Raw File
Julia v1.12 Release Notes

New language features

Language changes

 - When methods are replaced with exactly equivalent ones, the old method is no
   longer deleted implicitly simultaneously, although the new method does take
   priority and become more specific than the old method. Thus if the new
   method is deleted later, the old method will resume operating. This can be
   useful to mocking frameworks (such as in SparseArrays, Pluto, and Mocking,
   among others), as they do not need to explicitly restore the old method.
   While inference and compilation still must be repeated with this, it also
   may pave the way for inference to be able to intelligently re-use the old
   results, once the new method is deleted. ([#53415])

Compiler/Runtime improvements

Command-line option changes

* The `-m/--module` flag can be passed to run the `main` function inside a package with a set of arguments.
  This `main` function should be declared using `@main` to indicate that it is an entry point.

Multi-threading changes

Build system changes

New library functions

* `logrange(start, stop; length)` makes a range of constant ratio, instead of constant step ([#39071])
* The new `isfull(c::Channel)` function can be used to check if `put!(c, some_value)` will block. ([#53159])

New library features

* `tempname` can now take a suffix string to allow the file name to include a suffix and include that suffix in
  the uniquing checking ([#53474])

Standard library changes

#### StyledStrings

#### JuliaSyntaxHighlighting

#### Package Manager

#### LinearAlgebra

#### Logging

#### Printf

#### Profile

#### Random

#### REPL

#### SuiteSparse

#### SparseArrays

#### Test

#### Dates

#### Statistics

#### Distributed

#### Unicode

#### DelimitedFiles

#### InteractiveUtils

Deprecated or removed

External dependencies

Tooling Improvements

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