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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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 * The performanceEntries actor emits events corresponding to performance
 * entries. It receives `performanceentry` events containing the performance
 * entry details and emits an event containing the name, type, origin, and
 * epoch of the performance entry.

const {
  method, Arg, Option, RetVal, Front, FrontClass, Actor, ActorClass
} = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const events = require("sdk/event/core");

var PerformanceEntriesActor = exports.PerformanceEntriesActor = ActorClass({

  typeName: "performanceEntries",

  listenerAdded: false,

  events: {
    "entry" : {
      type: "entry",
      detail: Arg(0, "json") // object containing performance entry name, type,
                             // origin, and epoch.

  initialize: function(conn, tabActor) {
    Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, conn);
    this.window = tabActor.window;

   * Start tracking the user timings.
  start: method(function() {
    if (!this.listenerAdded) {
      this.onPerformanceEntry = this.onPerformanceEntry.bind(this);
      this.window.addEventListener("performanceentry", this.onPerformanceEntry, true);
      this.listenerAdded = true;

   * Stop tracking the user timings.
  stop: method(function() {
    if (this.listenerAdded) {
      this.window.removeEventListener("performanceentry", this.onPerformanceEntry, true);
      this.listenerAdded = false;

  disconnect: function() {

  destroy: function() {

  onPerformanceEntry: function (e) {
    let emitDetail = {
      type: e.entryType,
      name: e.name,
      origin: e.origin,
      epoch: e.epoch
    events.emit(this, 'entry', emitDetail);

exports.PerformanceEntriesFront = FrontClass(PerformanceEntriesActor, {
  initialize: function(client, form) {
    Front.prototype.initialize.call(this, client);
    this.actorID = form.performanceEntriesActor;
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