Raw File
\title{Orness degree}

\description{Computes the orness degree of a Choquet integral from the
  underlying \bold{normalized} capacity. The capacity can be given either under the form
  of an object of class \code{capacity}, \code{card.capacity} or


\item{object = "Mobius.capacity" }{The orness degree is computed from the \enc{M—bius}{Mobius} transform of a capacity.}

\item{object = "capacity" }{The orness degree is computed directly from a capacity.}

\item{object = "card.capacity" }{The orness degree is computed from a cardinal capacity.}

  J.-L. Marichal (2000), \emph{Behavioral analysis of aggregation in
    multicriteria decision aid}, in Preferences and Decisions under
  Incomplete Knowledge, J. Fodor and B. De Baets and P. Perny Eds,
  Physica-Verlag, pages 153-178, 2000.

  \cr \code{\link{Mobius.capacity-class}},
  \cr \code{\link{card.capacity-class}},
  \cr \code{\link{Mobius-methods}}. 

## the upper capacity
mu <- capacity(c(0,rep(1,15)))

## the Choquet integral w.r.t mu behaves like the maximum operator
f <- c(0.1,0.1,0,0.9)

## its orness is 1

## the same example with a Mobius.capacity object
a <- Mobius(mu)

## the same example with a card.capacity object
mu <- upper.capacity(4)

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