Raw File
Tip revision: 4d52fc1d076f26ba8aa6c4da7e4e30008a368df0 authored by Antoine R. Dumont (@ardumont) on 30 July 2020, 12:32:20 UTC
storage*: Adapt origin_list(...) -> PagedResult[Origin]
Tip revision: 4d52fc1
-- content

create unique index concurrently content_pkey on content(sha1);
create unique index concurrently on content(sha1_git);
create index concurrently on content(sha256);
create index concurrently on content(blake2s256);
create index concurrently on content(ctime);  -- TODO use a BRIN index here (postgres >= 9.5)
create unique index concurrently on content(object_id);

alter table content add primary key using index content_pkey;

-- origin

create unique index concurrently origin_pkey on origin(id);
create unique index concurrently on origin using btree(url);
create index concurrently on origin using gin (url gin_trgm_ops);
create index concurrently on origin using btree(digest(url, 'sha1'));

alter table origin add primary key using index origin_pkey;

-- skipped_content

alter table skipped_content add constraint skipped_content_sha1_sha1_git_sha256_key unique (sha1, sha1_git, sha256);

create index concurrently on skipped_content(sha1);
create index concurrently on skipped_content(sha1_git);
create index concurrently on skipped_content(sha256);
create index concurrently on skipped_content(blake2s256);
create unique index concurrently on skipped_content(object_id);

alter table skipped_content add constraint skipped_content_origin_fkey foreign key (origin) references origin(id) not valid;
alter table skipped_content validate constraint skipped_content_origin_fkey;

-- directory

create unique index concurrently directory_pkey on directory(id);
alter table directory add primary key using index directory_pkey;

create index concurrently on directory using gin (dir_entries);
create index concurrently on directory using gin (file_entries);
create index concurrently on directory using gin (rev_entries);
create unique index concurrently on directory(object_id);

-- directory_entry_dir

create unique index concurrently directory_entry_dir_pkey on directory_entry_dir(id);
alter table directory_entry_dir add primary key using index directory_entry_dir_pkey;

create unique index concurrently on directory_entry_dir(target, name, perms);

-- directory_entry_file

create unique index concurrently directory_entry_file_pkey on directory_entry_file(id);
alter table directory_entry_file add primary key using index directory_entry_file_pkey;

create unique index concurrently on directory_entry_file(target, name, perms);

-- directory_entry_rev

create unique index concurrently directory_entry_rev_pkey on directory_entry_rev(id);
alter table directory_entry_rev add primary key using index directory_entry_rev_pkey;

create unique index concurrently on directory_entry_rev(target, name, perms);

-- person
create unique index concurrently person_pkey on person(id);
alter table person add primary key using index person_pkey;

create unique index concurrently on person(fullname);
create index concurrently on person(name);
create index concurrently on person(email);

-- revision
create unique index concurrently revision_pkey on revision(id);
alter table revision add primary key using index revision_pkey;

alter table revision add constraint revision_author_fkey foreign key (author) references person(id) not valid;
alter table revision validate constraint revision_author_fkey;
alter table revision add constraint revision_committer_fkey foreign key (committer) references person(id) not valid;
alter table revision validate constraint revision_committer_fkey;

create index concurrently on revision(directory);
create unique index concurrently on revision(object_id);

-- revision_history
create unique index concurrently revision_history_pkey on revision_history(id, parent_rank);
alter table revision_history add primary key using index revision_history_pkey;

create index concurrently on revision_history(parent_id);

alter table revision_history add constraint revision_history_id_fkey foreign key (id) references revision(id) not valid;
alter table revision_history validate constraint revision_history_id_fkey;

-- snapshot
create unique index concurrently snapshot_pkey on snapshot(object_id);
alter table snapshot add primary key using index snapshot_pkey;

create unique index concurrently on snapshot(id);

-- snapshot_branch
create unique index concurrently snapshot_branch_pkey on snapshot_branch(object_id);
alter table snapshot_branch add primary key using index snapshot_branch_pkey;

create unique index concurrently on snapshot_branch (target_type, target, name);
alter table snapshot_branch add constraint snapshot_branch_target_check check ((target_type is null) = (target is null)) not valid;
alter table snapshot_branch validate constraint snapshot_branch_target_check;
alter table snapshot_branch add constraint snapshot_target_check check (target_type not in ('content', 'directory', 'revision', 'release', 'snapshot') or length(target) = 20) not valid;
alter table snapshot_branch validate constraint snapshot_target_check;

create unique index concurrently on snapshot_branch (name) where target_type is null and target is null;

-- snapshot_branches
create unique index concurrently snapshot_branches_pkey on snapshot_branches(snapshot_id, branch_id);
alter table snapshot_branches add primary key using index snapshot_branches_pkey;

alter table snapshot_branches add constraint snapshot_branches_snapshot_id_fkey foreign key (snapshot_id) references snapshot(object_id) not valid;
alter table snapshot_branches validate constraint snapshot_branches_snapshot_id_fkey;

alter table snapshot_branches add constraint snapshot_branches_branch_id_fkey foreign key (branch_id) references snapshot_branch(object_id) not valid;
alter table snapshot_branches validate constraint snapshot_branches_branch_id_fkey;

-- origin_visit
create unique index concurrently origin_visit_pkey on origin_visit(origin, visit);
alter table origin_visit add primary key using index origin_visit_pkey;

create index concurrently on origin_visit(date);
create index concurrently origin_visit_type_date on origin_visit(type, date);

alter table origin_visit add constraint origin_visit_origin_fkey foreign key (origin) references origin(id) not valid;
alter table origin_visit validate constraint origin_visit_origin_fkey;

-- origin_visit_status

create unique index concurrently origin_visit_status_pkey on origin_visit_status(origin, visit, date);
alter table origin_visit_status add primary key using index origin_visit_status_pkey;

alter table origin_visit_status
  add constraint origin_visit_status_origin_visit_fkey
  foreign key (origin, visit)
  references origin_visit(origin, visit) not valid;
alter table origin_visit_status validate constraint origin_visit_status_origin_visit_fkey;

-- release
create unique index concurrently release_pkey on release(id);
alter table release add primary key using index release_pkey;

create index concurrently on release(target, target_type);
create unique index concurrently on release(object_id);

alter table release add constraint release_author_fkey foreign key (author) references person(id) not valid;
alter table release validate constraint release_author_fkey;

-- if the author is null, then the date must be null
alter table release add constraint release_author_date_check check ((date is null) or (author is not null)) not valid;
alter table release validate constraint release_author_date_check;

-- metadata_fetcher
create unique index metadata_fetcher_pkey on metadata_fetcher(id);
alter table metadata_fetcher add primary key using index metadata_fetcher_pkey;

create unique index metadata_fetcher_name_version on metadata_fetcher(name, version);

-- metadata_authority
create unique index concurrently metadata_authority_pkey on metadata_authority(id);
alter table metadata_authority add primary key using index metadata_authority_pkey;

create unique index metadata_authority_type_url on metadata_authority(type, url);

-- raw_extrinsic_metadata
create unique index concurrently raw_extrinsic_metadata_content_authority_date_fetcher on raw_extrinsic_metadata(id, authority_id, discovery_date, fetcher_id);

alter table raw_extrinsic_metadata add constraint raw_extrinsic_metadata_authority_fkey foreign key (authority_id) references metadata_authority(id) not valid;
alter table raw_extrinsic_metadata validate constraint raw_extrinsic_metadata_authority_fkey;

alter table raw_extrinsic_metadata add constraint raw_extrinsic_metadata_fetcher_fkey foreign key (fetcher_id) references metadata_fetcher(id) not valid;
alter table raw_extrinsic_metadata validate constraint raw_extrinsic_metadata_fetcher_fkey;

-- object_counts
create unique index concurrently object_counts_pkey on object_counts(object_type);
alter table object_counts add primary key using index object_counts_pkey;

-- object_counts_bucketed
create unique index concurrently object_counts_bucketed_pkey on object_counts_bucketed(line);
alter table object_counts_bucketed add primary key using index object_counts_bucketed_pkey;
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