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Tip revision: f1782e072e5a1e76db2576bcaf395182b2061e0f authored by Derek Young on 31 October 2006, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.1.0
Tip revision: f1782e0
\title{Various Plots Pertaining to Mixture Model Output Using MCMC Methods}
\method{plot}{mixMCMC}(x, trace.plots = TRUE, 
                       summary.plots = FALSE, burnin = 2000, 

    Takes an object of class \code{mixMCMC} and returns various graphical output for select mixture models.
  \item{x}{An object of class \code{mixMCMC}.}
  \item{trace.plots}{If TRUE, trace plots of the various parameters estimated by the MCMC methods is given.}
  \item{summary.plots}{Graphics pertaining to certain mixture models.  The details are given below.}
  \item{burnin}{The values 1 to \code{burnin} are dropped when producing the plots in \code{summary.plots}.}
  \item{...}{Graphical parameters passed to \code{regcr} function.}
  \code{plot.mixMCMC} returns trace plots of the various parameters estimated by the MCMC methods for all objects of class
  \code{mixMCMC}.  In addition, other plots may be produced for the following k-component mixture model functions:
  \item{regmixMH}{Credible bands for the regression lines in a mixture of linear regressions.  See \code{regcr} for more details.}


## M-H algorithm for NOdata with acceptance rate about 40\%.

beta<-matrix(c(1.3, -0.1, 0.6, 0.1), 2, 2)
sigma<-c(.02, .05)
MH.out<-regmixMH(Equivalence, NO, beta = beta, s = sigma, 
                 sampsize = 10000, omega = .0013)
plot(MH.out, summary.plots = TRUE, burnin = 9950, 
     alpha = 0.01)

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