Raw File
* TODO for version 3
  - Briefly comment on ArXiv:2007.14841 for Newcomb--Benford Law analysis
   of cumulative SARS-CoV-2 national counts and deaths

* Zenodo: see README-hacking.md for what files make most
   sense in Zenodo and also https://zenodo.org/record/3872248/ as an

- 0. ./project make dist-pdf
   -  subpoisson-8842dad-dirty.pdf

- 1. ./project make dist-arxiv
   - subpoisson-8842dad-dirty-arXiv.tar.gz

 --  ArXiv .tar.gz - for LaTeXable source, including reproduce/ and
   anc/ with the .build/data-to-publish/ files

- 2. ./project make git-bundle
   - subpoisson-8842dad-git.bundle

- 3-8. the six data files in .build/data-to-publish/

- 9. ./project make dist-software
   - software-cb32347-dirty.tar.gz

* verify.mk
-- update for final version

* European JE:
- https://www.springer.com/journal/10654
- https://www.springer.com/gp/open-access/springer-open-choice/springer-compact/agreements-polish-authors
 - includes NCU
 - Poland Read and Publish (Springer Compact) agreement
 - so open-access is most likely at zero cost


- update to the latest Wikipedia dataset (archive, checksum)
- see the checklist in README-hacking.md
- automated (or manual) check on abstract word count 150--250 words. (221
   right now)


- something like a binary search, taking into account non-monotonicity -
   only broad scale smoothness - for the best phi_i' would be much faster
   than the two-step brute force presently implemented.
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