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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
f55a54a Delete solve_cluster_master_eqn.asv deleting asv file 07 June 2021, 18:55:17 UTC
e4b9499 Delete generalized_master_equation_example.asv deleting asv file 07 June 2021, 18:55:07 UTC
a059558 Delete example_gillespie_script.asv deleting asv file 07 June 2021, 18:54:53 UTC
8545f43 Delete ~$Supplementary_Data_File.xlsx deleting weird tmp excel file 07 June 2021, 18:54:31 UTC
79cca9a Delete plot_all_cluster_size_cumdist.asv deleting asv files 07 June 2021, 18:54:13 UTC
c1f63fc Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rplab/cluster_kinetics pull 07 June 2021, 18:52:47 UTC
92c2e12 renamed and added comments to data plotting script 07 June 2021, 18:52:21 UTC
2ecda68 Delete solve_cluster_model_master_eqn_final_only_nuA.m manually removed older master eqn function from GitHub only 07 June 2021, 18:31:25 UTC
54ae67c removed older master eqn fucntion 07 June 2021, 18:27:54 UTC
84c5dfb renamed master eqn function and added header comments. updated call to function in script example 07 June 2021, 18:26:19 UTC
cc93fdb cleaned up gillespie code and comments 07 June 2021, 18:05:01 UTC
3e24ee0 example tau script added 07 June 2021, 17:57:37 UTC
ba3f3a7 deleted older code directory 07 June 2021, 17:17:54 UTC
6d5f822 inocuous merge HEAD 07 June 2021, 17:15:25 UTC
4a43c21 commiting older changes in code directory 07 June 2021, 17:13:36 UTC
0f46477 created the data and simulations folders that will be the new structure of this repository 07 June 2021, 17:10:37 UTC
d4d0d16 Update README.md markdown shenanigans 07 June 2021, 17:06:39 UTC
25a917b Create README.md 07 June 2021, 17:05:46 UTC
6fa7eca changed to pregenerating random numbers for each agg update. also cleaned up this section and added some comments 04 June 2020, 20:52:18 UTC
fbc3744 fixed agg step to actually deal with multiple agg events apprpriately 04 June 2020, 20:47:55 UTC
4eec1e2 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rplab/cluster_kinetics I had made the same change independently on my laptop and on analysis computer. should have pushed and pulled, but I was lazy. 04 June 2020, 18:06:43 UTC
d4cc55a fixed minor bug in growth step, same change as was made on Brandons laptop 04 June 2020, 18:06:29 UTC
365ef52 attempting to fix aggregation step, issue with clusters aggregating multiple times per timestep. 04 June 2020, 18:04:49 UTC
05829b4 fixed minor bug in growth step 04 June 2020, 17:43:16 UTC
b41a6ff removed l_print_progress as optional input, for now 21 May 2020, 14:54:45 UTC
2c71a27 cleaned up. added comments. important: removed option to pass a single number as n0 to initiate n0 single cells---this flexibility is unnecessary. if you want n0 single cells, initialize with an array of ones. 21 May 2020, 14:52:02 UTC
f5d3302 init. this code is a cleaned up version of the gac tau simulations, which will become depricated. 21 May 2020, 14:09:53 UTC
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