbNT9jTfoGLorKic6M 4+CPMnUbTT16TwcJcCFjXyffTHu8GTRznTFc0rEQ+DfzH/hJK49RkmaGkX9rrj0T 6glaAcuVedacbS/AMf11/5dKVmqF9SCZg0mTFValVL/JUd1h47CXx6b2mK5b0Gen 2ztWahJnlqz0tGWT9gxlO33vzHAdB3BLttcdrYkl2EJcbE0GY5IgFrfbmYfcMrjy WC56p/5zNdADTxeAqXUUDbTwAkFpBj0w3H5CR3oDSdbPCU14LO336Q8KtH3lFC/l 7L5RMQYGFb3aKiQemxIN/Vo2UxpVQ1VoLIg6daKREJStqZeAo8oOfyu2tToz2LPM aFmB+ELn2TSbdh1S =9Qqu -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 22 October 2021, 11:44:17 UTC
refs/tags/1.13 1.13 bcd9f35 samtools release 1.13: * Fixed samtools view FILE REGION, mpileup -r REGION, coverage -r REGION and other region queries: fixed bug introduced in 1.12, which led to region queries producing very few reads for some queries (especially for larger target regions) when unmapped reads were present. Thanks to `@vinimfava` (#1451), `@JingGuo1997` (#1457) and Ramprasad Neethiraj (#1460) for reporting the respective issues. * Added options to set and clear flags to samtools view. Along with the existing remove aux tags this gives the ability to remove mark duplicate changes (part of #1358) (#1441) * samtools view now has long option equivalents for most of its single-letter options. Thanks to John Marshall. (#1442) * A new tool, samtools import, has been added. It reads one or more FASTQ files and converts them into unmapped SAM, BAM or CRAM. (#1323) * Fixed samtools coverage error message when the target region name is not present in the file header. Thanks to `@Lyn16` for reporting it. (#1462; fixes #1461) * Made samtools coverage ASCII mode produce true ASCII output. Previously it would produce UTF-8 characters. (#1423; fixes #1419) * samtools coverage now allows setting the maximum depth, using the -d/--depth option. Also, the default maximum depth has been set to 1000000. (#1415; fixes #1395) * Complete rewrite of samtools depth. This means it is now considerably faster and does not need a depth limit to avoid high memory usage. Results should mostly be the same as the old command with the potential exception of overlap removal. (#1428; fixes #889, helps ameliorate #1411) * samtools flags now accepts any number of command line arguments, allowing multiple SAM flag combinations to be converted at once. Thanks to John Marshall. (#1401, fixes #749) * samtools ampliconclip, ampliconstats and plot-ampliconstats now support inputs that list more than one reference. (#1410 and #1417; fixes #1396 and #1418) * samtools ampliconclip now accepts the --tolerance option, which allows the user to set the number of bases within which a region is matched. The default is 5. (#1456) * Updated the documentation on samtools ampliconclip to be clearer about what it does. From a suggestion by Nathan S Watson-Haigh. (#1448) * Fixed negative depth values in ampliconstats output. (#1400) * samtools addreplacerg now allows for updating (replacing) an existing `@RG` line in the output header, if a new `@RG` line is provided in the command line, via the -r argument. The update still requires the user's approval, which can be given with the new -w option. Thanks to Chuang Yu. (#1404) * Stopped samtools cat from outputting multiple CRAM EOF markers. (#1422) * Three new counts have been added to samtools flagstat: primary, mapped primary and duplicate primary. (#1431; fixes #1382) * samtools merge now accepts a `-o FILE` option specifying the output file, similarly to most other subcommands. The existing way of specifying it (as the first non-option argument, alongside the input file arguments) remains supported. Thanks to David McGaughey and John Marshall. (#1434) * The way samtools merge checks for existing files has been changed so that it does not hang when used on a named pipe. (#1438; fixes #1437) * Updated documentation on mpileup to highlight the fact that the filtering options on FLAGs work with ANY rules. (#1447; fixes #1435) * samtools can now be configured to use a copy of HTSlib that has been set up with separate build and source trees. When this is the case, the `--with-htslib` configure option should be given the location of the HTSlib build tree. (Note that samtools itself does not yet support out-of-tree builds). Thanks to John Marshall. (#1427; companion change to samtools/htslib#1277) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEL4BF2QyI7NDCncHhf0vrUb52hCYFAmDl62AACgkQf0vrUb52 hCbpzxAAjnsIbRWIyFC7gcWxgCRFXDLi7NHpGFGhbdnddhliuiBiM7NGRd3iqkOU Mh6BJTGjfcGk7/zE91SxBEKgo8F7EzSNpDUDaUjqjkINkIoCm9AtRVEzfjilF4VE Iay6eOryil0Aptr2JFmEWXeg/ND+A+UVf1CV/O13c4UqLX2batjOtMDlofMeXAfp hTyz26MQ3lvGQinETPsbnWROmClivKisR2qsZJMpxMUb+7ljmbiosAeqeZ6aE8zI GO2zm2bwFyewxLg6zHWwCqO930I4FD18HdHTTt//xlj+IsuMNff78gjnHORoWBhB 7XBNwfiz0tl00caqOCIBarNrexKXfpO2rC9PvWJYbKZ69vV5H+Jn1MwkffDQtPQh Qg8YPmGfGKq6F5y5bkS1pXtUf3LgqrTs5fPxl5uTgJjiLJzIcutAGu3s/q3XJskO SeLhKaipqGyd1J+NmOXVgykl10UAl3rWAPTphIQyUFMJF5QB5HMbX2jMwoE/Agm7 u8AdxhWj2oydkTyN3qNPUZUWjWdY0S6s/qrpv0ekEeKwXXaQ39pJOggUjjX+hTFR z0V56TDjXEMUJDdme1WTA5ZfI5RbnOIMw5GUp30cqjE7bLQRtQVSvb1y6o+YylSh 2ZfDCy+qhr3QRY3S9GERc0WVEma2g9BxBHyy+31CiB493xoIpfs= =eKuO -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 07 July 2021, 17:58:56 UTC
refs/tags/1.12 1.12 75a4b23 samtools release 1.12: * The legacy samtools API (libbam.a, bam.h, sam.h, etc) has not been actively maintained since 2015. It is deprecated and will be removed entirely in a future SAMtools release. We recommend coding against the HTSlib API directly. * I/O errors and record parsing errors during the reading of SAM/BAM/CRAM files are now always detected. Thanks to John Marshall (#1379; fixed #101) * New make targets have been added: check-all, test-all, distclean-all, mostlyclean-all, testclean-all, which allow SAMtools installations to call corresponding Makefile targets from embedded HTSlib installations. * samtools --version now displays a summary of the compilation details and available features, including flags, used libraries and enabled plugins from HTSlib. As an alias, `samtools version` can also be used. (#1371) * samtools stats now displays the number of supplementary reads in the SN section. Also, supplementary reads are no longer considered when splitting read pairs by orientation (inward, outward, other). (#1363) * samtools stats now counts only the filtered alignments that overlap target regions, if any are specified. (#1363) * samtools view now accepts option -N, which takes a file containing read names of interest. This allows the output of only the reads with names contained in the given file. Thanks to Daniel Cameron. (#1324) * samtools view -d option now works without a tag associated value, which allows it to output all the reads with the given tag. (#1339; fixed #1317) * samtools view -d and -D options now accept integer and single character values associated with tags, not just strings. Thanks to `@dariome` and Keiran Raine for the suggestions. (#1357, #1392) * samtools view now works with the filtering expressions introduced by HTSlib. The filtering expression is passed to the program using the specific option -e or the global long option --input-fmt-option. E.g. samtools view -e 'qname =~ "#49$" && mrefid != refid && refid != -1 && mrefid != -1' align.bam looks for records with query-name ending in `#49` that have their mate aligned in a different chromosome. More details can be found in the FILTER EXPRESSIONS section of the main man page. (#1346) * samtools markdup now benefits from an increase in performance in the situation when a single read has tens or hundreds of thousands of duplicates. Thanks to `@denriquez` for reporting the issue. (#1345; fixed #1325) * The documentation for samtools ampliconstats has been added to the samtools man page. (#1351) * A new FASTA/FASTQ sanitizer script (`fasta-sanitize.pl`) was added, which corrects the invalid characters in the reference names. (#1314) Thanks to John Marshall for the installation fix. (#1353) * The CI scripts have been updated to recurse the HTSlib submodules when cloning HTSlib, to accommodate for the CRAM codecs, which now reside in the htscodecs submodule. (#1359) * The CI integrations now include Cirrus-CI rather than Travis. (#1335; #1365) * Updated the Windows image used by Appveyor to 'Visual Studio 2019'. (#1333; fixed #1332) * Fixed a bug in samtools cat, which prevented the command from running in multi-threaded mode. Thanks to Alex Leonard for reporting the issue. (#1337; fixed #1336) * A couple of invalid CIGAR strings have been corrected in the test data. (#1343) * The documentation for `samtools depth -s` has been improved. Thanks to `@wulj2`. (#1355) * Fixed a `samtools merge` segmentation fault when it failed to merge header `@PG` records. Thanks to John Marshall. (#1394; reported by Kemin Zhou in #1393) * Ampliconclip and ampliconstats now guard against the BED file containing more than one reference (chromosome) and fail when found. Adding proper support for multiple references will appear later. (#1398) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJJBAABCgAzFiEEaGn1wQ1nqxSLDC2XHsvluhXGTMwFAmBRyfgVHHJtZCtnaXRA c2FuZ2VyLmFjLnVrAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMtZkP/0DdBxyI5q7AJkSHvBWP1KHViKCo Y6R3H8RooAUxL+ZMdx/2x9kH844FuMo+kt0BCHCOxkWqxdbVkU0vb0r9Z+oZbsIO /Wezhufe/WH2dr2bfS+MUOzF85e8ujuzO67VPyuFeNou+hwVZ+00Lq8xGCZfuXLB 1gKmN7Q721TAWzFm6e2M409xtWtJWeG75CYo1Hfu4fHa/5VoAfRlQ64lO1Nvzm8I +l38sOhlmxQU+2K7UBUPFlLCzsOVNSBz3am+FY/V8DBLyMWmp1972A6sC255op6f REpAIh8p5002JuCUeFuR/myAb2S83BdrIHipAdTMUB5pSWqdfshrlUJ/6iq/WHjD LFJpqRVzp2HXNHwXFZymaFJgn/qPbuvLnr95oqHXZqc/wPW0RmMkqm5Lft9WK4KB gytvhXEDplmO9AIhRx8gCbZl/resWejY/BfZZEAJCU28+ihU203TJwGM0hijMZem Yu9LHAtEYV8L/FcYdFCy9QXWWpYXw1HltmICf/Txu/jkiS8+9YAxP/iUcBSeq0LJ J4hgFOF7q9qxAJ/HZ3FvHYAtSbd7sGle6fiu3rk8IAvD9w6xls8AhTwlhCtX1ik/ dw5dGyhmFrlrzv4uLECjpkWkDBx9l4Onj52Vm9xLakfcUkx6PZqlOZp+Crxn9OQO RGHXLOnEPxf3hqMl =yk/5 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 17 March 2021, 09:20:56 UTC
refs/tags/1.11 1.11 d58fc8a samtools release 1.11: * New samtools ampliconclip sub-command for removing primers from amplicon-based sequencing experiments, including the current COVID-19 projects. The primers are listed in a BED file and can be either soft-clipped or hard-clipped. (#1219) * New samtools ampliconstats sub-command to produce a textual summary of primer and amplicon usage, in a similar style to "samtools stats". The misc/plot-ampliconstats script can generate PNG images based on this text report. (#1227) * Samtools fixmate, addreplacerg, markdup, ampliconclip and sort now accept a -u option to enable uncompressed output, which is useful when sending data over a pipe to another process. Other subcommands which already support this option for the same purpose are calmd, collate, merge, view and depad. (#1265) * samtools stats has a new GCT section, where it reports ACGT content percentages, similar to GCC but taking into account the read orientation. (#1274) * Samtools split now supports splitting by tag content with the -d option (#1211) * samtools merge now accepts a BED file as a command line argument (-L) and does the merging only with reads overlapping the specified regions (#1156) * Samtools sort now has a minhash collation (-M) to group unmapped reads with similar sequence together. This can sometimes significantly reduce the file size. (#1093) * Samtools bedcov now has -g and -G options to filter-in and filter-out based on the FLAG field. Also the new -d option adds an extra column per file counting the number of bases with a depth greater than or equal to a given threshold. (#1214) * Fixed samtools bedcov -j option (discard deletions and ref-skips) with multiple input files (#1212) * samtools bedcov will now accept BED files with columns separated by spaces as well as tabs (#1246; #1188 reported by Mary Carmack) * samtools depth can now include deletions (D) when computing the base coverage depth, if the user adds the -J option to the command line (#1163). * samtools depth will count only the bases of one read, for the overlapping section of a read pair, if the -s option is used in the command line (#1241, thanks to Teng Li). * samtools depth will now write zeros for the entire reference length, when "samtools depth -aa" is run on a file with no alignments. (#1252; #1249 reported by Paul Donovan) * Stopped depth from closing stdout, which triggered test fails in pysam (#1208, thanks to John Marshall). * samtools view now accepts remote URIs for FASTA and FAI files. Furthermore, the reference and index file can be provided in a single argument, such as samtools view -T ftp://x.com/ref.fa##idx##ftp://y.com/index.fa.fai a.cram (#1176; samtools/htslib#933 reported by @uitde007) * samtools faidx gets new options --fai-idx and --gzi-idx to allow specification of the locations of the .fai and (if needed) .gzi index files. (#1283) * The samtools fasta/fastq '-T' option can now add SAM array (type 'B') tags to the output header lines. (#1301) * samtools mpileup can now display MAPQ either as ASCII characters (with -s/--output-MQ; column now restored to its documented order as in 1.9 and previous versions) or comma-separated numbers (with --output-extra MAPQ; in SAM column order alongside other selected --output-extra columns). When both -s/--output-MQ and -O/--output-BP are used, samtools 1.10 printed the extra columns in the opposite order. This changes the format produced by 1.10's --output-extra MAPQ. (#1281, thanks to John Marshall; reported by Christoffer Flensburg) * samtools tview now accepts a -w option to set the output width in text mode (-d T). (#1280) * The dict command can now add AN tags containing alternative names with "chr" prefixes added to or removed from each sequence name as appropriate and listing both "M" and "MT" alternatives for mitochondria. (#1164, thanks to John Marshall) * The samtools import command, labelled as obsolete in May 2009 and removed from all help and documentation later that year, has finally been removed. Use samtools view instead. (#1185) * Replaced the remaining usage of the Samtools 0.1 legacy API with htslib calls. (#1187, thanks to John Marshall) * Documentation / help improvements (#1154; #1168; #1191; #1199; #1204; #1313): - Fixed a few man-page table layout issues - Added <file>##idx##<index> filename documentation - Fixed usage statement for samtools addreplacerg - Miscellaneous spelling and grammar fixes - Note fixmate/markdup name collated rather than name sorted input - Note that fastq and fasta inputs should also be name collated - Reshuffled order of main man-page and added -@ to more sub-pages - The misc/seq_cache_populate.pl script now gives REF_CACHE guidance * Additional documentation improvements, thanks to John Marshall (#1181; #1224; #1248; #1262; #1300) - Emphasise that samtools index requires a position-sorted file - Document 2^29 chromosome length limit in BAI indexes - Numerous typing, spelling and formatting fixes * Improved the message printed when samtools view fails to read its input (#1296) * Added build support for the OpenIndiana OS (#1165, thanks to John Marshall) * Fixed failing tests on OpenBSD (#1151, thanks to John Marshall) * The samtools sort tests now use less memory so the test suite works better on small virtual machines. (#1159) * Improved markdup's calculation of insert sizes (#1161) Also improved tests (#1150) and made it run faster when not checking for optical duplicates or adding 'do' tags (#1308) * Fixed samtools coverage minor inconsistency vs idxstats (#1205; #1203 reported by @calliza) * Fixed samtools coverage quality thresholding options which were the wrong way round compared to mpileup (-q is the mapping quality threshold and -Q is base quality). (#1279; #1278 reported by @kaspernie) * Fixed bug where `samtools fastq -i` would add two copies of the barcode in the fastq header if both reads in a pair had a "BC:Z" tag (#1309; #1307 reported by @mattsoup) * Samtools calmd no longer errors with a SEQ of "*" (#1230; #1229 reported by Bob Harris) * Samtools tview now honours $COLUMNS, fixing some CI tests (#1171; #1162 reported by @cljacobs) * Fixed a samtools depad overflow condition (#1200) * Improved curses detection in configure script (#1170, #577, #940) * Fixed samtools stats integer overflows and added support for long references (#1174; #1173) * Fixed a 1-byte undersized memory allocation in samtools merge. (#1302) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAABAgAGBQJfaewhAAoJEH9L61G+doQmN6AP/jRls7iCF7/cKK+wCO/fdXpZ dGS3Qm26KeFtL5vJaMnIm9wKtX7Oy+WBYSpeNusIIXlpvCfU4E8x8MlpJUYtNmPZ Y2k/e/VkaA3EhU958VYBSGAsUOnxJynVmKlMXhOj5cOvLPRMYfa1pRNto4A0acIt ZwqDtb5L4e9F08sLRCQAMHUMXXSkWolG6O1kEit+smgPvSpqycv4/F8QLT6fNoXo dPz8J6CIRGXcqY8xEKtnufdzpOV4O/G0LT8jIAB4lzrdr3t5mD7bTOi9q5N+HHqP 9EWEDf5+p4gqfJffbBTuU6m8nSqIsFwJlUFdWTWoQg9yVkhgEklcpkdNV1VTQNuo Y2OkzqZMQ2UMNfjPZsJb5phe1BIVhLo/i3H82S1PAQwpJJN0sW6XB+/h5FMz3GWf UqPpSSr74vNX+W8g8r3jwq99xjzXAgTvGjTjyxvaVFbT4ISXNGTYp4x4KqHcaklK nZJsXSZuu4yJuR2spxMEJMNGAyotmuxT25FKB099jTm2dJqNAh7LPqp5UsLqyXo/ +TNzAkMqJ+CbnHPAQYpNXLNZfwDpyKpd44Sm4wnGHMq2sDA6v4GDIdV0mrk5zIix bNOdmKJCD3iriAZYbCXB8NyVfFU3gVrPufOTaBnTvty2DZX67b2r8+0XIqFEEVu/ bxGGUr9T6c0BuUBqyarx =inZu -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 22 September 2020, 12:20:49 UTC
refs/tags/1.10 1.10 76877ea samtools release 1.10: Changes affecting the whole of samtools, or multiple sub-commands: * Samtools now uses the new HTSlib header API. As this adds more checks for invalid headers, it is possible that some illegal files will now be rejected when they would have been allowed by earlier versions. (#998) Examples of problems that will now be rejected include @SQ lines with no SN: tag, and @RG or @PG lines with no ID: tag. * samtools sub-commands will now add '@PG' header lines to output sam/bam/cram files. To disable this, use the '--no-PG' option. (#1087; #1097) * samtools now supports alignment records with reference positions greater than 2 gigabases. This allows samtools to process alignments for species which have large chromosomes, like axolotl and lungfish. Note that due to file format limitations, data with large reference positions must use the SAM format. (#1107; #1117) * Improved the efficiency of reading and writing SAM format data by 2 fold (single thread). This is further improved by the ability to use multiple threads, as previously done with BAM and CRAM. * samtools can now write BGZF-compressed SAM format. To enable this, either save files with a '.sam.gz' suffix, or use '--output-fmt sam.gz'. * samtools can now index BGZF-compressed SAM files. * The region parsing code has been improved to handle colons in reference names. Strings can be disambiguated by the use of braces, so for example when reference sequences called "chr1" and "chr1:100-200" are both present, the regions "{chr1}:100-200" and "{chr1:100-200}" unambiguously indicate which reference is being used. (#864) * samtools flags, flagstats, idxstats and stats now have aliases flag, flagstat, idxstat and stat. (#934) * A new global '--write-index' option has been added. This allows output sam.gz/bam/cram files to be indexed while they are being written out. This should work with addreplacerg, depad, markdup, merge, sort, split, and view. (#1062) * A global '--verbosity' option has been added to enable/disable debugging output. (#1124, thanks to John Marshall) * It is now possible to have data and index files stored in different locations. There are two ways to tell samtools where to find the index: 1. Samtools bedcov, depth, merge, mpileup, stats, tview, and view accept a new option (-X). When this is used, each input sam/bam/cram listed on the command line should have a corresponding index file. Note that all the data files should be listed first, followed by all the index files. (#978, thanks to Mingfei Shao) 2. A delimiter '##idx##' can be appended to the data file name followed by the index file name. This can be used both for input files and outputs when indexing on-the-fly. * HTSlib (and therefore SAMtools) now uses version 4 signatures by default for its s3:// plug-in. It can also write to S3 buckets, as long as version 4 signatures are in use. See HTSlib's NEWS file and htslib-s3-plugin manual page for more information. * HTSlib (and therefore SAMtools) no longer considers a zero-length file to be a valid SAM file. This has been changed so that pipelines such as `somecmd | samtools ...` with `somecmd` aborting before outputting anything will now propagate the error to the second command. * The samtools manual page has been split up into one for each sub-command. The main samtools.1 manual page now lists the sub-commands and describes the common global options. (#894) * The meaning of decode_md, store_md and store_nm in the fmt-option section of the samtools.1 man page has been clarified. (#898, thanks to Evan Benn) * Fixed numerous memory leaks. (#892) * Fixed incorrect macro definition on Windows. (#950) * bedcov, phase, misc/ace2sam and misc/wgsim now check for failure to open files. (#1013, thanks to Julie Blommaert and John Marshall) Changes affecting specific sub-commands: * A new "coverage" sub-command has been added. This prints a tabular format of the average coverage and percent coverage for each reference sequence, as well as number of aligned reads, average mapping quality and base quality. It can also (with the '-m' option) plot a histogram of coverage across the genome. (#992, thanks to Florian Breitwieser) * samtools calmd: - Reference bases in MD: tags are now converted to upper case. (#981, #988) * samtools depth: - Add new options to write a header to the output (-H) and to direct the output to a file (-o). (#937, thanks to Pierre Lindenbaum) - New options '-g' and '-G' can be used to filter reads. (#953) - Fix memory leak when failing to set CRAM options. (#985, thanks to Florian Breitwieser) - Fix bug when using region filters where the '-a' option did not work for regions with no coverage. (#1113; #1112 reported by Paweł Sztromwasser) * samtools fasta and fastq: - '-1 FILE -2 FILE' with the same filename now works properly. (#1042) - '-o FILE' is added as a synonym for '-1 FILE -2 FILE'. (#1042) - The '-F' option now defaults to 0x900 (SECONDARY,SUPPLEMENTARY). Previously secondary and supplementary records were filtered internally in a way that could not be turned off. (#1042; #939 reported by @finswimmer) - Allow reading from a pipe without an explicit '-' on the command line. (#1042; #874 reported by John Marshall) - Turn on multi-threading for bgzf compressed output files. (#908) - Fixed bug where the samtools fastq -i would output incorrect information in the Casava tags for dual-index reads. It also now prints the tags for dual indices in the same way as bcl2fastq, using a '+' sign between the two parts of the index. (#1059; #1047 reported by Denis Loginov) * samtools flagstat: - Samtools flagstat can now optionally write its output in JSON format or as a tab-separated values file. (#1106, thanks to Vivek Rai). * samtools markdup: - It can optionally tag optical duplicates (reads following Illumina naming conventions only). The is enabled with the '-d' option, which sets the distance for duplicates to be considered as optical. (#1091; #1103; #1121; #1128; #1134) - The report stats (-s) option now outputs counts for optical and non-primary (supplementary / secondary) duplicates. It also reports the Picard "estimate library size" statistic. A new '-f' option can be used to save the statistics in a given file. (#1091) - The rules for calling duplicates can be changed using the new --mode option. This mainly changes the position associated with each read in a pair. '--mode t' (the default) is the existing behaviour where the position used is that of the outermost template base associated with the read. Alternatively '--mode s' always uses the first unclipped sequence base. In practice, this only makes a difference for read pairs where the two reads are aligned in the same direction. (#1091) - A new '-c' option can be used to clear any existing duplicate tags. (#1091) - A new '--include-fails' option makes markdup include QC-failed reads. (#1091) - Fixed buffer overflow in temporary file writer when writing a mixture of long and short alignment records. (#911; #909) * samtools mpileup: - mpileup can now process alignments including CIGAR P (pad) operators correctly. They will now also produce the correct output for alignments where insertions are immediately followed by deletions, or deletions by insertions. Note that due to limitations in HTSlib, they are still unable to output sequences that have been inserted before the first aligned base of a read. (#847; #842 reported by Tiffany Delhomme. See also htslib issue #59 and pull request #699). - In samtools mpileup, a deletion or pad on the reverse strand is now marked with a different character ('#') than the one used on a forward strand ('*'), if the '--reverse-del' option is used. (#1070) - New option '--output-extra' can be used to add columns for user selected alignment fields or aux tags. (#1073) - Fixed double-counting of overlapping bases in alignment records with deletions or reference skips longer than twice the insert size. (#989; #987 reported by @dariomel) - Improved manual page with documentation about what each output column means. (#1055, thanks to John Marshall) * samtools quickcheck: - Add unmapped (-u) option, which disables the check for @SQ lines in the header. (#920, thanks to Shane McCarthy) * samtools reheader: - A new option '-c' allows the input header to be passed to a given command. Samtools then takes the output of this command and uses it as the replacement header. (#1007) - Make it clear in help message that reheader --in-place only works on CRAM files. (#921, thanks to Julian Gehring) - Refuse to in-place reheader BAM files, instead of unexpectedly writing a BAM file to stdout. (#935) * samtools split: - In samtools split, the '-u' option no longer accepts an extra file name from which a replacement header was read. The two file names were separated using a colon, which caused problems on Windows and prevented the use of URLs. A new '-h' option has been added to allow the replacement header file to be specified in its own option. (#961) - Fixed bug where samtools split would crash if it read a SAM header that contained an @RG line with no ID tag. (#954, reported by @blue-bird1) * samtools stats: - stats will now compute base compositions for BC, CR, OX and RX tags, and quality histograms for QT, CY, BZ and QX tags. (#904) - New stats FTC and LTC showing total number of nucleotides for first and last fragments. (#946) - The rules for classifying reads as "first" or "last" fragment have been tightened up. (#949) - Fixed bug where stats could over-estimate coverage when using the target-regions option or when a region was specified on the command-line. (#1027; #1025, reported by Miguel Machado; #1029, reported by Jody Phelan). - Fixed error in stats GCD percentile depth calculation when the depth to be reported fell between two bins. It would report the depth entirely from the lower bin instead of taking a weighted average of the two. (#1048) - Better catching and reporting of out of memory conditions. (#984; #982, reported by Jukka Matilainen) - Improved manual page. (#927) * samtools tview: - tview can now display alignments including CIGAR P operators, D followed by I and I followed by D correctly. See mpileup above for more information. (#847; #734, reported by Ryan Lorig-Roach) - The "go to position" text entry box has been made wider. (#968, thanks to John Marshall) - Fixed samtools tview -s option which was not filtering reads correctly. It now only shows reads from the requested sample or read group. (#1089) * samtools view: - New options '-d' and '-D' to only output alignments which have a tag with a given type and value. (#1001, thanks to Gert Hulselmans) * misc/plot-bamstats script: - Fixed merge (-m) option. (#923, #924 both thanks to Marcus D Sherman) - Made the quality heatmap work with gnuplot version 5.2.7 and later. (#1068; #1065 reported by Martin Mokrejš) - Fixed --do-ref-stats bug where fasta header lines would be counted as part of the sequence when the --targets option was used. (#1120, thanks to Neil Goodgame) * Removed the misc/varfilter.py Python script, as it takes consensus-pileup as input, which was removed from samtools in release 0.1.17 in 2011. (#1125) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAABAgAGBQJd6oUdAAoJEB7L5boVxkzMx6IP/1crCX++Nnd+WjnM0CBTYTQw tlU2IqcPNgJpwXL/fMi5koPVXdtvVVpVG+HogUCpk973zXa5/xE0hAgKNRD75+LF n8nCRLIqcLyuR3SHAcLhDePZD3fVO4XNtURVqP7EY4WtftjUOU+afwjE0E4+IG/D BCP33fnEgxMsW7kkP1baP4vd919UlcYvxj950xCmCmuVPBvfr5gfYPGeKMV9R60+ /vbhX6Tuq/RNLjOBrVFhcS3lURS8SVWKy0JY/8FtrQu/OR+6O2q8620OxR476lQW cU7R/eQ8XecND2keczVNLQW+tiOhK6BOAK5fbfZM8Nfq+Nz+D2S8OgOJhIqBs700 wtZFHIiDc1qQ7xxUt8EwZaSuR7Ebd/z/Man7eo7enQzKYsmdzW1JbU9ynnWpV0x/ IO8+erp48QNGyjs7b6r6+tIz7reZkA/g0LWsxEEjE8egOZMIWaN/EesjeMl1dP3w o2tw1Rt/q0YL+IzHGBfWrIwT24VRRyX+u14MUUReJ6zjaHpfWYnAvctwOykKH/HX +F9yBm8vyrlgu+/c+WlrndcV/7r+v8860QYNPzBpZHqLkBSTJh7AX0WGB9hPkYx3 ucit3i3BkcYTCO+5qzdogS7w5RII79/ymgqODt4j0YL+NzF56At5/jeM445kvpej t2gk2i/10qs3y69p3F/O =IqQG -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 06 December 2019, 16:43:09 UTC
refs/tags/1.1 1.1 68ca977 Bug fix release 19 September 2014, 15:52:34 UTC
refs/tags/1.0 1.0 5370fe9 First HTSlib-based Samtools release 15 August 2014, 10:34:39 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc9 0.2.0-rc9 ddbd14b Test release RC9 13 June 2014, 13:56:06 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc8 0.2.0-rc8 16b3d9c Test release RC8 08 May 2014, 16:06:00 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc7 0.2.0-rc7 7a87169 Test release RC7 12 March 2014, 15:16:50 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc6 0.2.0-rc6 c82cbad Test release RC6 13 February 2014, 17:30:59 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc5 0.2.0-rc5 b140662 Test release RC5 25 November 2013, 13:32:47 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc4 0.2.0-rc4 8b5a948 Test release RC4 18 November 2013, 13:00:21 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc3 0.2.0-rc3 16f2305 Test release RC3 28 October 2013, 13:18:39 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc2 0.2.0-rc2 5bb1813 Test release RC2 23 October 2013, 10:23:56 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc12 0.2.0-rc12 fcb8af0 Test release RC12 01 August 2014, 16:04:42 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc11 0.2.0-rc11 5c3a553 Test release RC11 23 July 2014, 13:35:09 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc10 0.2.0-rc10 7ace6c2 Test release RC10 01 July 2014, 15:31:17 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0-rc1 0.2.0-rc1 b294a1b Test release RC1 21 October 2013, 16:10:27 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.9 0.1.9 ac32543 Samtools 0.1.9, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files that were missing from the canonical release tarball, but without the samtools.txt file (generated from samtools.1) that is found in the tarball. 28 October 2010, 02:51:59 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.8 0.1.8 aecbff7 Samtools 0.1.8, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files that were missing from the canonical release tarball, but without the samtools.txt file (generated from samtools.1) that is found in the tarball. 12 July 2010, 02:47:20 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.7a 0.1.7a 9c60e50 Samtools 0.1.7a, including ChangeLog.old but not samtools.txt compared to the canonical release tarball. ChangeLog.old was omitted from the tarball as released; samtools.txt (generated from samtools.1) was included in the tarball but was never under version control. 16 November 2009, 15:16:06 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.7 0.1.7 67b0f11 Samtools 0.1.7, as per old Sourceforge svn tag (revision 511) (the original canonical release tarball is no longer available). 10 November 2009, 15:56:50 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.6 0.1.6 0746c10 Samtools 0.1.6, including ChangeLog.old but missing samtools.txt compared to the canonical release tarball. ChangeLog.old was omitted from the tarball as released; samtools.txt (generated from samtools.1) was included in the tarball but was never under version control. 03 September 2009, 10:49:19 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.5c 0.1.5c 63a8030 Samtools 0.1.5c, including missing ChangeLog.old file that was omitted from the canonical release tarball. 07 July 2009, 15:53:49 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.5b 0.1.5b d47b585 Samtools 0.1.5b, as per old Sourceforge svn tag (revision 384) (the original canonical release tarball is no longer available). 07 July 2009, 10:55:25 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.5a 0.1.5a b276050 Samtools 0.1.5a, as per old Sourceforge svn tag (revision 382) (the original canonical release tarball is no longer available). 07 July 2009, 10:24:03 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.5 0.1.5 9f30c9b Samtools 0.1.5, as per old Sourceforge svn tag (revision 374) (the original canonical release tarball is no longer available). 07 July 2009, 09:51:26 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.4 0.1.4 b0ed19d Samtools 0.1.4, with ChangeLog.old but without generated files compared to the canonical release tarball. ChangeLog.old was omitted from the tarball as released; configuration files generated via autotools were included in the tarball but were never under version control. 21 May 2009, 15:09:35 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.3 0.1.3 713d436 Samtools 0.1.3, including missing ChangeLog.old file that was omitted from the canonical release tarball. 16 April 2009, 14:26:25 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.20 0.1.20 48b4b70 Final standalone non-htslib samtools release 15 August 2014, 08:41:14 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.2-tarball 0.1.2-tarball 38c2703 Samtools 0.1.2, as per release tarball (actually 0.1.1-18) which contains slightly earlier versions of several source files, missing a bam_sort.c bugfix, some misc/* scripts, and documentation changes. Also including ChangeLog.old and examples/Makefile files that were omitted from the canonical release tarball. 22 January 2009, 15:36:48 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.2-svntag 0.1.2-svntag 6c4f7da Samtools 0.1.2, as per old Sourceforge svn tag (revision 117) which differs from the "0.1.2" canonical release tarball, which in fact contains slightly earlier versions of several source files. 28 January 2009, 13:32:50 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.19 0.1.19 44428cd This release brings important bug fixes and improvements in the calling model (+version bump). 19 March 2013, 08:07:16 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.18 0.1.18 4efe431 Samtools 0.1.18, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files that were missing from the canonical release tarball. 02 September 2011, 17:00:53 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.17 0.1.17 ef04d52 Samtools 0.1.17, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files and a Makefile.mingw change (removal of bam_maqcns.* etc) that were missing from the canonical release tarball. 07 July 2011, 03:44:23 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.16 0.1.16 8ec3e2c Samtools 0.1.16, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files that were missing from the canonical release tarball. 22 April 2011, 03:51:09 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.15 0.1.15 19bf588 Samtools 0.1.15, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files that were missing from the canonical release tarball. 10 April 2011, 22:36:30 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.14 0.1.14 8ef16f0 Samtools 0.1.14, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files that were missing from the canonical release tarball. 22 March 2011, 03:10:59 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.13 0.1.13 727b8c1 Samtools 0.1.13, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files that were missing from the canonical release tarball. 01 March 2011, 19:58:23 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.12a 0.1.12a 5babaae Samtools 0.1.12a, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files that were missing from the canonical release tarball, but without the samtools.txt file (generated from samtools.1) that is found in the tarball. 02 December 2010, 21:16:40 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.12 0.1.12 07f8f0c Samtools 0.1.12, as per old Sourceforge svn tag (revision 859) (the original canonical release tarball is no longer available). 02 December 2010, 16:40:33 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.11 0.1.11 3051bc3 Samtools 0.1.11, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files that were missing from the canonical release tarball, but without the samtools.txt file (generated from samtools.1) that is found in the tarball. 22 November 2010, 03:21:03 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.10 0.1.10 624c76e Samtools 0.1.10, including ChangeLog.old and win32/lib*.a files that were missing from the canonical release tarball, but without the samtools.txt file (generated from samtools.1) that is found in the tarball. 17 November 2010, 04:20:01 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.1 0.1.1 f93dae0 Samtools 0.1.1, including missing ChangeLog.old file that was omitted from the canonical release tarball. 22 December 2008, 16:09:30 UTC
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