Raw File
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is C++ hashtable templates.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Benjamin Smedberg.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
 * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
 * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
 * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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 * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

#ifndef nsBaseHashtable_h__
#define nsBaseHashtable_h__

#include "nsTHashtable.h"
#include "prlock.h"
#include "nsDebug.h"

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
class nsBaseHashtable; // forward declaration

 * the private nsTHashtable::EntryType class used by nsBaseHashtable
 * @see nsTHashtable for the specification of this class
 * @see nsBaseHashtable for template parameters
template<class KeyClass,class DataType>
class nsBaseHashtableET : public KeyClass
  DataType mData;
  friend class nsTHashtable< nsBaseHashtableET<KeyClass,DataType> >;

  typedef typename KeyClass::KeyType KeyType;
  typedef typename KeyClass::KeyTypePointer KeyTypePointer;
  nsBaseHashtableET(KeyTypePointer aKey);
  nsBaseHashtableET(nsBaseHashtableET<KeyClass,DataType>& toCopy);

 * templated hashtable for simple data types
 * This class manages simple data types that do not need construction or
 * destruction.
 * @param KeyClass a wrapper-class for the hashtable key, see nsHashKeys.h
 *   for a complete specification.
 * @param DataType the datatype stored in the hashtable,
 *   for example, PRUint32 or nsCOMPtr.  If UserDataType is not the same,
 *   DataType must implicitly cast to UserDataType
 * @param UserDataType the user sees, for example PRUint32 or nsISupports*
template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
class nsBaseHashtable :
  protected nsTHashtable< nsBaseHashtableET<KeyClass,DataType> >
  typedef typename KeyClass::KeyType KeyType;
  typedef nsBaseHashtableET<KeyClass,DataType> EntryType;

  // default constructor+destructor are fine

   * Initialize the object.
   * @param initSize the initial number of buckets in the hashtable,
   *        default 16
   * locking on all class methods
   * @return    true if the object was initialized properly.
  bool Init(PRUint32 initSize = PL_DHASH_MIN_SIZE)
  { return nsTHashtable<EntryType>::Init(initSize); }

   * Check whether the table has been initialized.
   * This function is especially useful for static hashtables.
   * @return true if the table has been initialized.
  bool IsInitialized() const { return !!this->mTable.entrySize; }

   * Return the number of entries in the table.
   * @return    number of entries
  PRUint32 Count() const
  { return nsTHashtable<EntryType>::Count(); }

   * retrieve the value for a key.
   * @param aKey the key to retreive
   * @param pData data associated with this key will be placed at this
   *   pointer.  If you only need to check if the key exists, pData
   *   may be null.
   * @return true if the key exists. If key does not exist, pData is not
   *   modified.
  bool Get(KeyType aKey, UserDataType* pData NS_OUTPARAM) const
    EntryType* ent = this->GetEntry(aKey);

    if (!ent)
      return false;

    if (pData)
      *pData = ent->mData;

    return true;

   * For pointer types, get the value, returning nsnull if the entry is not
   * present in the table.
   * @param aKey the key to retrieve
   * @return The found value, or nsnull if no entry was found with the given key.
   * @note If nsnull values are stored in the table, it is not possible to
   *       distinguish between a nsnull value and a missing entry.
  UserDataType Get(KeyType aKey) const
    EntryType* ent = this->GetEntry(aKey);
    if (!ent)
      return nsnull;

    return ent->mData;

   * put a new value for the associated key
   * @param aKey the key to put
   * @param aData the new data
   * @return always true, unless memory allocation failed
  bool Put(KeyType aKey, UserDataType aData)
    EntryType* ent = this->PutEntry(aKey);

    if (!ent)
      return false;

    ent->mData = aData;

    return true;

   * remove the data for the associated key
   * @param aKey the key to remove from the hashtable
  void Remove(KeyType aKey) { this->RemoveEntry(aKey); }

   * function type provided by the application for enumeration.
   * @param aKey the key being enumerated
   * @param aData data being enumerated
   * @parm userArg passed unchanged from Enumerate
   * @return either
   *   @link PLDHashOperator::PL_DHASH_NEXT PL_DHASH_NEXT @endlink or
   *   @link PLDHashOperator::PL_DHASH_STOP PL_DHASH_STOP @endlink
  typedef PLDHashOperator
    (* EnumReadFunction)(KeyType      aKey,
                         UserDataType aData,
                         void*        userArg);

   * enumerate entries in the hashtable, without allowing changes
   * @param enumFunc enumeration callback
   * @param userArg passed unchanged to the EnumReadFunction
  PRUint32 EnumerateRead(EnumReadFunction enumFunc, void* userArg) const
                 "nsBaseHashtable was not initialized properly.");

    s_EnumReadArgs enumData = { enumFunc, userArg };
    return PL_DHashTableEnumerate(const_cast<PLDHashTable*>(&this->mTable),

   * function type provided by the application for enumeration.
   * @param aKey the key being enumerated
   * @param aData Reference to data being enumerated, may be altered. e.g. for
   *        nsInterfaceHashtable this is an nsCOMPtr reference...
   * @parm userArg passed unchanged from Enumerate
   * @return bitflag combination of
   *   @link PLDHashOperator::PL_DHASH_REMOVE @endlink,
   *   @link PLDHashOperator::PL_DHASH_NEXT PL_DHASH_NEXT @endlink, or
   *   @link PLDHashOperator::PL_DHASH_STOP PL_DHASH_STOP @endlink
  typedef PLDHashOperator
    (* EnumFunction)(KeyType       aKey,
                     DataType&     aData,
                     void*         userArg);

   * enumerate entries in the hashtable, allowing changes. This
   * functions write-locks the hashtable.
   * @param enumFunc enumeration callback
   * @param userArg passed unchanged to the EnumFunction
  PRUint32 Enumerate(EnumFunction enumFunc, void* userArg)
                 "nsBaseHashtable was not initialized properly.");

    s_EnumArgs enumData = { enumFunc, userArg };
    return PL_DHashTableEnumerate(&this->mTable,

   * reset the hashtable, removing all entries
  void Clear() { nsTHashtable<EntryType>::Clear(); }

   * client must provide a SizeOfEntryExcludingThisFun function for
   *   SizeOfExcludingThis.
   * @param     aKey the key being enumerated
   * @param     aData Reference to data being enumerated.
   * @param     mallocSizeOf the function used to measure heap-allocated blocks
   * @param     userArg passed unchanged from SizeOf{In,Ex}cludingThis
   * @return    summed size of the things pointed to by the entries
  typedef size_t
    (* SizeOfEntryExcludingThisFun)(KeyType           aKey,
                                    const DataType    &aData,
                                    nsMallocSizeOfFun mallocSizeOf,
                                    void*             userArg);

   * Measure the size of the table's entry storage, and if
   * |sizeOfEntryExcludingThis| is non-nsnull, measure the size of things pointed
   * to by entries.
   * @param     sizeOfEntryExcludingThis the
   *            <code>SizeOfEntryExcludingThisFun</code> function to call
   * @param     mallocSizeOf the function used to measure heap-allocated blocks
   * @param     userArg a pointer to pass to the
   *            <code>SizeOfEntryExcludingThisFun</code> function
   * @return    the summed size of all the entries
  size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(SizeOfEntryExcludingThisFun sizeOfEntryExcludingThis,
                             nsMallocSizeOfFun mallocSizeOf, void *userArg = nsnull) const
    if (!IsInitialized()) {
      return 0;
    if (sizeOfEntryExcludingThis) {
      s_SizeOfArgs args = { sizeOfEntryExcludingThis, userArg };
      return PL_DHashTableSizeOfExcludingThis(&this->mTable, s_SizeOfStub,
                                              mallocSizeOf, &args);
    return PL_DHashTableSizeOfExcludingThis(&this->mTable, NULL, mallocSizeOf);

   * used internally during EnumerateRead.  Allocated on the stack.
   * @param func the enumerator passed to EnumerateRead
   * @param userArg the userArg passed to EnumerateRead
  struct s_EnumReadArgs
    EnumReadFunction func;
    void* userArg;

  static PLDHashOperator s_EnumReadStub(PLDHashTable    *table,
                                        PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr,
                                        PRUint32         number,
                                        void            *arg);

  struct s_EnumArgs
    EnumFunction func;
    void* userArg;

  static PLDHashOperator s_EnumStub(PLDHashTable      *table,
                                    PLDHashEntryHdr   *hdr,
                                    PRUint32           number,
                                    void              *arg);

  struct s_SizeOfArgs
    SizeOfEntryExcludingThisFun func;
    void* userArg;
  static size_t s_SizeOfStub(PLDHashEntryHdr *entry,
                             nsMallocSizeOfFun mallocSizeOf,
                             void *arg);

 * This class is a thread-safe version of nsBaseHashtable.
template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
class nsBaseHashtableMT :
  protected nsBaseHashtable<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>
  typedef typename
    nsBaseHashtable<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::EntryType EntryType;
  typedef typename
    nsBaseHashtable<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::KeyType KeyType;
  typedef typename
    nsBaseHashtable<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::EnumFunction EnumFunction;
  typedef typename
    nsBaseHashtable<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::EnumReadFunction EnumReadFunction;

  nsBaseHashtableMT() : mLock(nsnull) { }

  bool Init(PRUint32 initSize = PL_DHASH_MIN_SIZE);
  bool IsInitialized() const { return mLock != nsnull; }
  PRUint32 Count() const;
  bool Get(KeyType aKey, UserDataType* pData) const;
  bool Put(KeyType aKey, UserDataType aData);
  void Remove(KeyType aKey);

  PRUint32 EnumerateRead(EnumReadFunction enumFunc, void* userArg) const;
  PRUint32 Enumerate(EnumFunction enumFunc, void* userArg);
  void Clear();

  PRLock* mLock;

// nsBaseHashtableET definitions

template<class KeyClass,class DataType>
nsBaseHashtableET<KeyClass,DataType>::nsBaseHashtableET(KeyTypePointer aKey) :
{ }

template<class KeyClass,class DataType>
  (nsBaseHashtableET<KeyClass,DataType>& toCopy) :
{ }

template<class KeyClass,class DataType>
{ }

// nsBaseHashtable definitions

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
  (PLDHashTable *table, PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr, PRUint32 number, void* arg)
  EntryType* ent = static_cast<EntryType*>(hdr);
  s_EnumReadArgs* eargs = (s_EnumReadArgs*) arg;

  PLDHashOperator res = (eargs->func)(ent->GetKey(), ent->mData, eargs->userArg);

                "PL_DHASH_REMOVE return during const enumeration; ignoring.");

  if (res & PL_DHASH_STOP)
    return PL_DHASH_STOP;

  return PL_DHASH_NEXT;

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
  (PLDHashTable *table, PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr, PRUint32 number, void* arg)
  EntryType* ent = static_cast<EntryType*>(hdr);
  s_EnumArgs* eargs = (s_EnumArgs*) arg;

  return (eargs->func)(ent->GetKey(), ent->mData, eargs->userArg);

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
  (PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr, nsMallocSizeOfFun mallocSizeOf, void *arg)
  EntryType* ent = static_cast<EntryType*>(hdr);
  s_SizeOfArgs* eargs = static_cast<s_SizeOfArgs*>(arg);

  return (eargs->func)(ent->GetKey(), ent->mData, mallocSizeOf, eargs->userArg);

// nsBaseHashtableMT  definitions

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
  if (this->mLock)

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
nsBaseHashtableMT<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::Init(PRUint32 initSize)
  if (!nsTHashtable<EntryType>::IsInitialized() && !nsTHashtable<EntryType>::Init(initSize))
    return false;

  this->mLock = PR_NewLock();
  NS_ASSERTION(this->mLock, "Error creating lock during nsBaseHashtableL::Init()");

  return (this->mLock != nsnull);

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
nsBaseHashtableMT<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::Count() const
  PRUint32 count = nsTHashtable<EntryType>::Count();

  return count;

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
nsBaseHashtableMT<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::Get(KeyType       aKey,
                                                           UserDataType* pData) const
  bool res =
    nsBaseHashtable<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::Get(aKey, pData);

  return res;

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
nsBaseHashtableMT<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::Put(KeyType      aKey,
                                                           UserDataType aData)
  bool res =
    nsBaseHashtable<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::Put(aKey, aData);

  return res;

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
nsBaseHashtableMT<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::Remove(KeyType aKey)

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
  (EnumReadFunction fEnumCall, void* userArg) const
  PRUint32 count =
    nsBaseHashtable<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::EnumerateRead(fEnumCall, userArg);

  return count;

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>
  (EnumFunction fEnumCall, void* userArg)
  PRUint32 count =
    nsBaseHashtable<KeyClass,DataType,UserDataType>::Enumerate(fEnumCall, userArg);

  return count;

template<class KeyClass,class DataType,class UserDataType>

#endif // nsBaseHashtable_h__
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