Raw File
// -*- c++ -*-
//              LAPACK++ 1.1 Linear Algebra Package 1.1
//               University of Tennessee, Knoxvilee, TN.
//            Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
//        Authors: J. J. Dongarra, E. Greaser, R. Pozo, D. Walker
//                 (C) 1992-1996 All Rights Reserved
//                             NOTICE
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
// its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted
// provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
// that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
// supporting documentation.
// Neither the Institutions (University of Tennessee, and Oak Ridge National
// Laboratory) nor the Authors make any representations about the suitability 
// of this software for any purpose.  This software is provided ``as is'' 
// without express or implied warranty.
// LAPACK++ was funded in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, the
// National Science Foundation and the State of Tennessee.
// Modifications Copyright (C) 2000-2000, 2002 the R Development Core Team


#include "lafnames.h"
#include LA_VECTOR_INT_H
#include LA_UTIL_H
#include "lapack.h"
#include "factor.h"

class LaLUFactorDouble : public Factor
    LaGenMatDouble      A_;
    LaVectorInt     pivot_;
    bool         singular_;

				// constructor
        : A_(), pivot_(), singular_(true) { }
    inline explicit LaLUFactorDouble(const LaGenMatDouble&);
    inline LaLUFactorDouble(const LaLUFactorDouble&);

    virtual ~LaLUFactorDouble() { };

				// extractor methods for components
    LaUnitLowerTriangMatDouble L()
	{ LaUnitLowerTriangMatDouble Lmat; Lmat.ref(A_); return Lmat; };
    LaUpperTriangMatDouble U()
	{ LaUpperTriangMatDouble Umat; Umat.ref(A_); return Umat; };
    LaVectorInt pivot()
	{ return pivot_; };
    bool isSingular()
	{ return singular_; };

				// linear equation solvers
    inline LaGenMatDouble* solve() const;// inverse
    inline LaMatDouble& solve(LaMatDouble& B) const; // in-place solution
    inline LaMatDouble& solve(LaMatDouble& X, const LaMatDouble& B) const;
				// operators
    inline LaLUFactorDouble& ref(const LaLUFactorDouble&);
    inline LaLUFactorDouble& ref(const LaGenMatDouble&);

// constructor/destructor functions

inline LaLUFactorDouble::LaLUFactorDouble(const LaGenMatDouble& A)
    : A_(), pivot_(min(A.size(0), A.size(1))), singular_(true)
    LaGenMatDouble A1;

inline LaLUFactorDouble::LaLUFactorDouble(const LaLUFactorDouble& F)
    : A_(), pivot_(), singular_(true)
  singular_ = F.singular_;

// operators
inline LaLUFactorDouble& LaLUFactorDouble::ref(const LaGenMatDouble& A)
    if (A.size(0) != A.size(1))
	throw(LaException("LaLUFactorDouble::ref(const LaGenMatDouble&)",
			  "non-square input matrix"));
    if(A.inc(0) != 1 || A.inc(1) != 1)	
	throw(LaException("LaLUFactorDouble::ref(const LaGenMatDouble&)",
			  "input matrix has non unit increment"));
    int info;
    F77_CALL(dgetrf)(A.size(0), A.size(0), &A_(0, 0), A.gdim(0),
		     &pivot_(0), info);
    if (info < 0)
	throw(LaException("LaLUFactorDouble::ref(const LaGenMatDouble&)",
			  "illegal input"));
    singular_ = info > 0;
    return *this;

inline LaLUFactorDouble& LaLUFactorDouble::ref(const LaLUFactorDouble& F)

    singular_ = F.singular_;
    return *this;

inline LaGenMatDouble* LaLUFactorDouble::solve() const
    if (singular_)
	throw(LaException("singular matrix"));
    int info;
    LaGenMatDouble* ans = new LaGenMatDouble();
    int lwork = A_.size(0) *
	F77_NAME(ilaenv)(1, "DGETRI", "", A_.size(0), -1, -1, -1);
    VectorDouble work(lwork);
    F77_CALL(dgetri)(A_.size(0), ans->addr(), A_.gdim(0), pivot_.addr(),
                     work.addr(), lwork, info);
    if (info < 0)
                          "illegal input"));
    if (info > 0)
                          "singular matrix"));
    return ans;

inline LaMatDouble& LaLUFactorDouble::solve(LaMatDouble& B) const
    if (singular_)
        throw(LaException("singular matrix"));


    int info;
    F77_CALL(dgetrs)('N', A_.size(0), B.size(1), A_.addr(),
                     A_.gdim(0), pivot_.addr(), B.addr(), B.size(0), info);
    return B;

inline LaMatDouble& LaLUFactorDouble::solve(LaMatDouble& X, const LaMatDouble& B ) const
//    dynamic_cast<LaGenMatDouble&>(B);
    return solve(X);

#if 0
inline void LaGenMatFactorize(LaGenMatDouble &GM, LaLUFactorDouble &GF)
    integer m = GM.size(0), n = GM.size(1), lda = GM.gdim(0);
    integer info=0;

    F77NAME(dgetrf)(&m, &n, GM.addr(), &lda, GF.pivot().addr(), &info);

inline void LaGenMatFactorizeUnblocked(LaGenMatDouble &A, LaLUFactorDouble &F)
    integer m = A.size(0), n=A.size(1), lda = A.gdim(0);
    integer info=0;

    F77NAME(dgetf2)(&m, &n, A.addr(), &lda, F.pivot().addr(), &info);

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