Raw File
2008-11-30  Dirk Eddelbuettel  <edd@debian.org>

	* Release 0.6.1 

	* src/Makevars: Added, replacing src/Makefile: thanks to Simon for a
	rewrite that provides OS X support
	* src/Makefile: Retired
	* src/Makefile.win: Now build libRcpp.a instead of Rcpp.a

	* src/Rcpp.{cpp,h}: Removed #ifdef statements related to QuantLib and
	Date ops as we no longer need to split this off -- one build for all
	uses; also added another date offset for the difference between the 
	Unix epoch of Jan 1, 1970 and what certain spreadsheets use (which is
	what QuantLib) follows.  With this change, Rcpp is completely
	decoupled from QuantLib headers, yet can be used from QuantLib 0.2.10
	or later. However, this also removes data conversion from R/Rcpp to
	QL as Rcpp no longer 'knows' QL.

	* R/RcppLdPath.R: Adds new functions RcppLdPath() to return lib/
	directory path, and RcppLdFlags() to return arguments, including the
	optional rpath settings on Linux

	* R/RcppExample.R: Added new example 'RcppVectorExample()', extended 
	  default print method for examples

	* man/Rcpp-package.Rd: Expanded / updated documentation of package
	use when building other packages

	* cleanup: Removing static libraries too but do not remove src/Makevars

2008-11-05  Dirk Eddelbuettel  <edd@debian.org>

	* Release 0.6.0

	* New maintainer

	* src/Makefile{,.win}: New files, including functionality from both
 	  configure and RcppSrc/Makefile; we now build two libraries, one for
	  use by the package which also runs the example, and one for users to
	  link against
	* src/Makevars.in: Removed
	* src/Rcpp.{cpp,h}: moved in from ../RcppSrc

	* src/Rcpp.{cpp,h}: Add new type RcppDatetime corresponding to
  	  POSIXct in with full support for microsecond time resolution
	  between R and C++

	* man/*: Several new manual pages added

	* configure{,.in,.win}: Removed as src/Makefile* can handle this more

	* DESCRIPTION: Minor cleanup and reformatting, Date: now uses
  	  svn:keyword Date property

	* NAMESPACE: Renamed RcppTemplateVersion to RcppVersion,
	  deleted RcppDemo

	* demo/ directory removed as vignette("RcppAPI") is easier and more
	  reliable to show vignette documentation

	* R/zzz.R: RcppTemplateDemo() removed, vignette("RcppAPI") is easier
	* man/RcppTemplateDemo.Rd removed as well

	* R/RcppExample.R: reindented, rewritten to set default arguments

	* R/RcppTemplateVersion.R: renamed to RcppVersion.R
	* man/RcppTemplateVersion.Rd: renamed to RcppVersion.Rd

	* RcppSrc/Rcpp.{cpp,h}: moved to src/ directory
	* RcppSrc/Makefile{,.win}: removed

	* inst/doc/RcppAPI.{Rnw,pdf}: Added footnote onto titlepage about how
	  this document has not (yet) been updated along with the channges made
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