Raw File
//              LAPACK++ 1.1 Linear Algebra Package 1.1
//               University of Tennessee, Knoxvilee, TN.
//            Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
//        Authors: J. J. Dongarra, E. Greaser, R. Pozo, D. Walker
//                 (C) 1992-1996 All Rights Reserved
//                             NOTICE
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
// its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted
// provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
// that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
// supporting documentation.
// Neither the Institutions (University of Tennessee, and Oak Ridge National
// Laboratory) nor the Authors make any representations about the suitability 
// of this software for any purpose.  This software is provided ``as is'' 
// without express or implied warranty.
// LAPACK++ was funded in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, the
// National Science Foundation and the State of Tennessee.
// Modifications Copyright (C) 2000-2002 the R Development Core Team

#include "lafnames.h"
#include "gfd.h"
#include "qr.h"

#ifdef length
#undef length

#ifdef append
#undef append

#include <valarray>

    delete solver;

    : v(0), solver(0)
    dim[0] = dim[1] = 0;
    sz[0] = sz[1] = 0;
    *info_ = 0;

LaGenMatDouble::LaGenMatDouble(int m, int n)
    : v(m*n), solver(0)
    dim[0] = m;
    dim[1] = n;
    sz[0] = m;
    sz[1] = n;
    *info_ = 0;

LaGenMatDouble::LaGenMatDouble(double *d, int m, int n)
    : v(d, m*n), solver(0)
    dim[0] = m;
    dim[1] = n;
    sz[0] = m;
    sz[1] = n;
    *info_ = 0;

LaMatDouble& LaGenMatDouble::operator=(double s)
    for (int j = 0; j < size(1); j++)
        for (int i = 0; i < size(0); i++)
            (*this)(i,j) = s;

    if (solver != 0)
    return *this;

LaGenMatDouble& LaGenMatDouble::ref(const LaGenMatDouble& s)
    if (this == &s) return *this; // handle trivial M.ref(M) case
    ii[0] = s.ii[0];
    ii[1] = s.ii[1];
    dim[0] = s.dim[0];
    dim[1] = s.dim[1];
    sz[0] = s.sz[0];
    sz[1] = s.sz[1];
    shallow_ = 0;

    if (solver != 0)

    return *this;

LaGenMatDouble& LaGenMatDouble::ref(SEXP x)
{				// create a reference to the data
    if (!isMatrix(x)) error("x must be a matrix");
    int *dims = INTEGER(coerceVector(getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol), INTSXP));
    int m = dims[0];
    int n = dims[1];
    LaGenMatDouble tmp(REAL(coerceVector(x, REALSXP)), m, n);
    return ref(tmp);

LaGenMatDouble&  LaGenMatDouble::resize(int m, int n)
    // first, reference 0x0 matrix, potentially freeing memory
    // this allows one to resize a matrix > 1/2 of the available
    // memory
    LaGenMatDouble tmp1(0,0);
    // now, reference an MxN matrix
    LaGenMatDouble tmp(m,n);
    if (solver != 0)
    return *this;

LaGenMatDouble::LaGenMatDouble(const LaMatDouble& X)
    : v(X.size(0)*X.size(1)), solver(0)
    shallow_ = 0;		// do not perpetuate shallow copies, otherwise
				//  B = A(I,J) does not work properly...
//      if (X.shallow_) {
//  	v.ref(X.v);
//  	dim[0] = X.dim[0];
//  	dim[1] = X.dim[1];
//  	sz[0] = X.sz[0];
//  	sz[1] = X.sz[1];
//  	ii[0] = X.ii[0];
//  	ii[1] = X.ii[1];
//      } else {
//	v.resize(X.size(0)*X.size(1)); 
	dim[0] = sz[0] = X.size(0);
	dim[1] = sz[1] = X.size(1);
	int M = X.size(0), N = X.size(1);
	for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
	    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
		(*this)(i,j) = X(i,j);
//    }

LaGenMatDouble::LaGenMatDouble(const LaGenMatDouble& X)
    : v(X.size(0)*X.size(1)), solver(0)
				//  B = A(I,J) does not work properly...
//      if (X.shallow_) {
//  	v.ref(X.v);
//  	dim[0] = X.dim[0];
//  	dim[1] = X.dim[1];
//  	sz[0] = X.sz[0];
//  	sz[1] = X.sz[1];
//  	ii[0] = X.ii[0];
//  	ii[1] = X.ii[1];
//      } else {
//	v.resize(X.size(0)*X.size(1)); 
	dim[0] = sz[0] = X.size(0);
	dim[1] = sz[1] = X.size(1);
	int M = X.size(0), N = X.size(1);
	for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
	    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
		(*this)(i,j) = X(i,j);
//    }

LaGenMatDouble& LaGenMatDouble::operator=(const LaGenMatDouble& X)
    shallow_ = 0;
    solver = 0;
				//  B = A(I,J) does not work properly...
//      if (X.shallow_) {
//  	v.ref(X.v);
//  	dim[0] = X.dim[0];
//  	dim[1] = X.dim[1];
//  	sz[0] = X.sz[0];
//  	sz[1] = X.sz[1];
//  	ii[0] = X.ii[0];
//  	ii[1] = X.ii[1];
//      } else {
//	v.resize(X.size(0)*X.size(1)); 
	dim[0] = sz[0] = X.size(0);
	dim[1] = sz[1] = X.size(1);
	int M = X.size(0), N = X.size(1);
	for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
	    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
		(*this)(i,j) = X(i,j);
//    }
    return *this;

LaGenMatDouble::LaGenMatDouble(SEXP x)
    : v(0), solver(0)
{				// constructor performs a copy
    if (!isMatrix(x)) error("x must be a matrix");
    int *dims =
	INTEGER(PROTECT(coerceVector(getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol), INTSXP)));
    int m = dims[0];
    int n = dims[1];
    solver = 0;
    LaGenMatDouble tmp(REAL(PROTECT(coerceVector(x, REALSXP))), m, n);

LaGenMatDouble& LaGenMatDouble::copy(const LaMatDouble& X) 
				// current scheme in copy() is to
				// detach the left-hand-side 
				// from whatever it was pointing to.
    int M = X.size(0), N = X.size(1);
    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
	for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
	    (*this)(i,j) = X(i,j);
    return *this;

LaGenMatDouble* LaGenMatDouble::clone() const
    LaGenMatDouble* ans = new LaGenMatDouble();
    ans->ii[0] = ii[0];
    ans->ii[1] = ii[1];
    ans->dim[0] = dim[0];
    ans->dim[1] = dim[1];
    ans->sz[0] = sz[0];
    ans->sz[1] = sz[1];
    ans->shallow_ = 0;
    return ans;

LaGenMatDouble& LaGenMatDouble::inject(const LaMatDouble& s)
    if (!(s.size(0) == size(0))) throw(LaException("assert failed : s.size(0) == size(0)"));
    if (!(s.size(1) == size(1))) throw(LaException("assert failed : s.size(1) == size(1)"));
    int M=size(0), N=size(1);
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
            (*this)(i,j) = s(i,j);

    if (solver != 0)

    return *this;

LaGenMatDouble LaGenMatDouble::operator()(const LaIndex& II, const LaIndex& JJ) const
    LaIndex I, J;

    if (II.null()) {
    } else {
        I = II;
    if (JJ.null()) {
    } else {
        J = JJ;

    if (!(I.inc() != 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.inc() != 0"));
    if (!(J.inc() != 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.inc() != 0"));

    if (I.inc() > 0) {
        if (!(I.start() >= 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.start() >= 0"));
        if (!(I.start() <= I.end())) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.start() <= I.end()"));
        if (!(I.end() < size(0))) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.end() < size(0)"));
    } else {			// I.inc() < 0
        if (!(I.start() < size(0))) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.start() < size(0)"));
        if (!(I.start() >= I.end())) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.start() >= I.end()"));
        if (!(I.end() >= 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.end() >= 0"));

    if (J.inc() > 0) {
        if (!(J.start() >= 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.start() >= 0"));
        if (!(J.start() <= J.end())) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.start() <= J.end()"));
        if (!(J.end() < size(1))) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.end() < size(1)"));
    } else {			// J.inc() < 0
        if (!(J.start() < size(1))) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.start() < size(1)"));
        if (!(J.start() >= J.end())) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.start() >= J.end()"));
        if (!(J.end() >= 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.end() >= 0"));

    LaGenMatDouble tmp;
    tmp.dim[0] = dim[0];
    tmp.dim[1] = dim[1];
    tmp.sz[0] = (I.end() - I.start())/I.inc() + 1;
    tmp.sz[1] = (J.end() - J.start())/J.inc() + 1;
    tmp.ii[0].start() =  ii[0].start() + I.start()*ii[0].inc();
    tmp.ii[0].inc() = ii[0].inc() * I.inc();
    tmp.ii[0].end() = (I.end() - I.start())/ I.inc() * tmp.ii[0].inc() 
	+ tmp.ii[0].start();
    tmp.ii[1].start() =  ii[1].start() + J.start()*ii[1].inc();
    tmp.ii[1].inc() = ii[1].inc() * J.inc();
    tmp.ii[1].end() = (J.end() - J.start())/ J.inc() * tmp.ii[1].inc() 
	+ tmp.ii[1].start();
    return tmp;

LaGenMatDouble LaGenMatDouble::operator()(const LaIndex& II, const LaIndex& JJ) 
    LaIndex I, J;

    if (II.null()) {
    } else {
        I = II;
    if (JJ.null()) {
    } else {
        J = JJ;

    if (!(I.inc() != 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.inc() != 0"));
    if (!(J.inc() != 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.inc() != 0"));
    if (I.inc() > 0) {
        if (!(I.start() >= 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.start() >= 0"));
        if (!(I.start() <= I.end())) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.start() <= I.end()"));
        if (!(I.end() < size(0))) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.end() < size(0)"));
    } else {			// I.inc() < 0
        if (!(I.start() < size(0))) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.start() < size(0)"));
        if (!(I.start() >= I.end())) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.start() >= I.end()"));
        if (!(I.end() >= 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : I.end() >= 0"));

    if (J.inc() > 0) {
        if (!(J.start() >= 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.start() >= 0"));
        if (!(J.start() <= J.end())) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.start() <= J.end()"));
        if (!(J.end() < size(1))) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.end() < size(1)"));
    } else {			// J.inc() < 0
        if (!(J.start() < size(1))) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.start() < size(1)"));
        if (!(J.start() >= J.end())) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.start() >= J.end()"));
        if (!(J.end() >= 0)) throw(LaException("assert failed : J.end() >= 0"));
    LaGenMatDouble tmp;
    tmp.dim[0] = dim[0];
    tmp.dim[1] = dim[1];
    tmp.sz[0] = (I.end() - I.start())/I.inc() + 1;
    tmp.sz[1] = (J.end() - J.start())/J.inc() + 1;
    tmp.ii[0].start() =  ii[0].start() + I.start()*ii[0].inc();
    tmp.ii[0].inc() = ii[0].inc() * I.inc();
    tmp.ii[0].end() = (I.end() - I.start())/ I.inc() * tmp.ii[0].inc() 
	+ tmp.ii[0].start();
    tmp.ii[1].start() =  ii[1].start() + J.start()*ii[1].inc();
    tmp.ii[1].inc() = ii[1].inc() * J.inc();
    tmp.ii[1].end() = (J.end() - J.start())/ J.inc() * tmp.ii[1].inc() 
	+ tmp.ii[1].start();
    return tmp;

double LaGenMatDouble::norm(char which) const
    std::valarray<double> work(size(0));
    return F77_CALL(dlange)(which, size(0), size(1),
                            this->addr(), gdim(0), &work[0]);

void LaGenMatDouble::doDecomposition() const
    if (solver != 0)
	delete solver;
    if (size(0) == size(1))
	solver = new LaLUFactorDouble(*this);
    else solver = new LaQRFactorDouble(*this);

std::ostream& LaGenMatDouble::printMatrix(std::ostream& s) const
    if (*info_)     // print out only matrix info, not actual values
        *info_ = 0; // reset the flag
        s << "(" << size(0) << "x" << size(1) << ") " ;
        s << "Indices: " << index(0) << " " << index(1);
        s << " #ref: " << ref_count();
        s << " shallow:" << shallow_  ;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < size(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < size(1); j++) { s << (*this)(i,j) << "  "; }
            s << "\n";
    return s;

std::ostream& LaGenMatDouble::Info(std::ostream& s)
    s << "#ref: " << ref_count() << std::endl;
    return s;

double LaGenMatDouble::rcond(char which) const
    double val;
    VectorDouble work(4 * size(0));
    int info;
    VectorInt ipiv(size(0));
    VectorInt iwork(size(0));
    LaGenMatDouble th(*this);	// create a copy to pass

    F77_CALL(dgetrf)(th.size(0), th.size(1), &th(0,0), th.gdim(0),
		     &ipiv(0), info);
    F77_CALL(dgecon)(which, th.size(0), &th(0,0), th.gdim(0),
		     norm(which), val, &work(0), &iwork(0), info);
    return val;

SEXP LaGenMatDouble::asSEXP() const
    SEXP val = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, size(0), size(1)));
    F77_CALL(dlacpy)('A', size(0), size(1), this->addr(), gdim(0),
                     REAL(val), size(0));
    setAttrib(val, R_ClassSymbol, ScalarString(mkChar("Matrix")));
    return val;

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