Raw File
# Conda build recipe

# Build commmand:
# conda build . -c conda-forge -c esmvalgroup

# Package version number
{% set version = "2.0.0b2" %}

  name: esmvaltool
  version: {{ version }}

  # Use these two lines to build a release:
  # git_rev: v{{ version }}
  # git_url: https://github.com/ESMValGroup/ESMValTool.git
  # Use this line instead of the above to test building without a release:
  path: .

  # Increment the build number when building a new conda package of the same
  # esmvaltool version, reset to 0 when building a new version.
  number: 0
  noarch: python
  script: |
      python setup.py install --single-version-externally-managed --record=/tmp/record.txt
      cp -v ${RECIPE_DIR}/language_support.sh ${POST_LINK};
      chmod +x ${POST_LINK};

    - git
    - python>=3.6
    # Normally installed via pip:
    - pytest-runner
    - setuptools_scm
    # esmvaltool
    - python>=3.6
    - libunwind  #  specifically for Python3.7+
    - graphviz
    - iris
    # Normally installed via pip:
    - cartopy
    - cf-units
    - cmocean
    - cython
    - ecmwf-api-client  # in esmvalgroup channel
    - eofs
    - esmpy
    - esmvalcore>=2.0.0b5,<2.1  # in esmvalgroup channel
    - jinja2
    - matplotlib
    - nc-time-axis
    - netCDF4
    - numpy
    - pandas
    - python-cdo
    - python-stratify
    - pyyaml
    - scikit-learn
    - seawater
    - seaborn
    - shapely
    - xesmf
    - xarray>=0.12.0
    - yamale  # in esmvalgroup channel
    - fiona
    - xlrd
    - xlsxwriter
    # Command line tools used by diagnostic scripts
    - cdo>=1.9.7
    - imagemagick
    - nco
    # Multi language support:
    - ncl>=6.5.0
    - r-base
    - r-curl  # Dependency of lintr, but fails to compile because it cannot find libcurl installed from conda.
    - r-udunits2  # Fails to compile because it cannot find udunits2 installed from conda.
    - tiledb=1.6.0

  # TODO: add unit tests? This seems to require installing the tests
    - esmvaltool
    - esmvaltool -h

  home: https://www.esmvaltool.org
  license: Apache License, Version 2.0
  license_file: LICENSE
  summary: "A community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP."
  description: "A community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP."
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