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Tip revision: 99b4ea26aedb7454f15013520e0077538de5bbf9 authored by François Dupressoir on 22 July 2022, 14:34:38 UTC
workflow to compile with nix
Tip revision: 99b4ea2
require import Int Xint.
require PrimeField.

clone export PrimeField as FD.

type group.

op g:group. (* the generator *)
op ( * ): group -> group -> group.   (* multiplication of group elements *)
op inv : group -> group.             (* inverse of the multiplication *)
op ( / ): group -> group -> group.   (* division *)
op ( ^ ): group -> t -> group.       (* exponentiation *)
op log  : group -> t.                (* discrete logarithm *)
op g1 = g ^ F.zero.

axiom gpow_log (a:group): g ^ (log a) = a.
axiom log_gpow x : log (g ^ x) = x.
axiom nosmt log_g : log g = F.one.

lemma nosmt log_bij x y: x = y <=> log x = log y by smt (gpow_log).
lemma nosmt pow_bij (x y:F.t): x = y <=> g^x =g^y by smt.

axiom inv_def (a:group): inv a = g ^ (-log a).
axiom div_def (a b:group): g^(log a - log b) = a / b.

axiom mul_pow g (x y:t): g ^ x * g ^ y = g ^ (x + y).

axiom pow_pow g (x y:t): (g ^ x) ^ y = g ^ (x * y).

lemma nosmt log_pow (g1:group) x: log (g1 ^ x) = log g1 * x by smt.

lemma nosmt log_mul (g1 g2:group): log (g1 * g2) = log g1 + log g2 by smt.

lemma nosmt pow_mul (g1 g2:group) x: g1^x * g2^x = (g1*g2)^x.
  rewrite -{1}(gpow_log g1) -{1}(gpow_log g2) !pow_pow mul_pow.
  by rewrite !(F.mulC _ x) mulfDl F.mulC -pow_pow -mul_pow !gpow_log.

lemma nosmt pow_opp (x:group) (p:F.t): x^(-p) = inv (x^p).
  rewrite inv_def.
  have -> : -p = (-F.one) * p by ringeq.
  have -> : -log (x ^ p) = (-F.one) * log(x^p) by ringeq.
  by rewrite !(F.mulC (-F.one)) -!pow_pow gpow_log.

lemma nosmt mulC (x y: group): x * y = y * x.
  by rewrite -(gpow_log x) -(gpow_log y) mul_pow;smt.

lemma nosmt mulA (x y z: group): x * (y * z) = x * y * z.
  by rewrite -(gpow_log x) -(gpow_log y) -(gpow_log z) !mul_pow;smt.

lemma nosmt mul1 x: g1 * x = x.
  by rewrite /g1 -(gpow_log x) mul_pow;smt.

lemma nosmt divK (a:group): a / a = g1.
proof strict.
  by rewrite -div_def sub_def addfN.

lemma nosmt g_neq0 : g1 <> g.
  rewrite /g1 -{2}(gpow_log g) log_g -pow_bij;smt.

lemma mulN (x:group): x * inv x = g1.
  rewrite inv_def -{1}(gpow_log x) mul_pow;smt.

lemma inj_gpow_log (a:group): a = g ^ (log a) by smt.

hint rewrite Ring.inj_algebra : inj_gpow_log.
hint rewrite Ring.rw_algebra : log_g log_pow log_mul log_bij.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abstract theory Cost.
  op cgpow : int.
  op cgmul: int.
  op cgdiv: int.
  op cgeq : int.
  axiom ge0_cg : 0 <= cgpow /\ 0 <= cgmul /\ 0 <= cgdiv /\ 0 <= cgeq.
  schema cost_gen `{P} : cost [P:g] = '0.
  schema cost_pow `{P} {g:group, x:t} : 
    cost[P: g ^ x] = cost[P:g] + cost[P:x] + N cgpow.
  schema cost_gmul `{P} {g1 g2:group} : 
    cost[P:g1 * g2] = cost[P:g1] + cost[P:g2] + N cgmul.
  schema cost_geq  `{P} {g1 g2:group} :
    cost[P:g1 = g2] = cost[P:g1] + cost[P:g2] + N cgeq.
  schema cost_gdiv `{P} {g1 g2:group} : 
    cost[P:g1 / g2] = cost[P:g1] + cost[P:g2] + N cgdiv.
  hint simplify cost_gen, cost_pow, cost_gmul, cost_gdiv, cost_geq.
end Cost.
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