Raw File
// slang-ast-print.cpp
#include "slang-ast-print.h"

#include "slang-check-impl.h"

namespace Slang {

ASTPrinter::Part::Kind ASTPrinter::Part::getKind(ASTPrinter::Part::Type type)
    typedef ASTPrinter::Part::Kind Kind;
    typedef ASTPrinter::Part::Type Type;

    switch (type)
        case Type::ParamType:           return Kind::Type;
        case Type::ParamName:           return Kind::Name;
        case Type::ReturnType:          return Kind::Type;
        case Type::DeclPath:            return Kind::Name;
        case Type::GenericParamType:    return Kind::Type;
        case Type::GenericParamValue:   return Kind::Value; 
        case Type::GenericParamValueType:    return Kind::Type;
        default: break;
    return Kind::None;

void ASTPrinter::addType(Type* type)
    if (!type)
        m_builder << "<error>";
    type = type->getCanonicalType();
    if (m_optionFlags & OptionFlag::SimplifiedBuiltinType)
        if (auto vectorType = as<VectorExpressionType>(type))
            if (as<BasicExpressionType>(vectorType->elementType))
                if (as<ConstantIntVal>(vectorType->elementCount))
                    m_builder << vectorType->elementCount;
        else if (auto matrixType = as<MatrixExpressionType>(type))
            auto elementType = matrixType->getElementType();
            if (as<BasicExpressionType>(elementType))
                if (as<ConstantIntVal>(matrixType->getRowCount()) &&
                    m_builder << matrixType->getRowCount() << "x" << matrixType->getColumnCount();

void ASTPrinter::addVal(Val* val)

/* static */void ASTPrinter::appendDeclName(Decl* decl, StringBuilder& out)
    if (as<ConstructorDecl>(decl))
        out << "init";
    else if (as<SubscriptDecl>(decl))
        out << "subscript";
        out << getText(decl->getName());

void ASTPrinter::_addDeclName(Decl* decl)
    appendDeclName(decl, m_builder);

void ASTPrinter::addOverridableDeclPath(const DeclRef<Decl>& declRef)
    ScopePart scopePart(this, Part::Type::DeclPath);
    _addDeclPathRec(declRef, 0);

void ASTPrinter::addDeclPath(const DeclRef<Decl>& declRef)
    ScopePart scopePart(this, Part::Type::DeclPath);
    _addDeclPathRec(declRef, 1);

void ASTPrinter::_addDeclPathRec(const DeclRef<Decl>& declRef, Index depth)
    auto& sb = m_builder;

    // Find the parent declaration
    auto parentDeclRef = declRef.getParent();

    // If the immediate parent is a generic, then we probably
    // want the declaration above that...
    auto parentGenericDeclRef = parentDeclRef.as<GenericDecl>();
    if (parentGenericDeclRef)
        parentDeclRef = parentGenericDeclRef.getParent();

    // Depending on what the parent is, we may want to format things specially
    if (auto aggTypeDeclRef = parentDeclRef.as<AggTypeDecl>())
        _addDeclPathRec(aggTypeDeclRef, depth + 1);
        sb << toSlice(".");
    else if (auto namespaceDeclRef = parentDeclRef.as<NamespaceDecl>())
        _addDeclPathRec(namespaceDeclRef, depth + 1);
        // Hmm, it could be argued that we follow the . as seen in AggType as is followed in some other languages
        // like Java.
        // That it is useful to have a distinction between something that is a member/method and something that is
        // in a scope (such as a namespace), and is something that has returned to later languages probably for that
        // reason (Slang accepts . or ::). So for now this is follows the :: convention.
        // It could be argued them that the previous '.' use should vary depending on that distinction.
        sb << toSlice("::");
    else if (auto extensionDeclRef = parentDeclRef.as<ExtensionDecl>())
        ExtensionDecl* extensionDecl = as<ExtensionDecl>(parentDeclRef.getDecl());
        Type* type = extensionDecl->targetType.type;
        sb << toSlice(".");
    else if (auto moduleDecl = as<ModuleDecl>(parentDeclRef.getDecl()))
        Name* moduleName = moduleDecl->getName();
        if ((m_optionFlags & OptionFlag::ModuleName) && moduleName)
            // Use to say in modules scope
            sb << moduleName->text << toSlice("::");

    // If this decl is the module, we only output it's name if that feature is enabled
    if (ModuleDecl* moduleDecl = as<ModuleDecl>(declRef.getDecl()))
        Name* moduleName = moduleDecl->getName();
        if ((m_optionFlags & OptionFlag::ModuleName) && moduleName)
            sb << moduleName->text; 


    // If the parent declaration is a generic, then we need to print out its
    // signature
    if (parentGenericDeclRef)
        auto genSubst = as<GenericSubstitution>(declRef.substitutions.substitutions);
        if (genSubst)
            SLANG_RELEASE_ASSERT(genSubst->genericDecl == parentGenericDeclRef.getDecl());

            // If the name we printed previously was an operator
            // that ends with `<`, then immediately printing the
            // generic arguments inside `<...>` may cause it to
            // be hard to parse the operator name visually.
            // We thus include a space between the declaration name
            // and its generic arguments in this case.
            if (sb.endsWith("<"))
                sb << " ";

            sb << "<";
            bool first = true;
            for (auto arg : genSubst->getArgs())
                // When printing the representation of a specialized
                // generic declaration we don't want to include the
                // argument values for subtype witnesses since these
                // do not correspond to parameters of the generic
                // as the user sees it.
                if (as<Witness>(arg))

                if (!first) sb << ", ";
                first = false;
            sb << ">";
        else if (depth > 0)
            // Write out the generic parameters (only if the depth allows it)

void ASTPrinter::addGenericParams(const DeclRef<GenericDecl>& genericDeclRef)
    auto& sb = m_builder;

    sb << "<";
    bool first = true;
    for (auto paramDeclRef : getMembers(genericDeclRef))
        if (auto genericTypeParam = paramDeclRef.as<GenericTypeParamDecl>())
            if (!first) sb << ", ";
            first = false;

                ScopePart scopePart(this, Part::Type::GenericParamType);
                sb << getText(genericTypeParam.getName());
        else if (auto genericValParam = paramDeclRef.as<GenericValueParamDecl>())
            if (!first) sb << ", ";
            first = false;

                ScopePart scopePart(this, Part::Type::GenericParamValue);
                sb << getText(genericValParam.getName());

            sb << ":";

                ScopePart scopePart(this, Part::Type::GenericParamValueType);
                addType(getType(m_astBuilder, genericValParam));
    sb << ">";

void ASTPrinter::addDeclParams(const DeclRef<Decl>& declRef, List<Range<Index>>* outParamRange)
    auto& sb = m_builder;

    if (auto funcDeclRef = declRef.as<CallableDecl>())
        // This is something callable, so we need to also print parameter types for overloading
        sb << "(";

        bool first = true;
        for (auto paramDeclRef : getParameters(funcDeclRef))
            if (!first) sb << ", ";

            auto rangeStart = sb.getLength();

            ParamDecl* paramDecl = paramDeclRef;

                ScopePart scopePart(this, Part::Type::ParamType);

                // Seems these apply to parameters/VarDeclBase and are not part of the 'type'
                // but seems more appropriate to put in the Type Part

                if (paramDecl->hasModifier<InOutModifier>())
                    sb << toSlice("inout ");
                else if (paramDecl->hasModifier<OutModifier>())
                    sb << toSlice("out ");
                else if (paramDecl->hasModifier<InModifier>())
                    sb << toSlice("in ");

                // And this to params/variables (not the type)
                if (paramDecl->hasModifier<ConstModifier>())
                    sb << toSlice("const ");

                addType(getType(m_astBuilder, paramDeclRef));

            // Output the parameter name if there is one, and it's enabled in the options
            if (m_optionFlags & OptionFlag::ParamNames && paramDecl->getName())
                sb << " ";

                    ScopePart scopePart(this, Part::Type::ParamName);
                    sb << paramDecl->getName()->text;

            auto rangeEnd = sb.getLength();

            if (outParamRange)
                outParamRange->add(makeRange<Index>(rangeStart, rangeEnd));

            first = false;

        sb << ")";
    else if (auto genericDeclRef = declRef.as<GenericDecl>())

        addDeclParams(DeclRef<Decl>(getInner(genericDeclRef), genericDeclRef.substitutions), outParamRange);

void ASTPrinter::addDeclKindPrefix(Decl* decl)
    if (auto genericDecl = as<GenericDecl>(decl))
        decl = genericDecl->inner;
    for (auto modifier : decl->modifiers)
        if (modifier->getKeywordName())
            if (m_optionFlags & OptionFlag::NoInternalKeywords)
                if (as<TargetIntrinsicModifier>(modifier))
                if (as<MagicTypeModifier>(modifier))
                if (as<IntrinsicOpModifier>(modifier))
                if (as<IntrinsicTypeModifier>(modifier))
                if (as<BuiltinModifier>(modifier))
                if (as<BuiltinRequirementModifier>(modifier))
                if (as<BuiltinTypeModifier>(modifier))
                if (as<SpecializedForTargetModifier>(modifier))
            // Don't print out attributes.
            if (as<AttributeBase>(modifier))
            m_builder << modifier->getKeywordName()->text << " ";
    if (as<FuncDecl>(decl))
        m_builder << "func ";
    else if (as<StructDecl>(decl))
        m_builder << "struct ";
    else if (as<InterfaceDecl>(decl))
        m_builder << "interface ";
    else if (as<ClassDecl>(decl))
        m_builder << "class ";
    else if (auto typedefDecl = as<TypeDefDecl>(decl))
        m_builder << "typedef ";
        if (typedefDecl->type.type)
            m_builder << " ";
    else if (auto propertyDecl = as<PropertyDecl>(decl))
        m_builder << "property ";
    else if (as<NamespaceDecl>(decl))
        m_builder << "namespace ";
    else if (auto varDecl = as<VarDeclBase>(decl))
        if (varDecl->getType())
            m_builder << " ";
    else if (as<EnumDecl>(decl))
        m_builder << "enum ";
    else if (auto enumCase = as<EnumCaseDecl>(decl))
        if (enumCase->getType())
            m_builder << " ";
    else if (auto assocType = as<AssocTypeDecl>(decl))
        m_builder << "associatedtype ";

void ASTPrinter::addDeclResultType(const DeclRef<Decl>& inDeclRef)
    DeclRef<Decl> declRef = inDeclRef;
    if (auto genericDeclRef = declRef.as<GenericDecl>())
        declRef = DeclRef<Decl>(getInner(genericDeclRef), genericDeclRef.substitutions);

    if (as<ConstructorDecl>(declRef))
    else if (auto callableDeclRef = declRef.as<CallableDecl>())
        m_builder << " -> ";

            ScopePart scopePart(this, Part::Type::ReturnType);
            addType(getResultType(m_astBuilder, callableDeclRef));
    else if (auto propertyDecl = declRef.as<PropertyDecl>())
        if (propertyDecl.getDecl()->type.type)
            m_builder << " : ";
            addType(declRef.substitute(m_astBuilder, propertyDecl.getDecl()->type.type));

/* static */void ASTPrinter::addDeclSignature(const DeclRef<Decl>& declRef)

/* static */String ASTPrinter::getDeclSignatureString(DeclRef<Decl> declRef, ASTBuilder* astBuilder)
    ASTPrinter astPrinter(
        ASTPrinter::OptionFlag::NoInternalKeywords | ASTPrinter::OptionFlag::SimplifiedBuiltinType);
    return astPrinter.getString();

/* static */String ASTPrinter::getDeclSignatureString(const LookupResultItem& item, ASTBuilder* astBuilder)
    return getDeclSignatureString(item.declRef, astBuilder);

/* static */UnownedStringSlice ASTPrinter::getPart(Part::Type partType, const UnownedStringSlice& slice, const List<Part>& parts)
    const Index index = parts.findFirstIndex([&](const Part& part) -> bool { return part.type == partType; });
    return index >= 0 ? getPart(slice, parts[index]) : UnownedStringSlice();

UnownedStringSlice ASTPrinter::getPartSlice(Part::Type partType) const
    return m_parts ? getPart(partType, getSlice(), *m_parts) : UnownedStringSlice();

} // namespace Slang
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