Raw File
\title{ Data for late blight of potatoes }
A study of Phytophthora infestans in the potato plant in the localities of Comas and
Oxapampa in Peru, 2005.
  The format is:
List of 2 (comas, oxapampa)
    \item{\code{Locality}}{a factor with levels \code{Comas} \code{Oxapampa} }
    \item{\code{Genotype}}{a factor}
    \item{\code{Rep}}{a numeric vector, replications}
    \item{\code{E9}}{a numeric vector, infestans percentaje to 9 days}
    \item{\code{AUDPC}}{a numeric vector: the area under the disease-progress curve}  
    \item{\code{Relative}}{a numeric vector, relative area}  

  comas: temperature=59.9 Fahrenheit, relative humidity=83.3
  oxapampa: temperature=64.8 Fahrenheit, relative humidity=86.2
  AUDPC and relative see function audpc(). help(audpc)
  Exx: Evaluation in percentaje, xx is days. 
  ORD1, ORD2, SBLK and row are references location of the plot in the field.
  Experimental field, 2004-2005. Data Kindly provided by Matilde Orrillo.
  International Potato Center. CIP - Lima Peru. 
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