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Tip revision: 4b519f6c36e35e4b0c9d2e052a1710b5a42e0eda authored by Venkatraman E. Seshan on 13 September 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.9.8
Tip revision: 4b519f6
\title{Nonparametric area under the ROC curve}
  Computes the nonparametric area under the ROC curve and its variance
  based on U-statistic theory (DDCP). 
  roc.area.test(markers, status)
  \method{print}{roc.area.test}(x, \dots)
  \item{markers}{The marker values for each subject.  If there are more
    than one markers then this should be a matrix.}
  \item{status}{binary disease status indicator}
  \item{x}{object of class roc.area.test output from this function.}
  \item{...}{optional arguments to the print function.}
\value{a list with the following elements
  \item{area}{estimated area.}
  \item{var}{estimated variance (matrix).}
  \item{stat}{test statistic for equality of AUCs. Is not returned when
    only one diagnostic marker is present.}
  \item{p.value}{the p-value for the test of equality (2-sided).}
  \item{df}{the degrees of freedom of the chi-square.}

  The "print" method formats and returns the output.
  It calculates the area and its variance.  For more than one marker it
  calculates the statistic to test for the equality of all AUCs.  This
  statistic has a standard normal reference distribution for two
  variables and chi-square with number of variables minus 1.
g <- rep(0:1, 50)
x <- rnorm(100) + g
y <- rnorm(100) + g
z <- rnorm(100) + g
roc.area.test(cbind(x,y), g)
roc.area.test(cbind(x,y,z), g)
y1 <- y + 0.75*g
roc.area.test(cbind(x,y1), g)
  DeLong, E. R., D. M. DeLong, and D. L. Clarke-Pearson. 1988. Comparing
  the areas under two or more correlated receiver operating characteristic
  curves:  A nonparametric approach. \emph{Biometrics} 44:837-845.
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