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\begin_layout Paragraph

\begin_layout Paragraph
We introduce computational network (CN), a unified framework for describing
 arbitrary learning machines, such as deep neural networks (DNNs), convolutional
 neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), long short term
 memory (LSTM), logistic regression, and maximum entropy model, that can
 be illustrated as a series of computational steps.
 A CN is a directed graph in which each leaf node represents an input value
 or a parameter and each non-leaf node represents a matrix operation upon
 its children.
 We describe algorithms to carry out forward computation and gradient calculatio
n in CN and introduce most popular computation node types used in a typical

\begin_layout Paragraph
We further introduce the computational network toolkit (CNTK), an implementation
 of CN that supports both GPU and CPU.
 We describe the architecture and the key components of the CNTK, the command
 line options to use CNTK, and the network definition and model editing
 language, and provide sample setups for acoustic model, language model,
 and spoken language understanding.
 We also describe the Argon speech recognition decoder as an example to
 integrate with CNTK.

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