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Tip revision: ebcd89f9c3f3d009e7b6fd5d65f31043d2abfff1 authored by Matthieu Sozeau on 19 January 2021, 14:59:22 UTC
Merge pull request #540 from yforster/coq-8.12-jan18
Tip revision: ebcd89f
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "matthieu.sozeau@inria.fr"
homepage: "https://metacoq.github.io/metacoq"
dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/MetaCoq/metacoq.git#coq-8.11"
bug-reports: "https://github.com/MetaCoq/metacoq/issues"
authors: ["Abhishek Anand <aa755@cs.cornell.edu>"
          "Simon Boulier <simon.boulier@inria.fr>"
          "Cyril Cohen <cyril.cohen@inria.fr>"
          "Yannick Forster <forster@ps.uni-saarland.de>"
          "Fabian Kunze <fkunze@fakusb.de>"
          "Gregory Malecha <gmalecha@gmail.com>"
          "Matthieu Sozeau <matthieu.sozeau@inria.fr>"
          "Nicolas Tabareau <nicolas.tabareau@inria.fr>"
          "Théo Winterhalter <theo.winterhalter@inria.fr>"
license: "MIT"
build: [
  ["sh" "./configure.sh"]
  [make "-j" "%{jobs}%" "-C" "erasure"]
install: [
  [make "-C" "erasure" "install"]
depends: [
  "ocaml" {>= "4.07.1" & < "4.12~"}
  "coq" { >= "8.12~" & < "8.13~" }
  "coq-metacoq-template" {= version}
  "coq-metacoq-pcuic" {= version}
  "coq-metacoq-safechecker" {= version}
synopsis: "Implementation and verification of an erasure procedure for Coq"
description: """
MetaCoq is a meta-programming framework for Coq.

The Erasure module provides a complete specification of Coq's so-called
\"extraction\" procedure, starting from the PCUIC calculus and targeting
untyped call-by-value lambda-calculus.

The `erasure` function translates types and proofs in well-typed terms
into a dummy `tBox` constructor, following closely P. Letouzey's PhD
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