Raw File
# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
# March 31, 1998.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# David Hyatt.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
#   David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com>
#   Blake Ross <blaker@netscape.com>
#   Joe Hewitt <hewitt@netscape.com>
#   Jared Wein <jwein@mozilla.com>
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****

var gToolboxDocument = null;
var gToolbox = null;
var gCurrentDragOverItem = null;
var gToolboxChanged = false;
var gToolboxSheet = false;
var gPaletteBox = null;

function onLoad()
  if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments[0]) {
  else if (window.frameElement &&
           "toolbox" in window.frameElement) {
    gToolboxSheet = true;

function InitWithToolbox(aToolbox)
  gToolbox = aToolbox;
  gToolboxDocument = gToolbox.ownerDocument;
  gToolbox.customizing = true;
  forEachCustomizableToolbar(function (toolbar) {
    toolbar.setAttribute("customizing", "true");
  gPaletteBox = document.getElementById("palette-box");

  var elts = getRootElements();
  for (let i=0; i < elts.length; i++) {
    elts[i].addEventListener("dragstart", onToolbarDragStart, true);
    elts[i].addEventListener("dragover", onToolbarDragOver, true);
    elts[i].addEventListener("dragexit", onToolbarDragExit, true);
    elts[i].addEventListener("drop", onToolbarDrop, true);


function onClose()
  if (!gToolboxSheet)

function onUnload()
  if (!gToolboxSheet)

function finishToolbarCustomization()
  gToolbox.customizing = false;
  forEachCustomizableToolbar(function (toolbar) {


function initDialog()
  var mode = gToolbox.getAttribute("mode");
  document.getElementById("modelist").value = mode;
  var smallIconsCheckbox = document.getElementById("smallicons");
  smallIconsCheckbox.checked = gToolbox.getAttribute("iconsize") == "small";
  if (mode == "text")
    smallIconsCheckbox.disabled = true;

  // Build up the palette of other items.

  // Wrap all the items on the toolbar in toolbarpaletteitems.

function repositionDialog(aWindow)
  // Position the dialog touching the bottom of the toolbox and centered with
  // it.
  if (!aWindow)

  var width;
  if (aWindow != window)
    width = aWindow.getBoundingClientRect().width;
  else if (document.documentElement.hasAttribute("width"))
    width = document.documentElement.getAttribute("width");
    width = parseInt(document.documentElement.style.width);
  var screenX = gToolbox.boxObject.screenX
                + ((gToolbox.boxObject.width - width) / 2);
  var screenY = gToolbox.boxObject.screenY + gToolbox.boxObject.height;

  aWindow.moveTo(screenX, screenY);

function removeToolboxListeners()
  var elts = getRootElements();
  for (let i=0; i < elts.length; i++) {
    elts[i].removeEventListener("dragstart", onToolbarDragStart, true);
    elts[i].removeEventListener("dragover", onToolbarDragOver, true);
    elts[i].removeEventListener("dragexit", onToolbarDragExit, true);
    elts[i].removeEventListener("drop", onToolbarDrop, true);

 * Invoke a callback on the toolbox to notify it that the dialog is done
 * and going away.
function notifyParentComplete()
  if ("customizeDone" in gToolbox)

function toolboxChanged(aType)
  gToolboxChanged = true;
  if ("customizeChange" in gToolbox)

function dispatchCustomizationEvent(aEventName) {
  var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
  evt.initEvent(aEventName, true, true);

 * Persist the current set of buttons in all customizable toolbars to
 * localstore.
function persistCurrentSets()
  if (!gToolboxChanged || gToolboxDocument.defaultView.closed)

  var customCount = 0;
  forEachCustomizableToolbar(function (toolbar) {
    // Calculate currentset and store it in the attribute.
    var currentSet = toolbar.currentSet;
    toolbar.setAttribute("currentset", currentSet);

    var customIndex = toolbar.hasAttribute("customindex");
    if (customIndex) {
      if (!toolbar.hasChildNodes()) {
        // Remove custom toolbars whose contents have been removed.
      } else {
        // Persist custom toolbar info on the <toolbarset/>
                                         toolbar.toolbarName + ":" + currentSet);
        gToolboxDocument.persist(gToolbox.toolbarset.id, "toolbar"+customCount);

    if (!customIndex) {
      // Persist the currentset attribute directly on hardcoded toolbars.
      gToolboxDocument.persist(toolbar.id, "currentset");

  // Remove toolbarX attributes for removed toolbars.
  while (gToolbox.toolbarset.hasAttribute("toolbar"+(++customCount))) {
    gToolboxDocument.persist(gToolbox.toolbarset.id, "toolbar"+customCount);

 * Wraps all items in all customizable toolbars in a toolbox.
function wrapToolbarItems()
  forEachCustomizableToolbar(function (toolbar) {
    Array.forEach(toolbar.childNodes, function (item) {
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
      if (item.firstChild && item.firstChild.localName == "menubar")
      if (isToolbarItem(item)) {
        let wrapper = wrapToolbarItem(item);
        cleanupItemForToolbar(item, wrapper);

function getRootElements()
  return [gToolbox].concat(gToolbox.externalToolbars);

 * Unwraps all items in all customizable toolbars in a toolbox.
function unwrapToolbarItems()
  let elts = getRootElements();
  for (let i=0; i < elts.length; i++) {
    let paletteItems = elts[i].getElementsByTagName("toolbarpaletteitem");
    let paletteItem;
    while ((paletteItem = paletteItems.item(0)) != null) {
      let toolbarItem = paletteItem.firstChild;
      restoreItemForToolbar(toolbarItem, paletteItem);
      paletteItem.parentNode.replaceChild(toolbarItem, paletteItem);

 * Creates a wrapper that can be used to contain a toolbaritem and prevent
 * it from receiving UI events.
function createWrapper(aId, aDocument)
  var wrapper = aDocument.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul",

  wrapper.id = "wrapper-"+aId;
  return wrapper;

 * Wraps an item that has been cloned from a template and adds
 * it to the end of the palette.
function wrapPaletteItem(aPaletteItem)
  var wrapper = createWrapper(aPaletteItem.id, document);


  // XXX We need to call this AFTER the palette item has been appended
  // to the wrapper or else we crash dropping certain buttons on the
  // palette due to removal of the command and disabled attributes - JRH
  cleanUpItemForPalette(aPaletteItem, wrapper);


 * Wraps an item that is currently on a toolbar and replaces the item
 * with the wrapper. This is not used when dropping items from the palette,
 * only when first starting the dialog and wrapping everything on the toolbars.
function wrapToolbarItem(aToolbarItem)
  var wrapper = createWrapper(aToolbarItem.id, gToolboxDocument);

  wrapper.flex = aToolbarItem.flex;

  aToolbarItem.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, aToolbarItem);


  return wrapper;

 * Get the list of ids for the current set of items on each toolbar.
function getCurrentItemIds()
  var currentItems = {};
  forEachCustomizableToolbar(function (toolbar) {
    var child = toolbar.firstChild;
    while (child) {
      if (isToolbarItem(child))
        currentItems[child.id] = 1;
      child = child.nextSibling;
  return currentItems;

 * Builds the palette of draggable items that are not yet in a toolbar.
function buildPalette()
  // Empty the palette first.
  while (gPaletteBox.lastChild)

  // Add the toolbar separator item.
  var templateNode = document.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul",
  templateNode.id = "separator";

  // Add the toolbar spring item.
  templateNode = document.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul",
  templateNode.id = "spring";
  templateNode.flex = 1;

  // Add the toolbar spacer item.
  templateNode = document.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul",
  templateNode.id = "spacer";
  templateNode.flex = 1;

  var currentItems = getCurrentItemIds();
  templateNode = gToolbox.palette.firstChild;
  while (templateNode) {
    // Check if the item is already in a toolbar before adding it to the palette.
    if (!(templateNode.id in currentItems)) {
      var paletteItem = document.importNode(templateNode, true);

    templateNode = templateNode.nextSibling;

 * Makes sure that an item that has been cloned from a template
 * is stripped of any attributes that may adversely affect its
 * appearance in the palette.
function cleanUpItemForPalette(aItem, aWrapper)
  aWrapper.setAttribute("place", "palette");
  setWrapperType(aItem, aWrapper);

  if (aItem.hasAttribute("title"))
    aWrapper.setAttribute("title", aItem.getAttribute("title"));
  else if (aItem.hasAttribute("label"))
    aWrapper.setAttribute("title", aItem.getAttribute("label"));
  else if (isSpecialItem(aItem)) {
    var stringBundle = document.getElementById("stringBundle");
    // Remove the common "toolbar" prefix to generate the string name.
    var title = stringBundle.getString(aItem.localName.slice(7) + "Title");
    aWrapper.setAttribute("title", title);
  aWrapper.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aWrapper.getAttribute("title"));

  // Remove attributes that screw up our appearance.

  Array.forEach(aWrapper.querySelectorAll("[disabled]"), function(aNode) {

 * Makes sure that an item that has been cloned from a template
 * is stripped of all properties that may adversely affect its
 * appearance in the toolbar.  Store critical properties on the
 * wrapper so they can be put back on the item when we're done.
function cleanupItemForToolbar(aItem, aWrapper)
  setWrapperType(aItem, aWrapper);
  aWrapper.setAttribute("place", "toolbar");

  if (aItem.hasAttribute("command")) {
    aWrapper.setAttribute("itemcommand", aItem.getAttribute("command"));

  if (aItem.checked) {
    aWrapper.setAttribute("itemchecked", "true");
    aItem.checked = false;

  if (aItem.disabled) {
    aWrapper.setAttribute("itemdisabled", "true");
    aItem.disabled = false;

 * Restore all the properties that we stripped off above.
function restoreItemForToolbar(aItem, aWrapper)
  if (aWrapper.hasAttribute("itemdisabled"))
    aItem.disabled = true;

  if (aWrapper.hasAttribute("itemchecked"))
    aItem.checked = true;

  if (aWrapper.hasAttribute("itemcommand")) {
    let commandID = aWrapper.getAttribute("itemcommand");
    aItem.setAttribute("command", commandID);

    //XXX Bug 309953 - toolbarbuttons aren't in sync with their commands after customizing
    let command = gToolboxDocument.getElementById(commandID);
    if (command && command.hasAttribute("disabled"))
      aItem.setAttribute("disabled", command.getAttribute("disabled"));

function setWrapperType(aItem, aWrapper)
  if (aItem.localName == "toolbarseparator") {
    aWrapper.setAttribute("type", "separator");
  } else if (aItem.localName == "toolbarspring") {
    aWrapper.setAttribute("type", "spring");
  } else if (aItem.localName == "toolbarspacer") {
    aWrapper.setAttribute("type", "spacer");
  } else if (aItem.localName == "toolbaritem" && aItem.firstChild) {
    aWrapper.setAttribute("type", aItem.firstChild.localName);

function setDragActive(aItem, aValue)
  var node = aItem;
  var direction = window.getComputedStyle(aItem, null).direction;
  var value = direction == "ltr"? "left" : "right";
  if (aItem.localName == "toolbar") {
    node = aItem.lastChild;
    value = direction == "ltr"? "right" : "left";

  if (!node)

  if (aValue) {
    if (!node.hasAttribute("dragover"))
      node.setAttribute("dragover", value);
  } else {

function addNewToolbar()
  var promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]

  var stringBundle = document.getElementById("stringBundle");
  var message = stringBundle.getString("enterToolbarName");
  var title = stringBundle.getString("enterToolbarTitle");

  var name = {};

  // Quitting from the toolbar dialog while the new toolbar prompt is up
  // can cause things to become unresponsive on the Mac. Until dialog modality
  // is fixed (395465), disable the "Done" button explicitly.
  var doneButton = document.getElementById("donebutton");
  doneButton.disabled = true;

  while (true) {

    if (!promptService.prompt(window, title, message, name, null, {})) {
      doneButton.disabled = false;

    if (!name.value) {
      message = stringBundle.getFormattedString("enterToolbarBlank", [name.value]);

    var dupeFound = false;

     // Check for an existing toolbar with the same display name
    for (let i = 0; i < gToolbox.childNodes.length; ++i) {
      var toolbar = gToolbox.childNodes[i];
      var toolbarName = toolbar.getAttribute("toolbarname");

      if (toolbarName == name.value &&
          toolbar.getAttribute("type") != "menubar" &&
          toolbar.nodeName == 'toolbar') {
        dupeFound = true;

    if (!dupeFound)

    message = stringBundle.getFormattedString("enterToolbarDup", [name.value]);

  gToolbox.appendCustomToolbar(name.value, "");


  doneButton.disabled = false;

 * Restore the default set of buttons to fixed toolbars,
 * remove all custom toolbars, and rebuild the palette.
function restoreDefaultSet()
  // Unwrap the items on the toolbar.

  // Remove all of the customized toolbars.
  var child = gToolbox.lastChild;
  while (child) {
    if (child.hasAttribute("customindex")) {
      var thisChild = child;
      child = child.previousSibling;
      thisChild.currentSet = "__empty";
    } else {
      child = child.previousSibling;

  // Restore the defaultset for fixed toolbars.
  forEachCustomizableToolbar(function (toolbar) {
    var defaultSet = toolbar.getAttribute("defaultset");
    if (defaultSet)
      toolbar.currentSet = defaultSet;

  // Restore the default icon size and mode.
  document.getElementById("smallicons").checked = (updateIconSize() == "small");
  document.getElementById("modelist").value = updateToolbarMode();

  // Now rebuild the palette.

  // Now re-wrap the items on the toolbar.


function updateIconSize(aSize) {
  return updateToolboxProperty("iconsize", aSize, "large");

function updateToolbarMode(aModeValue) {
  var mode = updateToolboxProperty("mode", aModeValue, "icons");

  var iconSizeCheckbox = document.getElementById("smallicons");
  iconSizeCheckbox.disabled = mode == "text";

  return mode;

function updateToolboxProperty(aProp, aValue, aToolkitDefault) {
  var toolboxDefault = gToolbox.getAttribute("default" + aProp) ||

  gToolbox.setAttribute(aProp, aValue || toolboxDefault);
  gToolboxDocument.persist(gToolbox.id, aProp);

  forEachCustomizableToolbar(function (toolbar) {
    var toolbarDefault = toolbar.getAttribute("default" + aProp) ||
    if (toolbar.getAttribute("lock" + aProp) == "true" &&
        toolbar.getAttribute(aProp) == toolbarDefault)

    toolbar.setAttribute(aProp, aValue || toolbarDefault);
    gToolboxDocument.persist(toolbar.id, aProp);


  return aValue || toolboxDefault;

function forEachCustomizableToolbar(callback) {
  Array.filter(gToolbox.childNodes, isCustomizableToolbar).forEach(callback);
  Array.filter(gToolbox.externalToolbars, isCustomizableToolbar).forEach(callback);

function isCustomizableToolbar(aElt)
  return aElt.localName == "toolbar" &&
         aElt.getAttribute("customizable") == "true";

function isSpecialItem(aElt)
  return aElt.localName == "toolbarseparator" ||
         aElt.localName == "toolbarspring" ||
         aElt.localName == "toolbarspacer";

function isToolbarItem(aElt)
  return aElt.localName == "toolbarbutton" ||
         aElt.localName == "toolbaritem" ||
         aElt.localName == "toolbarseparator" ||
         aElt.localName == "toolbarspring" ||
         aElt.localName == "toolbarspacer";

//// Drag and Drop observers

function onToolbarDragExit(aEvent)
  if (gCurrentDragOverItem)
    setDragActive(gCurrentDragOverItem, false);

function onToolbarDragStart(aEvent)
  var item = aEvent.target;
  while (item && item.localName != "toolbarpaletteitem") {
    if (item.localName == "toolbar")
    item = item.parentNode;

  item.setAttribute("dragactive", "true");

  var dt = aEvent.dataTransfer;
  var documentId = gToolboxDocument.documentElement.id;
  dt.setData("text/toolbarwrapper-id/" + documentId, item.firstChild.id);
  dt.effectAllowed = "move";

function onToolbarDragOver(aEvent)
  var documentId = gToolboxDocument.documentElement.id;
  if (!aEvent.dataTransfer.types.contains("text/toolbarwrapper-id/" + documentId.toLowerCase()))

  var toolbar = aEvent.target;
  var dropTarget = aEvent.target;
  while (toolbar && toolbar.localName != "toolbar") {
    dropTarget = toolbar;
    toolbar = toolbar.parentNode;

  // Make sure we are dragging over a customizable toolbar.
  if (!toolbar || !isCustomizableToolbar(toolbar)) {
    gCurrentDragOverItem = null;

  var previousDragItem = gCurrentDragOverItem;

  if (dropTarget.localName == "toolbar") {
    gCurrentDragOverItem = dropTarget;
  } else {
    gCurrentDragOverItem = null;

    var direction = window.getComputedStyle(dropTarget.parentNode, null).direction;
    var dropTargetCenter = dropTarget.boxObject.x + (dropTarget.boxObject.width / 2);
    var dragAfter;
    if (direction == "ltr")
      dragAfter = aEvent.clientX > dropTargetCenter;
      dragAfter = aEvent.clientX < dropTargetCenter;

    if (dragAfter) {
      gCurrentDragOverItem = dropTarget.nextSibling;
      if (!gCurrentDragOverItem)
        gCurrentDragOverItem = toolbar;
    } else
      gCurrentDragOverItem = dropTarget;

  if (previousDragItem && gCurrentDragOverItem != previousDragItem) {
    setDragActive(previousDragItem, false);

  setDragActive(gCurrentDragOverItem, true);


function onToolbarDrop(aEvent)
  if (!gCurrentDragOverItem)

  setDragActive(gCurrentDragOverItem, false);

  var documentId = gToolboxDocument.documentElement.id;
  var draggedItemId = aEvent.dataTransfer.getData("text/toolbarwrapper-id/" + documentId);
  if (gCurrentDragOverItem.id == draggedItemId)

  var toolbar = aEvent.target;
  while (toolbar.localName != "toolbar")
    toolbar = toolbar.parentNode;

  var draggedPaletteWrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-"+draggedItemId);
  if (!draggedPaletteWrapper) {
    // The wrapper has been dragged from the toolbar.
    // Get the wrapper from the toolbar document and make sure that
    // it isn't being dropped on itself.
    var wrapper = gToolboxDocument.getElementById("wrapper-"+draggedItemId);
    if (wrapper == gCurrentDragOverItem)

    // Don't allow non-removable kids (e.g., the menubar) to move.
    if (wrapper.firstChild.getAttribute("removable") != "true")

    // Remove the item from its place in the toolbar.

    // Determine which toolbar we are dropping on.
    var dropToolbar = null;
    if (gCurrentDragOverItem.localName == "toolbar")
      dropToolbar = gCurrentDragOverItem;
      dropToolbar = gCurrentDragOverItem.parentNode;

    // Insert the item into the toolbar.
    if (gCurrentDragOverItem != dropToolbar)
      dropToolbar.insertBefore(wrapper, gCurrentDragOverItem);
  } else {
    // The item has been dragged from the palette

    // Create a new wrapper for the item. We don't know the id yet.
    var wrapper = createWrapper("", gToolboxDocument);

    // Ask the toolbar to clone the item's template, place it inside the wrapper, and insert it in the toolbar.
    var newItem = toolbar.insertItem(draggedItemId, gCurrentDragOverItem == toolbar ? null : gCurrentDragOverItem, wrapper);

    // Prepare the item and wrapper to look good on the toolbar.
    cleanupItemForToolbar(newItem, wrapper);
    wrapper.id = "wrapper-"+newItem.id;
    wrapper.flex = newItem.flex;

    // Remove the wrapper from the palette.
    if (draggedItemId != "separator" &&
        draggedItemId != "spring" &&
        draggedItemId != "spacer")

  gCurrentDragOverItem = null;


function onPaletteDragOver(aEvent)
  var documentId = gToolboxDocument.documentElement.id;
  if (aEvent.dataTransfer.types.contains("text/toolbarwrapper-id/" + documentId.toLowerCase()))

function onPaletteDrop(aEvent)
  var documentId = gToolboxDocument.documentElement.id;
  var itemId = aEvent.dataTransfer.getData("text/toolbarwrapper-id/" + documentId);

  var wrapper = gToolboxDocument.getElementById("wrapper-"+itemId);
  if (wrapper) {
    // Don't allow non-removable kids (e.g., the menubar) to move.
    if (wrapper.firstChild.getAttribute("removable") != "true")

    var wrapperType = wrapper.getAttribute("type");
    if (wrapperType != "separator" &&
        wrapperType != "spacer" &&
        wrapperType != "spring") {
      restoreItemForToolbar(wrapper.firstChild, wrapper);
      wrapPaletteItem(document.importNode(wrapper.firstChild, true));

    // The item was dragged out of the toolbar.

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