Raw File
  Extract Linear Network from Data on a Linear Network
  Given some kind of data on a linear network,
  the command \code{as.linnet} extracts the linear network itself.
 \method{as.linnet}{linim}(X, \dots)

 \method{as.linnet}{linfun}(X, \dots)

 \method{as.linnet}{lintess}(X, \dots)

 \method{as.linnet}{lpp}(X, \dots, fatal=TRUE, sparse)
    Data on a linear network.
    A point pattern (class \code{"lpp"}),
    pixel image (class \code{"linim"}), function (class
    \code{"linfun"}) or tessellation (class \code{"lintess"})
    on a linear network.
    Logical value indicating whether data in the wrong format
    should lead to an error (\code{fatal=TRUE}) or a warning
    Logical value indicating whether to use a sparse matrix
    representation, as explained in \code{\link{linnet}}.
    Default is to keep the same representation as in \code{X}.
  These are methods for the generic \code{\link{as.linnet}}
  for various classes.
  The network on which the data are defined is extracted.
  A linear network (object of class \code{"linnet"}).
  # make some data
  xcoord <- linfun(function(x,y,seg,tp) { x }, simplenet)
  X <- as.linim(xcoord)
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