Raw File
\title{Extraction of the Expectation, Variance and Covariance of the Linear
  Methods for extraction of the expectation, variance and covariance of the
  linear statistic.
\S4method{expectation}{IndependenceLinearStatistic}(object, \dots)
\S4method{expectation}{IndependenceTest}(object, \dots)

\S4method{variance}{CovarianceMatrix}(object, \dots)
\S4method{variance}{IndependenceLinearStatistic}(object, \dots)
\S4method{variance}{IndependenceTest}(object, \dots)
\S4method{variance}{Variance}(object, \dots)

\S4method{covariance}{CovarianceMatrix}(object, \dots)
\S4method{covariance}{IndependenceLinearStatistic}(object, \dots)
\S4method{covariance}{IndependenceTest}(object, \dots)
    an object from which the expectation, variance or covariance of the linear
    statistic can be extracted.
    further arguments (currently ignored).
  The methods \code{expectation}, \code{variance} and \code{covariance} extract
  the expectation, variance and covariance, respectively, of the linear
  The expectation, variance or covariance of the linear statistic extracted from
  \code{object}.  A numeric vector or matrix.
## Example data
dta <- data.frame(
    y = gl(3, 2),
    x = sample(gl(3, 2))

## Asymptotic Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test
ct <- cmh_test(y ~ x, data = dta)

## The linear statistic, i.e., the contingency table...
(l <- statistic(ct, type = "linear"))

## ...and its expectation...
(El <- expectation(ct))

## ...and covariance
(Vl <- covariance(ct))

## The standardized contingency table...
(l - El) / sqrt(variance(ct))

## ...is identical to the standardized linear statistic
statistic(ct, type = "standardized")
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