Raw File
Tip revision: a79f9aeb6de046ca12210d26317fab59c175d0dd authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 08 July 2014, 09:43:21 UTC
Fix bug w.r.t. _tools presence detection.
Tip revision: a79f9ae
(* Copyright (c) - 2012-2014 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcIdent
open EcPath
open EcTypes
open EcModules
open EcFol
open EcBaseLogic
open EcEnv

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception IncompatibleType of env * (ty * ty)
exception IncompatibleForm of env * (form * form)

module PE = EcPrinting

let _ = EcPException.register (fun fmt exn ->
  match exn with
  | IncompatibleForm (env, (f1, f2)) ->
      Format.fprintf fmt
        "the formula %a is not compatible with %a\n%!"
        (PE.pp_form (PE.PPEnv.ofenv env)) f1
        (PE.pp_form (PE.PPEnv.ofenv env)) f2

  | IncompatibleType (env, (t1, t2)) ->
      Format.fprintf fmt
        "the type %a is not compatible with %a\n%!"
        (PE.pp_type (PE.PPEnv.ofenv env)) t1
        (PE.pp_type (PE.PPEnv.ofenv env)) t2

  | _ -> raise exn)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type 'a eqtest = env -> 'a -> 'a -> bool

module EqTest = struct
  let rec for_type env t1 t2 =
    ty_equal t1 t2 || for_type_r env t1 t2

  and for_type_r env t1 t2 =
    match t1.ty_node, t2.ty_node with
    | Tunivar uid1, Tunivar uid2 -> EcUid.uid_equal uid1 uid2

    | Tvar i1, Tvar i2 -> i1 = i2

    | Ttuple lt1, Ttuple lt2 ->
          List.length lt1 = List.length lt2
       && List.all2 (for_type env) lt1 lt2

    | Tfun (t1, t2), Tfun (t1', t2') ->
        for_type env t1 t1' && for_type env t2 t2'

    | Tglob mp, _ when EcEnv.NormMp.tglob_reducible env mp ->
        for_type env (EcEnv.NormMp.norm_tglob env mp) t2

    | _, Tglob mp when EcEnv.NormMp.tglob_reducible env mp ->
        for_type env t1 (EcEnv.NormMp.norm_tglob env mp)

    | Tconstr (p1, lt1), Tconstr (p2, lt2) when EcPath.p_equal p1 p2 ->
             List.length lt1 = List.length lt2
          && List.all2 (for_type env) lt1 lt2
        then true
          if   Ty.defined p1 env
          then for_type env (Ty.unfold p1 lt1 env) (Ty.unfold p2 lt2 env)
          else false

    | Tconstr(p1,lt1), _ when Ty.defined p1 env ->
        for_type env (Ty.unfold p1 lt1 env) t2

    | _, Tconstr(p2,lt2) when Ty.defined p2 env ->
        for_type env t1 (Ty.unfold p2 lt2 env)

    | _, _ -> false

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let for_type_exn env t1 t2 =
    if not (for_type env t1 t2) then
      raise (IncompatibleType (env, (t1, t2)))

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let for_pv_norm env p1 p2 =
    pv_equal p1 p2 ||
      (p1.pv_kind = p2.pv_kind &&
            (NormMp.norm_pvar env p1).pv_name (NormMp.norm_pvar env p2).pv_name)

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let for_xp_norm env p1 p2 =
       EcPath.x_equal p1 p2
    || EcPath.x_equal (NormMp.norm_xfun env p1) (NormMp.norm_xfun env p2)

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let for_mp_norm env p1 p2 =
       EcPath.m_equal p1 p2
    || EcPath.m_equal (NormMp.norm_mpath env p1) (NormMp.norm_mpath env p2)

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let for_expr_norm env =
    let module E = struct exception NotConv end in

    let find alpha id = odfl id (Mid.find_opt id alpha) in

    let check_lpattern alpha lp1 lp2 =
      match lp1, lp2 with
      | LSymbol (id1,_), LSymbol (id2,_) -> Mid.add id1 id2 alpha
      | LTuple lid1, LTuple lid2 when List.length lid1 = List.length lid2 ->
          List.fold_left2 (fun alpha (id1,_) (id2,_) -> Mid.add id1 id2 alpha)
            alpha lid1 lid2
      | _, _ -> raise E.NotConv in

    let rec aux alpha e1 e2 =
      e_equal e1 e2 || aux_r alpha e1 e2

    and aux_r alpha e1 e2 =
      match e1.e_node, e2.e_node with
      | Eint   i1, Eint   i2 -> i1 = i2
      | Elocal id1, Elocal id2 -> EcIdent.id_equal (find alpha id1) id2
      | Evar   p1, Evar   p2 -> for_pv_norm env p1 p2
      | Eop(o1,ty1), Eop(o2,ty2) ->
          p_equal o1 o2 && List.all2 (for_type env) ty1 ty2

      | Eapp(f1,args1), Eapp(f2,args2) ->
          aux alpha f1 f2 &&
          List.all2 (aux alpha) args1 args2
      | Elet(p1,f1',g1), Elet(p2,f2',g2) ->
             aux alpha f1' f2'
          && (try aux (check_lpattern alpha p1 p2) g1 g2 with E.NotConv -> false)
      | Etuple args1, Etuple args2 -> List.all2 (aux alpha) args1 args2
      | Eif (a1,b1,c1), Eif(a2,b2,c2) ->
          aux alpha a1 a2 && aux alpha b1 b2 && aux alpha c1 c2
      | _, _ -> false
      fun e1 e2 -> aux Mid.empty e1 e2

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let for_lv_norm env lv1 lv2 =
    match lv1, lv2 with
    | LvVar(p1,_), LvVar(p2,_) -> for_pv_norm env p1 p2
    | LvTuple p1, LvTuple p2 ->
        List.all2 (fun (p1,_) (p2,_) -> for_pv_norm env p1 p2) p1 p2
    | LvMap((m1,ty1),p1,e1,_), LvMap((m2,ty2),p2,e2,_) ->
        p_equal m1 m2 &&
        List.all2 (for_type env) ty1 ty2 &&
        for_pv_norm env p1 p2 && for_expr_norm env e1 e2
    | _, _ -> false

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let rec for_stmt_norm env s1 s2 =
       s_equal s1 s2
    || List.all2 (for_instr_norm env) s1.s_node s2.s_node

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  and for_instr_norm env i1 i2 =
    i_equal i1 i2 || for_instr_norm_r env i1 i2

  and for_instr_norm_r env i1 i2 =
    match i1.i_node, i2.i_node with
    | Sasgn(lv1,e1), Sasgn(lv2,e2) ->
        for_lv_norm env lv1 lv2 && for_expr_norm env e1 e2
    | Srnd(lv1,e1), Srnd(lv2,e2) ->
        for_lv_norm env lv1 lv2 && for_expr_norm env e1 e2
    | Scall(lv1, f1, e1), Scall(lv2,f2,e2) ->
        oall2 (for_lv_norm env) lv1 lv2 &&
        for_xp_norm env f1 f2 &&
        List.all2 (for_expr_norm env) e1 e2
    | Sif (a1,b1,c1), Sif(a2,b2,c2) ->
        for_expr_norm env a1 a2
          && for_stmt_norm env b1 b2
          && for_stmt_norm env c1 c2
    | Swhile(a1,b1), Swhile(a2,b2) ->
        for_expr_norm env a1 a2 && for_stmt_norm env b1 b2
    | Sassert a1, Sassert a2 ->
        for_expr_norm env a1 a2
    | Sabstract id1, Sabstract id2 -> EcIdent.id_equal id1 id2
    | _, _ -> false

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type reduction_info = {
  beta    : bool;
  delta_p : Sp.t option;
  delta_h : Sid.t option;
  zeta    : bool;
  iota    : bool;
  logic   : bool;
  modpath : bool;

let full_red = {
  beta    = true;
  delta_p = None;
  delta_h = None;
  zeta    = true;
  iota    = true;
  logic   = true;
  modpath = true;

let no_red = {
  beta    = false;
  delta_p = Some Sp.empty;
  delta_h = Some Sid.empty;
  zeta    = false;
  iota    = false;
  logic   = false;
  modpath = false;

let beta_red = { no_red with beta = true }
let betaiota_red = { no_red with beta = true; iota = true }
let nodelta =
  { full_red with delta_h = Some Mid.empty;
    delta_p = Some EcPath.Mp.empty }
let reduce_local ri hyps x  =
  match ri.delta_h with
  | None -> LDecl.reduce_var x hyps
  | Some s when Sid.mem x s -> LDecl.reduce_var x hyps
  | _ -> raise NotReducible

let reduce_op ri env p tys =
  match ri.delta_p with
  | None -> Op.reduce env p tys
  | Some s when Sp.mem p s -> Op.reduce env p tys
  | _ -> raise NotReducible

let is_record env f =
  match EcFol.destr_app f with
  | { f_node = Fop (p, _) }, _ -> EcEnv.Op.is_record_ctor env p
  | _ -> false

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec h_red ri env hyps f =
  match f.f_node with
    (* β-reduction *)
  | Fapp ({ f_node = Fquant (Llambda, bds, body)}, args) when ri.beta ->
      f_betared_simpl bds body args f.f_ty

    (* ζ-reduction *)
  | Flocal x -> reduce_local ri hyps x

    (* ζ-reduction *)
  | Flet (LSymbol(x,_), e1, e2) when ri.zeta ->
      let s = Fsubst.f_bind_local Fsubst.f_subst_id x e1 in
        Fsubst.f_subst s e2

    (* ι-reduction (let-tuple) *)
  | Flet (LTuple ids, { f_node = Ftuple es }, e2) when ri.iota ->
      let s =
          (fun s (x,_) e1 -> Fsubst.f_bind_local s x e1)
          Fsubst.f_subst_id ids es
        Fsubst.f_subst s e2

    (* ι-reduction (let-records) *)
  | Flet (LRecord (_, ids), f1, f2) when ri.iota && is_record env f1 ->
      let args  = snd (EcFol.destr_app f1) in
      let subst =
        List.fold_left2 (fun subst (x, _) e ->
          match x with
          | None   -> subst
          | Some x -> Fsubst.f_bind_local subst x e)
          Fsubst.f_subst_id ids args
        Fsubst.f_subst subst f2

    (* ι-reduction (records projection) *)
  | Fapp ({ f_node = Fop (p, _); } as f1, args)
      when ri.iota && EcEnv.Op.is_projection env p -> begin
          match args with
          | [mk] -> begin
              match (odfl mk (h_red_opt ri env hyps mk)).f_node with
              | Fapp ({ f_node = Fop (mkp, _) }, mkargs) ->
                  if not (EcEnv.Op.is_record_ctor env mkp) then
                    raise NotReducible;
                  let v = oget (EcEnv.Op.by_path_opt p env) in
                  let v = proj3_2 (EcDecl.operator_as_proj v) in
                  let v = List.nth mkargs v in
                    odfl v (h_red_opt ri env hyps v)
              | _ -> raise NotReducible
          | _ -> raise NotReducible

        with NotReducible ->
          f_app (h_red ri env hyps f1) args f.f_ty

    (* ι-reduction (tuples projection) *)
  | Fproj(f1, i) when ri.iota ->
      let f' = f_proj_simpl f1 i f.f_ty in
        if f_equal f f' then f_proj (h_red ri env hyps f1) i f.f_ty else f'

    (* ι-reduction (if-then-else) *)
  | Fif (f1, f2, f3) when ri.iota ->
      let f' = f_if_simpl f1 f2 f3 in
        if f_equal f f' then f_if (h_red ri env hyps f1) f2 f3 else f'

    (* ι-reduction (match-fix) *)
  | Fapp ({ f_node = Fop (p, tys); } as f1, fargs)
      when ri.iota && EcEnv.Op.is_fix_def env p -> begin

          let op  = oget (EcEnv.Op.by_path_opt p env) in
          let fix = EcDecl.operator_as_fix op in

            if List.length fargs <> snd (fix.EcDecl.opf_struct) then
              raise NotReducible;

          let args  = Array.of_list fargs in
          let pargs = List.fold_left (fun (opb, acc) v ->
              let v = args.(v) in
              let v = odfl v (h_red_opt ri env hyps v) in

                match fst_map (fun x -> x.f_node) (EcFol.destr_app v) with
                | (Fop (p, _), cargs) when EcEnv.Op.is_dtype_ctor env p -> begin
                    let idx = EcEnv.Op.by_path p env in
                    let idx = snd (EcDecl.operator_as_ctor idx) in
                      match opb with
                      | EcDecl.OPB_Leaf   _  -> assert false
                      | EcDecl.OPB_Branch bs ->
                         ((Parray.get bs idx).EcDecl.opb_sub, cargs :: acc)
                | _ -> raise NotReducible)
            (fix.EcDecl.opf_branches, []) (fst fix.EcDecl.opf_struct)

          let pargs, (bds, body) =
            match pargs with
            | EcDecl.OPB_Leaf (bds, body), cargs -> (List.rev cargs, (bds, body))
            | _ -> assert false

          let subst =
              (fun subst (x, _) fa -> Fsubst.f_bind_local subst x fa)
              Fsubst.f_subst_id fix.EcDecl.opf_args fargs in

          let subst =
              (fun subst bds cargs ->
                  (fun subst (x, _) fa -> Fsubst.f_bind_local subst x fa)
                  subst bds cargs)
              subst bds pargs in

          let body = EcFol.form_of_expr EcFol.mhr body in
          let body =
              (EcTypes.Tvar.init (List.map fst op.EcDecl.op_tparams) tys) body in

            Fsubst.f_subst subst body

        with NotReducible ->
          f_app (h_red ri env hyps f1) fargs f.f_ty

    (* μ-reduction *)
  | Fglob (mp, m) when ri.modpath ->
      let f' = EcEnv.NormMp.norm_glob env m mp in
        if f_equal f f' then raise NotReducible else f'

    (* μ-reduction *)
  | Fpvar (pv, m) when ri.modpath ->
      let pv' = EcEnv.NormMp.norm_pvar env pv in
        if pv_equal pv pv' then raise NotReducible else f_pvar pv' f.f_ty m

    (* δ-reduction *)
  | Fop (p, tys) -> reduce_op ri env p tys

    (* logical reduction *)
  | Fapp ({f_node = Fop (p, _); } as fo, args) when ri.logic && is_logical_op p ->
      let f' =
        match op_kind p, args with
        | OK_not      , [f1]    -> f_not_simpl f1
        | OK_and true , [f1;f2] -> f_anda_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_or  true , [f1;f2] -> f_ora_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_and false, [f1;f2] -> f_and_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_or  false, [f1;f2] -> f_or_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_imp      , [f1;f2] -> f_imp_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_iff      , [f1;f2] -> f_iff_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_int_le   , [f1;f2] -> f_int_le_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_int_lt   , [f1;f2] -> f_int_lt_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_real_le  , [f1;f2] -> f_real_le_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_real_lt  , [f1;f2] -> f_real_lt_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_int_add  , [f1;f2] -> f_int_add_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_int_sub  , [f1;f2] -> f_int_sub_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_int_mul  , [f1;f2] -> f_int_mul_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_real_add , [f1;f2] -> f_real_add_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_real_sub , [f1;f2] -> f_real_sub_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_real_mul , [f1;f2] -> f_real_mul_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_real_div , [f1;f2] -> f_real_div_simpl f1 f2
        | OK_eq       , [f1;f2] -> begin
            let fallback () = f_eq_simpl f1 f2 in
            match (fst (destr_app f1)).f_node, (fst (destr_app f2)).f_node with
            | Fop (p1, _), Fop (p2, _)
                when EcEnv.Op.is_dtype_ctor env p1
                  && EcEnv.Op.is_dtype_ctor env p2 ->

                let idx p =
                  let idx = EcEnv.Op.by_path p env in
                    snd (EcDecl.operator_as_ctor idx)
                  if idx p1 <> idx p2 then f_false else fallback ()

            | _ -> fallback ()
        | _  -> f
        if   f_equal f f'
        then f_app fo (h_red_args ri env hyps args) f.f_ty
        else f'

    (* contextual rule - let *)
  | Flet (lp, f1, f2) -> f_let lp (h_red ri env hyps f1) f2

    (* Contextual rule - application args. *)
  | Fapp (f1, args) ->
      f_app (h_red ri env hyps f1) args f.f_ty

    (* Contextual rule - bindings *)
  | Fquant (Lforall as t, b, f1)
  | Fquant (Lexists as t, b, f1) -> begin
      let ctor = match t with
        | Lforall -> f_forall_simpl
        | Lexists -> f_exists_simpl
        | _       -> assert false in

        let env = Mod.add_mod_binding b env in
          ctor b (h_red ri env hyps f1)
      with NotReducible ->
        let f' = ctor b f1 in
          if f_equal f f' then raise NotReducible else f'

  | _ -> raise NotReducible

and h_red_args ri env hyps args =
  match args with
  | [] -> raise NotReducible
  | a :: args ->
    try h_red ri env hyps a :: args
    with NotReducible -> a :: h_red_args ri env hyps args

and h_red_opt ri env hyps f =
  try Some (h_red ri env hyps f)
  with NotReducible -> None

let check_alpha_equal ri hyps f1 f2 =
  let env = LDecl.toenv hyps in
  let exn = IncompatibleForm (env, (f1, f2)) in
  let error () = raise exn in
  let ensure t = if not t then error () in

  let check_ty env subst ty1 ty2 =
    ensure (EqTest.for_type env ty1 (subst.fs_ty ty2)) in

  let add_local (env, subst) (x1,ty1) (x2,ty2) =
    check_ty env subst ty1 ty2;
    if id_equal x1 x2 then subst
    else Fsubst.f_bind_local subst x2 (f_local x1 ty1) in

  let check_lpattern env subst lp1 lp2 =
    match lp1, lp2 with
    | LSymbol xt1, LSymbol xt2 -> add_local (env, subst) xt1 xt2
    | LTuple lid1, LTuple lid2 when List.length lid1 = List.length lid2 ->
      List.fold_left2 add_local (env,subst) lid1 lid2
    | _, _ -> error() in

  let check_memtype env mt1 mt2 =
    match mt1, mt2 with
    | None, None -> ()
    | Some lmt1, Some lmt2 ->
      let xp1, xp2 = EcMemory.lmt_xpath lmt1, EcMemory.lmt_xpath lmt2 in
      ensure (EqTest.for_xp_norm env xp1 xp2);
      let m1, m2 = EcMemory.lmt_bindings lmt1, EcMemory.lmt_bindings lmt2 in
      ensure (EcSymbols.Msym.equal
                (fun (p1,ty1) (p2,ty2) ->
                  p1 = p2 && EqTest.for_type env ty1 ty2) m1 m2)
    | _, _ -> error () in
  (* TODO all declaration in env, do it also in add local *)
  let check_binding (env, subst) (x1,gty1) (x2,gty2) =
    let gty2 = Fsubst.gty_subst subst gty2 in
    match gty1, gty2 with
    | GTty ty1, GTty ty2 ->
      ensure (EqTest.for_type env ty1 ty2);
      if id_equal x1 x2 then subst else Fsubst.f_bind_local subst x2 (f_local x1 ty1)
    | GTmodty (p1, r1) , GTmodty(p2, r2) ->
      ensure (ModTy.mod_type_equiv env p1 p2 &&
                NormMp.equal_restr env r1 r2);
      Mod.bind_local x1 p1 r1 env,
      if id_equal x1 x2 then subst
      else Fsubst.f_bind_mod subst x2 (EcPath.mident x1)
    | GTmem   me1, GTmem me2  ->
      check_memtype env me1 me2;
      if id_equal x1 x2 then subst
      else Fsubst.f_bind_mem subst x2 x1
    | _, _ -> error () in
  let check_bindings env subst bd1 bd2 =
    List.fold_left2 check_binding (env,subst) bd1 bd2 in

  let check_local subst id1 f2 id2 =
    match (Mid.find_def f2 id2 subst.fs_loc).f_node with
    | Flocal id2 -> ensure (EcIdent.id_equal id1 id2)
    | _ -> assert false in
  let check_mem subst m1 m2 =
    let m2 = Mid.find_def m2 m2 subst.fs_mem in
    ensure (EcIdent.id_equal m1 m2) in
  let check_pv env subst pv1 pv2 =
    let pv2 = pv_subst (EcPath.x_substm subst.fs_sty.ts_p subst.fs_mp) pv2 in
    ensure (EqTest.for_pv_norm env pv1 pv2) in
  let check_mp env subst mp1 mp2 =
    let mp2 = EcPath.m_subst subst.fs_sty.ts_p subst.fs_mp mp2 in
    ensure (EqTest.for_mp_norm env mp1 mp2) in
  let check_xp env subst xp1 xp2 =
    ensure (EcPath.p_equal xp1.EcPath.x_sub xp2.EcPath.x_sub);
    check_mp env subst xp1.EcPath.x_top xp2.EcPath.x_top in
  let check_s env s s1 s2 =
    let es = e_subst_init s.fs_freshen s.fs_sty.ts_p s.fs_ty Mp.empty s.fs_mp in
    let s2 = EcModules.s_subst es s2 in
    ensure (EqTest.for_stmt_norm env s1 s2) in

  let rec aux1 env subst f1 f2 =
    if Fsubst.is_subst_id subst && f_equal f1 f2 then ()
    else match f1.f_node, f2.f_node with

    | Fquant(q1,bd1,f1'), Fquant(q2,bd2,f2') when
        q1 = q2 && List.length bd1 = List.length bd2 ->
      let env, subst = check_bindings env subst bd1 bd2 in
      aux env subst f1' f2'

    | Fif(a1,b1,c1), Fif(a2,b2,c2) ->
      aux env subst a1 a2; aux env subst b1 b2; aux env subst c1 c2

    | Flet(p1,f1',g1), Flet(p2,f2',g2) ->
      aux env subst f1' f2';
      let (env,subst) = check_lpattern env subst p1 p2 in
      aux env subst g1 g2

    | Fint i1, Fint i2 when i1 = i2 -> ()

    | Flocal id1, Flocal id2 -> check_local subst id1 f2 id2

    | Fpvar(p1,m1), Fpvar(p2,m2) ->
      check_mem subst m1 m2;
      check_pv env subst p1 p2

    | Fglob(p1,m1), Fglob(p2,m2) ->
      check_mem subst m1 m2;
      check_mp env subst p1 p2

    | Fop(p1, ty1), Fop(p2, ty2) when EcPath.p_equal p1 p2 ->
      List.iter2 (check_ty env subst) ty1 ty2

    | Fapp(f1',args1), Fapp(f2',args2) when
        List.length args1 = List.length args2 ->
      aux env subst f1' f2';
      List.iter2 (aux env subst) args1 args2

    | Ftuple args1, Ftuple args2 when List.length args1 = List.length args2 ->
      List.iter2 (aux env subst) args1 args2

    | Fproj(f1,i1), Fproj(f2,i2) when i1 = i2 ->
      aux env subst f1 f2

    | FhoareF hf1, FhoareF hf2 ->
      check_xp env subst hf1.hf_f hf2.hf_f;
      aux env subst hf1.hf_pr hf2.hf_pr;
      aux env subst hf1.hf_po hf2.hf_po

    | FhoareS hs1, FhoareS hs2 ->
      check_s env subst hs1.hs_s hs2.hs_s;
      (* FIXME should check the memenv *)
      aux env subst hs1.hs_pr hs1.hs_pr;
      aux env subst hs1.hs_po hs2.hs_po

    | FbdHoareF hf1, FbdHoareF hf2 ->
      ensure (hf1.bhf_cmp = hf2.bhf_cmp);
      check_xp env subst hf1.bhf_f hf2.bhf_f;
      aux env subst hf1.bhf_pr hf2.bhf_pr;
      aux env subst hf1.bhf_po hf2.bhf_po;
      aux env subst hf1.bhf_bd hf2.bhf_bd

    | FbdHoareS hs1, FbdHoareS hs2 ->
      ensure (hs1.bhs_cmp = hs2.bhs_cmp);
      check_s env subst hs1.bhs_s hs2.bhs_s;
      (* FIXME should check the memenv *)
      aux env subst hs1.bhs_pr hs2.bhs_pr;
      aux env subst hs1.bhs_po hs2.bhs_po;
      aux env subst hs1.bhs_bd hs2.bhs_bd

    | FequivF ef1, FequivF ef2 ->
      check_xp env subst ef1.ef_fl ef2.ef_fl;
      check_xp env subst ef1.ef_fr ef2.ef_fr;
      aux env subst ef1.ef_pr ef2.ef_pr;
      aux env subst ef1.ef_po ef2.ef_po

    | FequivS es1, FequivS es2 ->
      check_s env subst es1.es_sl es2.es_sl;
      check_s env subst es1.es_sr es2.es_sr;
      (* FIXME should check the memenv *)
      aux env subst es1.es_pr es2.es_pr;
      aux env subst es1.es_po es2.es_po

    | FeagerF eg1, FeagerF eg2 ->
      check_xp env subst eg1.eg_fl eg2.eg_fl;
      check_xp env subst eg1.eg_fr eg2.eg_fr;
      aux env subst eg1.eg_pr eg2.eg_pr;
      aux env subst eg1.eg_po eg2.eg_po;
      check_s env subst eg1.eg_sl eg2.eg_sl;
      check_s env subst eg1.eg_sr eg2.eg_sr

    | Fpr(m1,p1,args1,f1'), Fpr(m2,p2,args2,f2') ->
      check_mem subst m1 m2;
      check_xp env subst p1 p2;
     (* ensure (List.length args1 = List.length args2);
      List.iter2 (aux env subst) args1 args2; *)
      aux env subst args1 args2;
      aux env subst f1' f2'

    | _, _ -> error ()

  and aux env subst f1 f2 =
    try aux1 env subst f1 f2
    with e when e == exn ->
      match h_red_opt ri env hyps f1 with
      | Some f1 -> aux env subst f1 f2
      | None ->
        match h_red_opt ri env hyps f2 with
        | Some f2 -> aux env subst f1 f2
        | None -> raise e
  aux env Fsubst.f_subst_id f1 f2

let check_alpha_eq = check_alpha_equal no_red
let check_conv     = check_alpha_equal full_red

let is_alpha_eq hyps f1 f2 =
  try check_alpha_eq hyps f1 f2; true
  with _ -> false

let is_conv hyps f1 f2 =
  try check_conv hyps f1 f2; true
  with _ -> false

let h_red ri hyps f =
   h_red ri (LDecl.toenv hyps) hyps f

let h_red_opt ri hyps f = h_red_opt ri (LDecl.toenv hyps) hyps f

let rec simplify ri hyps f =
  let f' = try h_red ri hyps f with NotReducible -> f in
  if f == f' then simplify_rec ri hyps f
       (*f_map (fun ty -> ty) (simplify ri hyps) f*)
  else simplify ri hyps f'

and simplify_rec ri hyps f =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fapp({f_node = Fop(p,_)} as fo, args)
      when ri.logic && is_logical_op p ->
    f_app fo (List.map (simplify_rec ri hyps) args) f.f_ty
  | _ -> f_map (fun ty -> ty) (simplify ri hyps) f
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