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Tip revision: e65e968c8f3853c5ed581ab3833000dc922d7456 authored by Bettina Gruen on 23 February 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.3-4
Tip revision: e65e968
\title{FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models with Left-Censored
  This is a driver which allows fitting of mixtures of linear models
  with random effects and left-censored observations.
FLXMRlmmc(formula = . ~ ., random, censored, varFix, eps = 10^-6, ...)
  \item{formula}{A formula which is interpreted relative to the formula
    specified in the call to \code{flexmix} using
    \code{\link{update.formula}}. Default is to use the original
    \code{flexmix} model formula.}
  \item{random}{A formula for specifying the random effects. If missing
    no random effects are fitted.}
  \item{varFix}{If random effects are specified a named logical vector
    of length 2 indicating if the variance of the random effects and the
    residuals are fixed over the components. Otherwise a logical
    indicating if the variance of the residuals are fixed over the
  \item{censored}{A formula for specifying the censoring variable.}
  \item{eps}{Observations with an a-posteriori probability smaller or
    equal to \code{eps} are omitted in the M-step.}
  \item{\dots}{Additional arguments to be passed to \code{lm.wfit}.}
  Returns an object of class \code{FLXMRlmmc}, \code{FLXMRlmmcfix},
  \code{FLXMRlmc} or \code{FLXMRlmcfix}.
\author{Bettina Gruen}
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