Raw File
(* Copyright (c) - 2012-2014 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type ecreader

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val from_channel : name:string -> in_channel -> ecreader
val from_file    : string -> ecreader
val from_string  : string -> ecreader

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val finalize : ecreader -> unit
val parse    : ecreader -> (EcParsetree.prog   EcLocation.located)
val parseall : ecreader -> (EcParsetree.global EcLocation.located) list
val drain    : ecreader -> unit
val lexbuf   : ecreader -> Lexing.lexbuf

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val lex_single_token : string -> EcParser.token option
val is_sym_ident : string -> bool
val is_mem_ident : string -> bool
val is_mod_ident : string -> bool
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