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Tip revision: 851214e7fac6fb15020e33fcf2b88b2e88382956 authored by Syd Bauman on 05 July 2013, 23:14:00 UTC
Re-tagging the 2.4.0 release of P5.
Tip revision: 851214e
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TEI xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
        <p>taken from wikipedia</p>
        <taxonomy xml:id="periods">
          <category xml:id="hellenistic">
              <ref target="http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Hellenistic"
                >Hellenistic</ref>. Commonly treated as <date
		notBefore="-0323" notAfter="-0031"/>.
          <category xml:id="roman">
              <ref target="http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Roman_Empire"
          <category xml:id="christian">
            <catDesc> The Christian period technically starts at the
	    birth of Jesus, but in
	    practice is considered to date from the conversion of Constantine
	    in <date when="0312">312 AD</date>. </catDesc>
      <change when="2007-03-26">drafted from ODD and other samples</change>
        <place xml:id="Aphrodisias">
            <p><placeName xml:lang="grc-Latn">Aphrodisias</placeName> (<placeName
            xml:lang="grc">Ἀφροδισιάς</placeName>) was a town in
            <country n="Caria"
            <bloc n="Asia Minor"
            ref="http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Asia_Minor" >Asia
            Minor</bloc>. It is located near the modern village of
            <settlement>Geyre</settlement>, <country n="Turkey"
            about 230 km <settlement

            <p>Aphrodisias was named after <name n="Aphrodite"
            the Greek goddess of Love. According to the <ref n="Suda"
            before being known as Aphrodisias, the city had three
            previous names: <placeName>Lelegon Polis</placeName>
            (Λελέγων πόλις 'city of the Leleges'), <placeName>Megale
            Polis</placeName> (Μεγάλη πόλις 'great city'), and
            <placeName>Ninoë</placeName> (Νινόη). The city was later
            renamed <placeName period="#christian"
            >Stauropolis</placeName> (Σταυρούπολις 'city of the
            cross') in the Christian era.</p>

            <p>The city was built near a marble quarry which was
            extensively exploited in the <date
            period="#hellenistic">Hellenistic</date> and <date
            period="#roman">Roman</date> periods, and sculptors in
            marble from Aphrodisias became famous in the Roman
            world. Many examples of statuary have been unearthed in
            Aphrodisias, and some also survive from other parts of the
            Roman world.</p>

            <p>The site is in an earthquake zone and has suffered a
            great deal of damage at various times, especially in the
            <date from="0400" to="0499">4th</date> and <date
            from="0700" to="0799">7th</date> centuries. An added
            complication was that one of the 4th century earthquakes
            altered the water table, making parts of the town prone to

            <p>Evidence can be seen of emergency plumbing installed to
            combat this problem. Aphrodisias never fully recovered
            from the 7th century earthquake, and fell into
            disrepair. Part of the town was covered by the modern
            village of Geyre; some of the cottages were removed in the
            20th century to reveal the older city. A new Geyre has
            been built a short distance away.</p>


              <p>The Temple of Aphrodite was and still is a focal
              point of the town, but the character of the building was
              altered when it became a Christian <ref n="Basilica"
              >basilica</ref>. The Aphrodisian sculptors became
              renowned and the school of sculpture was very
              productive; much of their work can be seen around the
              site and in the museum. Many full-length statues were
              discovered in the region of the <term>agora</term>, and
              trial and unfinished pieces pointing to a true school
              are in evidence. <term>Sarcophagi</term> were recovered
              in various locations, most frequently decorated with
              designs consisting of garland and columns. Pilasters
              have been, found showing what are described as "peopled
              scrolls" with figures of people, birds and animals
              entwined in acanthus leaves. The sculptors benefitted
              from a plentiful supply of marble close at hand.</p>


              <p>The Bouleuterion (Council House) is centered on the
              north side of the North Agora. As it stands today, it
              consists of a semicircular auditorium fronted by a
              shallow stage structure about 46 m wide. The lower part
              of the auditorium survives intact, with nine rows of
              marble seats divided into five wedges by radial
              stairways. The seating of the upper part, amounting to
              an additional twelve rows, has collapsed together with
              its supporting vaults. The plan is an extremely open
              one, with numerous entrances at ground level and several
              stairways giving access to the upper rows of seats. A
              system of massive parallel buttresses shows that the
              building was originally roofed. The auditorium would
              have been lighted by a series of tall, arched windows in
              the curved outer wall. Seating capacity can be estimated
              at about 1750.</p>

              <p>The available evidence indicates a construction date
              in the Antonine or early Severan period (late second or
              early third century A.D.). The scaenae frons (stage
              front) was certainly put up at this time, as the style
              of both sculpture and architectural ornament
              suggest. Statue bases terminating the retaining walls of
              the auditorium bore the names of two brothers, senators
              in the early Severan period, and two inscribed bases
              placed symmetrically against the exterior facade held
              statues of Aphrodisian benefactors, Claudia Antonia
              Tatiana and her uncle Lucius Antonius Dometinus, who
              were active at the end of the second century (Sculptures
              of the Bouleuterion).  Tatiana is known to have had
              close ties with Ephesos and it is possible that the
              striking similarities between this building and the
              Bouleuterion on the Civic Agora there, dated by
              inscription to the mid-second century, are due to some
              initiative on her part. We do not know what stood here
              before the second century A.D., but it is likely that
              the present building replaced a smaller one contemporary
              with the laying out of the Agora in the late first
              century B.C.</p>

              <p>The Bouleuterion at Aphrodisias remained in this form
              until the early fifth century, when a municipal official
              had it adapted as a palaestra, recording his achievement
              on the upper molding of the pulpitum (stage). This term
              usually refers to a wrestling ground, but in the fifth
              century it could be used to describe a hall for
              lectures, performances, and various kinds of competitive
              displays, as suggested by a number of factional
              inscriptions carved on the seats. Numerous additional
              cuttings in the surviving seats, probably for poles
              supporting awnings, suggest that by this time the
              building had lost its roof. The orchestra was lowered
              and provided with a marble pavement, reused, perhaps,
              from the earlier phase.</p>

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