Raw File
  Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature
  Simple Gaussian-Kronrod quadrature formula.
gauss_kronrod(f, a, b, ...)
  \item{f}{function to be integrated.}
  \item{a, b}{end points of the interval.}
  \item{...}{variables to be passed to the function.}
  Gaussian quadrature of degree 7 with Gauss-Kronrod of degree 15 for error
  estimation, the \code{quadQK15} procedure in the QUADPACK library.
  List of value and relative error.
  Fausett, L. V. (2007). Applied Numerical Analysis Using Matlab.
  Second edition, Prentice Hall.
  HwB  email: <hwborchers@googlemail.com>
  The function needs to be vectorized (though this could easily be changed),
  but the function does not need to be defined at the end points.
  \code{\link{quadgk}}, \code{\link{romberg}}
gauss_kronrod(sin, 0, pi)  #  2.000000000000000 , rel.error: 1.14e-12
gauss_kronrod(exp, 0, 1)   #  1.718281828459045 , rel.error: 0
                           #  1.718281828459045 , i.e. exp(1) - 1
\keyword{ math }
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