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Tip revision: 5a0dd3e3b57e97649651bb3d60662a33af820611 authored by Binbin Zhang on 18 April 2018, 06:50:48 UTC
refine tf v1
Tip revision: 5a0dd3e
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

# 3 class classification with softmax - cntk script -- Network Description Language

# which commands to run

# required...
modelPath = "Models/MC.dnn"      # where to write the model to
deviceId = -1                    # -1 means CPU; use 0 for your first GPU, 1 for the second etc.
dimension = 2                    # input data dimensions
labelDimension = 3

# training config
Train = [

    # network description

        # sample and label dimensions
        SDim = $dimension$
        LDim = $labelDimension$

        features = Input (SDim)
        labels   = Input (LDim)

        # parameters to learn
        b = Parameter (LDim, 1)
        w = Parameter (LDim, SDim)

        # operations
        z = w * features + b

        ce = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax (labels, z)
        errs = ClassificationError (labels, z)

        # root nodes
        featureNodes    = (features)
        labelNodes      = (labels)
        criterionNodes  = (ce)
        evaluationNodes = (errs)
        outputNodes     = (z)

    # configuration parameters of the SGD procedure
    SGD = [
        epochSize = 0                   # =0 means size of the training set
        minibatchSize = 25
        learningRatesPerSample = 0.04   # gradient contribution from each sample
        maxEpochs = 50

    # configuration of data reading
    reader = [

        readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
        file = "Train-3Classes_cntk_text.txt"
        input = [
            features = [
                dim = $dimension$
                format = "dense"
            labels = [
                dim = $labelDimension$     # there are 3 different labels
                format = "dense"

# test
Test = [
    action = "test"
    reader = [
        input = [
            features = [
                dim = $dimension$
                format = "dense"
            labels = [
                dim = $labelDimension$     # there are 3 different labels
                format = "dense"

# output the results
Output = [
        input = [
            features = [
                dim = $dimension$
                format = "dense"
            labels = [
                dim = $labelDimension$     # there are 3 different labels
                format = "dense"
    outputPath = "MC.txt"        # dump the output to this text file

# dump parameter values
DumpNodeInfo = [
    action = "dumpNode"
    printValues = true
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