Raw File
%  Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Friedrich Leisch and Bettina Gruen
%  $Id: betablocker.Rd 4666 2011-02-23 15:52:35Z gruen $
\title{Clinical trial of beta-blockers}
  22-centre clinical trial of beta-blockers for reducing mortality after
  myocardial infarction.
  A data frame with 44 observations on the following 4 variables.
    \item{Deaths}{Number of deaths.}
    \item{Total}{Total number of patients.}
    \item{Center}{Number of clinical centre.}
    \item{Treatment}{A factor with levels \code{Control} and \code{Treated}.}
  G. McLachlan and D. Peel (2000): Finite Mixture Models.
  John Wiley and Sons Inc.

  M. Aitkin (1999): Meta-analysis by random effect modelling in
  generalized linear models.
  Statistics in medicine 18, pages 2343-2351.

  S. Yusuf, R. Peto, J. Lewis, R. Collins and P. Sleight (1985): Beta
  blockade during and after myocardial infarction: an overview of the
  randomized trials.
  Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 27, pages 335-371.
betaMix <- stepFlexmix(cbind(Deaths, Total-Deaths) ~ 1 | Center,
                       data=betablocker, k=3, nrep=5,
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