Raw File
 * FPS control with engio calls (talking to DIGIC!)
 * This method is portable: works on all cameras.
 * fps_timer_b_method
 * Notes by g3gg0:
 * okay i found how to directly change the sensor frame rate without patching and copying memory areas.
 * it doesnt matter which mode is selected.
 * on 600D v1.0.1 it is calling engio_write() with a buffer that writes the rate.
 * unsigned long frame_rate[] = {
 *      FPS_REGISTER_B, 0xFFFF, // timer register
 *      0xC0F06000, 0x01,   // coherent update
 *      0xFFFFFFFF          // end of commands
 * };
 * void run_test()
 * {
 *     void (*engio_write)(unsigned int) = 0xFF1E1D20;
 *     frame_rate[1] = 0xFFFF; // timer value as usual [Alex: timer value minus 1 on certain cameras]
 *     engio_write(frame_rate);
 * }

#include "dryos.h"
#include "bmp.h"
#include "property.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "lens.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "math.h"

#if defined(CONFIG_5D3_MINIMAL) || defined(CONFIG_7D_MINIMAL)
#include "disable-this-module.h"

#define FPS_REGISTER_A 0xC0F06008
#define FPS_REGISTER_B 0xC0F06014

#define PACK(lo, hi) ((lo) & 0x0000FFFF) | (((hi) & 0x0000FFFF) << 16)


void SafeEngDrvOut(int reg, int val)
    //~ info_led_blink(1,50,50);
    if (!lv) return;
    if (!DISPLAY_IS_ON && !recording) return;
    if (lens_info.job_state) return;
    if (ml_shutdown_requested) return;
    _EngDrvOut(reg, val);

static int fps_reg_a_orig = 0;
static int fps_reg_b_orig = 0;

static int fps_timer_a;        // C0F06008
static int fps_timer_a_orig;
static int fps_timer_b;        // C0F06014
static int fps_timer_b_orig; 

static int fps_values_x1000[] = {150, 200, 250, 333, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 12500, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000, 21000, 22000, 23000, 24000, 25000, 26000, 27000, 28000, 29000, 30000, 31000, 32000, 33000, 33333, 34000, 35000, 40000, 48000, 50000, 60000, 65000};

static CONFIG_INT("fps.override", fps_override, 0);

static CONFIG_INT("fps.override.idx", fps_override_index, 10);

// in simple menu, FPS override is only displayed in movie mode
// so... it should only take effect in movie mode, no?
// but in advanced mode, it can be used in photo mode too (for night vision)
//~ #define FPS_OVERRIDE (fps_override && (is_movie_mode() || get_menu_advanced_mode()))
#define FPS_OVERRIDE fps_override

// 1000 = zero, more is positive, less is negative
static CONFIG_INT("fps.timer.a.off", desired_fps_timer_a_offset, 1000); // add this to default Canon value
static CONFIG_INT("fps.timer.b.off", desired_fps_timer_b_offset, 1000); // add this to computed value (for fine tuning)
//~ static CONFIG_INT("fps.timer.b.method", fps_timer_b_method, 0); // 0 = engio, 1 = 60d/600d/5d3
static CONFIG_INT("fps.preset", fps_criteria, 0);
//~ static CONFIG_INT("fps.disable.sound", FPS_SOUND_DISABLE, 1);
static CONFIG_INT("fps.wav.record", fps_wav_record, 0);

static CONFIG_INT("fps.ramp", fps_ramp, 0);
static CONFIG_INT("fps.ramp.duration", fps_ramp_duration, 3);
static CONFIG_INT("fps.ramp.expo", fps_ramp_expo, 0);
static int fps_ramp_timings[] = {1, 2, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 1200, 1800};
static int fps_ramp_up = 0;

int fps_should_record_wav() { return fps_override && fps_wav_record && is_movie_mode() && FPS_SOUND_DISABLE && was_sound_recording_disabled_by_fps_override(); }

#if defined(CONFIG_50D) || defined(CONFIG_500D)

static int is_current_mode_ntsc()
    #if defined(CONFIG_50D)
    return !pal;
    if (video_mode_fps == 30 || video_mode_fps == 60 || video_mode_fps == 24) return 1;
    return 0;

int fps_get_current_x1000();
static void fps_unpatch_table();
static void fps_patch_timerB(int timer_value);
static void flip_zoom();
static void fps_read_default_timer_values();
static void fps_read_current_timer_values();

#define FPS_TIMER_A_MAX 0x2000
#define FPS_TIMER_B_MAX (0x4000-1)
//~ #define FPS_TIMER_B_MIN (fps_timer_b_orig-100)
#define FPS_TIMER_B_MIN fps_timer_b_orig // it might go lower than that, but it causes trouble high shutter speeds

#if defined(CONFIG_5D2)
    #define TG_FREQ_BASE 24000000
    #define TG_FREQ_SHUTTER (ntsc ? 39300000 : 40000000)
    #define FPS_TIMER_A_MIN MIN(fps_timer_a_orig - (lv_dispsize > 1 ? 0 : 20), lv_dispsize > 1 ? 0x262 : 0x228) // trial and error (with digic poke)
#elif defined(CONFIG_7D)
    #define TG_FREQ_BASE 24000000
    #define TG_FREQ_SHUTTER (ntsc ? 51120000 : 50000000) // todo, just copied
    #define FPS_TIMER_A_MIN MIN(fps_timer_a_orig - (lv_dispsize > 1 ? 0 : 20), lv_dispsize > 1 ? 0x262 : 0x228) // todo
#elif defined(CONFIG_5D3)
    #define TG_FREQ_BASE 24000000
    #define TG_FREQ_SHUTTER (ntsc ? 51120000 : 50000000)
    #define FPS_TIMER_A_MIN MIN(fps_timer_a_orig - (lv_dispsize > 1 ? 0 : 20), lv_dispsize > 1 ? 500 : 400)
#elif defined(CONFIG_500D)
    #define TG_FREQ_BASE 32000000    // not 100% sure
    #define TG_FREQ_SHUTTER 23188405 // not sure
    #define FPS_TIMER_A_MIN MIN(fps_timer_a_orig - (lv_dispsize > 1 ? 0 : 10), lv_dispsize > 1 ? 1400 : video_mode_resolution == 0 ? 1284 : 1348)
#elif defined(CONFIG_50D)
    #define TG_FREQ_BASE 28800000
    #define TG_FREQ_SHUTTER 41379310 // not sure
    #define FPS_TIMER_A_MIN MIN(fps_timer_a_orig - (lv_dispsize > 1 ? 0 : 10), lv_dispsize > 1 ? 630 : 688 )
#else // 550D, 600D, 60D
    #define TG_FREQ_BASE 28800000
    #define FPS_TIMER_A_MIN MIN(fps_timer_a_orig - (lv_dispsize > 1 ? 0 : 10), lv_dispsize > 1 ? 734 : video_mode_crop ? (video_mode_resolution == 2 ? 400 : 560) : 0x21A)
    #define TG_FREQ_PAL  50000000
    #define TG_FREQ_NTSC_SHUTTER 49440000
    #define TG_FREQ_ZOOM 39230730 // not 100% sure
    #define TG_FREQ_CROP_NTSC_SHUTTER (crop == 0xc ? 47160000 : 64860000)
    #define TG_FREQ_CROP_PAL_SHUTTER (crop == 0xc ? 50000000 : 64000000)

// these can change timer B with another method, more suitable for high FPS
#ifdef CONFIG_600D
    #define NEW_FPS_METHOD 1
    #define VIDEO_PARAMETERS_SRC_3 0x70AE8 // notation from g3gg0
    #undef FPS_TIMER_B_MIN
    #define FPS_TIMER_B_MIN MIN(fps_timer_b_orig, 1420)
    static const int mode_offset_map[] = { 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 0, 2 };
#elif defined(CONFIG_60D)
    #define NEW_FPS_METHOD 1
    #define SENSOR_TIMING_TABLE MEM(0x2a668)
    #define VIDEO_PARAMETERS_SRC_3 0x4FDA8
    #undef FPS_TIMER_B_MIN
    #define FPS_TIMER_B_MIN MIN(fps_timer_b_orig, 1420)
    static const int mode_offset_map[] = { 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 0, 2 };
#elif defined(CONFIG_1100D)
    #define NEW_FPS_METHOD 1
    #undef TG_FREQ_BASE
    #define TG_FREQ_BASE 32070000
    #undef FPS_TIMER_A_MIN
    #define FPS_TIMER_A_MIN fps_timer_a_orig
    #define SENSOR_TIMING_TABLE MEM(0xce98)
    #define VIDEO_PARAMETERS_SRC_3 0x70C0C
    static const int mode_offset_map[] = { 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 0, 2 };

#elif defined(CONFIG_5D3)
    #define NEW_FPS_METHOD 1
    #define SENSOR_TIMING_TABLE MEM(0x325ac)
    //~ #define VIDEO_PARAMETERS_SRC_3 MEM(MEM(0x25FF0))
    #undef FPS_TIMER_B_MIN
    #define FPS_TIMER_B_MIN 100
    static const int mode_offset_map[] = { 4, 7, 2, 6, 5, 0, 2 };

static int fps_timer_b_method = 0;
static uint16_t * sensor_timing_table_original = 0;
static uint16_t sensor_timing_table_patched[175*2];

static int calc_tg_freq(int timerA)
    int f = (TG_FREQ_BASE / timerA) * 1000 + mod(TG_FREQ_BASE, timerA) * 1000 / timerA;
    return f;

static int calc_fps_x1000(int timerA, int timerB)
    int f = calc_tg_freq(timerA);
    return f / timerB;

static int get_current_tg_freq()
    int timerA = (FPS_REGISTER_A_VALUE & 0xFFFF) + 1;
    if (timerA == 1) return 0;
    int f = calc_tg_freq(timerA);
    return f;

#define TG_FREQ_FPS get_current_tg_freq()

#ifdef CONFIG_550D
#define LV_STRUCT_PTR 0x1d14
#define FRAME_SHUTTER_TIMER *(uint16_t*)(MEM(LV_STRUCT_PTR) + 0x64)

#ifdef CONFIG_600D
#define VIDEO_PARAMETERS_SRC_3 0x70AE8 // notation from g3gg0

#ifdef CONFIG_60D

#ifdef CONFIG_1100D
#define FRAME_SHUTTER_TIMER (*(uint16_t*)(VIDEO_PARAMETERS_SRC_3+0xC)) // not sure

#ifdef CONFIG_500D
#define LV_STRUCT_PTR 0x1d78
#define FRAME_SHUTTER_TIMER *(uint16_t*)(MEM(LV_STRUCT_PTR) + 0x58)

#ifdef CONFIG_50D
#define LV_STRUCT_PTR 0x1D74
#define FRAME_SHUTTER_TIMER *(uint16_t*)(MEM(LV_STRUCT_PTR) + 0x5c)

#ifdef CONFIG_5D2
#define LV_STRUCT_PTR 0x1D78
#define FRAME_SHUTTER_TIMER *(uint16_t*)(MEM(LV_STRUCT_PTR) + 0x60)

#ifdef CONFIG_5D3

#define FPS_x1000_TO_TIMER(fps_x1000) (((fps_x1000)!=0)?(TG_FREQ_FPS/(fps_x1000)):0)
#define TIMER_TO_FPS_x1000(t) (((t)!=0)?(TG_FREQ_FPS/(t)):0)

#define SHUTTER_x1000_TO_TIMER(s_x1000) (TG_FREQ_SHUTTER/(s_x1000))
#define TIMER_TO_SHUTTER_x1000(t) (TG_FREQ_SHUTTER/(t))

/*static void fps_change_timer_a(int new_value)
    int new_timer_a = COERCE(new_value, FPS_TIMER_A_MIN, FPS_TIMER_A_MAX) & 0xFFFE;
    new_timer_a |= (fps_timer_a_orig & 1);
    desired_fps_timer_a_offset = new_timer_a - fps_timer_a_orig + 1000;

static int get_shutter_reciprocal_x1000(int shutter_r_x1000, int Ta, int Ta0, int Tb, int Tb0)
    int default_fps = calc_fps_x1000(Ta0, Tb0);
    shutter_r_x1000 = MAX(shutter_r_x1000, default_fps);

    if (Ta == Ta0 && Tb == Tb0) 
        return shutter_r_x1000; // otherwise there may be small rounding errors
    int shutter_us = 1000000000 / shutter_r_x1000;
    //~ int actual_fps = calc_fps_x1000(Ta, Tb);
    int resulting_fps_if_we_only_change_timer_b = calc_fps_x1000(Ta0, Tb);
    int fps_timer_delta_us = MAX(1000000000 / resulting_fps_if_we_only_change_timer_b - 1000000000 / default_fps, 0);
    #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
    if (fps_timer_b_method == 1) fps_timer_delta_us = 0;
    int ans_raw = 1000000000 / (shutter_us + fps_timer_delta_us);
    int ans = ans_raw * (Ta0/10) / (Ta/10);
    //~ NotifyBox(2000, "shutter_us=%d\ndef_fps=%d res_fps=%d\ntimer_delta_us=%d\nans_raw=%d ans=%d", shutter_us, default_fps, resulting_fps_if_we_only_change_timer_b, fps_timer_delta_us, ans_raw, ans);
    return ans;

int get_current_shutter_reciprocal_x1000()
#if defined(CONFIG_500D) || defined(CONFIG_50D) || defined(CONFIG_7D) || defined(CONFIG_40D)
    if (!lens_info.raw_shutter) return 0;
    return (int) roundf(powf(2.0, (lens_info.raw_shutter - 136) / 8.0) * 1000.0 * 1000.0);

    int timer = FRAME_SHUTTER_TIMER;
    //~ NotifyBox(1000, "%d ", timer);
    int ntsc = is_current_mode_ntsc();
    int zoom = lv_dispsize > 1 ? 1 : 0;
    int crop = video_mode_crop;
    zoom+=0; crop+=0; ntsc+=0; // bypass warnings

    int shutter_r_x1000 = TIMER_TO_SHUTTER_x1000(timer);
    // shutter speed can't be slower than 1/fps
    //~ shutter_r_x1000 = MAX(shutter_r_x1000, fps_get_current_x1000());
    // FPS override will alter shutter speed (exposure time)
    // FPS "difference" from C0F06014 will be added as a constant term to exposure time
    // FPS factor from C0F06008 will multiply the exposure time (as scalar gain)
    // TG = base timer (28.8 MHz on most cams)
    // Ta = current value from C0F06008
    // Tb = current value from C0F06014
    // Ta0, Tb0 = original values
    // FC = current fps = TG / Ta / Tb
    // F0 = factory fps = TG / Ta0 / Tb0
    // E0 = exposure time (shutter speed) as indicated by Canon user interface
    // EA = actual exposure time, after FPS modifications (usually higher)
    // If we only change Tb => Fb = TG / Ta0 / Tb
    // delta_fps = 1/Fb - 1/F0 => this quantity is added to exposure time
    // If we only change Ta => exposure time is multiplied by Ta/Ta0.
    // If we change both, Tb "effect" is applied first, then Ta.
    // So...
    // EA = (E0 + (1/Fb - 1/F0)) * Ta / Ta0
    // This function returns 1/EA and does all calculations on integer numbers, so actual computations differ slightly.

    return get_shutter_reciprocal_x1000(shutter_r_x1000, fps_timer_a, fps_timer_a_orig, fps_timer_b, fps_timer_b_orig);

// low fps => positive value
int fps_get_shutter_speed_shift(int raw_shutter)
    // consider that shutter speed is 1/30, to simplify things (that's true in low light)
    int unaltered = (int)roundf(1000/raw2shutterf(MAX(raw_shutter, 96)));
    int altered_by_fps = get_shutter_reciprocal_x1000(unaltered, fps_timer_a, fps_timer_a_orig, fps_timer_b, fps_timer_b_orig);
    return (int)roundf(8.0 * log2f((float)unaltered / (float)altered_by_fps));    

// sound recording has to be disabled
// otherwise recording is not stable
static int old_sound_recording_mode = -1;
int was_sound_recording_disabled_by_fps_override()
    return old_sound_recording_mode != -1;

static void set_sound_recording(int x)
    #ifdef CONFIG_50D
    #ifdef CONFIG_5D2
    prop_request_change(PROP_MOVIE_SOUND_RECORD, &x, 4);

static void restore_sound_recording()
    if (recording) return;
    if (old_sound_recording_mode != -1)
        old_sound_recording_mode = -1;
        if (lv) redraw();
static void disable_sound_recording()
    if (recording) return;
    if (sound_recording_mode != 1)
        old_sound_recording_mode = sound_recording_mode;
        if (lv) redraw();

static void update_sound_recording()
    if (recording) return;
    if (FPS_SOUND_DISABLE && fps_override && lv) disable_sound_recording();
    else restore_sound_recording();

#ifdef CONFIG_1100D
static int old_fps_override_status;
#ifdef CONFIG_1100D    
    int my_lv = !buf[0];
    if(!my_lv) {
        old_fps_override_status = fps_override;
        fps_override = 0;
    } else {
        fps_override = old_fps_override_status;
    if (!buf[0] && !lv)
    if (buf[0] == 1)
        fps_ramp_up = !fps_ramp_up;

static int fps_get_timer(int fps_x1000)
    // convert fps into timer ticks (for sensor drive speed)
    int ntsc = is_current_mode_ntsc();
    int fps_timer = FPS_x1000_TO_TIMER(fps_x1000);

    #if defined(CONFIG_500D) || defined(CONFIG_50D) // these cameras use 30.000 fps, not 29.97 => look in system settings to check if PAL or NTSC
    ntsc = !pal;

    if (fps_criteria != 1 && !fps_ramp) // if criteria is "exact FPS", or fps ramping is enabled, don't round
        // NTSC is 29.97, not 30
        // also try to round it in order to avoid flicker
        if (ntsc)
            int timer_120hz = FPS_x1000_TO_TIMER(120000*1000/1001);
            int fps_timer_rounded = ((fps_timer + timer_120hz/2) / timer_120hz) * timer_120hz;
            if (ABS(TIMER_TO_FPS_x1000(fps_timer_rounded) - fps_x1000 + 1) < 500) fps_timer = fps_timer_rounded;
            int timer_100hz = FPS_x1000_TO_TIMER(100000);
            int fps_timer_rounded = ((fps_timer + timer_100hz/2) / timer_100hz) * timer_100hz;
            if (ABS(TIMER_TO_FPS_x1000(fps_timer_rounded) - fps_x1000 + 1) < 500) fps_timer = fps_timer_rounded;

    return fps_timer & 0xFFFF;

// used to see if Canon firmware changed FPS settings
int written_value_a = 0;
int written_value_b = 0;
int fps_needs_updating = 0;
/*int fps_was_changed_by_canon() 
    int ans = 
        written_value_a != FPS_REGISTER_A_VALUE || 
        written_value_b != FPS_REGISTER_B_VALUE;
    //~ if (ans) NotifyBox(2000, "wa=%8x wb=%8x\nra=%8x rb=%8x", written_value_a, written_value_b, FPS_REGISTER_A_VALUE, FPS_REGISTER_B_VALUE);
    return ans;

static void fps_setup_timerB(int fps_x1000)
    if (!lv) return;
    if (!DISPLAY_IS_ON && !recording) return;
    if (lens_info.job_state) return;
    if (!fps_x1000) return;

    // now we can compute timer B
    int timerB_off = ((int)desired_fps_timer_b_offset) - 1000;
    int timerB = 0;
    timerB = fps_get_timer(fps_x1000);
    // check hard limits
    // apply user fine-tuning offset
    timerB += timerB_off;

    // check hard limits again
    #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
    if (fps_timer_b_method == 0) // digic method
        // output the value to register
        timerB -= 1;
        written_value_b = PACK(timerB, fps_reg_b_orig);
        SafeEngDrvOut(FPS_REGISTER_B, written_value_b);
        fps_needs_updating = 0;
    #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
        int defA_before_patching = fps_reg_a_orig;
        int defB_before_patching = fps_reg_b_orig;
        written_value_b = timerB-1;
        if (!recording) msleep(500);
        // timer A was changed by refreshing the screen
        // timer B may not be refreshed when recording
        // BUT... are we still in the same video mode? or did the user switch it quickly?
        if (defA_before_patching == fps_reg_a_orig && defB_before_patching == fps_reg_b_orig)
            SafeEngDrvOut(FPS_REGISTER_A, written_value_a);
            fps_needs_updating = 0;
        else // something went wrong, will fix at next iteration
            //~ beep();
        //~ SafeEngDrvOut(FPS_REGISTER_B, written_value_b);

    // apply changes
    SafeEngDrvOut(0xC0F06000, 1);

    // take care of sound settings to prevent recording from stopping

int fps_get_current_x1000()
    int fps_timer = (FPS_REGISTER_B_VALUE & 0xFFFF) + 1;
    int fps_x1000 = TIMER_TO_FPS_x1000(fps_timer);
    return fps_x1000;

static void
    void *          priv,
    int         x,
    int         y,
    int         selected
    #ifdef CONFIG_1100D
    if(!lv) {
            selected ? MENU_FONT_SEL : MENU_FONT,
            x, y,
            "FPS override  : OFF"
        menu_draw_icon(x, y, MNI_WARNING, (intptr_t)("FPS override only works when liveview is ON"));
    int current_fps = fps_get_current_x1000();
    char msg[30];
    snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%d.%03d", 
        current_fps/1000, current_fps%1000
        selected ? MENU_FONT_SEL : MENU_FONT,
        x, y,
        "FPS override  : %s",
        fps_override ? msg : "OFF"
    menu_draw_icon(x, y, MNI_BOOL(fps_override), 0);

static void
    void *          priv,
    int         x,
    int         y,
    int         selected
    int current_fps = fps_get_current_x1000();
        selected ? MENU_FONT_SEL : MENU_FONT,
        x, y,
        "Actual FPS   : %d.%03d",
        current_fps/1000, current_fps%1000
    menu_draw_icon(x, y, MNI_BOOL(fps_override), 0);

static void
    void *          priv,
    int         x,
    int         y,
    int         selected
    int desired_fps = fps_values_x1000[fps_override_index] / 10;
    int default_fps = calc_fps_x1000(fps_timer_a_orig, fps_timer_b_orig);
    #ifdef CONFIG_1100D
    if(!lv) {
	default_fps = 0;
    if (desired_fps % 100)
            selected ? MENU_FONT_SEL : MENU_FONT,
            x, y,
            "Desired FPS  : %d.%02d (from %d)",
            desired_fps/100, desired_fps%100, (default_fps+500)/1000
            selected ? MENU_FONT_SEL : MENU_FONT,
            x, y,
            "Desired FPS  : %d (from %d)",
            desired_fps/100, (default_fps+500)/1000
    menu_draw_icon(x, y, MNI_BOOL(fps_override), 0);


static int video_mode[5];
    memcpy(video_mode, buf, 20);

static void flip_zoom_twostage(int stage)
    // flip zoom or video mode back and forth to apply settings instantly
    if (!lv) return;
    if (recording) return;
    if (is_movie_mode())
        // in movie mode, flipping the FPS seems nicer
            static int f0;
            if (stage == 1)
                f0 = video_mode[2];
                video_mode[2] = 
                    f0 == 24 ? 25 : 
#ifndef CONFIG_1100D
                    f0 == 25 ? 24 : 
                    f0 == 25 ? 30 :
                    f0 == 30 ? 25 : 
                    f0 == 50 ? 60 :
                  /*f0 == 60*/ 50;
                prop_request_change(PROP_VIDEO_MODE, video_mode, 20);
            else if (stage == 2)
                video_mode[2] = f0;
                prop_request_change(PROP_VIDEO_MODE, video_mode, 20);

    static int zoom0;
    if (stage == 1)
        zoom0 = lv_dispsize;
        int zoom1 = zoom0 == 5 ? 10 : 5;
    else if (stage == 2)

static void flip_zoom()

static void fps_unpatch_table(int refresh)
    if (SENSOR_TIMING_TABLE == (intptr_t) sensor_timing_table_original)
    SENSOR_TIMING_TABLE = (intptr_t) sensor_timing_table_original;
    if (refresh)

// don't msleep from here, it may be called from GMT
static void fps_register_reset()
    if (!lv) return;
    if (!DISPLAY_IS_ON && !recording) return;
    if (lens_info.job_state) return;

    if (fps_reg_a_orig && fps_reg_b_orig)
        written_value_a = 0;
        written_value_b = 0;
        SafeEngDrvOut(FPS_REGISTER_A, fps_reg_a_orig);
        SafeEngDrvOut(FPS_REGISTER_B, fps_reg_b_orig);
        SafeEngDrvOut(0xC0F06000, 1);

static void fps_reset()
    //~ fps_override = 0;
    fps_needs_updating = 0;

    #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD


static void fps_change_value(void* priv, int delta)
    fps_override_index = mod(fps_override_index + delta, COUNT(fps_values_x1000));
    desired_fps_timer_a_offset = 1000;
    desired_fps_timer_b_offset = 1000;
    if (FPS_OVERRIDE) fps_needs_updating = 1;

static void fps_enable_disable(void* priv, int delta)
    fps_override = !fps_override;
    if (FPS_OVERRIDE) fps_needs_updating = 1;

/*static int find_fps_index(int fps_x1000)
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT(fps_values_x1000); i++)
        if (fps_values_x1000[i] >= fps_x1000)
            return i;
    return -1;

/*void fps_range_print(
    void *          priv,
    int         x,
    int         y,
    int         selected
    int fps_low = calc_fps_x1000(fps_timer_a, FPS_TIMER_B_MAX);
    int fps_high = calc_fps_x1000(fps_timer_a, FPS_TIMER_B_MIN);
        selected ? MENU_FONT_SEL : MENU_FONT,
        x, y,
        "FPS range    : %d.%03d..%d.%03d",
        fps_low  / 1000, fps_low  % 1000, 
        fps_high / 1000, fps_high % 1000
    menu_draw_icon(x, y, MNI_BOOL(fps_override), 0);

void shutter_range_print(
    void *          priv,
    int         x,
    int         y,
    int         selected
    // EA = (E0 + (1/Fb - 1/F0)) * Ta / Ta0
    // see get_current_shutter_reciprocal_x1000 for details
    int shutter_r_0_lo_x1000 = video_mode_fps * 1000;
    int shutter_r_0_hi_x1000 = 4000*1000;
    int tv_low = get_shutter_reciprocal_x1000(shutter_r_0_lo_x1000, fps_timer_a, fps_timer_a_orig, fps_timer_b, fps_timer_b_orig);
    int tv_high = get_shutter_reciprocal_x1000(shutter_r_0_hi_x1000, fps_timer_a, fps_timer_a_orig, fps_timer_b, fps_timer_b_orig);
        selected ? MENU_FONT_SEL : MENU_FONT,
        x, y,
        "Shutter range: 1/%d..1/%d",
        (tv_low+500)/1000, (tv_high+500)/1000
    menu_draw_icon(x, y, MNI_BOOL(fps_override), 0);

static void fps_timer_print(
    void *      priv,
    int         x,
    int         y,
    int         selected
    int A = (priv == &desired_fps_timer_a_offset);
    int t = A ? fps_timer_a : fps_timer_b;
    int t0 = A ? fps_timer_a_orig : fps_timer_b_orig; 
    if (t0 == 0) t0 = 1;
    int t_min = A ? FPS_TIMER_A_MIN : FPS_TIMER_B_MIN;
    int t_max = A ? FPS_TIMER_A_MAX : FPS_TIMER_B_MAX;
    int finetune_delta = ((int)(A ? desired_fps_timer_a_offset : desired_fps_timer_b_offset)) - 1000;
    int delta = t - t0;
    char dec[10] = "";
    if (!finetune_delta && ABS(delta) >= 100) 
        snprintf(dec, sizeof(dec), ".%02d", ((t * 100 / t0) % 100));
        selected ? MENU_FONT_SEL : MENU_FONT,
        x, y,
        "FPS timer %s  : %d (%s%d%s)",
        A ? "A" : "B",
        finetune_delta > 0 ? "FT+" : finetune_delta < 0 ? "FT" : ABS(delta) >= 100 ? "x" : delta >= 0 ? "+" : "", 
        finetune_delta ? finetune_delta : ABS(delta) >= 100 ? t / t0 : delta, 
    //~ ASSERT(fps_override || delta==0);

    if (!fps_override)
        menu_draw_icon(x, y, MNI_OFF, 0);
    else if (t_max <= t_min)
        menu_draw_icon(x, y, MNI_WARNING, (intptr_t)"Internal error - please report an issue.");
        menu_draw_icon(x, y, MNI_PERCENT, sqrt(t - t_min) * 100  / sqrt(t_max - t_min));

static void tg_freq_print(
    void *          priv,
    int         x,
    int         y,
    int         selected
        selected ? MENU_FONT_SEL : MENU_FONT,
        x, y,
        "Main clock   : %d.%02d MHz",
        TG_FREQ_BASE / 1000000, (TG_FREQ_BASE % 1000000) / 10000
    menu_draw_icon(x, y, MNI_BOOL(fps_override), 0);

static void fps_timer_a_big_change(void* priv, int delta)
    int tmin = FPS_TIMER_A_MIN; // map this to -1
    int t0 = fps_timer_a_orig;  // this is the reference point: k=0
    int tmax = FPS_TIMER_A_MAX; // map this to k=20
    int k = ((fps_timer_a - t0) * 20 + (tmax - t0) / 2) / (tmax - t0);
    if (fps_timer_a < t0) k = -1;
    k += delta;
    fps_change_timer_a(t0 + k * (tmax - t0) / 20);
    if (FPS_OVERRIDE) fps_needs_updating = 1;

static void fps_timer_fine_tune_a(void* priv, int delta)
    desired_fps_timer_a_offset += delta * 2;
    if (FPS_OVERRIDE) fps_needs_updating = 1;

static void fps_timer_fine_tune_a_big(void* priv, int delta)
    desired_fps_timer_a_offset += delta * 100;
    if (FPS_OVERRIDE) fps_needs_updating = 1;

static void fps_timer_fine_tune_b(void* priv, int delta)
    desired_fps_timer_b_offset += delta;
    if (FPS_OVERRIDE) fps_needs_updating = 1;

/*static void fps_bool_toggle(void* priv, int delta)
    *(int*)priv = !*(int*)priv;
    fps_needs_updating = 1;

// dumb heuristic :)
// returns value of timer A
static int fps_try_to_get_exact_freq(int fps_x1000)
    int min_err = 1000;
    int best_t = 0;
    for (int t = FPS_TIMER_A_MIN; t < FPS_TIMER_A_MAX; t+= 2)
        t = (t & 0xFFFE) | (fps_timer_a_orig & 1); // keep the same parity as factory value
        int tb = calc_tg_freq(t) / fps_x1000;
        if (tb < FPS_TIMER_B_MIN || tb > FPS_TIMER_B_MAX) continue;
        int actual_fps = calc_fps_x1000(t, tb);
        int e = abs(fps_x1000 - actual_fps);
        if (e < min_err)
            min_err = e;
            best_t = t;
        if (min_err == 0) break;
    return best_t;

int fps_try_to_get_180_360_shutter(int fps_x1000)
    // EAtarget = (E0 + (1/Fb - 1/F0)) * Ta / Ta0 => solve for Ta
    // Fb = TG / Ta0 / Tb
    // Tb = TG / Ta / FPS
    // 180 degree => EAtarget = 0.5/FPS
    // and we choose E0 at 1/4000 to get 180 degrees when Canon shutter speed is set to that value
    // => (symbolic math solver)
    // Ta = 2000 * Ta0 * TG / FPS / (4000 * Ta0 * Tb0 - TG)
    // approx: TG / FPS / 2 / Tb0 if we assume 4000*Ta0*Tb0 >> TG
    // correction factor: (4000 * Ta0 * Tb0) / (4000 * Ta0 * Tb0 - TG)
    // approx correction factor: (Ta0 * Tb0) / (Ta0 * Tb0 - TG/4000)
    int Ta0 = fps_timer_a_orig;
    int Tb0 = fps_timer_b_orig;
    int Ta_approx = TG_FREQ_BASE / fps_x1000 * 1000 / 2 / Tb0;
    int Ta_corrected = Ta_approx * (Ta0*Tb0 / 100) / (Ta0*Tb0/100 - TG_FREQ_BASE/4000/100);
    return Ta_corrected;

void fps_setup_timerA(int fps_x1000)
    if (!lv) return;
    if (!DISPLAY_IS_ON && !recording) return;
    if (!fps_x1000) return;
    if (lens_info.job_state) return;

    // for NTSC, we probably need FPS * 1000/1001
    int ntsc = is_current_mode_ntsc();
    ntsc += 0; // bypass warning
    if (fps_criteria == 1) ntsc = 0; // use PAL-like rounding [hack]
    #if !defined(CONFIG_500D) && !defined(CONFIG_50D) // these cameras use 30.000 fps, not 29.97
    if (ntsc) fps_x1000 = fps_x1000 * 1000/1001;

    int timerA = fps_timer_a_orig;
    // {"Low light", "Exact FPS", "180deg shutter", "Jello effect"},
    switch (fps_criteria)
        case 0:
            // if we leave timer A at default value, 
            // or we change it as little as possible (just to bring requested FPS in range),
            // we get best low light capability and lowest amount of jello effect.
            timerA = fps_timer_a_orig;
            #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
            int default_fps = calc_fps_x1000(fps_timer_a_orig, fps_timer_b_orig);
            fps_timer_b_method = fps_x1000 < default_fps ? 0 : 1;
        case 1:
            timerA = fps_try_to_get_exact_freq(fps_x1000);
            #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
            fps_timer_b_method = 1;
        case 2:
            #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
            timerA = fps_timer_a_orig;
            fps_timer_b_method = 1;
            timerA = fps_try_to_get_180_360_shutter(fps_x1000);
        case 3:
            timerA = TG_FREQ_BASE / fps_x1000 * 1000 / fps_timer_b_orig;
            #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
            fps_timer_b_method = 1;
    #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
    // FPS ramping effect requires being able to change FPS on the fly
    if (fps_ramp) 
        fps_timer_b_method = 0;

    // we need to make sure the requested FPS is in range (we may need to change timer A)
    int fps_low = calc_fps_x1000(timerA, FPS_TIMER_B_MAX);
    int fps_high = calc_fps_x1000(timerA, FPS_TIMER_B_MIN);
    if (fps_x1000 < fps_low)
        timerA = TG_FREQ_BASE / fps_x1000 * 1000 / FPS_TIMER_B_MAX;
    else if (fps_x1000 > fps_high)
        timerA = TG_FREQ_BASE / fps_x1000 * 1000 / FPS_TIMER_B_MIN;

    // check hard limits
    // apply user fine tuning
    int timerA_off = ((int)desired_fps_timer_a_offset) - 1000;
    timerA += timerA_off;

    // check hard limits again
    // keep the same parity as original timer A
    timerA = (timerA & 0xFFFE) | (fps_timer_a_orig & 1);

    // save setting to DIGIC register
    int val_a = PACK(timerA-1, fps_timer_a_orig-1);
    written_value_a = val_a;

    SafeEngDrvOut(FPS_REGISTER_A, val_a);

static void fps_criteria_change(void* priv, int delta)
    desired_fps_timer_a_offset = 1000;
    desired_fps_timer_b_offset = 1000;
    fps_criteria = mod(fps_criteria + delta, 4);
    if (FPS_OVERRIDE) fps_needs_updating = 1;

//~ static void fps_sound_toggle(void* priv, int delta)
//~ {
    //~ if (FPS_OVERRIDE) fps_needs_updating = 1;
//~ }

static struct menu_entry fps_menu[] = {
        .name = "FPS override", 
        .priv = &fps_override,
        .select = fps_enable_disable,
        .display = fps_print,
        .help = "Changes FPS. Also disables sound and alters shutter speeds.",
        //.essential = FOR_MOVIE,
        .submenu_width = 650,
        .children =  (struct menu_entry[]) {
/*            {
                .name = "Preset\b",
                .priv       = &fps_criteria,
                .choices = (const char *[]) {"Custom", "24.000fps", "FPS/2 night", "10p jello", "5p jello", "2p jello", "2p 360deg", "1p 360deg", "0.5p 360deg", "0.25p 360deg"},
                .icon_type = IT_BOOL,
                .select = fps_criteria_change,
                .help = "FPS presets - a few useful combinations.",
                .name = "Desired FPS", 
                .priv    = &fps_override_index,
                .display = desired_fps_print,
                .min = 0,
                .max = COUNT(fps_values_x1000) - 1,
                .select = fps_change_value,
                .help = "FPS value for recording. Video will play back at Canon FPS.",
                .name = "Optimize for\b",
                .priv       = &fps_criteria,
                .choices = (const char *[]) {
                    "Low light", 
                    "Exact FPS", 
                    #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
                    "High FPS", 
                    "LowJello, 180d", 
                    "High Jello"},
                .icon_type = IT_DICE,
                .max = 3,
                .select = fps_criteria_change,
                .help = "Optimization criteria - how to setup the two timers.",
                .display = fps_range_print,
                //~ .select = fps_timer_a_big_change,
                .help = "FPS range. Changing this will change FPS timer A.",
                .name = "Shutter range",
                .display = shutter_range_print,
                //~ .select = fps_timer_a_big_change,
                .select = fps_timer_fine_tune_a_big,
                .help = "Shutter speed range with current settings. Adjusts timer A.",
                .name = "FPS timer A",
                .display = fps_timer_print,
                .priv = &desired_fps_timer_a_offset,
                .select = fps_timer_fine_tune_a,
                .help = "High values = lower FPS, more jello effect, faster shutter.",
                .name = "FPS timer B",
                .display = fps_timer_print,
                .priv = &desired_fps_timer_b_offset,
                .select = fps_timer_fine_tune_b,
                .help = "High values = lower FPS, shutter speed converges to 1/fps.",
                .name = "Timer B mode\b",
                .priv = &fps_timer_b_method,
                .max = 1,
                .select = fps_bool_toggle,
                .choices = (const char *[]) {"DIGIC reg", "Patched table"},
                .help = "Method for changing timer B. ",
                .name = "TG frequency",
                .display = tg_freq_print,
                .help = "Timing generator freq. (read-only). FPS = F/timerA/timerB.",
                .name = "Actual FPS",
                .display = fps_current_print,
                .help = "Exact FPS (computed). For fine tuning, change timer values.",
                .name = "Sound Record\b",
                .priv = &FPS_SOUND_DISABLE,
                .select = fps_sound_toggle,
                .max = 1,
                .choices = (const char *[]) {"Leave it on", "Auto-Disable"},
                .icon_type = IT_DISABLE_SOME_FEATURE,
                .help = "Sound usually goes out of sync and may stop recording.",
                .name = "Sound Record\b",
                .priv = &fps_wav_record,
                .max = 1,
                .choices = (const char *[]) {"Disabled", "Separate WAV"},
                .icon_type = IT_BOOL,
                .help = "Sound goes out of sync, so it has to be recorded separately.",
        .name = "FPS ramping", 
        .priv = &fps_ramp,
        .max = 1,
        .help = "Press REC/" INFO_BTN_NAME " to start ramping. FPS override should be ON.",
        //.essential = FOR_MOVIE,
        .submenu_width = 650,
        .children =  (struct menu_entry[]) {
                .name = "FPS A", 
                .name = "FPS B", 
                .name = "Ramp duration",
                .priv = &fps_ramp_duration,
                .max = 10,
                .choices = (const char *[]) {"1s", "2s", "5s", "15s", "30s", "1min", "2min", "5min", "10min", "20min", "30min"},
                .help = "Duration of FPS ramping (in real-time, not in playback).",
            #ifndef CONFIG_500D // no ISO overrrides
                .name = "Constant expo",
                .priv = &fps_ramp_expo,
                .max = 1,
                .help = "Keep constant exposure via ISO. Disable gradual exposure!",

static void fps_init()
    menu_add( "Movie", fps_menu, COUNT(fps_menu) );

INIT_FUNC("fps", fps_init);

static void fps_read_current_timer_values()
    fps_timer_a = (VA & 0xFFFF) + 1;
    fps_timer_b = (VB & 0xFFFF) + 1;

/*static int fps_check_if_current_timer_values_changed()
    int changed = 0;
    static int prev_a = 0;
    static int prev_b = 0;
    if (prev_a != fps_timer_a || prev_b != fps_timer_b) changed = 1;
    prev_a = fps_timer_a;
    prev_b = fps_timer_b;
    return changed;    

static void fps_read_default_timer_values()
    if (recording == 1) return;
    //~ info_led_blink(1,10,10);
    fps_reg_a_orig = FPS_REGISTER_A_DEFAULT_VALUE;
    #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
    int mode = get_fps_video_mode();
    unsigned int pos = get_table_pos(mode_offset_map[mode], video_mode_crop, 0, lv_dispsize);
    fps_reg_b_orig = sensor_timing_table_original[pos] - 1; // nobody will change it from here :)
    //bmp_printf(FONT_LARGE, 50, 50, "%08x %08x %08x", fps_reg_a_orig, bmp_vram_real(), bmp_vram_idle());
    int val = FPS_REGISTER_B_VALUE;
    if (val & 0xFFFF0000)
        fps_reg_b_orig = val >> 16; // timer value written by ML - contains original value in highest 16 bits
    else {
        fps_reg_b_orig = val; // timer value written by Canon
    fps_timer_a_orig = ((fps_reg_a_orig >> 16) & 0xFFFF) + 1;
    fps_timer_b_orig = (fps_reg_b_orig & 0xFFFF) + 1;

// maybe FPS settings were changed by someone else? if yes, force a refresh
static void fps_check_refresh()
    int fps_ov = FPS_OVERRIDE;
    static int old_fps_ov = 0;
    if (old_fps_ov != fps_ov) fps_needs_updating = 1;
    old_fps_ov = fps_ov;

// do all FPS changes from this task only - to avoid trouble ;)
static void fps_task()
        if (fps_ramp) 
            #if defined(CONFIG_500D) || defined(CONFIG_1100D)
            msleep(fps_override && recording ? 10 : 100);

        //~ bmp_hexdump(FONT_SMALL, 10, 200, SENSOR_TIMING_TABLE, 32*10);
        //~ NotifyBox(1000, "defB: %d ", fps_timer_b_orig); msleep(1000);

        static int fps_warned = 0;
        if (!lv) { fps_warned = 0; continue; }
        if (!DISPLAY_IS_ON && !recording) continue;
        if (lens_info.job_state) continue;
        //~ NotifyBox(2000, "d: %d,%d. c: %d,%d ", fps_timer_a_orig, fps_timer_b_orig, fps_timer_a, fps_timer_b);
        if (!FPS_OVERRIDE) 

            if (!FPS_OVERRIDE && fps_needs_updating)

        int f = fps_values_x1000[fps_override_index];
        if (fps_ramp) // artistic effect - http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=2963.0
            int default_fps = calc_fps_x1000(fps_timer_a_orig, fps_timer_b_orig);
            if (f < default_fps)
                int total_duration = fps_ramp_timings[fps_ramp_duration];
                float delta = 1.0 / 50 / total_duration;
                static float k = 0;

                if (!(recording && MVR_FRAME_NUMBER < 1))
                    if (fps_ramp_up) k += delta; else k -= delta;
                k = COERCE(k, 0, 1);
                float ks = k*k;
                float ff = default_fps * ks + f * (1-ks);
                int fr = (int)roundf(ff);

                int x0 = os.x0;
                int y0 = os.y_max - 2;
                bmp_draw_rect(COLOR_ORANGE, x0, y0, (int)(k * os.x_ex), 1);
                bmp_draw_rect(COLOR_BLACK, (int)(k * os.x_ex), y0, (int)((1-k) * os.x_ex), 1);

        // Very low FPS: first few frames will be recorded at normal FPS, to bypass Canon's internal checks
        if (f < 5000)
            while (recording && MVR_FRAME_NUMBER < video_mode_fps) 

        static int prev_sig = 0;
        int sig = fps_timer_a_orig + fps_timer_b_orig*314 + lv_dispsize*111 + video_mode_resolution*17 + video_mode_fps*123 + video_mode_crop*4567;
        int video_mode_changed = (sig != prev_sig);
        prev_sig = sig;
        //~ bmp_printf(FONT_LARGE, 50, 150, "%dx, setting up from %d,%d   ", lv_dispsize, fps_timer_a_orig, fps_timer_b_orig);

        if (video_mode_changed && !recording) // Video mode changed, wait for it to settle
        {                                     // This won't happen while recording (obvious), 
            msleep(500);                      // BUT sometimes Canon code might choose to revert FPS back - in this case, ML must act quickly
            if (is_movie_mode() && video_mode_crop) msleep(500);
        //~ info_led_on();
        //~ info_led_off();
        //~ bmp_printf(FONT_LARGE, 50, 100, "%dx, new timers: %d,%d ", lv_dispsize, fps_timer_a, fps_timer_b);

        if (!fps_warned && !gui_menu_shown())
            int current_fps = fps_get_current_x1000();
            char msg[30];
            snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "FPS override: %d.%03d", 
                current_fps/1000, current_fps%1000
            NotifyBox(2000, msg);
            fps_warned = 1;
        if (CONTROL_BV && !is_movie_mode()) // changes in FPS may affect expsim calculations in photo mode

#ifdef CONFIG_500D
TASK_CREATE("fps_task", fps_task, 0, 0x17, 0x1000 );
TASK_CREATE("fps_task", fps_task, 0, 0x1c, 0x1000 );

void fps_mvr_log(char* mvr_logfile_buffer)
    int f = fps_get_current_x1000();
        "FPS            : %d.%03d\n", f/1000, f%1000

// on certain events (PLAY, RECORD) we need to disable FPS override temporarily
int handle_fps_events(struct event * event)
    if (!FPS_OVERRIDE) return 1;
    if (fps_ramp && event->param == BGMT_INFO)
        fps_ramp_up = !fps_ramp_up;
        handle_expo_preset(event); // will trigger both rampings if they are both enabled
        return 0;
    if (event->param == BGMT_PLAY)
    // Very low FPS: first few frames will be recorded at normal FPS, to bypass Canon's internal checks
    // and to make the user interface responsive without having to wait for 30 frames
    int f = fps_values_x1000[fps_override_index];
    if (f < 5000 &&
    #if defined(CONFIG_50D) || defined(CONFIG_5D2)
        event->param == BGMT_PRESS_SET
        event->param == BGMT_LV
    #ifdef NEW_FPS_METHOD
    // we won't be able to change/restore FPS on the fly with table patching method :(
    && SENSOR_TIMING_TABLE != (intptr_t) sensor_timing_table_patched

    return 1;

void fps_ramp_iso_step()
    if (!lv) return;
    if (!is_movie_mode()) return;
    static int dirty = 0;
    if (!fps_ramp || !fps_ramp_expo)
        if (dirty) set_movie_digital_iso_gain_for_gradual_expo(1024);

    int unaltered = (int)roundf(1000/raw2shutterf(MAX(lens_info.raw_shutter, 96)));
    int altered_by_fps = get_shutter_reciprocal_x1000(unaltered, fps_timer_a, fps_timer_a_orig, fps_timer_b, fps_timer_b_orig);

    float gf = 1024 * altered_by_fps / unaltered;

    // adjust ISO just like in smooth_iso_step (copied from there)
    int current_iso = FRAME_ISO & 0xFF;
    int altered_iso = current_iso;
    extern int digic_iso_gain_movie;
    #define G_ADJ ((int)roundf(digic_iso_gain_movie ? gf * digic_iso_gain_movie / 1024 : gf))
    while (G_ADJ > 861*2 && altered_iso < MAX_ANALOG_ISO) 
        altered_iso += 8;
        gf /= 2;
    while ((G_ADJ < 861 && altered_iso > 80) || (altered_iso > MAX_ANALOG_ISO))
        altered_iso -= 8;
        gf *= 2;

    if (altered_iso != current_iso)
        FRAME_ISO = altered_iso | (altered_iso << 8);

    int g = (int)roundf(COERCE(gf, 1, 1<<20));
    if (g == 1024) g = 1025; // force override 

    dirty = 1;


int get_fps_video_mode()
    int mode =
        lv_dispsize > 1 || expsim!=2 ? 2 :
        video_mode_fps == 60 ? 0 : 
        video_mode_fps == 50 ? 1 : 
        video_mode_fps == 30 ? 2 : 
        video_mode_fps == 25 ? 3 : 
        video_mode_fps == 24 ? 4 : 0;
    return mode;

int get_table_pos(unsigned int fps_mode, unsigned int crop_mode, unsigned int type, int dispsize)
    unsigned short ret[2];   
    if(fps_mode > 6 || type > 1)
        return 0;

    int table_offset = 0;
        case 10:
            table_offset = 2;
            fps_mode = 1;
        case 5:
            table_offset = 1;
            fps_mode = 1;
            table_offset = 0;

        case 0:
            ret[0] = ((0 + table_offset) * 7) + fps_mode;
            ret[1] = ((3 + table_offset) * 7) + fps_mode;
        /* crop recording modes */

        case 0xC: // 600D 3x zoom
            ret[0] = (18 * 7) + fps_mode;
            ret[1] = (21 * 7) + fps_mode;
        default:  // 640 crop
            ret[0] = (10 * 7) + fps_mode;
            ret[1] = (13 * 7) + fps_mode;
    return ret[type];

static void fps_patch_timerB(int timer_value)
    int mode = get_fps_video_mode();   
    int pos = get_table_pos(mode_offset_map[mode], video_mode_crop, 0, lv_dispsize);

    if (sensor_timing_table_patched[pos] == timer_value && SENSOR_TIMING_TABLE == (intptr_t) sensor_timing_table_patched)

    // at this point we are in previous FPS mode (maybe with timer A altered)

    SafeEngDrvOut(FPS_REGISTER_A, fps_reg_a_orig);

    // at this point we are in some other video mode, at default fps

    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT(sensor_timing_table_patched); i++)
        sensor_timing_table_patched[i] = (i == pos) ? timer_value : sensor_timing_table_original[i];

    // use the patched sensor table
    SENSOR_TIMING_TABLE = (intptr_t) sensor_timing_table_patched;
    // no effect yet...
    // now we are back to original video mode, at new FPS

static void sensor_timing_table_init()
    // make a copy of the original sensor timing table (so we can patch it)
    sensor_timing_table_original = (void*)SENSOR_TIMING_TABLE;
    memcpy(sensor_timing_table_patched, sensor_timing_table_original,  sizeof(sensor_timing_table_patched));

INIT_FUNC("sensor-timing", sensor_timing_table_init);

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