Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license

##### mean #####

    mean(f::Function, v)

Apply the function `f` to each element of `v` and take the mean.

julia> mean(√, [1, 2, 3])

julia> mean([√1, √2, √3])
function mean(f::Callable, iterable)
    state = start(iterable)
    if done(iterable, state)
        throw(ArgumentError("mean of empty collection undefined: $(repr(iterable))"))
    count = 1
    value, state = next(iterable, state)
    f_value = f(value)
    total = reduce_first(add_sum, f_value)
    while !done(iterable, state)
        value, state = next(iterable, state)
        total += f(value)
        count += 1
    return total/count
mean(iterable) = mean(identity, iterable)
mean(f::Callable, A::AbstractArray) = sum(f, A) / _length(A)

    mean!(r, v)

Compute the mean of `v` over the singleton dimensions of `r`, and write results to `r`.

# Examples
julia> v = [1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> mean!([1., 1.], v)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> mean!([1. 1.], v)
1×2 Array{Float64,2}:
 2.0  3.0
function mean!(R::AbstractArray, A::AbstractArray)
    sum!(R, A; init=true)
    x = max(1, _length(R)) // _length(A)
    R .= R .* x
    return R

    mean(v; dims)

Compute the mean of whole array `v`, or optionally along the given dimensions.

!!! note
    Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation. Use the [`missing`](@ref) type
    to represent missing values, and the [`skipmissing`](@ref) function to omit them.
mean(A::AbstractArray; dims=:) = _mean(A, dims)

_mean(A::AbstractArray{T}, region) where {T} = mean!(reducedim_init(t -> t/2, +, A, region), A)
_mean(A::AbstractArray, ::Colon) = sum(A) / _length(A)

##### variances #####

# faster computation of real(conj(x)*y)
realXcY(x::Real, y::Real) = x*y
realXcY(x::Complex, y::Complex) = real(x)*real(y) + imag(x)*imag(y)

var(iterable; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing) = _var(iterable, corrected, mean)

function _var(iterable, corrected::Bool, mean)
    state = start(iterable)
    if done(iterable, state)
        throw(ArgumentError("variance of empty collection undefined: $(repr(iterable))"))
    count = 1
    value, state = next(iterable, state)
    if mean === nothing
        # Use Welford algorithm as seen in (among other places)
        # Knuth's TAOCP, Vol 2, page 232, 3rd edition.
        M = value / 1
        S = real(zero(M))
        while !done(iterable, state)
            value, state = next(iterable, state)
            count += 1
            new_M = M + (value - M) / count
            S = S + realXcY(value - M, value - new_M)
            M = new_M
        return S / (count - Int(corrected))
    elseif isa(mean, Number) # mean provided
        # Cannot use a compensated version, e.g. the one from
        # "Updating Formulae and a Pairwise Algorithm for Computing Sample Variances."
        # by Chan, Golub, and LeVeque, Technical Report STAN-CS-79-773,
        # Department of Computer Science, Stanford University,
        # because user can provide mean value that is different to mean(iterable)
        sum2 = abs2(value - mean::Number)
        while !done(iterable, state)
            value, state = next(iterable, state)
            count += 1
            sum2 += abs2(value - mean)
        return sum2 / (count - Int(corrected))
        throw(ArgumentError("invalid value of mean, $(mean)::$(typeof(mean))"))

centralizedabs2fun(m) = x -> abs2.(x - m)
centralize_sumabs2(A::AbstractArray, m) =
    mapreduce(centralizedabs2fun(m), +, A)
centralize_sumabs2(A::AbstractArray, m, ifirst::Int, ilast::Int) =
    mapreduce_impl(centralizedabs2fun(m), +, A, ifirst, ilast)

function centralize_sumabs2!(R::AbstractArray{S}, A::AbstractArray, means::AbstractArray) where S
    # following the implementation of _mapreducedim! at base/reducedim.jl
    lsiz = check_reducedims(R,A)
    isempty(R) || fill!(R, zero(S))
    isempty(A) && return R

    if has_fast_linear_indexing(A) && lsiz > 16
        nslices = div(_length(A), lsiz)
        ibase = first(linearindices(A))-1
        for i = 1:nslices
            @inbounds R[i] = centralize_sumabs2(A, means[i], ibase+1, ibase+lsiz)
            ibase += lsiz
        return R
    indsAt, indsRt = safe_tail(axes(A)), safe_tail(axes(R)) # handle d=1 manually
    keep, Idefault = Broadcast.shapeindexer(indsRt)
    if reducedim1(R, A)
        i1 = first(indices1(R))
        @inbounds for IA in CartesianIndices(indsAt)
            IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, keep, Idefault)
            r = R[i1,IR]
            m = means[i1,IR]
            @simd for i in axes(A, 1)
                r += abs2(A[i,IA] - m)
            R[i1,IR] = r
        @inbounds for IA in CartesianIndices(indsAt)
            IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, keep, Idefault)
            @simd for i in axes(A, 1)
                R[i,IR] += abs2(A[i,IA] - means[i,IR])
    return R

function varm!(R::AbstractArray{S}, A::AbstractArray, m::AbstractArray; corrected::Bool=true) where S
    if isempty(A)
        fill!(R, convert(S, NaN))
        rn = div(_length(A), _length(R)) - Int(corrected)
        centralize_sumabs2!(R, A, m)
        R .= R .* (1 // rn)
    return R

    varm(v, m; dims, corrected::Bool=true)

Compute the sample variance of a collection `v` with known mean(s) `m`,
optionally over the given dimensions. `m` may contain means for each dimension of
`v`. If `corrected` is `true`, then the sum is scaled with `n-1`,
whereas the sum is scaled with `n` if `corrected` is `false` where `n = length(x)`.

!!! note
    Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation. Use the [`missing`](@ref) type
    to represent missing values, and the [`skipmissing`](@ref) function to omit them.
varm(A::AbstractArray, m::AbstractArray; corrected::Bool=true, dims=:) = _varm(A, m, corrected, dims)

_varm(A::AbstractArray{T}, m, corrected::Bool, region) where {T} =
    varm!(reducedim_init(t -> abs2(t)/2, +, A, region), A, m; corrected=corrected)

varm(A::AbstractArray, m; corrected::Bool=true) = _varm(A, m, corrected, :)

function _varm(A::AbstractArray{T}, m, corrected::Bool, ::Colon) where T
    n = _length(A)
    n == 0 && return typeof((abs2(zero(T)) + abs2(zero(T)))/2)(NaN)
    return centralize_sumabs2(A, m) / (n - Int(corrected))

    var(v; dims, corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing)

Compute the sample variance of a vector or array `v`, optionally along the given dimensions.
The algorithm will return an estimator of the generative distribution's variance
under the assumption that each entry of `v` is an IID drawn from that generative
distribution. This computation is equivalent to calculating `sum(abs2, v - mean(v)) /
(length(v) - 1)`. If `corrected` is `true`, then the sum is scaled with `n-1`,
whereas the sum is scaled with `n` if `corrected` is `false` where `n = length(x)`.
The mean `mean` over the region may be provided.

!!! note
    Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation. Use the [`missing`](@ref) type
    to represent missing values, and the [`skipmissing`](@ref) function to omit them.
var(A::AbstractArray; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing, dims=:) = _var(A, corrected, mean, dims)

_var(A::AbstractArray, corrected::Bool, mean, dims) =
    varm(A, coalesce(mean, Base.mean(A, dims=dims)); corrected=corrected, dims=dims)

_var(A::AbstractArray, corrected::Bool, mean, ::Colon) =
    real(varm(A, coalesce(mean, Base.mean(A)); corrected=corrected))

varm(iterable, m; corrected::Bool=true) = _var(iterable, corrected, m)

## variances over ranges

varm(v::AbstractRange, m::AbstractArray) = range_varm(v, m)
varm(v::AbstractRange, m) = range_varm(v, m)

function range_varm(v::AbstractRange, m)
    f  = first(v) - m
    s  = step(v)
    l  = length(v)
    vv = f^2 * l / (l - 1) + f * s * l + s^2 * l * (2 * l - 1) / 6
    if l == 0 || l == 1
        return typeof(vv)(NaN)
    return vv

function var(v::AbstractRange)
    s  = step(v)
    l  = length(v)
    vv = abs2(s) * (l + 1) * l / 12
    if l == 0 || l == 1
        return typeof(vv)(NaN)
    return vv

##### standard deviation #####

function sqrt!(A::AbstractArray)
    for i in eachindex(A)
        @inbounds A[i] = sqrt(A[i])

stdm(A::AbstractArray, m; corrected::Bool=true) =
    sqrt.(varm(A, m; corrected=corrected))

    std(v; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing, dims)

Compute the sample standard deviation of a vector or array `v`, optionally along the given
dimensions. The algorithm returns an estimator of the generative distribution's standard
deviation under the assumption that each entry of `v` is an IID drawn from that generative
distribution. This computation is equivalent to calculating `sqrt(sum((v - mean(v)).^2) /
(length(v) - 1))`. A pre-computed `mean` may be provided. If `corrected` is `true`,
then the sum is scaled with `n-1`, whereas the sum is scaled with `n` if `corrected` is
`false` where `n = length(x)`.

!!! note
    Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation. Use the [`missing`](@ref) type
    to represent missing values, and the [`skipmissing`](@ref) function to omit them.
std(A::AbstractArray; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing, dims=:) = _std(A, corrected, mean, dims)

_std(A::AbstractArray, corrected::Bool, mean, dims) =
    sqrt.(var(A; corrected=corrected, mean=mean, dims=dims))

_std(A::AbstractArray, corrected::Bool, mean, ::Colon) =
    sqrt.(var(A; corrected=corrected, mean=mean))

_std(A::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, corrected::Bool, mean, dims) =
    sqrt!(var(A; corrected=corrected, mean=mean, dims=dims))

_std(A::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, corrected::Bool, mean, ::Colon) =
    sqrt.(var(A; corrected=corrected, mean=mean))

std(iterable; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing) =
    sqrt(var(iterable, corrected=corrected, mean=mean))

    stdm(v, m; corrected::Bool=true)

Compute the sample standard deviation of a vector `v`
with known mean `m`. If `corrected` is `true`,
then the sum is scaled with `n-1`, whereas the sum is
scaled with `n` if `corrected` is `false` where `n = length(x)`.

!!! note
    Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation. Use the [`missing`](@ref) type
    to represent missing values, and the [`skipmissing`](@ref) function to omit them.
stdm(iterable, m; corrected::Bool=true) =
    std(iterable, corrected=corrected, mean=m)

###### covariance ######

# auxiliary functions

_conj(x::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = x
_conj(x::AbstractArray) = conj(x)

_getnobs(x::AbstractVector, vardim::Int) = _length(x)
_getnobs(x::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) = size(x, vardim)

function _getnobs(x::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat, vardim::Int)
    n = _getnobs(x, vardim)
    _getnobs(y, vardim) == n || throw(DimensionMismatch("dimensions of x and y mismatch"))
    return n

_vmean(x::AbstractVector, vardim::Int) = mean(x)
_vmean(x::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) = mean(x, dims=vardim)

# core functions

unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractVector{<:Number})    = sum(abs2, x)
unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractVector)              = sum(t -> t*t', x)
unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) = (vardim == 1 ? _conj(x'x) : x * x')

unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector) = sum(conj(y[i])*x[i] for i in eachindex(y, x))
unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) =
    (vardim == 1 ? *(transpose(x), _conj(y)) : *(transpose(x), transpose(_conj(y))))
unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractVector, vardim::Int) =
    (c = vardim == 1 ? *(transpose(x), _conj(y)) :  x * _conj(y); reshape(c, length(c), 1))
unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) =
    (vardim == 1 ? *(transpose(x), _conj(y)) : *(x, adjoint(y)))

# covzm (with centered data)

covzm(x::AbstractVector; corrected::Bool=true) = unscaled_covzm(x) / (_length(x) - Int(corrected))
function covzm(x::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int=1; corrected::Bool=true)
    C = unscaled_covzm(x, vardim)
    T = promote_type(typeof(first(C) / 1), eltype(C))
    A = convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, C)
    b = 1//(size(x, vardim) - corrected)
    A .= A .* b
    return A
covzm(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector; corrected::Bool=true) =
    unscaled_covzm(x, y) / (_length(x) - Int(corrected))
function covzm(x::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat, vardim::Int=1; corrected::Bool=true)
    C = unscaled_covzm(x, y, vardim)
    T = promote_type(typeof(first(C) / 1), eltype(C))
    A = convert(AbstractArray{T}, C)
    b = 1//(_getnobs(x, y, vardim) - corrected)
    A .= A .* b
    return A

# covm (with provided mean)
## Use map(t -> t - xmean, x) instead of x .- xmean to allow for Vector{Vector}
## which can't be handled by broadcast
covm(x::AbstractVector, xmean; corrected::Bool=true) =
    covzm(map(t -> t - xmean, x); corrected=corrected)
covm(x::AbstractMatrix, xmean, vardim::Int=1; corrected::Bool=true) =
    covzm(x .- xmean, vardim; corrected=corrected)
covm(x::AbstractVector, xmean, y::AbstractVector, ymean; corrected::Bool=true) =
    covzm(map(t -> t - xmean, x), map(t -> t - ymean, y); corrected=corrected)
covm(x::AbstractVecOrMat, xmean, y::AbstractVecOrMat, ymean, vardim::Int=1; corrected::Bool=true) =
    covzm(x .- xmean, y .- ymean, vardim; corrected=corrected)

# cov (API)
    cov(x::AbstractVector; corrected::Bool=true)

Compute the variance of the vector `x`. If `corrected` is `true` (the default) then the sum
is scaled with `n-1`, whereas the sum is scaled with `n` if `corrected` is `false` where `n = length(x)`.
cov(x::AbstractVector; corrected::Bool=true) = covm(x, Base.mean(x); corrected=corrected)

    cov(X::AbstractMatrix; dims::Int=1, corrected::Bool=true)

Compute the covariance matrix of the matrix `X` along the dimension `dims`. If `corrected`
is `true` (the default) then the sum is scaled with `n-1`, whereas the sum is scaled with `n`
if `corrected` is `false` where `n = size(X, dims)`.
cov(X::AbstractMatrix; dims::Int=1, corrected::Bool=true) =
    covm(X, _vmean(X, dims), dims; corrected=corrected)

    cov(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector; corrected::Bool=true)

Compute the covariance between the vectors `x` and `y`. If `corrected` is `true` (the
default), computes ``\\frac{1}{n-1}\\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-\\bar x) (y_i-\\bar y)^*`` where
``*`` denotes the complex conjugate and `n = length(x) = length(y)`. If `corrected` is
`false`, computes ``\\frac{1}{n}\\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-\\bar x) (y_i-\\bar y)^*``.
cov(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector; corrected::Bool=true) =
    covm(x, Base.mean(x), y, Base.mean(y); corrected=corrected)

    cov(X::AbstractVecOrMat, Y::AbstractVecOrMat; dims::Int=1, corrected::Bool=true)

Compute the covariance between the vectors or matrices `X` and `Y` along the dimension
`dims`. If `corrected` is `true` (the default) then the sum is scaled with `n-1`, whereas
the sum is scaled with `n` if `corrected` is `false` where `n = size(X, dims) = size(Y, dims)`.
cov(X::AbstractVecOrMat, Y::AbstractVecOrMat; dims::Int=1, corrected::Bool=true) =
    covm(X, _vmean(X, dims), Y, _vmean(Y, dims), dims; corrected=corrected)

##### correlation #####


Clamp a real correlation to between -1 and 1, leaving complex correlations unchanged
clampcor(x::Real) = clamp(x, -1, 1)
clampcor(x) = x

# cov2cor!

function cov2cor!(C::AbstractMatrix{T}, xsd::AbstractArray) where T
    nx = length(xsd)
    size(C) == (nx, nx) || throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent dimensions"))
    for j = 1:nx
        for i = 1:j-1
            C[i,j] = adjoint(C[j,i])
        C[j,j] = oneunit(T)
        for i = j+1:nx
            C[i,j] = clampcor(C[i,j] / (xsd[i] * xsd[j]))
    return C
function cov2cor!(C::AbstractMatrix, xsd, ysd::AbstractArray)
    nx, ny = size(C)
    length(ysd) == ny || throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent dimensions"))
    for (j, y) in enumerate(ysd)   # fixme (iter): here and in all `cov2cor!` we assume that `C` is efficiently indexed by integers
        for i in 1:nx
            C[i,j] = clampcor(C[i, j] / (xsd * y))
    return C
function cov2cor!(C::AbstractMatrix, xsd::AbstractArray, ysd)
    nx, ny = size(C)
    length(xsd) == nx || throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent dimensions"))
    for j in 1:ny
        for (i, x) in enumerate(xsd)
            C[i,j] = clampcor(C[i,j] / (x * ysd))
    return C
function cov2cor!(C::AbstractMatrix, xsd::AbstractArray, ysd::AbstractArray)
    nx, ny = size(C)
    (length(xsd) == nx && length(ysd) == ny) ||
        throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent dimensions"))
    for (i, x) in enumerate(xsd)
        for (j, y) in enumerate(ysd)
            C[i,j] = clampcor(C[i,j] / (x * y))
    return C

# corzm (non-exported, with centered data)

corzm(x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} = one(real(T))
function corzm(x::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int=1)
    c = unscaled_covzm(x, vardim)
    return cov2cor!(c, collect(sqrt(c[i,i]) for i in 1:min(size(c)...)))
corzm(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int=1) =
    cov2cor!(unscaled_covzm(x, y, vardim), sqrt(sum(abs2, x)), sqrt!(sum(abs2, y, dims=vardim)))
corzm(x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractVector, vardim::Int=1) =
    cov2cor!(unscaled_covzm(x, y, vardim), sqrt!(sum(abs2, x, dims=vardim)), sqrt(sum(abs2, y)))
corzm(x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int=1) =
    cov2cor!(unscaled_covzm(x, y, vardim), sqrt!(sum(abs2, x, dims=vardim)), sqrt!(sum(abs2, y, dims=vardim)))

# corm

corm(x::AbstractVector{T}, xmean) where {T} = one(real(T))
corm(x::AbstractMatrix, xmean, vardim::Int=1) = corzm(x .- xmean, vardim)
function corm(x::AbstractVector, mx, y::AbstractVector, my)
    n = length(x)
    length(y) == n || throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent lengths"))
    n > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("correlation only defined for non-empty vectors"))

    @inbounds begin
        # Initialize the accumulators
        xx = zero(sqrt(abs2(x[1])))
        yy = zero(sqrt(abs2(y[1])))
        xy = zero(x[1] * y[1]')

        @simd for i in eachindex(x, y)
            xi = x[i] - mx
            yi = y[i] - my
            xx += abs2(xi)
            yy += abs2(yi)
            xy += xi * yi'
    return clampcor(xy / max(xx, yy) / sqrt(min(xx, yy) / max(xx, yy)))

corm(x::AbstractVecOrMat, xmean, y::AbstractVecOrMat, ymean, vardim::Int=1) =
    corzm(x .- xmean, y .- ymean, vardim)

# cor

Return the number one.
cor(x::AbstractVector) = one(real(eltype(x)))

    cor(X::AbstractMatrix; dims::Int=1)

Compute the Pearson correlation matrix of the matrix `X` along the dimension `dims`.
cor(X::AbstractMatrix; dims::Int=1) = corm(X, _vmean(X, dims), dims)

    cor(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)

Compute the Pearson correlation between the vectors `x` and `y`.
cor(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector) = corm(x, Base.mean(x), y, Base.mean(y))

    cor(X::AbstractVecOrMat, Y::AbstractVecOrMat; dims=1)

Compute the Pearson correlation between the vectors or matrices `X` and `Y` along the dimension `dims`.
cor(x::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat; dims::Int=1) =
    corm(x, _vmean(x, dims), y, _vmean(y, dims), dims)

##### median & quantiles #####


Compute the middle of a scalar value, which is equivalent to `x` itself, but of the type of `middle(x, x)` for consistency.
middle(x::Union{Bool,Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,Int128,UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,UInt128}) = Float64(x)
# Specialized functions for real types allow for improved performance
middle(x::AbstractFloat) = x
middle(x::Real) = (x + zero(x)) / 1

    middle(x, y)

Compute the middle of two reals `x` and `y`, which is
equivalent in both value and type to computing their mean (`(x + y) / 2`).
middle(x::Real, y::Real) = x/2 + y/2


Compute the middle of a range, which consists of computing the mean of its extrema.
Since a range is sorted, the mean is performed with the first and last element.

julia> middle(1:10)
middle(a::AbstractRange) = middle(a[1], a[end])


Compute the middle of an array `a`, which consists of finding its
extrema and then computing their mean.

julia> a = [1,2,3.6,10.9]
4-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> middle(a)
middle(a::AbstractArray) = ((v1, v2) = extrema(a); middle(v1, v2))


Like [`median`](@ref), but may overwrite the input vector.
function median!(v::AbstractVector)
    isempty(v) && throw(ArgumentError("median of an empty array is undefined, $(repr(v))"))
    if eltype(v)<:AbstractFloat
        @inbounds for x in v
            isnan(x) && return x
    inds = axes(v, 1)
    n = length(inds)
    mid = div(first(inds)+last(inds),2)
    if isodd(n)
        return middle(partialsort!(v,mid))
        m = partialsort!(v, mid:mid+1)
        return middle(m[1], m[2])
median!(v::AbstractArray) = median!(vec(v))

    median(v; dims)

Compute the median of an entire array `v`, or, optionally,
along the given dimensions. For an even number of
elements no exact median element exists, so the result is
equivalent to calculating mean of two median elements.

!!! note
    Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation. Use the [`missing`](@ref) type
    to represent missing values, and the [`skipmissing`](@ref) function to omit them.
median(v::AbstractArray; dims=:) = _median(v, dims)

_median(v::AbstractArray, dims) = mapslices(median!, v, dims)

_median(v::AbstractArray{T}, ::Colon) where {T} = median!(copyto!(Array{T,1}(undef, _length(v)), v))

# for now, use the R/S definition of quantile; may want variants later
# see ?quantile in R -- this is type 7
    quantile!([q, ] v, p; sorted=false)

Compute the quantile(s) of a vector `v` at the probability or probabilities `p`, which
can be given as a single value, a vector, or a tuple. If `p` is a vector, an optional
output array `q` may also be specified. (If not provided, a new output array is created.)
The keyword argument `sorted` indicates whether `v` can be assumed to be sorted; if
`false` (the default), then the elements of `v` may be partially sorted.

The elements of `p` should be on the interval [0,1], and `v` should not have any `NaN`

Quantiles are computed via linear interpolation between the points `((k-1)/(n-1), v[k])`,
for `k = 1:n` where `n = length(v)`. This corresponds to Definition 7 of Hyndman and Fan
(1996), and is the same as the R default.

!!! note
    Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation: `quantile!` will
    throw an `ArgumentError` in the presence of `NaN` values in the data array.
    Use the [`missing`](@ref) type to represent missing values, and the
    [`skipmissing`](@ref) function to omit them.

* Hyndman, R.J and Fan, Y. (1996) "Sample Quantiles in Statistical Packages",
  *The American Statistician*, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 361-365
function quantile!(q::AbstractArray, v::AbstractVector, p::AbstractArray;
    if size(p) != size(q)
        throw(DimensionMismatch("size of p, $(size(p)), must equal size of q, $(size(q))"))
    isempty(q) && return q

    minp, maxp = extrema(p)
    _quantilesort!(v, sorted, minp, maxp)

    for (i, j) in zip(eachindex(p), eachindex(q))
        @inbounds q[j] = _quantile(v,p[i])
    return q

quantile!(v::AbstractVector, p::AbstractArray; sorted::Bool=false) =
    quantile!(similar(p,float(eltype(v))), v, p; sorted=sorted)

quantile!(v::AbstractVector, p::Real; sorted::Bool=false) =
    _quantile(_quantilesort!(v, sorted, p, p), p)

function quantile!(v::AbstractVector, p::Tuple{Vararg{Real}}; sorted::Bool=false)
    isempty(p) && return ()
    minp, maxp = extrema(p)
    _quantilesort!(v, sorted, minp, maxp)
    return map(x->_quantile(v, x), p)

# Function to perform partial sort of v for quantiles in given range
function _quantilesort!(v::AbstractArray, sorted::Bool, minp::Real, maxp::Real)
    isempty(v) && throw(ArgumentError("empty data vector"))

    if !sorted
        lv = length(v)
        lo = floor(Int,1+minp*(lv-1))
        hi = ceil(Int,1+maxp*(lv-1))

        # only need to perform partial sort
        sort!(v, 1, lv, Sort.PartialQuickSort(lo:hi), Base.Sort.Forward)
    isnan(v[end]) && throw(ArgumentError("quantiles are undefined in presence of NaNs"))
    return v

# Core quantile lookup function: assumes `v` sorted
@inline function _quantile(v::AbstractVector, p::Real)
    0 <= p <= 1 || throw(ArgumentError("input probability out of [0,1] range"))

    lv = length(v)
    f0 = (lv - 1)*p # 0-based interpolated index
    t0 = trunc(f0)
    h  = f0 - t0
    i  = trunc(Int,t0) + 1

    T  = promote_type(eltype(v), typeof(v[1]*h))

    if h == 0
        return convert(T, v[i])
        a = v[i]
        b = v[i+1]
        if isfinite(a) && isfinite(b)
            return convert(T, a + h*(b-a))
            return convert(T, (1-h)*a + h*b)

    quantile(v, p; sorted=false)

Compute the quantile(s) of a vector `v` at a specified probability or vector or tuple of
probabilities `p`. The keyword argument `sorted` indicates whether `v` can be assumed to
be sorted.

The `p` should be on the interval [0,1], and `v` should not have any `NaN` values.

Quantiles are computed via linear interpolation between the points `((k-1)/(n-1), v[k])`,
for `k = 1:n` where `n = length(v)`. This corresponds to Definition 7 of Hyndman and Fan
(1996), and is the same as the R default.

!!! note
    Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation: `quantile` will
    throw an `ArgumentError` in the presence of `NaN` values in the data array.
    Use the [`missing`](@ref) type to represent missing values, and the
    [`skipmissing`](@ref) function to omit them.

- Hyndman, R.J and Fan, Y. (1996) "Sample Quantiles in Statistical Packages",
  *The American Statistician*, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 361-365
quantile(v::AbstractVector, p; sorted::Bool=false) =
    quantile!(sorted ? v : copymutable(v), p; sorted=sorted)
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