Raw File
// This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license

#include <llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Constants.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Value.h>
#include <llvm/IR/PassManager.h>
#include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"

#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/IRCompileLayer.h>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/IRTransformLayer.h>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITEventListener.h>

#include <llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h>
#include "julia_assert.h"

// As of LLVM 13, there are two runtime JIT linker implementations, the older
// RuntimeDyld (used via orc::RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer) and the newer JITLink
// (used via orc::ObjectLinkingLayer).
// JITLink is not only more flexible (which isn't of great importance for us, as
// we do only single-threaded in-process codegen), but crucially supports using
// the Small code model, where the linker needs to fix up relocations between
// object files that end up far apart in address space. RuntimeDyld can't do
// that and relies on the Large code model instead, which is broken on
// aarch64-darwin (macOS on ARM64), and not likely to ever be supported there
// (see https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52029).
// However, JITLink is a relatively young library and lags behind in platform
// and feature support (e.g. Windows, JITEventListeners for various profilers,
// etc.). Thus, we currently only use JITLink where absolutely required, that is,
// for Mac/aarch64.
#if defined(_OS_DARWIN_) && defined(_CPU_AARCH64_)
# if JL_LLVM_VERSION < 130000
#  warning "On aarch64-darwin, LLVM version >= 13 is required for JITLink; fallback suffers from occasional segfaults"
# endif

# include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/ObjectLinkingLayer.h>
# include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/RTDyldMemoryManager.h>
# include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer.h>

using namespace llvm;

extern "C" jl_cgparams_t jl_default_cgparams;

extern bool imaging_mode;

void addTargetPasses(legacy::PassManagerBase *PM, TargetMachine *TM);
void addOptimizationPasses(legacy::PassManagerBase *PM, int opt_level, bool lower_intrinsics=true, bool dump_native=false);
void addMachinePasses(legacy::PassManagerBase *PM, TargetMachine *TM, int optlevel);
void jl_finalize_module(std::unique_ptr<Module>  m);
void jl_merge_module(Module *dest, std::unique_ptr<Module> src);
Module *jl_create_llvm_module(StringRef name, LLVMContext &ctx, const DataLayout *DL = nullptr, const Triple *triple = nullptr);
GlobalVariable *jl_emit_RTLD_DEFAULT_var(Module *M);
DataLayout create_jl_data_layout(TargetMachine &TM);

typedef struct _jl_llvm_functions_t {
    std::string functionObject;     // jlcall llvm Function name
    std::string specFunctionObject; // specialized llvm Function name
} jl_llvm_functions_t;

struct jl_returninfo_t {
    llvm::Function *decl;
    enum CallingConv {
        Boxed = 0,
    } cc;
    size_t union_bytes;
    size_t union_align;
    size_t union_minalign;
    unsigned return_roots;

typedef std::vector<std::tuple<jl_code_instance_t*, jl_returninfo_t::CallingConv, unsigned, llvm::Function*, bool>> jl_codegen_call_targets_t;
typedef std::tuple<std::unique_ptr<Module>, jl_llvm_functions_t> jl_compile_result_t;

typedef struct _jl_codegen_params_t {
    typedef StringMap<GlobalVariable*> SymMapGV;
    // outputs
    jl_codegen_call_targets_t workqueue;
    std::map<void*, GlobalVariable*> globals;
    std::map<jl_datatype_t*, DIType*> ditypes;
    std::map<jl_datatype_t*, Type*> llvmtypes;
    DenseMap<Constant*, GlobalVariable*> mergedConstants;
    // Map from symbol name (in a certain library) to its GV in sysimg and the
    // DL handle address in the current session.
    StringMap<std::pair<GlobalVariable*,SymMapGV>> libMapGV;
#ifdef _OS_WINDOWS_
    SymMapGV symMapExe;
    SymMapGV symMapDll;
    SymMapGV symMapDlli;
    SymMapGV symMapDefault;
    // Map from distinct callee's to its GOT entry.
    // In principle the attribute, function type and calling convention
    // don't need to be part of the key but it seems impossible to forward
    // all the arguments without writing assembly directly.
    // This doesn't matter too much in reality since a single function is usually
    // not called with multiple signatures.
    DenseMap<AttributeList, std::map<
        std::tuple<GlobalVariable*, FunctionType*, CallingConv::ID>,
        GlobalVariable*>> allPltMap;
    Module *_shared_module = NULL;
    Module *shared_module(LLVMContext &context) {
        if (!_shared_module)
            _shared_module = jl_create_llvm_module("globals", context);
        return _shared_module;
    // inputs
    size_t world = 0;
    const jl_cgparams_t *params = &jl_default_cgparams;
    bool cache = false;
} jl_codegen_params_t;

jl_compile_result_t jl_emit_code(
        jl_method_instance_t *mi,
        jl_code_info_t *src,
        jl_value_t *jlrettype,
        jl_codegen_params_t &params,
        LLVMContext &context);

jl_compile_result_t jl_emit_codeinst(
        jl_code_instance_t *codeinst,
        jl_code_info_t *src,
        jl_codegen_params_t &params,
        LLVMContext &context);

enum CompilationPolicy {
    Default = 0,
    Extern = 1,
    ImagingMode = 2

void jl_compile_workqueue(
    std::map<jl_code_instance_t*, jl_compile_result_t> &emitted,
    jl_codegen_params_t &params,
    CompilationPolicy policy,
    LLVMContext &ctxt);

Function *jl_cfunction_object(jl_function_t *f, jl_value_t *rt, jl_tupletype_t *argt,
    jl_codegen_params_t &params);

void add_named_global(StringRef name, void *addr);

static inline Constant *literal_static_pointer_val(const void *p, Type *T)
    // this function will emit a static pointer into the generated code
    // the generated code will only be valid during the current session,
    // and thus, this should typically be avoided in new API's
#if defined(_P64)
    return ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(T->getContext()), (uint64_t)p), T);
    return ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(T->getContext()), (uint32_t)p), T);

static const inline char *name_from_method_instance(jl_method_instance_t *li)
    return jl_is_method(li->def.method) ? jl_symbol_name(li->def.method->name) : "top-level scope";

void jl_init_jit(void);

typedef JITSymbol JL_JITSymbol;
// The type that is similar to SymbolInfo on LLVM 4.0 is actually
// `JITEvaluatedSymbol`. However, we only use this type when a JITSymbol
// is expected.
typedef JITSymbol JL_SymbolInfo;

using CompilerResultT = Expected<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>>;
using OptimizerResultT = Expected<orc::ThreadSafeModule>;

class JuliaOJIT {
    typedef orc::ObjectLinkingLayer ObjLayerT;
    typedef orc::RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer ObjLayerT;
    typedef orc::IRCompileLayer CompileLayerT;
    typedef orc::IRTransformLayer OptimizeLayerT;
    typedef object::OwningBinary<object::ObjectFile> OwningObj;
    struct OptimizerT {
        OptimizerT(legacy::PassManager &PM, int optlevel) : optlevel(optlevel), PM(PM) {}

        OptimizerResultT operator()(orc::ThreadSafeModule M, orc::MaterializationResponsibility &R);
        int optlevel;
        legacy::PassManager &PM;
    // Custom object emission notification handler for the JuliaOJIT
    template <typename ObjT, typename LoadResult>
    void registerObject(const ObjT &Obj, const LoadResult &LO);

    struct OptSelLayerT : orc::IRLayer {

        template<size_t N>
        OptSelLayerT(OptimizeLayerT (&optimizers)[N]) : orc::IRLayer(optimizers[0].getExecutionSession(), optimizers[0].getManglingOptions()), optimizers(optimizers), count(N) {
            static_assert(N > 0, "Expected array with at least one optimizer!");

        void emit(std::unique_ptr<orc::MaterializationResponsibility> R, orc::ThreadSafeModule TSM) override;

        OptimizeLayerT *optimizers;
        size_t count;


    JuliaOJIT(LLVMContext *Ctx);

    void enableJITDebuggingSupport();
    // JITLink doesn't support old JITEventListeners (yet).
    void RegisterJITEventListener(JITEventListener *L);

    void addGlobalMapping(StringRef Name, uint64_t Addr);
    void addModule(std::unique_ptr<Module> M);

    JL_JITSymbol findSymbol(StringRef Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly);
    JL_JITSymbol findUnmangledSymbol(StringRef Name);
    uint64_t getGlobalValueAddress(StringRef Name);
    uint64_t getFunctionAddress(StringRef Name);
    StringRef getFunctionAtAddress(uint64_t Addr, jl_code_instance_t *codeinst);
    orc::ThreadSafeContext &getContext();
    const DataLayout& getDataLayout() const;
    TargetMachine &getTargetMachine();
    const Triple& getTargetTriple() const;
    size_t getTotalBytes() const;
    std::string getMangledName(StringRef Name);
    std::string getMangledName(const GlobalValue *GV);

    std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TM;
    DataLayout DL;
    // Should be big enough that in the common case, The
    // object fits in its entirety
    legacy::PassManager PM0;  // per-optlevel pass managers
    legacy::PassManager PM1;
    legacy::PassManager PM2;
    legacy::PassManager PM3;
    std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TMs[4];

    orc::ThreadSafeContext TSCtx;
    orc::ExecutionSession ES;
    orc::JITDylib &GlobalJD;
    orc::JITDylib &JD;

    std::shared_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MemMgr;
    ObjLayerT ObjectLayer;
    CompileLayerT CompileLayer0;
    CompileLayerT CompileLayer1;
    CompileLayerT CompileLayer2;
    CompileLayerT CompileLayer3;
    OptimizeLayerT OptimizeLayers[4];
    OptSelLayerT OptSelLayer;

    DenseMap<void*, std::string> ReverseLocalSymbolTable;
extern JuliaOJIT *jl_ExecutionEngine;

Pass *createLowerPTLSPass(bool imaging_mode);
Pass *createCombineMulAddPass();
Pass *createFinalLowerGCPass();
Pass *createLateLowerGCFramePass();
Pass *createLowerExcHandlersPass();
Pass *createGCInvariantVerifierPass(bool Strong);
Pass *createPropagateJuliaAddrspaces();
Pass *createRemoveJuliaAddrspacesPass();
Pass *createRemoveNIPass();
Pass *createJuliaLICMPass();
Pass *createMultiVersioningPass();
Pass *createAllocOptPass();
Pass *createDemoteFloat16Pass();
Pass *createCPUFeaturesPass();
Pass *createLowerSimdLoopPass();

// NewPM
#include "passes.h"

// Whether the Function is an llvm or julia intrinsic.
static inline bool isIntrinsicFunction(Function *F)
    return F->isIntrinsic() || F->getName().startswith("julia.");

CodeGenOpt::Level CodeGenOptLevelFor(int optlevel);
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