Raw File
Tip revision: 77c2180b0f91821a52a6ec7f5ba6b91f8f5e4db6 authored by Enrico Seiler on 29 January 2024, 13:22:40 UTC
Merge pull request #2510 from eseiler/doc/changelog
Tip revision: 77c2180
# SeqAn - The Library for Sequence Analysis

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| **NOTE <br> [SeqAn3 is out and hosted in a different repository](https://github.com/seqan/seqan3)**  |
| We recommend using SeqAn3 for new applications.                                                      |

## What Is SeqAn?

SeqAn is an open source C++ library of efficient algorithms and data structures for the analysis of sequences with the focus on biological data.
Our library applies a unique generic design that guarantees high performance, generality, extensibility, and integration with other libraries.
SeqAn is easy to use and simplifies the development of new software tools with a minimal loss of performance.

## License

The SeqAn library itself, the tests and demos are licensed under the very permissive 3-clause BSD License.
The licenses for the applications themselves can be found in the LICENSE files.

## Prerequisites

Older compiler versions might work but are neither supported nor tested.

### Linux, macOS, FreeBSD
  * GCC ≥ 11
  * Clang/LLVM ≥ 15
  * Intel oneAPI C++ Compiler 2024.0.2 (IntelLLVM)

### Windows
  * Visual C++ ≥ 17.0 / Visual Studio ≥ 2022

### Architecture support
  * Intel/AMD platforms, including optimisations for modern instruction sets (`POPCNT`, `SSE4`, `AVX2`, `AVX512`)
  * All Debian release architectures supported, including most ARM and all PowerPC platforms.

### Build system
  * To build tests, demos, and official SeqAn applications you also need CMake ≥ 3.12.

Some official applications might have additional requirements or only work on a subset of platforms.

## Documentation Resources

* [Getting Started](https://seqan.readthedocs.io/en/main/Tutorial/GettingStarted)
* [Manual](https://seqan.readthedocs.io/en/main)
* [Tutorial](https://seqan.readthedocs.io/en/main/index.html#tutorials)
* [How-Tos](https://seqan.readthedocs.io/en/main/Tutorial/HowTo)
* [API Documentation (stable)](https://docs.seqan.de/seqan/main/)

## Contact

* [Mailing List](https://lists.fu-berlin.de/listinfo/seqan-dev#subscribe)
* [GitHub Project (issues, source code)](https://github.com/seqan/seqan)
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