Raw File
include classpath("static.conf")

atlas {

  core {
    model {
      step = 10s

    db {
      class = "com.netflix.atlas.core.db.MemoryDatabase"
      //class = "com.netflix.atlas.core.db.StaticDatabase"

      // How often to rebuild the index for the memory database
      rebuild-frequency = 8s

      // 1h with 10s step
      block-size = 360

      // 3h of data overall
      num-blocks = 3

  eval {
    graph {
      // Change default start time on graph to smaller range more typical for testing
      start-time = e-30m

      // Ensure default step time for rendering matches storage
      step = ${atlas.core.model.step}

  akka {
    // Main server port
    port = 7101

    actors = ${?atlas.akka.actors} [
        name = "publish"
        class = "com.netflix.atlas.webapi.LocalPublishActor"

    api-endpoints = ${?atlas.akka.api-endpoints} [

netflix.iep.atlas {
  enabled = true
  step = PT10S
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