Raw File
#' Get data networks and their unique keys. 
#' Beware: It takes a while to retrieve the full list of providers - so 
#' go get more coffee.
#' @import RCurl XML
#' @param name data network name search string, by default searches all 
#'  data networks by defining name = ""
#' @param maxresults max number of results to return
#' @param url the base GBIF API url for the function (should be left to default)
#' @param ... optional additional curl options (debugging tools mostly)
#' @param curl If using in a loop, call getCurlHandle() first and pass 
#'  the returned value in here (avoids unnecessary footprint)
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Test the function for a few networks
#' networks(maxresults=10)
#' # All data providers
#' networks()
#' }
networks <- function(name = "", maxresults = NA,
  url = "http://data.gbif.org/ws/rest/network/list", 
  curl = getCurlHandle()) 
  args <- list()
    args$name <- name
    args$maxresults <- maxresults
  out <- getForm(url,
                 .params = args, 
                 curl = curl)
  tt <- xmlParse(out)
  names_ <- xpathSApply(tt, "//gbif:resourceNetwork/gbif:name", xmlValue)
  gbifkey <- xpathSApply(tt, "//gbif:resourceNetwork", xmlAttrs)[1,]
  data.frame(names_, gbifkey)
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