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<teiCorpus xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="entries1935-02">
        <title>Diary of Robert Graves 1935-39 and ancillary
        <author>Graves, Robert (1895-1985)</author>
          <resp>compiled by</resp>
          <name>Beryl Graves, C.G. Petter, L.R. Roberts</name>
        <publisher>University of Victoria Libraries</publisher>
        <pubPlace>Victoria B.C., Canada</pubPlace>
        <idno>RG No. 50</idno>
        <availability status="unknown">
          <p>available by permission of the Robert Graves Trust</p>
            <title>Diary of Robert Graves 1935-39 and ancillary
            <author>Graves, Robert (1895-1985)</author>
            <publisher>University of Victoria Libraries</publisher>
            <pubPlace>Victoria B.C., Canada</pubPlace>
  <TEI xml:id="diary-1935-02">
          <title>Diary entries for February, 1935</title>
          <hand xml:id="ed" style="ink correction" ink="black" character="regular" first="yes" resp="#eds"/>
          <hand xml:id="RG" style="ink correction" ink="black" character="regular" first="yes" resp="#eds"/>
          <hand xml:id="BG" style="typewritten" ink="black" character="schooled" first="no" resp="#eds"/>
          <hand xml:id="KG" style="ink correction of BG tss" ink="red" character="schooled" first="no" resp="#eds"/>
        <div type="diaryentry" n="1935-02-22">
          <head> February 22<hi rend="sup">nd</hi>  Friday.</head>
          <p>Wrote to <rs type="person" key="AG1">
promising money, <supplied>[£]</supplied>100, to children in Aug. &amp; to repay
their mother<note><rs type="person" key="NN1">Nancy Nicholson</rs> WG</note>, also, <supplied>[£]</supplied>300 in
October for past two years not paid. Arranged that children's financial
year should begin in November: would undertake no yearly sum. Would
promise <rs type="person" key="CN1">Catherine</rs> should be a vet. Asked
<rs type="person" key="AG1">A.E.S.G.</rs> to tell
<rs type="person" key="JN1">Jenny</rs> to write to me if she wanted an
introduction to <rs type="person" key="AK1">Korda</rs>: &amp; now that
<rs type="person" key="JN1">Jenny</rs> is 16, let her start her
relationship with me afresh: if she respected my feelings I'd respect
hers, I said.</p>
          <p>Got oranges from <rs type="place" key="Can02">Ca'n Juni</rs>. A
great many have been stolen during the full moon.</p>
          <p>A bunch of celandines from <rs type="place" key="Can02">Ca'n
Juni</rs>. <rs type="element" key="sir1">Sirocco</rs>.
          <p>Gave <rs type="person" key="KG1">Karl</rs> the 
<del hand="#RG" status="supralinear" type="overstrike">second</del>
<hi rend="underline">third</hi> chapter of <hi rend="underline">
<rs type="cita" key="APP">Antigua <choice><abbr>1d</abbr><expan>Penny</expan></choice> Puce</rs></bibl></hi> to type:
and the poem <hi rend="underline">
<rs type="cita" key="RWa">Remembering
          <p>Letter from <rs type="organization" key="Ha3">Harrods</rs>: they had
written to ask me to give a Famous Authors talk. I refused on grounds of
domicile first &amp; suggested that it was bad sales-psychology to call
them 'Famous.' Suggested 'Favourite.' <rs type="organization" key="Ha3">Harrods</rs> pleased at <q>learning from a
layman,</q> and will change at once. Today we bought the
<rs type="place" key="Pos1">Posada</rs>. </p>
        <div type="diaryentry" n="1935-02-23">
          <head> Feb 23<hi rend="sup">rd</hi>  Saturday</head>
          <p>Revised Chapter <del type="erasure">4</del>
<add hand="#RG">3</add> of
<hi rend="underline">
<rs type="cita" key="APP">Antigua<choice><abbr>
1d</abbr><expan>Penny</expan></choice> Puce</rs></bibl></hi>. Decided with <rs type="person" key="LR1">Laura</rs> where to plant the bushes and trees we bought in
<rs type="place" key="Pal1">Palma</rs>— mimosa,two oleanders, tamarisk,
four others whose names we forget. Helped <rs type="person" key="Se1">Sebastian</rs> to plant them. He grafted the almonds with
          <p>The first full glass-ful of carnations: scarlet, pink, yellow and
apricot fringed with red.</p>
<rs type="person" key="KG1">Karl</rs> and I damped second half of <rs type="person" key="LR1">Laura</rs>'s
<rs type="cita" key="SLe">
<hi rend="underline">Second Leaf</hi></rs></bibl>:
proofs passed a week ago.<note>The Albion printing press was installed in <rs type="place" key="Can01">Canellun</rs> in the
press room next to RG's study. It had been used to print many of the
<rs type="organization" key="SP1">Seizin Press</rs> publications. <rs type="person" key="LR1">Laura Riding</rs>'s <bibl><rs type="cita" key="SLe">Second
Leaf</rs></bibl> was the last text or other item printed by LR &amp; RG on the
machine. WG</note></p>
          <p>Second day of <rs type="element" key="sir1">sirocco</rs>: very
violent this night: carried away tops of several olive-trees near house,
tiles off houses in the <rs type="place" key="Pui1">Puig</rs>.</p>
<rs type="person" key="Ro1">Rosa</rs> finished
<rs type="person" key="LR1">Laura</rs>'s magenta dress which I bought her
at Christmas for 10 pesetas.</p>
          <p>Have worked without a brazier 
<note>A brazier was a device in which charcoal was burned to heat
the room. eds</note> for the first time this year, the last two days. </p>
        <div type="diaryentry" n="1935-02-24">
          <head> Feb 24<hi rend="sup">th</hi>  Sunday</head>
<rs type="person" key="KG1">Karl</rs> came at 9.45. Began
printing at 10. Finished by lunch time, except 20 sheets; then in 1/4 hour
afterwards finished. Better printing than last time: due to frequent dry
pulls in the early stages. This is the first thing we have printed since
1933. Decision to buy a bull-dog: partly as a friend for the cats, partly
to keep off orange &amp; melon thieves. To be called <q>Folly.</q></p>
<rs type="element" key="sir1">Sirocco</rs> ceased. Has given me a nervous stomach.</p>
<rs type="person" key="MM1">Maria</rs> and <rs type="person" key="Ri1">Rita</rs> the <rs type="person" key="Mu1">Murcians</rs>
came as <foreign>mascaras</foreign>
<note>masked carnival disguises. KG</note> with
padded rumps, &amp; beat each other with stick; one had a flower in her
flies. A row of children, including <rs type="person" key="Ri1">Rita</rs>'s child, stood and screamed.</p>
          <p>Freezias &amp; violets now at their best. </p>
        <div type="diaryentry" n="1935-02-25">
          <head> Monday, Feb 25<hi rend="sup">th</hi>.</head>
          <p> Altered 
<rs type="cita" key="RWa">
<hi rend="underline">Remembering
War</hi></rs></bibl> (8th version). Cross-copied
<rs type="person" key="LR1">Laura</rs>'s 
<rs type="cita" key="Emi">
<hi rend="underline">Emmie</hi></rs></bibl>
<note>story by Laura Riding in "Women as People."  E.Friedmann. Oxon tss annotations. eds</note> and her rewriting of
<rs type="person" key="LL1">Len</rs>'s 
<rs type="cita" key="FMa">
<hi rend="underline">Movement as
Language</hi></rs></bibl>: queries and suggestions.</p>
          <p>Made out sequence for ending 
<rs type="cita" key="APP">
<hi rend="underline">Antigua</hi></rs></bibl> which is done roughly about 1/3
of the way: uncertain yet whether worth while finishing it. It was
originally started during money shortage as a means of extracting higher
royalties from <rs type="organization" key="HS1">Harrison Smith</rs> for 
<rs type="cita" key="CtG">
<choice><abbr>C.the God</abbr><expan>Claudius the God</expan></choice></rs></bibl>.</p>
<rs type="person" key="Se1">Sebastian</rs> grafted nectarine
shoots on <del hand="#RG">two</del> three
wild-almond trees.</p>
          <p>Water failed for first time:
<del hand="#RG">not</del> due to pump of motor,
<add hand="#RG" place="supralinear">
not to </add> too little in the <foreign>deposito</foreign>
<note>reservoir WG</note>, as we thought: though only a little over a metre
of water <del hand="#RG">Visit from Renaults of
Cala Ratxada</del> left <del hand="#RG">Miguel the
carpenter fixed the</del> there.</p>
          <p>Cold again: fires resumed.</p>
          <p>Saw the first grape-hyacinth.</p>
        <div type="diaryentry" n="1935-02-26">
          <head> Tuesday Feb 26<hi rend="sup">th</hi></head>
<rs type="person" key="JM1">Gelat</rs> &amp;
<rs type="person" key="BC1">Bernardo</rs> came and I spent the whole
morning with <rs type="person" key="JM1">Gelat</rs> on
<rs type="place" key="Lla1">Luna land</rs> looking at possible places to
build new terraces to make room for almond trees. This means removing a
number of old olives but they are past bearing and are worth 5O-1OO
pesetas each as timber. In several places they will pay for the work &amp;
for the new trees. Also decided on the square concrete posts (<rs type="person" key="LR1">Laura</rs>,<rs type="person" key="JM1">Gelat</rs>
&amp; I) with wood transoms 
<note>These supports were called <foreign>pergola</foreign>. eds.</note> for training
the vines across in <rs type="place" key="Can01">Canellun</rs> garden near
the front entrance &amp; also below in the grotto. <unclear>
<gap reason="illegible deletion"/></unclear> Also decided to begin mending the
road to the sea which was carried away in a cloudburst on the night of 
<date when="1933-09-29">Sept.29th 1933</date>. And on gate to
keep out sheep on the 
<rs type="place" key="Cam01"><hi rend="underline">camino viejo</hi></rs></p>
          <p>Visit from <rs type="person" key="Re1">Regnaults</rs> of
<rs type="place" key="Cal02">Cala Ratxada</rs>.</p>
<rs type="person" key="Mi1">Miguel</rs> the carpenter fixed door
at top of staircase &amp; cellar lavatory door.</p>
          <p>Three versions of a poem <bibl>
<rs type="cita" key="TBD">
<hi rend="underline">To Bring the Dead to Life</hi></rs></bibl></p>
          <p>A letter from <rs type="person" key="SB1">Sidney Bernstein</rs>
expressing disgust about the <rs type="person" key="CB1">Belfrage</rs> paragraph in the
<rs type="cita" key="DEx">Daily Express</rs></bibl>.</p>
        <div type="diaryentry" n="1935-02-27">
          <head> Wednesday Feb 27</head>
          <p> Went over typescript of third chapter of
<rs type="cita" key="APP">
<hi rend="underline">Antigua</hi></rs></bibl>. Draft
sequence of Chapter VIII</p>
<rs type="person" key="PS1">Pepe Salas</rs> came with
<rs type="person" key="JM1">Gelat</rs>: took down the motor.</p>
<rs type="person" key="PS1">Pepe</rs> brought estimate for a new
room to be built over the patio: 17O8 pesetas.</p>
          <p>Took down printed sheets &amp; pressed them, ready for folding
and sending off.</p>
          <p>Corrected proofs of <bibl>
<rs type="cita" key="Foc">
<hi rend="underline">Focus</hi></rs></bibl> with <rs type="person" key="LR1">Laura</rs>.</p>
          <p>To <rs type="person" key="Ma1">Margarita</rs> the <foreign>modista</foreign> 
with <rs type="person" key="LR1">Laura</rs>: then <rs type="person" key="Sw1">Schwarz</rs> &amp;
<rs type="person" key="St1">Strenge</rs> to tea: then visit to
<rs type="person" key="Mc1">McCormacks</rs>.</p>
<rs type="person" key="JM1">Gelat</rs> can get olive posts for
the vines, so this is better than the concrete </p>
        <div type="diaryentry" n="1935-02-28">
          <head> Thursday Feb 28<hi rend="sup">th</hi>.</head>
          <p>Got up early to give <rs type="person" key="KG1">Karl</rs> a
commission for <rs type="place" key="Pal1">Palma</rs>: buttons.
<rs type="person" key="An1">Antonia</rs> at the café pretended to
know nothing about the <rs type="place" key="Pos1">Posada</rs> though she
has been discussing it at length with <rs type="person" key="Is1">Isabel</rs>.</p>
          <p>Wrote three drafts of a poem 
<rs type="cita" key="AtS">Advice to
          <p>Went to sea: brought back cuttlefish for ink-stains, and a bunch
of rosemary in flower for <rs type="person" key="LR1">Laura</rs>'s table. The wind has hardly stopped
blowing for a week (more damage to trees last night) yet the <foreign>
<rs type="place" key="Cal01">Cala</rs></foreign> was quite calm.</p>
          <p>Folded the sheets of 
<rs type="cita" key="SLe">
<hi rend="underline">Second
Leaf</hi></rs></bibl>. Best way is to lay the pages lengthwise,<del hand="#RG">away from one</del> with title
underneath away from one, then fold over towards one, hold edges true with
left hand, find <del hand="#RG">press</del>centre
with right, keep paper steady with elbows use both forefingers for
creasing down. The second process I did holding the sheet in the air.</p>
          <p>Put up towel rail &amp; paper roll in cellar <foreign>retrete</foreign>
<note>lavatory WG</note>, painted the pipe against water
          <p>After all it isn't the motor, but not sufficient depth of water 2
metres depth are needed.</p>
          <p>Worst wind of all: blew all night from southwest.</p>
          <p>German royalty accounts 3108 marks: but how to get it from
Germany? 5000 sales in five weeks.
<note>Must have been royalty payments on the translation of the
Claudius books. Were there restrictions on taking out money from Germany
in 1935? eds.</note></p>
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