Raw File
This file lists the most important contributors to the ROOT project.
It is sorted by name and formatted to allow easy grepping and beautification
by scripts. The fields are: name (N), email (E), description (D).

          Rene Brun & Fons Rademakers.

PS: please let us know if you are not on this list while you should be, or
    if something in your entry is incorrect.


N: Roel Aaij
E: raaij@nikhef.nl
D: contribution to GUI classes

N: Mohammad Al-Turany
E: m.al-turany@gsi.de
D: QTGSI classes

N: Kim Albertsson
E: kim.albertsson@cern.ch
D: several contributions to TMVA

N: Guilherme Amadio
E: guilherme.amadio@cern.ch
D: TDataFrame, build system, parallel writing

N: Eric Anciant
E: eric.anciant@sodern.fr
D: TQuaternion class

N: Aberto Annovi
E: alberto.annovi@lnf.infn.it
D: speed-up of TH1::FillRandom when source & destination have identical parameters

N: Ilka Antcheva
E: Ilka.Antcheva@cern.ch
D: editor of the User's Guide, quality assurance
D: many contributions to the high level GUIs

N: Silvia Arcelli
E: Silvia.Arcelli@cern.ch
D: Contribution to THnSparse

N: Khamit Ardashev
E: ardashev@legsux5.phy.bnl.gov
D: Improvements in h2root/hntvar2 to support small integers as shorts

N: Elias Athanasopoulos
E: elathan@ics.forth.gr
D: Ruby interpreter interface

N: Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon
E: alejandro.alvarez.ayllon@cern.ch
D: TSSLSocket class and integration in TWebFile

N: Maarten Ballintijn
E: maartenb@mit.edu
D: initial linux port
D: PROOF development

N: Paul Balm
E: p.balm@nikhef.nl
D: implemented TDatabasePDG::ConvertGeant3ToPDG

N: Benjamin Bannier
E: bbannier@gmail.com
D: implemented THnChain

N: Daniel Barna
E: daniel.barna@cern.ch
D: CINT install target

N: Jean-Francois Bastien
E: jfbastien@cae.com
D: contribution to Reflex

N: Peter D Barnes
E: pdbarnes@llnl.gov
D: contribution to the matrix classes

N: Guy Barrand
E: barrand@lal.in2p3.fr
D: contribution to GUI classes

N: Bertrand Bellenot
E: Bertrand.Bellenot@alcan.com
D: port of ROOT GUI to Win32 using Win32 version of GDK/GLIB

N: Zev Benjamin
E: zev@mit.edu
D: TPacketizerProgressive class for PROOF

N: Denis Bertini
E: dbertini@lxg0402.gsi.de
D: changes needed so TCanvas can be embedded in Qt GUI, memory leak checker

N: Dario Berzano
E: dario.berzano@cern.ch
D: Dataset stager daemon and other PROOF related contributions

N: Iliana Betsou
E: ilianampe@yahoo.com
D: Several GUIs in the context of JSROOT/ROOT7 mainly the FitPanel

N: Adrian Bevan
E: bevan@slac.stanford.edu
D: class TFeldmanCousins
D: TMath::BubbleHigh, TMath::BubbleLow

N: Marek Biskup
E: Marek.Biskup@cern.ch
D: PROOF contributions

N: Jakob Blomer
E: Jakob.Blomer@cern.ch
D: RDataSet

N: Brian Bockelman
E: bbockelm@cse.unl.edu
D: BulkIO interface
D: THDFSFile for accessing the Hadoop file system
D: Improvement to ROOT I/O disk and memory efficiency

N: Sebastian Boeser
E: sboeser@ifh.de
D: class TGraphPolar

N: Dennis Box
E: dbox@fnal.gov
D: TPgSQLStatement implementation

N: Dan Bradley
E: dan@hep.wisc.edu
D: Chirp plugin which allows remote file access via the Condor Chirp protocol

N: Gerhard Brandt
E: gbrandt@physi.uni-heidelberg.de
D: class THtml, generation of the clickable class hierarchy

N: Thomas Bretz
E: tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de
D: Additions to TF1: functions IntegralFast and CalcGaussLegendreSamplingPoints
D: Improvements in TRolke

N: Nicolas Brun
E: nicolas@pcbrun.cern.ch
D: classes TFormula, TText, TLatex

N: Rene Brun
E: Rene.Brun@cern.ch
D: ROOT conception
D: all parts of the system

N: Ernst-Jan Buis
E: buis@mail.cern.ch
D: contour drawing options "AITOFF","MERCATOR","SINUSOIDAL","PARABOLIC"

N: Nenad Buncic
E: Nenad.Buncic@epfl.ch
D: HTML documentation generator, 3D shapes and geometry classes,
D: interface to X3D

N: Toby Burnett
E: tburnett@u.washington.edu
D: Support for indirect files in hadd utility

N: Damir Buskulic
E: buskulic@lapp.in2p3.fr
D: LinuxPPC support, contribution to the User's Guide
D: customizable context menus

N: Philippe Canal
E: pcanal@fndaub.fnal.gov
D: interface from ROOT/CINT to native compiler, FNAL support coordinator
D: support and development of TTreeFormula and TTree query mechanism

N: Federico Carminati
E: Federico.Carminati@cern.ch
D: updates in PDG codes and eventgenerator interface classes
D: TSpline, TComplex classes
D: Support for gcc option -weffc++

N: James Carroll
E: eloquism@gmail.com
D: Original maintainer of the ROOT Snap

N: Gian Paolo Ciceri
E: gp.ciceri@acm.org
D: PostgreSQL interface

N: Jan Conrad
E: Jan.Conrad@cern.ch
D: class TRolke and tutorial Rolke.C

N: Olivier Couet
E: Olivier.Couet@cern.ch
D: implement support for CellArrays in TPostScript
D: SVG driver
D: graphics support, development of 3-d interface

N: Ben Cowan
E: benc@SLAC.Stanford.EDU
D: port to MacOS X

N: Kyle Cranmer
E: cranmer@cern.ch
D: contribution in RooStats

N: Bianca-Cristina Cristescu
E: bianca-cristina.cristescu@cern.ch
D: contributions to ROOT6 / meta and cling.

N: David Dagenhart
E: wdd@fnal.gov
D: Support for LZMA compression in ROOT files

N: Pratyush Das
E: reikdas@gmail.com
D: ROOTUnitTestSupport, various rootcling improvements

N: Bastien Dallapiazza
E: bastien.dallapiazza@epfl.ch
D: TSpider, TParallelCoord classes

N: Christophe Delaere
E: Christophe.Delaere@cern.ch
D: TLimit TLimitDataSource TConfidenceLevel and TMultiLayerPerceptron classes

N: Matthieu Demaret
E: Matthieu.Demaret@cern.ch
D: class TGraphPolar

N: Jason Detwiler
E: jasondet@gmail.com
D: Implementation of class KelvinFunctions
D: Implementation of multiple columns in TLegend class
D: Implementation of TClonesArray::MultiSort
D: TTree support for csv files

N: Adrien Devresse
E: adrien.devresse@cern.ch
D: libRDAVIX, the davix client code

N: Baozeng Ding
E: sploving1@gmail.com
D: Contribution to cling's pointer validity checker

N: Mat Dobbs
E: Matthew.Adam.Dobbs@cern.ch
D: TLegend class

N: Alvise Dorigo
E: alvise.dorigo@pd.infn.it
D: libNetx, the xrootd client code

N: Pierre-Luc Drouin
E: pldrouin@physics.carleton.ca
D: extensions of TFormula and bug fixes

N: Jean-Damien Durand
E: Jean-Damien.Durand@cern.ch
D: CASTOR interface code in the TCastorFile class

N: Anders Eie
E: anders.eie@gmail.com
D: TTreeReader

N: Rutger v.d. Eijk
E: r36@nikhef.nl
D: various contributions to GUI classes

N: Andrey Erokhin
E: Andrey.Erokhin@cern.ch
D: ROOT::TDirectory

N: Giulio Eulisse
E: Giulio.Eulisse@cern.ch
D: class TQtLock, RArrowDS

N: Denis Favre-Miville
E: Denis.Favre-Miville@ensimag.imag.fr
D: contribution to the GUI and graphics editors

N: Andre Felipe
E: felipe.andre@gmail.com
D: CINT contributions

N: Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus
E: Jan.Fiete.Grosse-Oetringhaus@cern.ch
D: several contributions to PROOF testing and class TGridJDL

N: Valerio Filippini
E: Valerio.Filippini@pv.infn.it
D: contribution of TGenPhaseSpace class

N: Kirill Filimonov
E: KVFilimonov@lbl.gov
D: modified Struve functions in TMath

N: Frank Filthaut
E: filthaut@hef.kun.nl
D: contribution of TFractionFitter class

N: Valery Fine
E: fine@bnl.gov
D: Win95/NT port, OpenGL interface

N: Lucie Flekova
E: l.flekova@centrum.cz
D: several improvements of the GUI Builder

N: Leandro Franco
E: Leandro.Franco.Londono@cern.ch
D: xrootd multi-buffer support, prefetching, read-ahead

N: Markus Frank
E: Markus.Frank@cern.ch
D: STL I/O and TBranchElement splitting
D: Implementation of TRefProxy

N: John Frankland
E: frankland@ganil.fr
D: TString contributions

N: Oliver Freyermuth
E: o.f@cern.ch
D: SQLite plugin

N: Keisuke Fujii
E: fujiik@jlcuxf.kek.jp
D: port to MacOS X

N: Fabrizio Furano
E: furano@pd.infn.it
D: libNetx, the xrootd client code
D: libRDAVIX, the davix client code

N: Nikolai Gagunashvili
E: nikolai@unak.is
D: Reimplementation of TH1::Chi2Test

N: Gerardo Ganis
E: Gerardo.Ganis@cern.ch
D: all matters related to client/server authentication
D: PROOF developments

N: Paul Gessinger
E: hello@paulgessinger.com
D: TRatioPlot class

N: Davide Gerbaudo
E: davide.gerbaudo@gmail.com
D: VIOLIN drawing option for 2D histograms.

N: Nerses Gevorgyan
E: nerses@crdlx5.yerphi.am
D: support for exporting Neural Nets into Fortran code

N: Andrei Gheata
E: Andrei.Gheata@cern.ch
D: main developer of the ROOT geometry classes

N: Mihaela Gheata
E: Mihaela.Gheata@cern.ch
D: many contributions to the geometry package
D: extension of g2root, author of stressgeom

N: Mary-Louise Gill
E: m.l.gill+cern@gmail.com
D: editline terminal interface

N: Luca Giommi
E: luca.giommi2@studio.unibo.it
D: rootdrawtree and TSimpleAnalysis

N: Enrico Guiraud
E: enrico.guiraud@cern.ch
D: Multiproc runtime, RDataFrame

N: Thorsten Glebe
E: T.Glebe@mpi-hd.mpg.de
D: Original author of the Smatrix package

N: Piotr Golonka
E: Piotr.Golonka@cern.ch
D: class TMCParticle

N: Masaharu Goto
E: MXJ02154@niftyserve.or.jp
D: CINT C/C++ interpreter

N: Roberto Gracia Del Bano
E: cuboscombro@gmail.com
D: Event Recorder

N: Oleksandr Grebenyuk
E: Oleksandr.Grebenyuk@gsi.de
D: Major developments in TLatex and TPostScript text.
D: OpenLDAP interface

N: Kristjan Gulbrandsen
E: gulbrand@mit.edu
D: monitoring facility for PROOF
D: Clarens and PEAC interfaces for PROOF

N: Christian Gumpert
E: christian.gumpert@mailbox.tu-dresden.de
D: class TEfficiency and new TGraphAsymmErrors::Divide

N: Andrew Haas
E: haas@yahoo.com
D: add support for asymmetric errors in the GraphFitChisquare functions
D: implement TGraphAsymmErrors::BayesDivide and corresponding functions

N: Daniel Haertl
E: Daniel.Haertl@cern.ch
D: Reimplement in C++ the original chi2test of Nikolai Gagunashvili

N: Stephan Hageboeck
E: stephan.hageboeck@cern.ch
D: Roofit support and developments

N: Jonas Hahnfeld
E: jonas.hahnfeld@cern.ch
D: Portable implementation of RANLUX++

N: Andy Hanushevsky
E: abh@slac.stanford.edu
D: the eXtended ROOT daemon (xrootd)

N: Robert Hatcher
E: rhatcher@fnal.gov
D: class TXTRU and tutorials xtruDraw.C and xtruSamples.C
D: class TTimeStamp

N: John Harvey
E: john.harvey@cern.ch
D: Several Coverity bug fixes

N: Bill Heintzelman
E: billh@hep.upenn.edu
D: TTree::AutoFlush,Autosave improvements

N: Miroslav Helbich
E: helbich@mail.desy.de
D: apply method in the TGraph classes

N: Marc Hemberger
E: hemberg@clri6a.gsi.de
D: contributions to the thread classes, SapDB interface

N: Johannes Hentrich
E: info@johannes-hentrich.net
D: ROOT web site, in particular the Manual part.

N: Fabio Hernandez
E: fabio@in2p3.fr
D: TS3WebFile with improved Amazon S3 and Huawei support
D: Extend TS3WebFile to also support Google Storage

N: Andreas Hoecker
E: Andreas.Hoecker@cern.ch
D: author of the TMVA package

N: Carsten Hof
E: Carsten_Hof@web.de
D: Implementation of classes TGraphEditor, TH1Editor and TH2Editor

N: Ivana Hrivnacova
E: Ivana.Hrivnacova@cern.ch
D: VirtualMC design and implementation + corresponding web pages

N: Jacek M. Holeczek
E: holeczek@us.edu.pl
D: dynamic linker interface for IBM/AIX, contributions to MakeTree code
D: generator, many comments on the Users Guide, HowtoMC

N: Christian Holm Christensen
E: cholm@nbi.dk
D: contributions to the build system (configure, Makefile.in, config.in)
D: implementation of the principal component analysis class TPrincipal
D: debian and redhat packaging scripts, port to GNU/Hurd (Debian)

N: Burt Holzman
E: burt@fnal.gov
D: Contribution to TWebFile,rpdutils and sockets.

N: Fernando Hueso-González
E: fernando.hueso@uv.es
D: Improve ROOT stability, add GUI functionalities, improve documentation

N: Raphael Isemann
E: teemperor@gmail.com
D: c++ modules and runtime c++ modules co-author, integration in the CMS experiment
D: contributions to rootcling, cling and cmake

N: Marian Ivanov
E: m.ivanov@gsi.de
D: memory leak checker

N: Jan Iwaszkiewicz
E: Jan.Iwaszkiewicz@cern.ch
D: PROOF dataset upload mechanism

N: Stanislaw Jadach
E: Stanislaw.jadach@ifj.edu.pl
D: the FOAM classes

N: Lukasz Janyst
E: ljanyst@cern.ch
D: split vector<T*> and schema evolution
D: new xrootd client plugin TNetXNGFile

N: Chris Jones
E: cdj@fnal.gov
D: Optimizations of the write portion of TStreamerInfo and TBranchElement.

N: Luke Jones
E: jones@netoffice.com
D: class TGraphDelaunay

N: Pierre Juillot
E: juillot@in2p3.fr
D: various contributions to the postscript driver

N: Desislava Kalaydjieva
E: dnkalaydjieva@gmail.com
D: .help TTree

N: Michal Kapalka
E: kapalka@icslab.agh.edu.pl
D: improvements in the ZIP package

N: Susan Kasahara
E: schubert@physics.umn.edu
D: many contributions to the debuging phase of the I/O system

N: Guenter Kickinger
E: Guenter.Kickinger@cern.ch
D: PROOF contributions

N: Stephan Kluth
E: skluth@mh1.lbl.gov
D: changes in rootcint to handle templates

N: Sven Kreiss
E: svenkreiss@gmail.com
D: co-author of RooStats

N: Anna Kreshuk
E: akrechtc@mail.cern.ch
D: contrinutions to TMath, TH1::Chi2Test, TFitter::GraphFitChisquare

N: Daniele Francesco Kruse
E: punkle.64@gmail.com
D: contribution to the GDML interface

N: Dmytro Kustov
E: Dmytro.Kustov@cern.ch
D: OpenBSD port

N: Christian Lacunza
E: lacunza@cdfsg5.lbl.gov
D: TTabCom [TAB] command line expansion class, #1 bug reporter

N: Yue Shi Lai
E: ylai@mit.edu
D: TMathText class

N: Alfio Lazzaro
E: Alfio.Lazzaro@cern.ch
D: Integrating Minuit2 in Roofit and adding support for MPI

N: Wim Lavrijsen
E: WLavrijsen@lbl.gov
D: PyROOT package, Cppyy package

N: Kerry Lee
E: kerry.t.lee@nasa.gov
D: Contribution to TDatime::Set

N: Josef Leydold
E: leydold@statmath.wu-wien.ac.at
D: UNURAN package and interfaces

N: Bruno Lenzi
E: Bruno.Lenzi@cern.ch
D: TEntryListArray

N: Sergey Linev
E: S.Linev@gsi.de
D: XML interface package
D: SQL interface extensions, ODBC driver
D: THttpServer class
D: JavaScript ROOT package (together with Bertrand Bellenot)
D: RWebDisplay classes for web-based graphics and GUI

N: Yan Liu
E: liuyan@fnal.gov
D: TOracleResult

N: Joa Ljungvall
E: joa.ljungvall@csnsm.in2p3.fr
D: original author of TGTextViewStream

N: Jose Lo
E: Jose.Lo@cern.ch
D: SAX and DOM XML parser interfaces

N: Anna-Pia Lohfink
E: anna-pia.lohfink@onlinehome.de
D: Guide lines in Editor, Opacity, Gradient

N: Constantin Loizides
E: loizides@MIT.EDU
D: PROOF testing and debugging

N: Javier Lopez-Gomez
E: j.lopez@cern.ch
D: Cling support for redefinitions; cling improvements
D: RNTuple/DAOS integration

N: Johan Lundberg
E: johan.lundberg@cern.ch
D: Additions to the TRolke class

N: Elaine Lyons
E: unknown
D: First versions of the Users Guide

N: Henry Maddocks
E: ftgl@opengl.geek.nz
D: FTGL package (http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/henryj/code/index.html#FTGL)

N: Anar Manafov
E: anar.manafov@gmail.com
D: STL compatible iterators for ROOT collections
D: gLite plugin, PROOF development

N: David Gonzalez Maline
E: firemanworld@gmail.com
D: contribution to GUI classes

N: Diego Marcos Segura
E: diego.marcos@gmail.com
D: Fundamental CINT call wrapper improvements

N: John Marraffino
E: marafino@fnal.gov
D: improvements in TUnixSystem::StackTrace()

N: Mike Marino
E: mmarino@gmail.com
D: script to run a CSV file with python in tutorials/pyroot

N: Claudi Martinez
E: claudix.kernel@gmail.com
D: provided the fitsio module

N: Andy Mastbaum
E: mastbaum@lanl.gov
D: implementation of TH1::Interpolate and TH2::Interpolate

N: Jiri Masik
E: Jiri.Masik@fzu.cz
D: Numerous contributions to the system
D: has submitted many suggestions and ideas. Found and fixed many bugs
D: pioneer on many fronts, installation, support

N: Pere Mato
E: Pere.Mato@cern.ch
D: PyROOT package
D: cmake build system

N: Richard Maunder
E: Richard.Maunder@cern.ch
D: OpenGL developments

N: Grzegorz Mazur
E: mazur@mail.desy.de
D: class TDCacheFile, interface to DESY's dCache system

N: Marco Meoni
E: marco.meoni@cern.ch
D: PROOF CPU quota, CAF and AliEn contributions

N: Ramon Medrano Llamas
E: m3drano@gmail.com
D: PROOF worker autodiscovery via Bonjour

N: Akiya Miyamoto
E: akiya.miyamoto@kek.jp
D: port to IBM AIX with xlC v5.x

N: Tgiran Mkrtchyan
E: tigran.mkrtchyan@desy.de
D: class TDCacheFile, interface to DESY's dCache system
D: libRDAVIX, the davix client code

N: Pau Miquel Mir
E: paumm2006@yahoo.es
D: Conversion of ROOT tutorials to Jupyter notebooks

N: Lorenzo Moneta
E: Lorenzo.Moneta@cern.ch
D: Math libraries, ROOT-R, TMVA

N: Miroslav Morhac
E: fyzimiro@savba.sk (died on August 11 2011)
D: TSpectrum classes

N: Dave Morrison
E: dave@bnl.gov
D: library load path fixes, some Makefile updates

N: Andreas Morsch
E: Andreas.Morsch@cern.ch
D: many contributions to the Virtual Monte Carlo

N: Alja Mrak-Tadel
E: Alja.Mrak.Tadel@cern.ch
D: Several contributions to GUI, GL and WebEVE

N: Johannes Muelmenstaedt
E: jmuelmen@socrates.Berkeley.EDU
D: kerberos5 authentication module

N: Pasha Murat
E: murat@cdfsga.fnal.gov
D: Lorentz vector classes, PDG interface

N: Jan Musinsky
E: musinsky@gmail.com
D: Highlight mechanism for histograms an graphs

N: Axel Naumann
E: Axel.Naumann@cern.ch
D: THtml improvements (namespace, header/footer)
D: many suggestions for Trees
D: CINT/Reflex integration
D: cling co-author, cling integration

N: Stanislav Nesterov
E: Stanislav.Nesterov@cern.ch
D: TFumili class

N: Anne-Sylvie Nicollerat
E: Anne-Sylvie.Nicollerat@cern.ch
D: improvements in tutorial hadd.C to take into account Trees

N: Maxim Nikulin
E: nikulin@gorodok.net
D: improvements in the TGraph suite memory management functions

N: Paul Nilsson
E: Paul.Nilsson@cern.ch
D: PROOF contributions (TProofResources classes)

N: Marcin Nowak
E: Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch
D: Extend TTreeIndex and TTreeFormula to suport 64bit integer.

N: John Odonnell
E: odonnell@lanl.gov
D: contributed to TFormula the support for recursive functions definitions

N: Eddy Offermann
E: eddy@rentec.com
D: contributed to the TGraph Paint functions
D: contributed to the TMatrix classes (InvertPosDef)

N: Valeriy Onuchin
E: onuchin@sirius.ihep.su
D: port of ROOT GUI to Win32 using Win32 version of GDK/GLIB
D: various contributions to GUI classes (scrolled text in TGTextEntry)
D: implementation of Qt like signals and slots mechanism (TQObject,
D: TQConnection, etc.)
D: author of Carrot (http://carrot.cern.ch)

N: Katerina Opocenska
E: opocenska@gmail.com
D: author of the Event Recorder
D: author of the sub-merging technology in PROOF

N: Max Orok
E: maxwellorok@gmail.com
D: Contributions to the I/O and RNTuple

N: Vincenzo Eduardo Padulano
E: v.e.padulano@gmail.com
D: Contributions to distributed execution of RDataFrame

N: Juan Palacios
E: Juan.Palacios@cern.ch
D: Contribution to symmetric representation of SMatrix classes

N: Suzanne Panacek
E: spanacek@fnal.gov
D: editor of the User's Guide

N: Iulia Pasov
E: iulia.pasov@gmail.com
D: prototyping JavaScript graphics with d3.js

N: Alexander Penev
E: alexander_penev@yahoo.com
D: Dyld symbol resolution facilities in cling and TCling
D: runtime c++ modules on osx

N: Marc Paterno
E: paterno@fnal.gov
D: implement utility functions used by TGraphAsymmErrors::BayesDivide

N: Victor Perevoztchikov
E: perev@bnl.gov
D: optimized hash function, filename expander
D: testing and comments of the Automatic Schema Evolution system

N: Andreas Peters
E: Andreas.Joachim.Peters@cern.ch
D: TGrid extension and TAlien plugin
D: TMonaLisa monitoring plugin

N: Danilo Piparo
E: Danilo.Piparo@cern.ch
D: contribution in RooStats and Math
D: Dictionaries and integration with experiments' frameworks

N: Filip Pizlo
E: pizlo@purdue.edu
D: TBits extension and test program testbits.cxx

N: Muriel Pivk
E: Muriel.Pivk@cern.ch
D: class TSPlot

N: Timur Pocheptsov
E: Timur.Pocheptsov@cern.ch
D: OpenGL viewer, gl-pad, ROOT browser for iOS, graphics back-end for OS X.

N: Witold Pokorski
E: Witold.Pokorski@cern.ch
D: contributed to the GDML interface

N: Art Poskanzer
E: AMPoskanzer@lbl.gov
D: contributed to styles Bold, Video, Pub

N: Miha Puc
E: miha.puc@marvin.fmf.uni-lj.si
D: contributed to TMath::Voigt

N: Gilles Quemener
E: quemener@lpsc.in2p3.fr
D: contributed to TMultiDimFit::EvalError function

N: Bartolomeu Rabacal
E: brabacal@cern.ch
D: Math libraries: GoFTest and TKDE classes

N: Fons Rademakers
E: Fons.Rademakers@cern.ch
D: ROOT conception
D: all parts of the system

N: Nathalie Rauschmayr
E: Nathalie.Rauschmayr@cern.ch
D: port to x32 psABI and its validation

N: Sven Ravndal
E: Sven.Ravndal@dresdner-bank.com
D: initial event generator interface

N: Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
E: benjaminrk@gmail.com
D: cling / Jupyter integration

N: Dan Riley
E: Daniel.Riley@cornell.edu
D: Reduce memory/cpu waster in LZMA usage

N: Reiner Rohlfs
E: Reiner.Rohlfs@obs.unige.ch
D: various contributions to GUI classes

N: Stefan Roiser
E: Stefan.Roiser@cern.ch
D: Reflex and Cintex

N: Paul Russo
E: russo@fnal.gov
D: Improvements in I/O

N: Sangsu Ryu
E: sangsuryu@kisti.re.kr
D: PROOF contributions

N: Justin Salmon
E: mccrustin@gmail.com
D: new xrootd client plugin TNetXNGFile

N: Pawel Sawicki
E: Pawel.Sawicki@ifj.edu.pl
D: the FOAM classes

N: Otto Schaile
E: Otto.Schaile@Physik.Uni-Muenchen.DE
D: various contributions to GUI classes

N: Heiko Scheit
E: Heiko.Scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.de
D: improvements in TTreePlayer::DrawSelect()

N: Manuel Schiller
E: schiller@physi.uni-heidelberg.de
D: contribution on the Cholesly decomposition in SMatrix
D: contributions in RooFit

N: Stefan Schmitt
E: sschmitt@mail.desy.de
D: contribution to TUnfold class

N: Gregory Schott
E: Gregory.Schott@cern.ch
D: contributions in RooStats

N: Henry Schreiner
E: henry.fredrick.schreiner@cern.ch
D: Build system improvements

N: Jason Seely
E: seely@mit.edu
D: contribution to TH1::GetAsymmetry()

N: Oksana Shadura
E: Oksana.Shadura@cern.ch
D: rootbench co-author
D: runtime c++ modules
D: contributions to cmake

N: Daniel Sigg
E: sigg_d@ligo.caltech.edu
D: TGNumberEntry GUI widget

N: Elvin Alin Sindrilaru
E: elvin.alin.sindrilaru@cern.ch
D: Asynchronous prefetching of TTree baskets

N: Evgenia Smirnova
E: Evgenia.Smirnova@gsi.de
D: OpenLDAP interface

N: Tomasz Sosnicki
E: tom.sosnicki@gmail.com
D: contribution to gviz3d/TStructViewer

N: Thibault Souquet
E: contact@thibaultsouquet.fr
D: Image viewer for the ROOT Browser (v7)
D: Breadcrumbs display for the ROOT Browser (v7)
D: ROOT Browser (v7) drawing options
D: Improvements in JavaScript ROOT GUI
D: Improvements in the ROOT website Jekyll theme

N: Marcelo Sousa
E: marcelo.sousa@cern.ch
D: Amazon S3 and Google Storage I/O plugins

N: Peter Speckmayer
E: Peter.Speckmayer@cern.ch
D: author of the TMVA package

N: Simon Spies
E: s.spies@gsi.de
D: TLeafF16 and TLeafD32

N: Abdelhalim Ssadik
E: abdelhalim.ssadik@cern.ch
D: contribution to GUI classes (TGDockableFrame)

N: Toby St. Clere Smithe
E: mail@tsmithe.net
D: cppyy pythonizations API

N: Joerg Stelzer
E: Joerz.Stelzer@cern.ch
D: author of the TMVA package

N: Matthew Strait
E: strait@physics.umn.edu
D: Documentation improvements

N: Christian Stratowa
E: cstrato@EUnet.at
D: development of class TGraphSmooth + many suggestions

N: Matevz Tadel
E: Matevz.Tadel@cern.ch
D: Several contributions to the 3-d graphics and GL interface, WebEVE

N: Yuka Takahashi
E: Yuka.Takahashi@cern.ch
D: contributions to runtime c++ modules and their integration into CMSSW
D: contributions to rootcling, cling and cmake

N: Evgueni Tcherniaev
E: Evgueni.Tcherniaev@cern.ch
D: Paint3DAlgorithms used by the LEGO and SURF options

N: Enric Tejedor
E: enric.tejedor@cern.ch
D: IO, Parallelisation, Jupyter integration, TDataFrame, PyROOT

N: Jan Therhaag
E: therhaag@users.sourceforge.net
D: author of the TMVA package

N: Jeromy Tompkins
E: Tompkins@nscl.msu.edu
D: COL2 drawing option

N: Tim Tran
E: timtran@jlab.org
D: Full implementation of all projections in THistPainter::ShowProjection3

N: Long Tran-Thanh
E: ttl1208@gmail.com
D: PROOF contributions

N: Georg Troska
E: georg.troska@tu-dortmund.de
D: Enhancement of the CANDLE drawing option

N: Xavier Valls
E: xavier.valls.pla@cern.ch
D: Interfaces to the MP and MT runtimes, parallelisation, vectorisation of fits

N: Alexandre V. Vaniachine
E: AVVaniachine@lbl.gov
D: byteswapping assembler code for the i486 and up

N: Gene Van Buren
E: gene@bnl.gov
D: TF1, TF2, TF3 Moment functions

N: Marco van Leeuwen
E: mvl@nikhef.nl
D: THistPainter improvements: support for log scales with CONT options

N: Peter van Gemmeren
E: peter.van.gemmeren@cern.ch
D: Support for multiple cached TTree in a single TFile

N: Wouter Verkerke
E: verkerke@nikhef.nl
D: Author of the RooFit package

N: Brett Viren
E: bv@bnl.gov
D: contributed the GUI TGTableLayout manager and the Viewer example program

N: Guido Volpi
E: guido.volpi@pi.infn.it
D: class TPie

N: Eckhard von Toerne
E: evt@physik.uni-bonn.de
D: author of the TMVA package

N: Vassil Vassilev
E: vasil.georgiev.vasilev@cern.ch
D: clad author
D: cling co-author
D: c++ modules and runtime c++ modules co-author, integration in experiments
D: rootbench co-author

N: Helge Voss
E: Helge.Voss@cern.ch
D: author of the TMVA package

N: Shaowen Wang
E: shaowen-wang@uiowa.edu
D: TOracleResult

N: Stefan Wunsch
E: stefan.wunsch@cern.ch
D: TMVA and PyROOT contributions (Keras interface, numpy direct access from ROOT trees,...)

N: Hady Zalek
E: hady.zalek@gmail.com
D: contributed to Reflex

N: Andreas Zoglauer
E: zog@mpe.mpg.de
D: contributed to TStyle::CreateGradientColorTable()

N: Omar Andres Zapata Mesa
E: Omar.Zapata@cern.ch

N: Marco Meyer-conde
E: marco.meyer@cern.ch
D: contour drawing options "MOLLWEIDE"
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