Raw File
Version 1.8

2013-05-25  Ewout van den Berg <vandenberge.ewout@gmail.com>
	* spg_mmv.m: Fixed linesearch bug.
Version 1.7

2009-05-20  Ewout van den Berg <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>
	* spg_mmv.m: Fixed bug in handling implicit matrices. Thanks to
      	Muhammad Usman for reporting this bug.

2008-09-18  Ewout van den Berg <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>
	* spgSetParms.m: Replaced isstr by ischar.

Version 1.6

2008-05-02  Ewout van den Berg  <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spgl1.m: The options structure now contains three fields to
	specify routines for computing the primal norm, dual norm, and
	for the Euclidean projection onto the associated ball.

	* spg_mmv.m: New interface for multiple measurement vector case
	of BP and BPDN.

	* spg_group.m: New interface for group sparse BP and BPDN.
Version 1.5

2008-06-17  Michael P. Friedlander  <mpf@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spg_lasso.m, spg_bp.m, spg_bpdn.m: New interfaces.  These are
	specialized to specialized problem classes, and are simply
	easy-to-use wrappers to spgl1.m.

	* spgexamples.m: Added html documentation.

2008-05-02  Ewout van den Berg  <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spgl1.m: Added support for class implementation of A.

Version 1.4

2008-03-17  Ewout van den Berg  <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spgl1.m: Added isreal(x) check in projection code to ensure the
	proper procedure is used even if realx is set incorrectly.
	* spgl1.m: Check added to ensure tau is not updated in two
	successive iterations. Thanks to Gilles Hennenfent for reporting
	this problem.

2008-03-02  Ewout van den Berg  <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spgdemo.m: Added demo for basis pursuit with weighted one-norm

2008-02-23  Ewout van den Berg  <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spgl1.m: Fixed bug in handling weighted one-norm ball orthogonal
	projection. Thanks to Xiangrui Meng for reporting this bug.
	* private/oneProjector.m: New one-projector wrapper.
	* private/oneProjectorMex.c: New mex-interface to one-projector.
	* private/oneProjectorCore.c: New implementation of (weighted)
	one-norm ball orthogonal projection code.

Version 1.3
2007-12-04  Michael P. Friedlander  <mpf@cs.ubc.ca>

	* lsqr.m: Moved to "private" dir so that it won't interfere with
	default lsqr function.

2007-12-03  Ewout van den Berg  <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spgl1.m: Changed single tau stopping criterion 'f < optTol' to
	'rNorm < optTol*bNorm'.
	* spgl1.m: Implemented the code of dealing with the maximum number
	of matrix-vector operations option.

2007-11-21  Ewout van den Berg  <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spgl1.m: added the safeguard 'max(0,...)' to update for tau;
          tau = max(0,tau + (rNorm * aError1) / gNorm);
	  This is needed to avoid tau from becoming negative, e.g., in
	  case sigma and the intial tau are large.

2007-11-30  Ewout van den Berg  <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spgl1.m: EXIT_MATVEC_LIMIT exit condition added
	* spgl1.m, spgSetParms.m: added .maxMatvec option

2007-11-26  Ewout van den Berg  <ewout78@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spgl1.m: added .rGap field in info
	* ensure.m: added, used instead of the assert function
	* spgl1.m, spgSetParms.m: added .iscomplex flag to options

2007-11-17  Michael P. Friedlander  <mpf@cs.ubc.ca>

	* spgl1.m: Default number of iterations did not match comment
	string.  Fixed.  (Reported by Ozgur Yilmaz.)

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