Raw File
(* Sample use of ParMap,  a simple library to perform Map computations on *)
(* a multi-core                                                           *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Author(s):  Marco Danelutto and Roberto Di Cosmo                      *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  *)
(*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as               *)
(*  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the    *)
(*  License, or (at your option) any later version.                       *)

(* for the toplevel

#use "topfind";;
#require "graphics";;
#require "parmap";;
#require "sdl";;


let ncores = ref 4;; (* how many core we use *)
let chunksize = ref 1;; (* granularity *)

let n   = ref 1000;; (* the size of the square screen windows in pixels      *)
let res = ref 1000;; (* the resolution: maximum number of iterations allowed *)

(* scale factor and offset of the picture *)

let scale = ref 1.;;
let ofx = ref 0.;;
let ofy = ref 0.;;

(* convert an integer in the range 0..res into a screen color *)

let color_of c res = Pervasives.truncate 
      (((float c)/.(float res))*.(float Graphics.white));;

(* compute the color of a pixel by iterating z_n+1=z_n^2+c *)
(* j,k are the pixel coordinates                           *)

let pixel (j,k,n) = 
  let zr = ref 0.0 in
  let zi = ref 0.0 in
  let cr = ref 0.0 in
  let ci = ref 0.0 in
  let zrs = ref 0.0 in
  let zis = ref 0.0 in
  let d   = ref (2.0 /. ((float  n) -. 1.0)) in
  let colour = Array.create n (Graphics.black) in

  for s = 0 to (n-1) do
    let j1 = ref (((float  j.(s)) +. !ofx) /. !scale) in
    let k1 = ref (((float  k) +. !ofy) /. !scale) in
      zr := !j1 *. !d -. 1.0;
      zi := !k1 *. !d -. 1.0;
      cr := !zr;
      ci := !zi;
      zrs := 0.0;
      zis := 0.0;
      for i=0 to (!res-1) do
	  if(not((!zrs +. !zis) > 4.0))
	      zrs := !zr *. !zr;
	      zis := !zi *. !zi;
	      zi  := 2.0 *. !zr *. !zi +. !ci;
	      zr  := !zrs -. !zis +. !cr;
	      Array.set colour s (color_of i !res);

(* generate the initial configuration *)

let initsegm n = 
  let rec aux acc = function 0 -> acc | n -> aux (n::acc) (n-1) in
  aux [] n

let tasks = 
  let ini = Array.create !n 0 in
  let iniv = 
    for i=0 to (!n-1) do
      Array.set ini i i
    done; ini in
  List.map (fun seed -> (iniv,seed,!n)) (initsegm !n)

(* draw a line on the screen using fast image functions *)

let unpack_color n = 
  let r = (n land 0xff0000) lsr 16 and g = (n land 0x00ff00) lsr 8 and b = n land 0xff in

let draw_line screen (col,j) =
    (fun i c -> Sdlvideo.put_pixel_color screen i j (unpack_color c))

let draw screen res = List.iter (fun c -> draw_line screen c) res;;

(* compute *)

let compute () = 
  let d = Unix.gettimeofday() in
  let res = 
    if !ncores > 1 then
      Parmap.parmap ~ncores: !ncores ~chunksize: !chunksize pixel (Parmap.L tasks) 
      List.map pixel tasks
  Printf.eprintf " [time: %f] %!" (Unix.gettimeofday() -. d);

(*** Open the main graphics window and run the event loop *)

open Sdlevent;;
open Sdlkey;;
open Sdlvideo;;

Sdl.init [`VIDEO];;

let (bpp, w, h) = (24, !n, !n);;
let screen = Sdlvideo.set_video_mode ~w ~h ~bpp [];;

(* two pixel deep surfaces for drawing and saving area borders *)
(* one pixel for each border: two horizontal and two vertical  *)

let shadowh = Sdlvideo.create_RGB_surface_format screen [`SWSURFACE] ~w ~h:2;;
let shadowv = Sdlvideo.create_RGB_surface_format screen [`SWSURFACE] ~w:2 ~h;;

(* one pixel deep white surfaces for drawing area borders *)

let whiteh = 
  let surf = Sdlvideo.create_RGB_surface_format screen [`SWSURFACE] ~w ~h:1 in
  for i = 0 to w-1 do Sdlvideo.put_pixel_color ~x:i ~y:0 surf Sdlvideo.white done;  
let whitev = 
  let surf = Sdlvideo.create_RGB_surface_format screen [`SWSURFACE] ~w:1 ~h in
  for i = 0 to h-1 do Sdlvideo.put_pixel_color ~x:0 ~y:i surf Sdlvideo.white done;

(* blit a rectangle border *)

type action = Draw | Save | Restore | Update;;

let border action x y w h = 
  let hrect1 = {r_x=x;r_y=y;r_w=w;r_h=1}
  and vrect1 = {r_x=x;r_y=y;r_w=1;r_h=h}
  and hrect2 = {r_x=x;r_y=y+h;r_w=w;r_h=1}
  and vrect2 = {r_x=x+w;r_y=y;r_w=1;r_h=h}
  in match action with
    Draw -> 
      blit_surface ~src:whiteh ~src_rect:{hrect1 with r_y=0;r_h=1} ~dst:screen ~dst_rect:hrect1 ();
      blit_surface ~src:whiteh ~src_rect:{hrect2 with r_y=0;r_h=1} ~dst:screen ~dst_rect:hrect2 ();
      blit_surface ~src:whitev ~src_rect:{vrect1 with r_x=0;r_w=1} ~dst:screen ~dst_rect:vrect1 ();
      blit_surface ~src:whitev ~src_rect:{vrect2 with r_x=0;r_w=1} ~dst:screen ~dst_rect:vrect2 ()
  | Save -> 
      blit_surface ~dst:shadowh ~dst_rect:{hrect1 with r_y=0;r_h=1} ~src:screen ~src_rect:hrect1 ();
      blit_surface ~dst:shadowh ~dst_rect:{hrect2 with r_y=1;r_h=1} ~src:screen ~src_rect:hrect2 ();
      blit_surface ~dst:shadowv ~dst_rect:{vrect1 with r_x=0;r_w=1} ~src:screen ~src_rect:vrect1 ();
      blit_surface ~dst:shadowv ~dst_rect:{vrect2 with r_x=1;r_w=1} ~src:screen ~src_rect:vrect2 ()
  | Restore ->
      blit_surface ~src:shadowh ~src_rect:{hrect1 with r_y=0;r_h=1} ~dst:screen ~dst_rect:hrect1 ();
      blit_surface ~src:shadowh ~src_rect:{hrect2 with r_y=1;r_h=1} ~dst:screen ~dst_rect:hrect2 ();
      blit_surface ~src:shadowv ~src_rect:{vrect1 with r_x=0;r_w=1} ~dst:screen ~dst_rect:vrect1 ();
      blit_surface ~src:shadowv ~src_rect:{vrect2 with r_x=1;r_w=1} ~dst:screen ~dst_rect:vrect2 ()
  | Update ->
      List.iter (fun r -> Sdlvideo.update_rect ~rect:r screen) [hrect1;hrect2;vrect1;vrect2]

(* draw *)

let redraw () = 
  Printf.eprintf "Computing...%!";
  draw screen (compute()); 
  Sdlvideo.update_rect screen;
  Printf.eprintf "done.\n%!";;

(* event loop for zooming into the picture *)

let rezoom x y w =
   let deltas = ((float !n)/.(float w)) in
   ofx := (!ofx +. (float x)) *. deltas;
   ofy := (!ofy +. (float y)) *. deltas;
   scale := !scale *. deltas;
let reset () = scale:=1.; ofx:=0.; ofy:=0.;redraw();;
let refine () = res:=!res*2; redraw ();;
let unrefine () = res:=!res/2; redraw ();;
let zoom_in () = rezoom (!n/4) (!n/4) (!n/2);;
let zoom_out () = rezoom (-(!n/2)) (-(!n/2)) (!n*2);;
let dump () = 
  Printf.eprintf "Dumping image taken at ofx: %f ofy: %f scale: %f\n%!" !ofx !ofy !scale;
  Sdlvideo.save_BMP screen (Printf.sprintf "mandels-ofx-%f-ofy-%f-scale-%f.bmp" !ofx !ofy !scale);;

(* encode state machine here *)

let rec init () =
  match wait_event () with
  |  KEYDOWN {keysym=k} -> 
    (match k with
      KEY_PLUS -> let _ = zoom_in() in init ()
    | KEY_MINUS -> let _ = zoom_out() in init ()
    | KEY_r -> let _ = refine () in init ()
    | KEY_u -> let _ = unrefine () in init ()
    | KEY_c -> let _ = reset() in init ()
    | KEY_d -> let _ = dump() in init ()
    | KEY_q -> Sdl.quit
    | _ -> init ()
  | MOUSEBUTTONDOWN {mbe_x=x;mbe_y=y} -> track_rect x y (x,y,0,0)
  | _ -> init ()

and track_rect x y (ox,oy,ow,oh) =
  match wait_event () with
  | MOUSEBUTTONUP {mbe_x=x';mbe_y=y'} -> 
    let bx,by,w,h = (min x x'), (min y y'), (abs (x'-x)), (abs (y'-y)) in
    (rezoom bx by (min w h); init())
  | MOUSEMOTION  {mme_x=x';mme_y=y'} -> 
    let bx,by,w,h = (min x x'), (min y y'), (abs (x'-x)), (abs (y'-y)) in
      (* restore old image if necessary *)
      if ow>0 & oh>0 then begin
        border Restore ox oy ow oh;
        border Update  ox oy ow oh
      (* save image if necessary *)
      if w>0 & h>0 then begin
	border Save bx by w h;
	(* draw the border *)
	border Draw bx by w h;
        border Update bx by w h;
    track_rect x y (bx,by,w,h)
| _ -> track_rect x y (ox,oy,ow,oh)

let _ = 
  let getarg i = max 1 (int_of_string Sys.argv.(i)) in
    ncores := getarg 1;Printf.eprintf "Setting nproc = %d \n%!" !ncores;
    chunksize := getarg 2;Printf.eprintf "Setting chunksize = %d \n%!" !chunksize
  with _ -> ()


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