Raw File
                CHANGES in `gzippath' VERSION 0.1_7   (2012-8-20)

  o  change glmcd on how the response variable y is scaled for family other than gaussian

  o 8-25-2012 modification on gzipath_0.1-9.tar.gz
    b0 should be the average of response variable y for non-standardized case, in an agreement with the so determined lambda max for which beta = 0. This is correct in R function lmnet, see zipath_0.1-2_08_10_2012.tar.gz

                CHANGES in `gzipath' VERSION 0.1_13   (2013-11-24)

  o for weighted penalized regression glmreg_fit, with standardize=TRUE, the weights are normalized to n*weights/sum(weights). Now added standardize=FALSE and the weights are not normalized. 
  o zipath function was modified to incorporate glmreg_fit for weighted penalized Poisson and Negative Binomial regression. The tuning parameters were changed based on modified glmreg_fit. 
                CHANGES in `gzipath' VERSION 0.1_14   (2014-5-8)

  o for rescale=TRUE and penatly="mnet" or "snet" in zipath, data driven lambda.zero[1] (i.e., the maximum value of lambda in zero component) is too small, now changed to 0.5*sqrt(lambda.zero[1]). This may be modified if the maximum value of lambda in glmreg was changed in the similar situations. 

                CHANGES in `gzipath' VERSION 0.1_14   (2014-6-9)

  o change package name to `mpath'
                CHANGES in `mpath' VERSION 0.1_15   (2014-9-23)

  o apply patch from Martyn Plummer <plummerm@iarc.fr> to replace isna and lgamma in src Fortran file to avoid failure on some platforms
                CHANGES in `mpath' VERSION 0.1_16   (2014-10-25)

  o change src/midloop.f, now saturated model only applies to logistic regression
  o add penalty.factor.count and penalty.factor.zero in zipath function to allow different penalties for each of the variables.
  o add vignette to illustrate analysis of German health care demand
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