Raw File
// Define SLANG_CUDA_ENABLE_HALF to use the cuda_fp16 include to add half support. 
// For this to work NVRTC needs to have the path to the CUDA SDK.
// As it stands the includes paths defined for Slang are passed down to NVRTC. Similarly defines defined for the Slang compile
// are passed down. 

// We don't want half2 operators, because it will implement comparison operators that return a bool(!). We want to generate
// those functions. Doing so means that we will have to define all the other half2 operators.
#   define __CUDA_NO_HALF2_OPERATORS__
#   include <cuda_fp16.h>

#include <optix.h>

// Define slang offsetof implementation 
#   define SLANG_OFFSET_OF(type, member) (size_t)((char*)&(((type *)0)->member) - (char*)0)

#   define SLANG_ALIGN_OF(type) __alignof__(type)

// Must be large enough to cause overflow and therefore infinity
#   define SLANG_INFINITY   ((float)(1e+300 * 1e+300))

// For now we'll disable any asserts in this prelude

#   define SLANG_CUDA_WARP_SIZE 32


#define SLANG_FORCE_INLINE inline

#define SLANG_CUDA_CALL __device__ 

#define SLANG_FORCE_INLINE inline
#define SLANG_INLINE inline

// Since we are using unsigned arithmatic care is need in this comparison.
// It is *assumed* that sizeInBytes >= elemSize. Which means (sizeInBytes >= elemSize) >= 0
// Which means only a single test is needed

// Asserts for bounds checking.
// It is assumed index/count are unsigned types.
#define SLANG_BOUND_ASSERT(index, count)  SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); 
#define SLANG_BOUND_ASSERT_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, elemSize, sizeInBytes) SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index <= (sizeInBytes - elemSize) && (index & 3) == 0);

// Macros to zero index if an access is out of range
#define SLANG_BOUND_ZERO_INDEX(index, count) index = (index < count) ? index : 0; 
#define SLANG_BOUND_ZERO_INDEX_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, elemSize, sizeInBytes) index = (index <= (sizeInBytes - elemSize)) ? index : 0; 

// The 'FIX' macro define how the index is fixed. The default is to do nothing. If SLANG_ENABLE_BOUND_ZERO_INDEX
// the fix macro will zero the index, if out of range
#   define SLANG_BOUND_FIX(index, count) SLANG_BOUND_ZERO_INDEX(index, count)
#   define SLANG_BOUND_FIX_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, elemSize, sizeInBytes) SLANG_BOUND_ZERO_INDEX_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, elemSize, sizeInBytes)
#   define SLANG_BOUND_FIX_FIXED_ARRAY(index, count) SLANG_BOUND_ZERO_INDEX(index, count) SLANG_BOUND_ZERO_INDEX(index, count)
#   define SLANG_BOUND_FIX(index, count) 
#   define SLANG_BOUND_FIX_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, elemSize, sizeInBytes) 
#   define SLANG_BOUND_FIX_FIXED_ARRAY(index, count) 

#   define SLANG_BOUND_CHECK(index, count) SLANG_BOUND_ASSERT(index, count) SLANG_BOUND_FIX(index, count)

#   define SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, elemSize, sizeInBytes) SLANG_BOUND_ASSERT_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, elemSize, sizeInBytes) SLANG_BOUND_FIX_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, elemSize, sizeInBytes)

#   define SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_FIXED_ARRAY(index, count) SLANG_BOUND_ASSERT(index, count) SLANG_BOUND_FIX_FIXED_ARRAY(index, count)

 // This macro handles how out-of-range surface coordinates are handled; 
 // I can equal
 // cudaBoundaryModeClamp, in which case out-of-range coordinates are clamped to the valid range
 // cudaBoundaryModeZero, in which case out-of-range reads return zero and out-of-range writes are ignored
 // cudaBoundaryModeTrap, in which case out-of-range accesses cause the kernel execution to fail. 
#   define SLANG_CUDA_BOUNDARY_MODE cudaBoundaryModeZero

// Can be one of SLANG_CUDA_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE. Only applies *PTX* emitted CUDA operations
// which currently is just RWTextureRW format writes
// .trap         causes an execution trap on out-of-bounds addresses
// .clamp        stores data at the nearest surface location (sized appropriately)
// .zero         drops stores to out-of-bounds addresses 

#   define SLANG_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE "zero"

struct TypeInfo
    size_t typeSize;

template <typename T, size_t SIZE>
struct FixedArray
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL const T& operator[](size_t index) const { SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_FIXED_ARRAY(index, SIZE); return m_data[index]; }
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL T& operator[](size_t index) { SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_FIXED_ARRAY(index, SIZE); return m_data[index]; }
    T m_data[SIZE];

// An array that has no specified size, becomes a 'Array'. This stores the size so it can potentially 
// do bounds checking.  
template <typename T>
struct Array
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL const T& operator[](size_t index) const { SLANG_BOUND_CHECK(index, count); return data[index]; }
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL T& operator[](size_t index) { SLANG_BOUND_CHECK(index, count); return data[index]; }
    T* data;
    size_t count;

// Typically defined in cuda.h, but we can't ship/rely on that, so just define here
typedef unsigned long long CUtexObject;                   
typedef unsigned long long CUsurfObject;                  

// On CUDA sampler state is actually bound up with the texture object. We have a SamplerState type, 
// backed as a pointer, to simplify code generation, with the downside that such a binding will take up 
// uniform space, even though it will have no effect. 
// TODO(JS): Consider ways to strip use of variables of this type so have no binding,
struct SamplerStateUnused;
typedef SamplerStateUnused* SamplerState;

// TODO(JS): Not clear yet if this can be handled on CUDA, by just ignoring.
// For now, just map to the index type. 
typedef size_t NonUniformResourceIndex;

// Code generator will generate the specific type
template <typename T, int ROWS, int COLS>
struct Matrix;

typedef bool bool1;
typedef int2 bool2;
typedef int3 bool3;
typedef int4 bool4; 

typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef short int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef long long int64_t;

typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;

typedef long long longlong;
typedef unsigned long long ulonglong;

typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;

union Union32 
    uint32_t u;
    int32_t i;
    float f;

union Union64
    uint64_t u;
    int64_t i;
    double d;

// Half support


// Add the other vector half types
struct __half3 { __half2 xy; __half z; };
struct __half4 { __half2 xy; __half2 zw; };

// *** convert ***

// half -> other

// float
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL float2 convert_float2(const __half2& v) { return __half22float2(v); } 
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL float3 convert_float3(const __half3& v) { const float2 xy = __half22float2(v.xy); return float3{xy.x, xy.y, __half2float(v.z)}; } 
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL float4 convert_float4(const __half4& v) { const float2 xy = __half22float2(v.xy); const float2 zw = __half22float2(v.zw); return float4{xy.x, xy.y, zw.x, zw.y}; }

// double
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL double2 convert_double2(const __half2& v) { const float2 xy = __half22float2(v); return double2{ xy.x, xy.y }; } 
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL double3 convert_double3(const __half3& v) { const float2 xy = __half22float2(v.xy); return double3{ xy.x, xy.y, __half2float(v.z)}; } 
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL double4 convert_double4(const __half4& v) { const float2 xy = __half22float2(v.xy); const float2 zw = __half22float2(v.zw); return double4{xy.x, xy.y, zw.x, zw.y}; }

// int
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL int2 convert_int2(const __half2& v) { return int2 { __half2int_rz(v.x), __half2int_rz(v.y) }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL int3 convert_int3(const __half3& v) { return int3 { __half2int_rz(v.xy.x), __half2int_rz(v.xy.y), __half2int_rz(v.z) }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL int4 convert_int4(const __half4& v) { return int4 { __half2int_rz(v.xy.x), __half2int_rz(v.xy.y), __half2int_rz(v.zw.x), __half2int_rz(v.zw.y)}; }

// uint
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint2 convert_uint2(const __half2& v) { return uint2 { __half2uint_rz(v.x), __half2uint_rz(v.y) }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint3 convert_uint3(const __half3& v) { return uint3 { __half2uint_rz(v.xy.x), __half2uint_rz(v.xy.y), __half2uint_rz(v.z) }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint4 convert_uint4(const __half4& v) { return uint4 { __half2uint_rz(v.xy.x), __half2uint_rz(v.xy.y), __half2uint_rz(v.zw.x), __half2uint_rz(v.zw.y)}; }

// other -> half

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 convert___half2(const float2& v) { return __float22half2_rn(v); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 convert___half3(const float3& v) { return __half3{ __float22half2_rn(float2{v.x, v.y}), __float2half_rn(v.z) }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 convert___half4(const float4& v) { return __half4{ __float22half2_rn(float2{v.x, v.y}), __float22half2_rn(float2{v.z, v.w}) }; }

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 convert___half2(const int2& v) { return __half2{ __int2half_rz(v.x), __int2half_rz(v.y) }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 convert___half3(const int3& v) { return __half3{ __half2{__int2half_rz(v.x), __int2half_rz(v.y)}, __int2half_rz(v.z) }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 convert___half4(const int4& v) { return __half4{ __half2{__int2half_rz(v.x), __int2half_rz(v.y)}, __half2{__int2half_rz(v.z),  __int2half_rz(v.w)} }; }

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 convert___half2(const uint2& v) { return __half2{ __uint2half_rz(v.x), __uint2half_rz(v.y) }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 convert___half3(const uint3& v) { return __half3{ __half2{__uint2half_rz(v.x), __uint2half_rz(v.y)}, __uint2half_rz(v.z) }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 convert___half4(const uint4& v) { return __half4{ __half2{__uint2half_rz(v.x), __uint2half_rz(v.y)}, __half2{__uint2half_rz(v.z),  __uint2half_rz(v.w)} }; }

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 convert___half2(const double2& v) { return __float22half2_rn(float2{v.x, v.y}); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 convert___half3(const double3& v) { return __half3{ __float22half2_rn(float2{v.x, v.y}), __float2half_rn(v.z) }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 convert___half4(const double4& v) { return __half4{ __float22half2_rn(float2{v.x, v.y}), __float22half2_rn(float2{v.z, v.w}) }; }

// *** make ***

// Mechanism to make half vectors
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 make___half2(__half x, __half y) { return __halves2half2(x, y); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 make___half3(__half x, __half y, __half z) { return __half3{ __halves2half2(x, y), z }; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 make___half4(__half x, __half y, __half z, __half w) { return __half4{ __halves2half2(x, y), __halves2half2(z, w)}; }

// *** constructFromScalar ***

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 constructFromScalar___half2(half x) { return __half2half2(x); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 constructFromScalar___half3(half x) { return __half3{__half2half2(x), x}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 constructFromScalar___half4(half x) { const __half2 v = __half2half2(x); return __half4{v, v}; }

// *** half2 ***

// half2 maths ops

// NOTE! That by default these are in cuda_fp16.hpp, but we disable them, because we need to define the comparison operators
// as we need versions that will return vector<bool>

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator+(const __half2& lh, const __half2& rh) { return __hadd2(lh, rh); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator-(const __half2& lh, const __half2& rh) { return __hsub2(lh, rh); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator*(const __half2& lh, const __half2& rh) { return __hmul2(lh, rh); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator/(const __half2& lh, const __half2& rh) { return __h2div(lh, rh); }

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2& operator+=(__half2& lh, const __half2& rh) { lh = __hadd2(lh, rh); return lh; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2& operator-=(__half2& lh, const __half2& rh) { lh = __hsub2(lh, rh); return lh; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2& operator*=(__half2& lh, const __half2& rh) { lh = __hmul2(lh, rh); return lh; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2& operator/=(__half2& lh, const __half2& rh) { lh = __h2div(lh, rh); return lh; }

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 &operator++(__half2 &h)      { __half2_raw one; one.x = 0x3C00; one.y = 0x3C00; h = __hadd2(h, one); return h; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 &operator--(__half2 &h)      { __half2_raw one; one.x = 0x3C00; one.y = 0x3C00; h = __hsub2(h, one); return h; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2  operator++(__half2 &h, int) { __half2 ret = h; __half2_raw one; one.x = 0x3C00; one.y = 0x3C00; h = __hadd2(h, one); return ret; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2  operator--(__half2 &h, int) { __half2 ret = h; __half2_raw one; one.x = 0x3C00; one.y = 0x3C00; h = __hsub2(h, one); return ret; }

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator+(const __half2 &h) { return h; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator-(const __half2 &h) { return __hneg2(h); }

// vec op scalar
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator+(const __half2& lh, __half rh) { return __hadd2(lh, __half2half2(rh)); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator-(const __half2& lh, __half rh) { return __hsub2(lh, __half2half2(rh)); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator*(const __half2& lh, __half rh) { return __hmul2(lh, __half2half2(rh)); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator/(const __half2& lh, __half rh) { return __h2div(lh, __half2half2(rh)); }

// scalar op vec
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator+(__half lh, const __half2& rh) { return __hadd2(__half2half2(lh), rh); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator-(__half lh, const __half2& rh) { return __hsub2(__half2half2(lh), rh); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator*(__half lh, const __half2& rh) { return __hmul2(__half2half2(lh), rh); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 operator/(__half lh, const __half2& rh) { return __h2div(__half2half2(lh), rh); }

// *** half3 ***

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator+(const __half3& lh, const __half3& rh) { return __half3{__hadd2(lh.xy, rh.xy), __hadd(lh.z, rh.z)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator-(const __half3& lh, const __half3& rh) { return __half3{__hsub2(lh.xy, rh.xy), __hsub(lh.z, rh.z)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator*(const __half3& lh, const __half3& rh) { return __half3{__hmul2(lh.xy, rh.xy), __hmul(lh.z, rh.z)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator/(const __half3& lh, const __half3& rh) { return __half3{__h2div(lh.xy, rh.xy), __hdiv(lh.z, rh.z)}; }

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator-(const __half3& h) { return __half3{__hneg2(h.xy), __hneg(h.z)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator+(const __half3& h) { return h; }

// vec op scalar
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator+(const __half3& lh, __half rh) { return __half3{__hadd2(lh.xy, __half2half2(rh)), __hadd(lh.z, rh)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator-(const __half3& lh, __half rh) { return __half3{__hsub2(lh.xy, __half2half2(rh)), __hsub(lh.z, rh)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator*(const __half3& lh, __half rh) { return __half3{__hmul2(lh.xy, __half2half2(rh)), __hmul(lh.z, rh)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator/(const __half3& lh, __half rh) { return __half3{__h2div(lh.xy, __half2half2(rh)), __hdiv(lh.z, rh)}; }

// scalar op vec
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator+(__half lh, const __half3& rh) { return __half3{__hadd2(__half2half2(lh), rh.xy), __hadd(lh, rh.z)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator-(__half lh, const __half3& rh) { return __half3{__hsub2(__half2half2(lh), rh.xy), __hsub(lh, rh.z)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator*(__half lh, const __half3& rh) { return __half3{__hmul2(__half2half2(lh), rh.xy), __hmul(lh, rh.z)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 operator/(__half lh, const __half3& rh) { return __half3{__h2div(__half2half2(lh), rh.xy), __hdiv(lh, rh.z)}; }

// *** half4 ***

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator+(const __half4& lh, const __half4& rh) { return __half4{__hadd2(lh.xy, rh.xy), __hadd2(lh.zw, rh.zw)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator-(const __half4& lh, const __half4& rh) { return __half4{__hsub2(lh.xy, rh.xy), __hsub2(lh.zw, rh.zw)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator*(const __half4& lh, const __half4& rh) { return __half4{__hmul2(lh.xy, rh.xy), __hmul2(lh.zw, rh.zw)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator/(const __half4& lh, const __half4& rh) { return __half4{__h2div(lh.xy, rh.xy), __h2div(lh.zw, rh.zw)}; }

// vec op scalar
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator+(const __half4& lh, __half rh) { const __half2 rhv = __half2half2(rh); return __half4{__hadd2(lh.xy, rhv), __hadd2(lh.zw, rhv)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator-(const __half4& lh, __half rh) { const __half2 rhv = __half2half2(rh); return __half4{__hsub2(lh.xy, rhv), __hsub2(lh.zw, rhv)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator*(const __half4& lh, __half rh) { const __half2 rhv = __half2half2(rh); return __half4{__hmul2(lh.xy, rhv), __hmul2(lh.zw, rhv)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator/(const __half4& lh, __half rh) { const __half2 rhv = __half2half2(rh); return __half4{__h2div(lh.xy, rhv), __h2div(lh.zw, rhv)}; }

// scalar op vec
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator+(__half lh, const __half4& rh) { const __half2 lhv = __half2half2(lh); return __half4{__hadd2(lhv, rh.xy), __hadd2(lhv, rh.zw)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator-(__half lh, const __half4& rh) { const __half2 lhv = __half2half2(lh); return __half4{__hsub2(lhv, rh.xy), __hsub2(lhv, rh.zw)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator*(__half lh, const __half4& rh) { const __half2 lhv = __half2half2(lh); return __half4{__hmul2(lhv, rh.xy), __hmul2(lhv, rh.zw)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator/(__half lh, const __half4& rh) { const __half2 lhv = __half2half2(lh); return __half4{__h2div(lhv, rh.xy), __h2div(lhv, rh.zw)}; }

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator-(const __half4& h) { return __half4{__hneg2(h.xy), __hneg2(h.zw)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 operator+(const __half4& h) { return h; }

// Convenience functions ushort -> half

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 __ushort_as_half(const ushort2& i) { return __halves2half2(__ushort_as_half(i.x), __ushort_as_half(i.y)); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half3 __ushort_as_half(const ushort3& i) { return __half3{__halves2half2(__ushort_as_half(i.x), __ushort_as_half(i.y)), __ushort_as_half(i.z)}; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 __ushort_as_half(const ushort4& i) { return __half4{ __halves2half2(__ushort_as_half(i.x), __ushort_as_half(i.y)), __halves2half2(__ushort_as_half(i.z), __ushort_as_half(i.w)) }; }

// Convenience functions half -> ushort

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL ushort2 __half_as_ushort(const __half2& i) { return make_ushort2(__half_as_ushort(i.x), __half_as_ushort(i.y)); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL ushort3 __half_as_ushort(const __half3& i) { return make_ushort3(__half_as_ushort(i.xy.x), __half_as_ushort(i.xy.y), __half_as_ushort(i.z)); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL ushort4 __half_as_ushort(const __half4& i) { return make_ushort4(__half_as_ushort(i.xy.x), __half_as_ushort(i.xy.y), __half_as_ushort(i.zw.x), __half_as_ushort(i.zw.y)); }

// This is a little bit of a hack. Fortunately CUDA has the definitions of the templated types in 
// include/surface_indirect_functions.h
// Here we find the template definition requires a specialization of __nv_isurf_trait to allow 
// a specialization of the surface write functions. 
// This *isn't* a problem on the read functions as they don't have a return type that uses this mechanism 

template<> struct __nv_isurf_trait<__half> { typedef void type; };
template<> struct __nv_isurf_trait<__half2> { typedef void type; };
template<> struct __nv_isurf_trait<__half4> { typedef void type; };

#define SLANG_DROP_PARENS(...) __VA_ARGS__

template <> \
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half FUNC_NAME<__half>(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS TYPE_ARGS, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode) \
{ \
    return __ushort_as_half(FUNC_NAME<ushort>(surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS ARGS, boundaryMode)); \
} \
template <> \
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half2 FUNC_NAME<__half2>(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS TYPE_ARGS, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode) \
{ \
    return __ushort_as_half(FUNC_NAME<ushort2>(surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS ARGS, boundaryMode)); \
} \
template <> \
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL __half4 FUNC_NAME<__half4>(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS TYPE_ARGS, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode) \
{ \
    return __ushort_as_half(FUNC_NAME<ushort4>(surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS ARGS, boundaryMode)); \

SLANG_SURFACE_READ(surf1Dread, (int x), (x))
SLANG_SURFACE_READ(surf2Dread, (int x, int y), (x, y))
SLANG_SURFACE_READ(surf3Dread, (int x, int y, int z), (x, y, z))
SLANG_SURFACE_READ(surf1DLayeredread, (int x, int layer), (x, layer))
SLANG_SURFACE_READ(surf2DLayeredread, (int x, int y, int layer), (x, y, layer))
SLANG_SURFACE_READ(surfCubemapread, (int x, int y, int face), (x, y, face))
SLANG_SURFACE_READ(surfCubemapLayeredread, (int x, int y, int layerFace), (x, y, layerFace))

template <> \
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void FUNC_NAME<__half>(__half data, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS TYPE_ARGS, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode) \
{ \
    FUNC_NAME<ushort>(__half_as_ushort(data), surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS ARGS, boundaryMode);  \
} \
template <> \
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void FUNC_NAME<__half2>(__half2 data, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS TYPE_ARGS, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode) \
{ \
    FUNC_NAME<ushort2>(__half_as_ushort(data), surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS ARGS, boundaryMode);  \
} \
template <> \
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void FUNC_NAME<__half4>(__half4 data, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS TYPE_ARGS, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode) \
{ \
    FUNC_NAME<ushort4>(__half_as_ushort(data), surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS ARGS, boundaryMode); \

SLANG_SURFACE_WRITE(surf1Dwrite, (int x), (x))
SLANG_SURFACE_WRITE(surf2Dwrite, (int x, int y), (x, y))
SLANG_SURFACE_WRITE(surf3Dwrite, (int x, int y, int z), (x, y, z))
SLANG_SURFACE_WRITE(surf1DLayeredwrite, (int x, int layer), (x, layer))
SLANG_SURFACE_WRITE(surf2DLayeredwrite, (int x, int y, int layer), (x, y, layer))
SLANG_SURFACE_WRITE(surfCubemapwrite, (int x, int y, int face), (x, y, face))
SLANG_SURFACE_WRITE(surfCubemapLayeredwrite, (int x, int y, int layerFace), (x, y, layerFace))

// ! Hack to test out reading !!!
// Only works converting *from* half 
//template <typename T> 
//SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL T surf2Dread_convert(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, int y, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode);

template <typename T>  \
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL T FUNC_NAME##_convert(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS TYPE_ARGS, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode); \
template <> \
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL float FUNC_NAME##_convert<float>(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS TYPE_ARGS, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode)  \
{ \
    return __ushort_as_half(FUNC_NAME<uint16_t>(surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS ARGS, boundaryMode)); \
} \
template <> \
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL float2 FUNC_NAME##_convert<float2>(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS TYPE_ARGS, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode) \
{ \
    const __half2 v = __ushort_as_half(FUNC_NAME<ushort2>(surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS ARGS, boundaryMode)); \
    return float2{v.x, v.y}; \
} \
template <> \
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL float4 FUNC_NAME##_convert<float4>(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS TYPE_ARGS, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode) \
{ \
    const __half4 v = __ushort_as_half(FUNC_NAME<ushort4>(surfObj, SLANG_DROP_PARENS ARGS, boundaryMode)); \
    return float4{v.xy.x, v.xy.y, v.zw.x, v.zw.y}; \

SLANG_SURFACE_READ_HALF_CONVERT(surf1Dread, (int x), (x)) 
SLANG_SURFACE_READ_HALF_CONVERT(surf2Dread, (int x, int y), (x, y)) 
SLANG_SURFACE_READ_HALF_CONVERT(surf3Dread, (int x, int y, int z), (x, y, z))


// Support for doing format conversion when writing to a surface/RWTexture

// NOTE! For normal surface access x values are *byte* addressed.
// For the _convert versions they are *not*. They don't need to be because sust.p does not require it.

template <typename T>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf1Dwrite_convert(T, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode);
template <typename T>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf2Dwrite_convert(T, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, int y, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode);
template <typename T>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf3Dwrite_convert(T, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, int y, int z, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode);

// https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/inline-ptx-assembly/index.html
// https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/parallel-thread-execution/index.html#surface-instructions-sust

// Float

template <>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf1Dwrite_convert<float>(float v, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode)
    asm volatile ( "{sust.p.1d.b32." SLANG_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE " [%0, {%1}], {%2};}\n\t" :: "l"(surfObj),"r"(x),"f"(v));     
template <>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf2Dwrite_convert<float>(float v, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, int y, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode)
    asm volatile ( "{sust.p.2d.b32." SLANG_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE " [%0, {%1,%2}], {%3};}\n\t" :: "l"(surfObj),"r"(x),"r"(y),"f"(v));

template <>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf3Dwrite_convert<float>(float v, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, int y, int z, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode)
    asm volatile ( "{sust.p.2d.b32." SLANG_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE " [%0, {%1,%2,%3}], {%4};}\n\t" :: "l"(surfObj),"r"(x),"r"(y),"r"(z),"f"(v));

// Float2

template <>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf1Dwrite_convert<float2>(float2 v, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode)
    const float vx = v.x, vy = v.y;
    asm volatile ( "{sust.p.1d.b32." SLANG_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE " [%0, {%1}], {%2,%3};}\n\t" :: "l"(surfObj),"r"(x),"f"(vx),"f"(vy));     
template <>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf2Dwrite_convert<float2>(float2 v, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, int y, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode)
    const float vx = v.x, vy = v.y;
    asm volatile ( "{sust.p.2d.b32." SLANG_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE " [%0, {%1,%2}], {%3,%4};}\n\t" :: "l"(surfObj),"r"(x),"r"(y),"f"(vx),"f"(vy));

template <>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf3Dwrite_convert<float2>(float2 v, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, int y, int z, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode)
    const float vx = v.x, vy = v.y;
    asm volatile ( "{sust.p.2d.b32." SLANG_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE " [%0, {%1,%2,%3}], {%4,%5};}\n\t" :: "l"(surfObj),"r"(x),"r"(y),"r"(z),"f"(vx),"f"(vy));

// Float4
template <>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf1Dwrite_convert<float4>(float4 v, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode)
    const float vx = v.x, vy = v.y, vz = v.z, vw = v.w;
    asm volatile ( "{sust.p.1d.b32." SLANG_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE " [%0, {%1}], {%2,%3,%4,%5};}\n\t" :: "l"(surfObj),"r"(x),"f"(vx),"f"(vy),"f"(vz),"f"(vw));     
template <>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf2Dwrite_convert<float4>(float4 v, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, int y, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode)
    const float vx = v.x, vy = v.y, vz = v.z, vw = v.w;
    asm volatile ( "{sust.p.2d.b32." SLANG_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE " [%0, {%1,%2}], {%3,%4,%5,%6};}\n\t" :: "l"(surfObj),"r"(x),"r"(y),"f"(vx),"f"(vy),"f"(vz),"f"(vw));

template <>
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SLANG_CUDA_CALL void surf3Dwrite_convert<float4>(float4 v, cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, int y, int z, cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode boundaryMode)
    const float vx = v.x, vy = v.y, vz = v.z, vw = v.w;
    asm volatile ( "{sust.p.2d.b32." SLANG_PTX_BOUNDARY_MODE " [%0, {%1,%2,%3}], {%4,%5,%6,%7};}\n\t" :: "l"(surfObj),"r"(x),"r"(y),"r"(z),"f"(vx),"f"(vy),"f"(vz),"f"(vw));

// ----------------------------- F32 -----------------------------------------

// Unary 
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_ceil(float f) { return ::ceilf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_floor(float f) { return ::floorf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_round(float f) { return ::roundf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_sin(float f) { return ::sinf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_cos(float f) { return ::cosf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL void F32_sincos(float f, float* s, float* c) { ::sincosf(f, s, c); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_tan(float f) { return ::tanf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_asin(float f) { return ::asinf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_acos(float f) { return ::acosf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_atan(float f) { return ::atanf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_sinh(float f) { return ::sinhf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_cosh(float f) { return ::coshf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_tanh(float f) { return ::tanhf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_log2(float f) { return ::log2f(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_log(float f) { return ::logf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_log10(float f) { return ::log10f(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_exp2(float f) { return ::exp2f(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_exp(float f) { return ::expf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_abs(float f) { return ::fabsf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_trunc(float f) { return ::truncf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_sqrt(float f) { return ::sqrtf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_rsqrt(float f) { return ::rsqrtf(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_sign(float f) { return ( f == 0.0f) ? f : (( f < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); } 
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_frac(float f) { return f - F32_floor(f); }

SLANG_CUDA_CALL bool F32_isnan(float f) { return isnan(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL bool F32_isfinite(float f) { return isfinite(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL bool F32_isinf(float f) { return isinf(f); }

// Binary
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_min(float a, float b) { return ::fminf(a, b); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_max(float a, float b) { return ::fmaxf(a, b); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_pow(float a, float b) { return ::powf(a, b); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_fmod(float a, float b) { return ::fmodf(a, b); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_remainder(float a, float b) { return ::remainderf(a, b); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_atan2(float a, float b) { return float(::atan2(a, b)); }

SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_frexp(float x, float* e)
    int ei;
    float m = ::frexpf(x, &ei);
    *e = ei;
    return m;
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_modf(float x, float* ip)
    return ::modff(x, ip);

SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint32_t F32_asuint(float f) { Union32 u; u.f = f; return u.u; }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL int32_t F32_asint(float f) { Union32 u; u.f = f; return u.i; }

// Ternary
SLANG_CUDA_CALL float F32_fma(float a, float b, float c) { return ::fmaf(a, b, c); }

// ----------------------------- F64 -----------------------------------------

// Unary 
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_ceil(double f) { return ::ceil(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_floor(double f) { return ::floor(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_round(double f) { return ::round(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_sin(double f) { return ::sin(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_cos(double f) { return ::cos(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL void F64_sincos(double f, double* s, double* c) { ::sincos(f, s, c); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_tan(double f) { return ::tan(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_asin(double f) { return ::asin(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_acos(double f) { return ::acos(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_atan(double f) { return ::atan(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_sinh(double f) { return ::sinh(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_cosh(double f) { return ::cosh(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_tanh(double f) { return ::tanh(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_log2(double f) { return ::log2(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_log(double f) { return ::log(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_log10(float f) { return ::log10(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_exp2(double f) { return ::exp2(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_exp(double f) { return ::exp(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_abs(double f) { return ::fabs(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_trunc(double f) { return ::trunc(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_sqrt(double f) { return ::sqrt(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_rsqrt(double f) { return ::rsqrt(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_sign(double f) { return (f == 0.0) ? f : ((f < 0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_frac(double f) { return f - F64_floor(f); }

SLANG_CUDA_CALL bool F64_isnan(double f) { return isnan(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL bool F64_isfinite(double f) { return isfinite(f); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL bool F64_isinf(double f) { return isinf(f); }

// Binary
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_min(double a, double b) { return ::fmin(a, b); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_max(double a, double b) { return ::fmax(a, b); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_pow(double a, double b) { return ::pow(a, b); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_fmod(double a, double b) { return ::fmod(a, b); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_remainder(double a, double b) { return ::remainder(a, b); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_atan2(double a, double b) { return ::atan2(a, b); }

SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_frexp(double x, double* e)
    int ei;
    double m = ::frexp(x, &ei);
    *e = ei;
    return m;
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_modf(double x, double* ip)
    return ::modf(x, ip);

SLANG_CUDA_CALL void F64_asuint(double d, uint32_t* low, uint32_t* hi)
    Union64 u;
    u.d = d;
    *low = uint32_t(u.u);
    *hi = uint32_t(u.u >> 32);

SLANG_CUDA_CALL void F64_asint(double d, int32_t* low, int32_t* hi)
    Union64 u;
    u.d = d;
    *low = int32_t(u.u);
    *hi = int32_t(u.u >> 32);

// Ternary
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double F64_fma(double a, double b, double c) { return ::fma(a, b, c); }

// ----------------------------- I32 -----------------------------------------

// Unary
SLANG_CUDA_CALL int32_t I32_abs(int32_t f) { return (f < 0) ? -f : f; }

// Binary
SLANG_CUDA_CALL int32_t I32_min(int32_t a, int32_t b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL int32_t I32_max(int32_t a, int32_t b) { return a > b ? a : b; }

SLANG_CUDA_CALL float I32_asfloat(int32_t x) { Union32 u; u.i = x; return u.f; }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint32_t I32_asuint(int32_t x) { return uint32_t(x); }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL double I32_asdouble(int32_t low, int32_t hi )
    Union64 u;
    u.u = (uint64_t(hi) << 32) | uint32_t(low);
    return u.d;

// ----------------------------- U32 -----------------------------------------

// Unary 
SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint32_t U32_abs(uint32_t f) { return f; }

// Binary
SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint32_t U32_min(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint32_t U32_max(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return a > b ? a : b; }

SLANG_CUDA_CALL float U32_asfloat(uint32_t x) { Union32 u; u.u = x; return u.f; }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint32_t U32_asint(int32_t x) { return uint32_t(x); } 

SLANG_CUDA_CALL double U32_asdouble(uint32_t low, uint32_t hi)
    Union64 u;
    u.u = (uint64_t(hi) << 32) | low;
    return u.d;

SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint32_t U32_countbits(uint32_t v)
    // https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-math-api/group__CUDA__MATH__INTRINSIC__INT.html#group__CUDA__MATH__INTRINSIC__INT_1g43c9c7d2b9ebf202ff1ef5769989be46
    return __popc(v);

// ----------------------------- I64 -----------------------------------------

SLANG_CUDA_CALL int64_t I64_abs(int64_t f) { return (f < 0) ? -f : f; }

SLANG_CUDA_CALL int64_t I64_min(int64_t a, int64_t b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL int64_t I64_max(int64_t a, int64_t b) { return a > b ? a : b; }

// ----------------------------- U64 -----------------------------------------

SLANG_CUDA_CALL int64_t U64_abs(uint64_t f) { return f; }

SLANG_CUDA_CALL int64_t U64_min(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
SLANG_CUDA_CALL int64_t U64_max(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a > b ? a : b; }

SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint32_t U64_countbits(uint64_t v)
    // https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-math-api/group__CUDA__MATH__INTRINSIC__INT.html#group__CUDA__MATH__INTRINSIC__INT_1g43c9c7d2b9ebf202ff1ef5769989be46
    return __popcll(v);

// ----------------------------- ResourceType -----------------------------------------

// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/sm5-object-structuredbuffer-getdimensions
// Missing  Load(_In_  int  Location, _Out_ uint Status);

template <typename T>
struct StructuredBuffer
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL const T& operator[](size_t index) const
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK(index, count);
        return data[index];

    SLANG_CUDA_CALL const T& Load(size_t index) const
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK(index, count);
        return data[index];

    SLANG_CUDA_CALL void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outNumStructs, uint32_t* outStride) { *outNumStructs = uint32_t(count); *outStride = uint32_t(sizeof(T)); }

    T* data;
    size_t count;

template <typename T>
struct RWStructuredBuffer : StructuredBuffer<T>
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL T& operator[](size_t index) const
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK(index, this->count);
        return this->data[index];

// Missing  Load(_In_  int  Location, _Out_ uint Status);
struct ByteAddressBuffer
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outDim) const { *outDim = uint32_t(sizeInBytes); }
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint32_t Load(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 4, sizeInBytes);
        return data[index >> 2]; 
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint2 Load2(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 8, sizeInBytes); 
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint2{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1]}; 
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint3 Load3(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 12, sizeInBytes);
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint3{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1], data[dataIdx + 2]}; 
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint4 Load4(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 16, sizeInBytes);
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint4{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1], data[dataIdx + 2], data[dataIdx + 3]}; 
    template<typename T>
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL T Load(size_t index) const
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, sizeof(T), sizeInBytes);
        return *(const T*)(((const char*)data) + index);
    const uint32_t* data;
    size_t sizeInBytes;  //< Must be multiple of 4

// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/sm5-object-rwbyteaddressbuffer
// Missing support for Atomic operations 
// Missing support for Load with status
struct RWByteAddressBuffer
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outDim) const { *outDim = uint32_t(sizeInBytes); }
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint32_t Load(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 4, sizeInBytes);
        return data[index >> 2]; 
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint2 Load2(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 8, sizeInBytes);
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint2{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1]}; 
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint3 Load3(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 12, sizeInBytes);
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint3{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1], data[dataIdx + 2]}; 
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL uint4 Load4(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 16, sizeInBytes);
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint4{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1], data[dataIdx + 2], data[dataIdx + 3]}; 
    template<typename T>
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL T Load(size_t index) const
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, sizeof(T), sizeInBytes);
        return *(const T*)((const char*)data + index);
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL void Store(size_t index, uint32_t v) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 4, sizeInBytes);
        data[index >> 2] = v; 
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL void Store2(size_t index, uint2 v) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 8, sizeInBytes);
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        data[dataIdx + 0] = v.x;
        data[dataIdx + 1] = v.y;
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL void Store3(size_t index, uint3 v) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 12, sizeInBytes);
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        data[dataIdx + 0] = v.x;
        data[dataIdx + 1] = v.y;
        data[dataIdx + 2] = v.z;
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL void Store4(size_t index, uint4 v) const 
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, 16, sizeInBytes);
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        data[dataIdx + 0] = v.x;
        data[dataIdx + 1] = v.y;
        data[dataIdx + 2] = v.z;
        data[dataIdx + 3] = v.w;
    template<typename T>
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL void Store(size_t index, T const& value) const
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, sizeof(T), sizeInBytes);
        *(T*)(((char*)data) + index) = value;
        /// Can be used in stdlib to gain access
    template <typename T>
    SLANG_CUDA_CALL T* _getPtrAt(size_t index)
        SLANG_BOUND_CHECK_BYTE_ADDRESS(index, sizeof(T), sizeInBytes);
        return (T*)(((char*)data) + index);
    uint32_t* data;
    size_t sizeInBytes; //< Must be multiple of 4 

// ---------------------- Wave --------------------------------------

// TODO(JS): It appears that cuda does not have a simple way to get a lane index. 
// Another approach could be... 
// laneId = ((threadIdx.z * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) & SLANG_CUDA_WARP_MASK
// If that is really true another way to do this, would be for code generator to add this function 
// with the [numthreads] baked in. 
// For now I'll just assume you have a launch that makes the following correct if the kernel uses WaveGetLaneIndex()
 __forceinline__ __device__ uint32_t _getLaneId()
    // If the launch is (or I guess some multiple of the warp size) 
    // we try this mechanism, which is apparently faster. 
    return threadIdx.x & SLANG_CUDA_WARP_MASK;
__forceinline__ __device__ uint32_t _getLaneId()
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44337309/whats-the-most-efficient-way-to-calculate-the-warp-id-lane-id-in-a-1-d-grid#
    // This mechanism is not the fastest way to do it, and that is why the other mechanism 
    // is the default. But the other mechanism relies on a launch that makes the assumption 
    // true.
    unsigned ret; 
    asm volatile ("mov.u32 %0, %laneid;" : "=r"(ret));
    return ret;

typedef int WarpMask;

// It appears that the __activemask() cannot always be used because 
// threads need to be converged. 
// For CUDA the article claims mask has to be used carefully
// https://devblogs.nvidia.com/using-cuda-warp-level-primitives/
// With the Warp intrinsics there is no mask, and it's just the 'active lanes'. 
// __activemask() though does not require there is convergence, so that doesn't work.
// '__ballot_sync' produces a convergance. 
// From the CUDA docs:
// ```For __all_sync, __any_sync, and __ballot_sync, a mask must be passed that specifies the threads 
// participating in the call. A bit, representing the thread's lane ID, must be set for each participating thread 
// to ensure they are properly converged before the intrinsic is executed by the hardware. All active threads named 
// in mask must execute the same intrinsic with the same mask, or the result is undefined.```
// Currently there isn't a mechanism to correctly get the mask without it being passed through.
// Doing so will most likely require some changes to slang code generation to track masks, for now then we use
// _getActiveMask. 

// Return mask of all the lanes less than the current lane
__forceinline__ __device__ WarpMask _getLaneLtMask()
    return (int(1) << _getLaneId()) - 1;

// TODO(JS): 
// THIS IS NOT CORRECT! That determining the appropriate active mask requires appropriate
// mask tracking.
__forceinline__ __device__ WarpMask _getActiveMask()
    return __ballot_sync(__activemask(), true);

// Return a mask suitable for the 'MultiPrefix' style functions
__forceinline__ __device__ WarpMask _getMultiPrefixMask(int mask)
    return mask;

// Note! Note will return true if mask is 0, but thats okay, because there must be one
// lane active to execute anything
__inline__ __device__ bool _waveIsSingleLane(WarpMask mask)
    return (mask & (mask - 1)) == 0;

// Returns the power of 2 size of run of set bits. Returns 0 if not a suitable run.
__inline__ __device__ int _waveCalcPow2Offset(WarpMask mask)
    // This should be the most common case, so fast path it
    if (mask == SLANG_CUDA_WARP_MASK)
        return SLANG_CUDA_WARP_SIZE;
    // Is it a contiguous run of bits?
    if ((mask & (mask + 1)) == 0)
        // const int offsetSize = __ffs(mask + 1) - 1;
        const int offset = 32 - __clz(mask);
        // Is it a power of 2 size
        if ((offset & (offset - 1)) == 0)
            return offset;
    return 0;

__inline__ __device__ bool _waveIsFirstLane()
    const WarpMask mask = __activemask();
    // We special case bit 0, as that most warps are expected to be fully active. 
    // mask & -mask, isolates the lowest set bit.
    //return (mask & 1 ) || ((mask & -mask) == (1 << _getLaneId()));
    // This mechanism is most similar to what was in an nVidia post, so assume it is prefered. 
    return (mask & 1 ) || ((__ffs(mask) - 1) == _getLaneId());

template <typename T>
struct WaveOpOr
    __inline__ __device__ static T getInitial(T a) { return 0; }
    __inline__ __device__ static T doOp(T a, T b) { return a | b; }

template <typename T>
struct WaveOpAnd
    __inline__ __device__ static T getInitial(T a) { return ~T(0); }
    __inline__ __device__ static T doOp(T a, T b) { return a & b; }

template <typename T>
struct WaveOpXor
    __inline__ __device__ static T getInitial(T a) { return 0; }
    __inline__ __device__ static T doOp(T a, T b) { return a ^ b; }
    __inline__ __device__ static T doInverse(T a, T b) { return a ^ b; }

template <typename T>
struct WaveOpAdd
    __inline__ __device__ static T getInitial(T a) { return 0; }
    __inline__ __device__ static T doOp(T a, T b) { return a + b; }
    __inline__ __device__ static T doInverse(T a, T b) { return a - b; }

template <typename T>
struct WaveOpMul
    __inline__ __device__ static T getInitial(T a) { return T(1); }
    __inline__ __device__ static T doOp(T a, T b) { return a * b; }
    // Using this inverse for int is probably undesirable - because in general it requires T to have more precision
    // There is also a performance aspect to it, where divides are generally significantly slower
    __inline__ __device__ static T doInverse(T a, T b) { return a / b; }

template <typename T>
struct WaveOpMax
    __inline__ __device__ static T getInitial(T a) { return a; }
    __inline__ __device__ static T doOp(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b; }

template <typename T>
struct WaveOpMin
    __inline__  __device__ static T getInitial(T a) { return a; }
    __inline__ __device__ static T doOp(T a, T b) { return a < b ? a : b; }

template <typename T>
struct ElementTypeTrait;

// Scalar
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<int> { typedef int Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<uint> { typedef uint Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<float> { typedef float Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<double> { typedef double Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<uint64_t> { typedef uint64_t Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<int64_t> { typedef int64_t Type; };

// Vector
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<int1> { typedef int Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<int2> { typedef int Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<int3> { typedef int Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<int4> { typedef int Type; };

template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<uint1> { typedef uint Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<uint2> { typedef uint Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<uint3> { typedef uint Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<uint4> { typedef uint Type; };

template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<float1> { typedef float Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<float2> { typedef float Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<float3> { typedef float Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<float4> { typedef float Type; };

template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<double1> { typedef double Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<double2> { typedef double Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<double3> { typedef double Type; };
template <> struct ElementTypeTrait<double4> { typedef double Type; };

// Matrix
template <typename T, int ROWS, int COLS> 
struct ElementTypeTrait<Matrix<T, ROWS, COLS> >  
    typedef T Type; 

// Scalar 
template <typename INTF, typename T>
__device__ T _waveReduceScalar(WarpMask mask, T val)
    const int offsetSize = _waveCalcPow2Offset(mask);
    if (offsetSize > 0)
        // Fast path O(log2(activeLanes)) 
        for (int offset = offsetSize >> 1; offset > 0; offset >>= 1)
            val = INTF::doOp(val, __shfl_xor_sync(mask, val, offset));
    else if (!_waveIsSingleLane(mask))
        T result = INTF::getInitial(val);
        int remaining = mask;
        while (remaining)
            const int laneBit = remaining & -remaining;
            // Get the sourceLane 
            const int srcLane = __ffs(laneBit) - 1;
            // Broadcast (can also broadcast to self) 
            result = INTF::doOp(result, __shfl_sync(mask, val, srcLane));
            remaining &= ~laneBit;
        return result;
    return val;

// Multiple values
template <typename INTF, typename T, size_t COUNT>
__device__ void _waveReduceMultiple(WarpMask mask, T* val)
    const int offsetSize = _waveCalcPow2Offset(mask);
    if (offsetSize > 0)
        // Fast path O(log2(activeLanes)) 
        for (int offset = offsetSize >> 1; offset > 0; offset >>= 1)
            for (size_t i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i)
                val[i] = INTF::doOp(val[i], __shfl_xor_sync(mask, val[i], offset));
    else if (!_waveIsSingleLane(mask))
        // Copy the original
        T originalVal[COUNT];
        for (size_t i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i)
            const T v = val[i];
            originalVal[i] = v;
            val[i] = INTF::getInitial(v);
        int remaining = mask;
        while (remaining)
            const int laneBit = remaining & -remaining;
            // Get the sourceLane 
            const int srcLane = __ffs(laneBit) - 1;
            // Broadcast (can also broadcast to self) 
            for (size_t i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i)
                val[i] = INTF::doOp(val[i], __shfl_sync(mask, originalVal[i], srcLane));
            remaining &= ~laneBit;

template <typename INTF, typename T>
__device__ void _waveReduceMultiple(WarpMask mask, T* val)
    typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType;    
    _waveReduceMultiple<INTF, ElemType, sizeof(T) / sizeof(ElemType)>(mask, (ElemType*)val);

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__  T _waveOr(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _waveReduceScalar<WaveOpOr<T>, T>(mask, val); }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _waveAnd(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _waveReduceScalar<WaveOpAnd<T>, T>(mask, val); }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _waveXor(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _waveReduceScalar<WaveOpXor<T>, T>(mask, val); }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _waveProduct(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _waveReduceScalar<WaveOpMul<T>, T>(mask, val); }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _waveSum(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _waveReduceScalar<WaveOpAdd<T>, T>(mask, val); }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _waveMin(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _waveReduceScalar<WaveOpMin<T>, T>(mask, val); }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _waveMax(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _waveReduceScalar<WaveOpMax<T>, T>(mask, val); }

// Multiple

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__  T _waveOrMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val) { typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType; _waveReduceMultiple<WaveOpOr<ElemType> >(mask, &val); return val; }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__  T _waveAndMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val) { typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType; _waveReduceMultiple<WaveOpAnd<ElemType> >(mask, &val); return val; }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__  T _waveXorMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val) { typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType; _waveReduceMultiple<WaveOpXor<ElemType> >(mask, &val); return val; }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__  T _waveProductMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val) { typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType; _waveReduceMultiple<WaveOpMul<ElemType> >(mask, &val); return val; }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__  T _waveSumMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val) { typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType; _waveReduceMultiple<WaveOpAdd<ElemType> >(mask, &val); return val; }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__  T _waveMinMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val) { typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType; _waveReduceMultiple<WaveOpMin<ElemType> >(mask, &val); return val; }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__  T _waveMaxMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val) { typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType; _waveReduceMultiple<WaveOpMax<ElemType> >(mask, &val); return val; }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ bool _waveAllEqual(WarpMask mask, T val) 
    int pred;
    __match_all_sync(mask, val, &pred);
    return pred != 0;

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ bool _waveAllEqualMultiple(WarpMask mask, T inVal) 
    typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType;
    const size_t count = sizeof(T) / sizeof(ElemType);
    int pred;
    const ElemType* src = (const ElemType*)&inVal;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        __match_all_sync(mask, src[i], &pred);
        if (pred == 0)
            return false;
    return true;

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _waveReadFirst(WarpMask mask, T val) 
    const int lowestLaneId = __ffs(mask) - 1;
    return __shfl_sync(mask, val, lowestLaneId);   

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _waveReadFirstMultiple(WarpMask mask, T inVal) 
    typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType;
    const size_t count = sizeof(T) / sizeof(ElemType);
    T outVal;
    const ElemType* src = (const ElemType*)&inVal;
    ElemType* dst = (ElemType*)&outVal;
    const int lowestLaneId = __ffs(mask) - 1;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        dst[i] = __shfl_sync(mask, src[i], lowestLaneId);   
    return outVal;

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _waveShuffleMultiple(WarpMask mask, T inVal, int lane)
    typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType;
    const size_t count = sizeof(T) / sizeof(ElemType);
    T outVal;
    const ElemType* src = (const ElemType*)&inVal;
    ElemType* dst = (ElemType*)&outVal;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        dst[i] = __shfl_sync(mask, src[i], lane);   
    return outVal;

// Scalar 

// Invertable means that when we get to the end of the reduce, we can remove val (to make exclusive), using 
// the inverse of the op.
template <typename INTF, typename T>
__device__ T _wavePrefixInvertableScalar(WarpMask mask, T val)
    const int offsetSize = _waveCalcPow2Offset(mask);
    const int laneId = _getLaneId();
    T result;
    if (offsetSize > 0)
        // Sum is calculated inclusive of this lanes value
        result = val;
        for (int i = 1; i < offsetSize; i += i) 
            const T readVal = __shfl_up_sync(mask, result, i, offsetSize);
            if (laneId >= i)
                result = INTF::doOp(result, readVal);
        // Remove val from the result, by applyin inverse
        result = INTF::doInverse(result, val);
        result = INTF::getInitial(val);
        if (!_waveIsSingleLane(mask))
            int remaining = mask;
            while (remaining)
                const int laneBit = remaining & -remaining;
                // Get the sourceLane 
                const int srcLane = __ffs(laneBit) - 1;
                // Broadcast (can also broadcast to self) 
                const T readValue = __shfl_sync(mask, val, srcLane);
                // Only accumulate if srcLane is less than this lane
                if (srcLane < laneId)
                    result = INTF::doOp(result, readValue);
                remaining &= ~laneBit;
    return result;

// This implementation separately tracks the value to be propogated, and the value
// that is the final result 
template <typename INTF, typename T>
__device__ T _wavePrefixScalar(WarpMask mask, T val)
    const int offsetSize = _waveCalcPow2Offset(mask);
    const int laneId = _getLaneId();
    T result = INTF::getInitial(val);           
    if (offsetSize > 0)
        // For transmitted value we will do it inclusively with this lanes value
        // For the result we do not include the lanes value. This means an extra multiply for each iteration
        // but means we don't need to have a divide at the end and also removes overflow issues in that scenario.
        for (int i = 1; i < offsetSize; i += i) 
            const T readVal = __shfl_up_sync(mask, val, i, offsetSize);
            if (laneId >= i)
                result = INTF::doOp(result, readVal);
                val = INTF::doOp(val, readVal);
        if (!_waveIsSingleLane(mask))
            int remaining = mask;
            while (remaining)
                const int laneBit = remaining & -remaining;
                // Get the sourceLane 
                const int srcLane = __ffs(laneBit) - 1;
                // Broadcast (can also broadcast to self) 
                const T readValue = __shfl_sync(mask, val, srcLane);
                // Only accumulate if srcLane is less than this lane
                if (srcLane < laneId)
                    result = INTF::doOp(result, readValue);
                remaining &= ~laneBit;
    return result;

template <typename INTF, typename T, size_t COUNT>
__device__ T _waveOpCopy(T* dst, const T* src)
    for (size_t j = 0; j < COUNT; ++j)
        dst[j] = src[j];

template <typename INTF, typename T, size_t COUNT>
__device__ T _waveOpDoInverse(T* inOut, const T* val)
    for (size_t j = 0; j < COUNT; ++j)
        inOut[j] = INTF::doInverse(inOut[j], val[j]);

template <typename INTF, typename T, size_t COUNT>
__device__ T _waveOpSetInitial(T* out, const T* val)
    for (size_t j = 0; j < COUNT; ++j)
        out[j] = INTF::getInitial(val[j]);

template <typename INTF, typename T, size_t COUNT>
__device__ T _wavePrefixInvertableMultiple(WarpMask mask, T* val)
    const int offsetSize = _waveCalcPow2Offset(mask);
    const int laneId = _getLaneId();
    T originalVal[COUNT];
    _waveOpCopy<INTF, T, COUNT>(originalVal, val);
    if (offsetSize > 0)
        // Sum is calculated inclusive of this lanes value
        for (int i = 1; i < offsetSize; i += i) 
            // TODO(JS): Note that here I don't split the laneId outside so it's only tested once.
            // This may be better but it would also mean that there would be shfl between lanes 
            // that are on different (albeit identical) instructions. So this seems more likely to 
            // work as expected with everything in lock step.
            for (size_t j = 0; j < COUNT; ++j)
                const T readVal = __shfl_up_sync(mask, val[j], i, offsetSize);
                if (laneId >= i)
                    val[j] = INTF::doOp(val[j], readVal);
        // Remove originalVal from the result, by applyin inverse
        _waveOpDoInverse<INTF, T, COUNT>(val, originalVal);
        _waveOpSetInitial<INTF, T, COUNT>(val, val);
        if (!_waveIsSingleLane(mask))
            int remaining = mask;
            while (remaining)
                const int laneBit = remaining & -remaining;
                // Get the sourceLane 
                const int srcLane = __ffs(laneBit) - 1;
                for (size_t j = 0; j < COUNT; ++j)
                    // Broadcast (can also broadcast to self) 
                    const T readValue = __shfl_sync(mask, originalVal[j], srcLane);
                    // Only accumulate if srcLane is less than this lane
                    if (srcLane < laneId)
                        val[j] = INTF::doOp(val[j], readValue);
                    remaining &= ~laneBit;
template <typename INTF, typename T, size_t COUNT>
__device__ T _wavePrefixMultiple(WarpMask mask, T* val)
    const int offsetSize = _waveCalcPow2Offset(mask);
    const int laneId = _getLaneId();
    T work[COUNT];
    _waveOpCopy<INTF, T, COUNT>(work, val);
    _waveOpSetInitial<INTF, T, COUNT>(val, val);
    if (offsetSize > 0)
        // For transmitted value we will do it inclusively with this lanes value
        // For the result we do not include the lanes value. This means an extra op for each iteration
        // but means we don't need to have a divide at the end and also removes overflow issues in that scenario.
        for (int i = 1; i < offsetSize; i += i) 
            for (size_t j = 0; j < COUNT; ++j)
                const T readVal = __shfl_up_sync(mask, work[j], i, offsetSize);
                if (laneId >= i)
                    work[j] = INTF::doOp(work[j], readVal);
                    val[j] = INTF::doOp(val[j], readVal);     
        if (!_waveIsSingleLane(mask))
            int remaining = mask;
            while (remaining)
                const int laneBit = remaining & -remaining;
                // Get the sourceLane 
                const int srcLane = __ffs(laneBit) - 1;
                for (size_t j = 0; j < COUNT; ++j)
                    // Broadcast (can also broadcast to self) 
                    const T readValue = __shfl_sync(mask, work[j], srcLane);
                    // Only accumulate if srcLane is less than this lane
                    if (srcLane < laneId)
                        val[j] = INTF::doOp(val[j], readValue);
                remaining &= ~laneBit;

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _wavePrefixProduct(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _wavePrefixScalar<WaveOpMul<T>, T>(mask, val); }

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _wavePrefixSum(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _wavePrefixInvertableScalar<WaveOpAdd<T>, T>(mask, val); }    

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _wavePrefixXor(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _wavePrefixInvertableScalar<WaveOpXor<T>, T>(mask, val); }    
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _wavePrefixOr(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _wavePrefixScalar<WaveOpOr<T>, T>(mask, val); }      
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _wavePrefixAnd(WarpMask mask, T val) { return _wavePrefixScalar<WaveOpAnd<T>, T>(mask, val); }      
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _wavePrefixProductMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val)  
    typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType;    
    _wavePrefixInvertableMultiple<WaveOpMul<ElemType>, ElemType, sizeof(T) / sizeof(ElemType)>(mask, (ElemType*)&val);    
    return val;

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _wavePrefixSumMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val) 
    typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType;    
    _wavePrefixInvertableMultiple<WaveOpAdd<ElemType>, ElemType, sizeof(T) / sizeof(ElemType)>(mask, (ElemType*)&val);    
    return val;

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _wavePrefixXorMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val)  
    typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType;    
    _wavePrefixInvertableMultiple<WaveOpXor<ElemType>, ElemType, sizeof(T) / sizeof(ElemType)>(mask, (ElemType*)&val);    
    return val;

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _wavePrefixOrMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val) 
    typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType;    
    _wavePrefixMultiple<WaveOpOr<ElemType>, ElemType, sizeof(T) / sizeof(ElemType)>(mask, (ElemType*)&val);    
    return val;

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T _wavePrefixAndMultiple(WarpMask mask, T val)  
    typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType;    
    _wavePrefixMultiple<WaveOpAnd<ElemType>, ElemType, sizeof(T) / sizeof(ElemType)>(mask, (ElemType*)&val);    
    return val;

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ uint4 _waveMatchScalar(WarpMask mask, T val) 
    int pred;
    return make_uint4(__match_all_sync(mask, val, &pred), 0, 0, 0);

template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ uint4 _waveMatchMultiple(WarpMask mask, const T& inVal) 
    typedef typename ElementTypeTrait<T>::Type ElemType;
    const size_t count = sizeof(T) / sizeof(ElemType);
    int pred;
    const ElemType* src = (const ElemType*)&inVal;
    uint matchBits = 0xffffffff;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count && matchBits; ++i)
        matchBits = matchBits & __match_all_sync(mask, src[i], &pred);
    return make_uint4(matchBits, 0, 0, 0);

__device__ uint getAt(dim3 a,  int b)
    SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(b >= 0 && b < 3);
    return (&a.x)[b];
__device__ uint3 operator*(uint3 a, dim3 b)
    uint3 r;
    r.x = a.x * b.x;
    r.y = a.y * b.y;
    r.z = a.z * b.z;
    return r;

template<typename TResult, typename TInput>
__inline__ __device__ TResult slang_bit_cast(TInput val)
    return *(TResult*)(&val);

/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */

/* Type that defines the uniform entry point params. The actual content of this type is dependent on the entry point parameters, and can be
found via reflection or defined such that it matches the shader appropriately.
struct UniformEntryPointParams;
struct UniformState;

// ---------------------- OptiX Ray Payload --------------------------------------
struct RayDesc
    float3 Origin;
    float  TMin;
    float3 Direction;
    float  TMax;

static __forceinline__ __device__
void *unpackOptiXRayPayloadPointer(uint32_t i0, uint32_t i1)
    const uint64_t uptr = static_cast<uint64_t>(i0) << 32 | i1;
    void*           ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(uptr);
    return ptr;

static __forceinline__ __device__
void  packOptiXRayPayloadPointer(void* ptr, uint32_t& i0, uint32_t& i1)
    const uint64_t uptr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(ptr);
    i0 = uptr >> 32;
    i1 = uptr & 0x00000000ffffffff;

static __forceinline__ __device__ void *getOptiXRayPayloadPtr()
    const uint32_t u0 = optixGetPayload_0();
    const uint32_t u1 = optixGetPayload_1();
    return unpackOptiXRayPayloadPointer(u0, u1);

template<typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ void *traceOptiXRay(
    OptixTraversableHandle AccelerationStructure,
    uint32_t RayFlags,
    uint32_t InstanceInclusionMask,
    uint32_t RayContributionToHitGroupIndex,
    uint32_t MultiplierForGeometryContributionToHitGroupIndex,
    uint32_t MissShaderIndex,
    RayDesc Ray,
    T *Payload
) {
    uint32_t r0, r1;
    packOptiXRayPayloadPointer((void*)Payload, r0, r1);
        0.f, /* Time for motion blur, currently unsupported in slang */
        r0, r1
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